Skyward Sword - or why I hate


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I used to order my copy of Skyward Sword, I've used them a few times before and it ALWAYS comes a day or two early. I needed an early day as I'm working tomorrow and away Saturday.

I changed my registered address and then ordered it and then I get an e-mail: We have received your order you'll get it sent to *old address*. So I tried to cancel the order online but...YOU CAN'T.

Eventually the phone lines open at 9am and I was first person to get through to the guy
Shopto: Oh well that's the address we have registered
Lee: I changed it, it confirmed the change.
Shopto: As you've ordered under *x orders* It has to go to the original order address.
Lee: The website says that UNLESS you order through the visa verification, which I did.
Shopto: Erm oh yeah.
*hold music*
Shopto: OK I've changed the labels over and it'll go to your new address.
Lee: Sweet, can you send an e-mail confirmation.

*5 mins later*

E-mail: We've sent to your old address.

Lee rings up and gets the same guy: What's going on?
Shopto: Oh it's automatically generated that way.
Lee: So I'll get it.
Shopto: You should do.
Lee: Should? What if it doesn't.
Shopto: Then you have to wait the 15 working days for royalmail to say the package was not delivered.
Lee: Are you kidding me? I paid £49 for a game and I can't get it for 15 days because you screwed up?
Shopto: 15 workin days sir.
Lee: Aww hell no!

There's no one in my old flat to check.

Theres a slight chance it's going to my new address (as the guy on phone said) and it's just coming out on release date but I am not holding my breath.
One of the reasons I really don't order things online.

Hope it all works out and you haven't wasted any money
The game's £35 but I don't have a motion plus adaptor. The RRP for the collectors edition with a gold wiimote with motion plus built is £55 so I'm saving a bit and it was free delivery.
The game's £35 but I don't have a motion plus adaptor. The RRP for the collectors edition with a gold wiimote with motion plus built is £55 so I'm saving a bit and it was free delivery.

Ah I see, that makes more sense.

I may get it tomorrow though, which would be nice.
I pre-ordered in store. I aim to get up early so I have it to start the day. It will be beautiful, first time I've had a Zelda game on release.

But sorry about your situation Lee, I hope you do get it on time.
I left the house for an hour this morning and of course that is when the postman decided to try delivering it. Luckily, he knows that my granny lives just around the corner so he left it with her rather than me having to tramp into the town to collect it from the depot.
Sweet got it :D
nice. Now don't spoil it for me, since I won't get it until Sunday. However, tell me how amazing it is, and tell me how awesome the CD is too.

Are you going to review it for your awesome blog entitled at, where any Nintendo fan should go for all things Nintendo?

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