Should WWE have superstars in the Eddie Guerrero armband ?


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With the 13th of November upcoming as we know to be the date Eddie Guerrero was pronounced dead and following this wwe superstars would wear Eddie Guerrero t-shirts and the black armband, so with the anniversary of Eddie Guerrero's death coming up do you think we will see wwe superstars with the armbands on.

Also will the wwe play a tribute video of Eddie Guerrero on the closest smackdown to November 13th ?
I'd love to see it happen. However, WWE rarely does a tribute thing on the anniversary of a superstar's death. But rest assured that there'll probably be a Chavo appearance (out of the eagle suit I hope!) and Rey'll do something but I doubt it'll be anything formal.
I would honestly hope so. Eddie Guerrero is by far one of the greatest wrestlers to ever come out of the wrestling world. His legacy far surpasses that of most and it would be befitting that they air some kind of tribute to the late great Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie was one of those wrestlers that would only come once in a lifetime. There was just something about his charisma and personality that would make it hard for anyone to hate the guy. I feel as if though Eddie had one thing that your average wrestler doesn't really have when they compete in the ring. And that was, the [psychological] connection between himself and the fans. He knew exactly how to entertain them. If the fans seemed bored, he would start off slow in the ring and eventually progress to more faster and flashier moves. Thus, picking up reaction from the crowd. The crowd reaction---exactly what Eddie fed off of. If Eddie found the crowd to be unentertained, he would always pull off an upset to make them be entertained. In the ring, he was just phenomenal. Always doing all kinds of *flashy* moves (the lucha libre style of wrestling)---it was simply amazing. I find it hard to believe that anyone could find his matches boring.

Then you have all the epic momments Eddie has delivered to us while being a part of the WWE. Those of which include: winning his first ever WWE Championship; teaming with Chavo and adapting the lying, cheating, and stealing method; or the time that Eddie auctioned off all of Kurt Angle's accessories; and who could forget the epic lengthy feud between himself and JBL. Needless to say, Eddie Guerrero was a great asset to the WWE.

So yea, I feel as if though the WWE should pay tribute to Eddie. Probably not the arm-bands, but some type of tribute to pay respects to Eddie. Doesn't have to be too big, but maybe a video highlighting his career or something of the sorts. After all, he greatly deserves it, at least in my opinion...
I jolly well hope so. Eddie Guerrero was a legend in the WWE ring, one of the greatest to ever grace it in my opinion. He had a lot to offer and i hope they respect him how they should by wearing armbands :)
Why would they?

As far as I know, WWE hasn't paid tribute to a dead wrestling personality any other time than right after they die. And there's no reason to besides that one time.

Now, as fans, of course we want to see our favorites remembered for as long as possible (I, for one, would love WWE to remember Mr. Perfect every year), but it's just not worthwhile. Maybe an extra match available on or something, but anything else just isn't going to happen.

It's just what fans of certain people want.
Unfortunately they wont do anything. But you would think with someone who was as beloved as Eddie was and is that they would. Its really hard to believe its been 5 years. However I do think there will be a Chavo sighting and odds are he'll probably wearing something special, possibly Rey as well.
Although I would love to see it happen, im pretty sure it won't, only because then it would be disrespectful to the other wrestlers that passed away, that didn't get an appreciation night. If they did it for him, then they would have to do it for all of them.
No. Why would they? Eddie has been paid plenty tribute and any more would just seem like overkill and unnecessary. Eddie's legacy is remembered, but I think it would be disrespectful to bring it up every year...nor do I think that his family would like WWE to make a big spectacle of the situation each year November 13 passes by.
I wish they would but like others have said its unlikely. There might be something though about it being 5 years since he died.

Still though it would be nice to remember him. Like Mister Awesome was saying he had great feuds and connected with the fans so much. I remember tuning into Smackdown just to watch him and his feuds. I remember Judgement Day 2004(I think) when Eddie defended the WWE title against JBL. He cut his head wrong and was pouring out blood and he still managed to put on a great show. I gotta admit I'm a huge mark for Eddie.
No, because how do you do it without realistically including the other two Guerreros who are on the roster, namely Vickie and Chavo?

Vickie has been a heat drawing magnet for 3 years now. She has to repeat her lines over and over again due to the boos. Even if she were to participate in a sincere, loving, tribute to her late husband, how do they "explain" it without completely shattering the lines between kayfabe and a shoot? Oh yeah, and she walks around wearing a Cougar necklace and is "dating" someone half her age. It wouldn't make sense for her to "step out of character" for a tribute show. As for Chavo, he's a heel too. And he couldn't mean less. Id say no to the armband.

Should they do something to honor Eddie? I think they already have. They elected him into the Hall of Fame less then a year after he died. They dedicated an edition of Raw to him, where Cena put the WWE Title down over an "Im your Papi" t-shirt to close the show. Was he deserving of it? Sure.

One of the greatest entertainers of all time. He was one of the best at introducing the high flying, lucha libre style into the WWE. His "Lying Cheating and Stealing" gimmick to me is one of the greatest of all time. He had fantastic feuds with Rey Mysterio over Dominik's custody, and with JBL over the WWE championship. Eddie also had a way of connecting with the crowd then other then in his feud with Rey, it was near impossible to boo the guy. He just had a way of relating, from a psychology standpoint, that quite possibly no one in history ever has.

But WWE has honored Eddie already. Im not trying to be cold or harsh, but other then doing a graphic to start Raw or Smackdown around that date that says "In memory of", or a short tribute video, they've done all they can and should do.
I don't think WWE is going to do anything special. Rey will probably do Eddie's dance strut and possibly the frog splash and three amigos but that's about it. I remember being at Raw on January 27, 2003. That was exactly ten years after Andre died. I thought they might show a video or make some kind of mention but there was nothing. If they didn't mention Andre I doubt they'll mention Eddie. Besides WWE doesn't really want to draw attention to wrestlers who died too young right now.
God Love Eddie Guerrero.... the only wrestler who could get a stupid storyline ("I'm your Papi") over on just his talent and personality alone.

Even though he gets his props in the IWC, I still truly feel that Eddie is THE most underrated professional wrestler in history.

WWE should, but won't, do something special to remember Eddie on the anniversary of his death.
They haven't done shit on the past 4 anniversary's of his death, why the fuck would they do anything now?, they won't and they shouldn't, Eddie is gone, that sucks we lost a great talent however people tend to remember him being better than he actually was, same could be said for Owen Hart, now if people who were legitimately close to him through out his life (Chavo, Vickie, Rey, etc.) want to wear an armband or do some sort of short tribute to him then I'm fine with that, but WWE having every wrestler on the roster wearing an armband is just unnecessary especially when you take into consideration that the majority of the current roster has either never worked with Eddie, or wasn't even with the company when Eddie was alive
And another point I just thought of is this:

Didn't he get a whole show dedicated towards him? What did Lou Albano, Mr. Perfect, and others get? Around two minutes of a half-assed tribute video.

I think having a whole show dedicated to you, where storylines go nowhere, and it's just wrestlers wrestling each other as a tribute to the fallen, is more than enough. Others get a short video, and then the show goes on...
I can't think of any sports that give yearly memorials to any deceased athlete. I love EG and is definitely one of my top 3 faves ever but he didn't die in a way such as dying in war or altruistically saving another's life that would have transcended any other wrestlers death to warrant the tribute. Eddie could control the crowd with his wrestling better than anyone I have ever seen, but the last human I know that got yearly recognized postmortem was MLK.

I agree, maybe a move or two or someone saying "shades of the incomparably Eddie Guerrero" might get slipped in. That would be nice.

RIP Eddie. You were the bomb in the ring.
I'm guessing you mean the week up to the anniversary of his death? Considering the 13th is a Saturday.

But I guess they could. I was a fan of Eddie but I must admit I wouldn't really take too much notice to it. Especially considering there's more important things to be going on in WWE right now. Feuds to be furthered etc. They're not gonna spend time on tributing Eddie Guerrero so close to a Pay Per View and with the Nexus storyline being so big.

Besides it would also mess up a bit with The Nexus and John Cena. All of these guys are "forced" to be wearing Nexus armbands at all time. Now they take it off for Eddie Guerrero? I doubt it.

But yeah, I wouldn't complain if they did it. But I also doubt that they would do it.
No, because how do you do it without realistically including the other two Guerreros who are on the roster, namely Vickie and Chavo?

Vickie has been a heat drawing magnet for 3 years now. She has to repeat her lines over and over again due to the boos. Even if she were to participate in a sincere, loving, tribute to her late husband, how do they "explain" it without completely shattering the lines between kayfabe and a shoot? Oh yeah, and she walks around wearing a Cougar necklace and is "dating" someone half her age. It wouldn't make sense for her to "step out of character" for a tribute show. As for Chavo, he's a heel too. And he couldn't mean less. Id say no to the armband.

Should they do something to honor Eddie? I think they already have. They elected him into the Hall of Fame less then a year after he died. They dedicated an edition of Raw to him, where Cena put the WWE Title down over an "Im your Papi" t-shirt to close the show. Was he deserving of it? Sure.

You do it simply as a somber show. Think of the night Eddie died. There were NO heels that night. It was merely a tribute show. Think of when Owen died. NO HEELS. Hell even JEFF JARRETT was cheered that night. When it comes to tributes fans tend to allow heels to break out of the norm and show their respect. It's become acceptable over the years for a heel to get a face or at least a neutral reaction during tribute shows. It's a sign of respect for the departed. WWE could simply have Vickie come on screen and give a warm, heartfelt speech about her late husband and Chavo could come out of the costume (Halloween will be over by then Chavo) and talk about how his uncle was awesome. Hey this would even be the PERFECT time to introduce the newest member of the Guerrero to be signed by the WWE. Give her some camera time to talk about Eddie. It's been done so many times I really hope WWE does it again. That was one of the first times in years I actually openly cried during a wrestling show. I sincerely hope they honor Eddie once again.
They always show a video for him but that's about it. Also the thing that grinds my gears is that the superstars have a choice if they want to Wear black arm bands and tops and the only person I ever see honoring the dead is CM Punk (who was trained by Eddie) also he honors Benoit, Umaga etc. Every year on his wrist tape, look for it.
Its really hard to believe its been 5 years.

Actually it's been 6, it really sucks he was awesome. So last year was the 5th anniversary and we saw no armbands but there was that tribute to him on the tenth anniversary of Smackdown but that was because the Smackdown celebration.
I am sure they will do something to honour Eddie because Vickie Guerrero is with the company and I am thinking only reason she got the job with WWE is because of the passing of Eddie no disrepect to her, but with Vickie on Camera, Chavo and Rey, they might mention and wear something to remember him.

but they will not do a show tribute like they did when it happen it would not be fair for other wrestlers who are gone, like bulldog, perfect, rick rude and so on, there are many greats who are gone, Benoit but with everything with him you will never see mention of him.
It's positive they will not do a tribute show. It's a PG show, the majority of the WWE crowd are kids, why would WWE put on a sobfest show for kids? Kids dont come to WWE events to cry their eyes out for 2 straight hours, they come to be entertained by Cena. I think people, me for one would rather forget & stop being reminded of Eddie's death cause it makes us all upset, I think WWE knows this which is why they stopped paying tribute to Eddie after WM 26. I mean hell even chants of "Eddie" from the crowd get some people teary eyed. It should be left at that.

Why celebrate the life of somebody that didn't cherish it himself? I know I will get blasted for saying this, but, let's be honest, Eddy poisoned his body with drugs and alcohol for years, which resulted in his untimely death. Same goes for 99% of other wrestlers that have died prematurely. Even some of my favorites like Rude and Henning.

WWE hasn't done jack-shit for Owen Hart, who died doing what Vince ASKED him to do!

But, Eddy dies and you'd think the Guerrero family owned WWE. They profitted off him and his death for damn near a year! Tiny ass Rey Mysterio wins the WWE HEAVYWEIGHT Title? Chavo is STILL employed? And, let's not forget Vicki being on TV every week!

Why celebrate the life of somebody that didn't cherish it himself? I know I will get blasted for saying this, but, let's be honest, Eddy poisoned his body with drugs and alcohol for years, which resulted in his untimely death. Same goes for 99% of other wrestlers that have died prematurely. Even some of my favorites like Rude and Henning.

WWE hasn't done jack-shit for Owen Hart, who died doing what Vince ASKED him to do!

But, Eddy dies and you'd think the Guerrero family owned WWE. They profitted off him and his death for damn near a year! Tiny ass Rey Mysterio wins the WWE HEAVYWEIGHT Title? Chavo is STILL employed? And, let's not forget Vicki being on TV every week!

"Why celebrate the life of somebody that didn't cherish it himself" :wtf:
When the actor Oliver Reed died that still didn't stop people celebrating his life, Because despite what he did to his body he was STILL a great talent just like Eddie was. Eddie was WAY AHEAD of his class. You tell me someone else that could have you watching at home and draw you into their match the way he would do :worship:

And as it goes for Owen Hart. He died doing something Vince asked him to do, But he didn't want to do. The reason you do not see Owen all over wwf tv is because in the lawsuit that his wife won over the wwf was that she owns all the rights to the footage of Owen Hart. So if Vince wants to use his likeness Vince has to pay Owen's wife to do so.

The wwf profited off of his death, But Vicki got some of that $$$$ so I guess it worked out, Except for Rey winning the world heavyweight title I agree with you on that one. But I also don't get your beef with Vicki :confused:
She is a HEAT MACHINE! When she turned heel in 2008 she was getting more heat then top guys like Edge himself, JBL, Jericho and even Orton. You wanna see how effective she is as a character watch Kaitlyn from nxt get over because of her ;)
You do it simply as a somber show. Think of the night Eddie died. There were NO heels that night. It was merely a tribute show. Think of when Owen died. NO HEELS. Hell even JEFF JARRETT was cheered that night. When it comes to tributes fans tend to allow heels to break out of the norm and show their respect. It's become acceptable over the years for a heel to get a face or at least a neutral reaction during tribute shows. It's a sign of respect for the departed. WWE could simply have Vickie come on screen and give a warm, heartfelt speech about her late husband and Chavo could come out of the costume (Halloween will be over by then Chavo) and talk about how his uncle was awesome. Hey this would even be the PERFECT time to introduce the newest member of the Guerrero to be signed by the WWE. Give her some camera time to talk about Eddie. It's been done so many times I really hope WWE does it again. That was one of the first times in years I actually openly cried during a wrestling show. I sincerely hope they honor Eddie once again.

I remember the tribute show that you're speaking of, and it was well done. However, it was done right after Owen's death. Does that sound familiar at all? They did the exact same thing for Eddie on the 11/14/05 episode of Raw, shortly following Eddie's death.

They aired clips of "Best Of" Eddie moments, all of the matches that night were in Eddie's honor, and they had various superstars clips discussing their memories of Eddie. It was quite the moving show.

Look, I loved Eddie. He was an innovator in the ring. Great gimmick. Phenomenal wrestler with a great blend of lucha libre and technical wrestling. Amazing connection with the fans. But they did the show already, almost 5 years ago. ALOT of wrestlers have come and gone since then. They haven't done a tribute show since the Benoit one, and for good reason. There's no reason to do a second one for Eddie.

There are other ways to honor him without constantly "being somber" and have people "play neutral". It was 5 years ago. They remembered him once in a great way. There's no reason to do it again, especially approaching one of your big 4 PPV's, where feuds need to be furthered and people need to be sold on PPV's. A tribute show where "all characters are neutral" doesn't do that.
No, and why would they? Somebody who was apparently a higher mid carder who got ONE world title, is a legend? How? Oh yeah, he died. As much as I love Eddie though, he is vastly overrated after his death. Plus why would WWE do something like this for Eddie when they've never done it for someone else who has died while under contract?

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