Should Roman lose the spear?

Rampage Bentley

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Title is pretty self explanatory. Roman Reigns currently uses the spear as his finishing move. Ranking his spear (giggity) has been talked to death on these forums, I believe Roman does it well, but I also believe he should stop using it as his finisher for several reasons.

1. Everyone and their mom had used the spear. From Goldberg and Rhino to Edge and Kaitlyn; the spear is a move that has been over used.

2. It's not really a finisher anymore. Not to say that it's not devastating, but I'm starting to view the spear the way I do the ddt. A great move, but so commonly performed. Can it really be someone's signature at this point?

3. He has a better move in his arsenal. The Superman Punch is a lot more over than the spear is for Roman. They're very similar in the set up and the effect. The main difference is the punch looks cooler, he has an awesome set up for it, the crowd loves it and most importantly, it's unique. Having both seems redundant to me.

So sound off, interwebs. Do you agree with me? Should Roman drop the spear or am I making mountains out of mole hills?
The Spear is a perfectly acceptable finishing move and he performs it a lot better (or people sell it better) than they did for Edge. It also doesn't need to be his finishing move, but he needs to retain it as a signature move. You can never have enough signature moves.
Yes, a lot of people have used the spear. But not everyone has been as big and solid as Reigns. It works for Reigns and Goldberg because when a guy who's about 270 lbs of pure muscle literally runs through you it's impactful and it hurts. Now I don't know how powerful his punch is, but I'm willing to bet his spear hurts a lot more than the Superman punch. Logically, I'd believe the spear is a more suitable finishing move than the Superman punch. Like I said the guy is 270 lbs. Having 270 lbs run through you will be more likely to put you down for a 3 count than the punch, no matter how strong the punch is. Besides, the crowd loves his spear. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Why would you want him to stop using it altogether? If you want to say that he should have a more original finisher, and have the spear be his set-up, that's reasonable. But saying he should "lose it" doesn't make any sense. He executes it well, its got more impact behind it then Edge's, and the crowd pops for it.
I say keep the spear.. Roman is a 270 pound man all muscle! His spear is just devastating,it is fierce and so is his superman punch.. I agree a lot of stars have used the spear in past,but as fast as he is and a football background,Romans spear IMO ranks right up there with Goldbergs.

There is an old saying if it ain't broke dont fix it! Romans spear should stay his finisher,He executes it better than Edge,Rhino,Christian! Roman is a beast
I guess I should reiterate here, and make myself more clear. My point is more I think Roman should use The Superman Punch as his finisher.

The only reason to drop The Spear would be to add a different more varied signature to his arsenal.
To be honest, I would actually rather see Reigns do a finisher such as a powerbomb. Not many wrestlers do it. Batista has his sit down powerbomb, Titus O'Neal has his version, but I can't remember any current stars who do a powerbomb. The Shield has their triple powerbomb, and I believe Harper does a powerbomb too. But I'd love to see Reigns do the Last Ride as his finisher. The spear can be number two finisher.
You made yourself clear enough. So you are pretty much saying a punch hurts more than getting ran over by a guy that weighs 270? A punch would not take anyone out. If anything he should be doing the powerbomb by himself.
No, but he should use it rarely to create suspense. Too many times wrestlers perform the same moves in the ring. Imagine seeing the choke slam once in a time than way too many to count. It would be awesome seeing paralyzed with fear, knowing their fate, and then they're slammed onto the mat, and the giant wrestler poses triumphantly.

Wouldn't that be more awesome than: "It looks like Kane is going to do another choke slam." We need more fun and surprises.
No, but he should use it rarely to create suspense. Too many times wrestlers perform the same moves in the ring. Imagine seeing the choke slam once in a time than way too many to count. It would be awesome seeing paralyzed with fear, knowing their fate, and then they're slammed onto the mat, and the giant wrestler poses triumphantly.

Wouldn't that be more awesome than: "It looks like Kane is going to do another choke slam." We need more fun and surprises.

So does that mean wrestlers should restrict their signature moves to headlocks, body slams, and suplexes? Big moves like the spear and chokeslam are only used once in a blue moon? So we don't get used to seeing everyone have their own signature moves every week? That just doesn't make sense.

There's a couple of points to make here.
A) They're called signature moves. Which means when you see a certain superstar, you expect to see certain moves. When I see Roman Reigns, I want to see a spear basically every night. By having signature moves to perform every night, it makes the crowd know that it's a certain wrestler's move. They get used to seeing someone perform a move which creates a connection to the move. And when they see the move, the crowd should pop. It's all about audience connection. And yes while over exposure may harm something, signature moves need to be seen regularly in order for a audience to know when to react and why. This also plays into the build up. When Kane sticks his hand out, or Roman does his scream thing, the audience knows that the big move is coming. It builds anticipation because the audience knows what's about to happen, and when people are anticipating something, it just makes the reaction when they finally see it that much sweeter.
B) Logically, if a wrestler has a move they know can help them win and they could win matches with it, they would realistically try to use it every match. If Kane knows he can win matches with the chokeslam, why wouldn't he use it every night? Competing in scholastic wrestling, I had two or three moves I became very good at, and looked for every match I had because I knew they could help me win. I didn't just stick to the basic double leg take downs and half nelsons because I knew that if I could hit the big moves I could win. So by using double legs an half nelsons, it can help create an opportunity for a big move like a cradle or three-quarter nelson. And that's what pro wrestling would be. By using suplexes, headlocks, and body slams a superstar is looking to wear down someone so they can go for the big move, like a chokeslam or spear. Logically, it's a good strategic move to go for the big move in every match.
I think the spear is fine as his finisher. As has been mentioned already, it looks believable. I still get chills when I see him spearing Ziggler who sells it extremely well. I marked out so much when he hit Ziggler with the spear while Ziggler was jumping at him towards the turnbuckle. Some finishers don't look like they'd hurt, but this one does. I think it fits his ring style and his body type very well. I love the superman punch too, but if he's going to take down a Triple-H type and make it look good, for me the spear is the move he can do it with.

I know Reigns has plenty more moves in his arsenal that he can use when the singles run eventually begins, and I'm hopeful he'll show them soon to end or at least quieten some of the criticism he's been getting lately about a lack of moveset. That's what I'm more excited to see from him in the future more than his "end" game. I think the superman punch followed by the spear, albeit kinda predictable occasionally, is high impact and believable. Even against someone like Brock Lesnar.
Well, a lot of people here, including myself think he should keep it. But if you're looking more for ideas of original finishers for Reigns. I agree with some people, powerbombs would be cool, but since the Triple Powerbomb is the Shield finisher it would look a little out of place. I'M suggesting he adopts the Torture Rack, that would look cool. I can see hanging people up and throwing them around on his shoulders like some sort of crocodile, what do you guys think?
I actually think the Superman Punch would be the perfect finisher for Reigns. Don't get me wrong he does a great job with the Spear but I would rather see a superstar have an original and fresh finishing move and for me the Superman Punch fits perfectly for Reigns.

Also it looks devastating when you have a 300+ pound man speeding up and leaping on you ready to knock you out, I would think it's a believe move to finish anyone off.
I would rather Reigns keeps the Spear as his finisher rather than using the Superman Punch. Although the punch is cool, the Spear looks far more devastating. Reigns is a giant of a man, 270lbs of solid muscle with a background in American Footbal, so its very believable that he could beat you with a Spear. I rank his version of the move up with Goldberg's and Rhino's versions, it's that good.

However, I would definitely like to see Roman increase his moveset further and add in a 3rd finishing/signiture move, some kind of slam or powerbomb maybe. I think a version of sit-down Powerbomb, like a Sky High or something similar to The Last Ride would suit him perfectly. You can never have too many great moves in your moveset, the more you have then the more ways you have to make the winning of a match believable.
You are correct. He doesn't need it. If he really has to do it, then it better be a signature, not a finisher. I don't really mind that much with him keeping it as a signature, but as a finisher, it needs to do. His superman punch is equally as good, if not better, it has the same setup, it looks good and as you said, more than anything, it's unique.

If I had to add something to replace the spear, that would be the spinebuster. It is rarely used today, and apart from Batista and HHH (and Adam Rose apparently), nobody even has it in his arsenal. The spinebuster is a move suited better for a big guy. In reality, it doesn't have much impact, but it looks spectacular, it has a great ring to it etc etc. Just watch Batista's spinebuster on Orton in the elimination chamber. It would suit Reigns well in my opinion and as I said, if he had to drop the spear, he would need another move that isn't being done a lot lately but we know it's decent and looks great.
So does that mean wrestlers should restrict their signature moves to headlocks, body slams, and suplexes? Big moves like the spear and chokeslam are only used once in a blue moon? So we don't get used to seeing everyone have their own signature moves every week? That just doesn't make sense.

There's a couple of points to make here.
A) They're called signature moves. Which means when you see a certain superstar, you expect to see certain moves. When I see Roman Reigns, I want to see a spear basically every night. By having signature moves to perform every night, it makes the crowd know that it's a certain wrestler's move. They get used to seeing someone perform a move which creates a connection to the move. And when they see the move, the crowd should pop. It's all about audience connection. And yes while over exposure may harm something, signature moves need to be seen regularly in order for a audience to know when to react and why. This also plays into the build up. When Kane sticks his hand out, or Roman does his scream thing, the audience knows that the big move is coming. It builds anticipation because the audience knows what's about to happen, and when people are anticipating something, it just makes the reaction when they finally see it that much sweeter.
B) Logically, if a wrestler has a move they know can help them win and they could win matches with it, they would realistically try to use it every match. If Kane knows he can win matches with the chokeslam, why wouldn't he use it every night? Competing in scholastic wrestling, I had two or three moves I became very good at, and looked for every match I had because I knew they could help me win. I didn't just stick to the basic double leg take downs and half nelsons because I knew that if I could hit the big moves I could win. So by using double legs an half nelsons, it can help create an opportunity for a big move like a cradle or three-quarter nelson. And that's what pro wrestling would be. By using suplexes, headlocks, and body slams a superstar is looking to wear down someone so they can go for the big move, like a chokeslam or spear. Logically, it's a good strategic move to go for the big move in every match.

I think you are taking this a bit too seriously, especially for the B) part. This isn't real wrestling. It is scripted. You don't do anything just to weaken your opponent in pro wrestling. You just do certain stuff in the beginning so that time passes until you reach the heating point of the match. Don't try to involve real-wrestling logic into pro wrestling. In real wrestling, you try to wear down your opponent by doing casual moves until you get the chance for a big one that you apply to perfection and you would try to use in any chance given. In pro wrestling, that doesn't work, except if your name is John Cena.
You made yourself clear enough. So you are pretty much saying a punch hurts more than getting ran over by a guy that weighs 270? A punch would not take anyone out. If anything he should be doing the powerbomb by himself.

Yes, of course I am. Have you ever been punched?
I've never seen someone knocked out from a tackle. I have both knocked people out and been knocked out from a punch. The Superman Punch is actually a common MMA move and it's one used to end a fight. The Spear is not.
The problem he has is he is never going to "work" as a technical guy, so submissions are kinda redundant. So it's all about the impact finishers and he has the Spear, which is about WINDING an opponent and the "fake Superhero TM Punch" that is about a KO... The way WWE want to build Reigns, those are his two moves.... either can lead to the end of the match, either can debilitate in a segment and neither are crisscrossing on anyone elses "turf"... Unless Bill comes back of course...

From an image perspective WWE and Vince don't want Reigns to be using anything other than high impact moves and the Spear has a certain rep... Edge and Goldberg both used it to great effect, it's not "massively" overused and is less "fake" than the punch he does... Vince wants it to seem Reigns has different ways of beating you, it's all "part of the plan".

From a personal perspective I think neither of the moves suit him but he isn't skilled enough for others and THAT is the telling blow to his chances in my eyes. It worked for Edge cos he was clearly capable of other moves (and it covered his original neck injury nicely) that could end a match.... it worked for Goldberg cos it was a set up to a more "intense" move in the Jackhammer... it was believable that no one was getting up from that combo.

Spear THEN the punch? Nah... not buying it, that's Dwayne's influence... other way round and it belittles the punch... Best finisher for Reigns in all seriousness is the old JBL "Clothesline From Hell"... he has the size and "intensity" that if he used it, he would be looking like he was decapitating guys... but again he ain't skilled enough to do it...
He should get rid of it for the sake of his health. Spears give you neck problems. Since he does the triple powerbomb with Ambrose/Rollins, how about he do a powerful powerbomb as his finisher, do the yell and everything to get the fans to get behind him
Roman should have his moveset as follows:
2.Superman Punch.

1.A combination of the RKO and F5 {when he just do the twist to the other direction then in the F5}.
2.Triple Powerbomb {w/Ambrose and Rollins}.
I think you are taking this a bit too seriously, especially for the B) part. This isn't real wrestling. It is scripted. You don't do anything just to weaken your opponent in pro wrestling. You just do certain stuff in the beginning so that time passes until you reach the heating point of the match. Don't try to involve real-wrestling logic into pro wrestling. In real wrestling, you try to wear down your opponent by doing casual moves until you get the chance for a big one that you apply to perfection and you would try to use in any chance given. In pro wrestling, that doesn't work, except if your name is John Cena.

This is a great example of how the Attitude Era killed psychology in Pro Wrestling. There was a time when the great wrestlers told a story inside the ring, there was a reason, a purpose behind everything they did, and it was that story that drew the fans into the match. Some of the greatest matches of all time are remembered that way because of the psychology of the match.

Then the Attitude Era happened, and it was suddenly all about guys hitting their spots. The story was abandoned in favor of the guys making sure they got all of their stuff in. Psychology became secondary to 'holy shit" or "this is awesome" chants.

Let's take a look at one of the all-time greats. The Ironman match between Shawn and Bret comes to mind. Half of that match is rest holds, and a lot of fans consider it boring or over-rated today, but at the time it was considered one of the best matches ever. The story they told in that match is what sold it, at least at the time. Sure, they both hit their spots, but when they did it was the logical culmination of everything that came before it. It had meaning.

I don't know, maybe I've gotten too old and my opinion is somehow irrelevant, but I think that a big part of the reason that so many people have become disinterested in wrestling over the years is because the wrestlers are no longer telling a story in the ring, they are simply doing
certain stuff in the beginning so that time passes until you reach the heating point of the match.
This is a great example of how the Attitude Era killed psychology in Pro Wrestling. There was a time when the great wrestlers told a story inside the ring, there was a reason, a purpose behind everything they did, and it was that story that drew the fans into the match. Some of the greatest matches of all time are remembered that way because of the psychology of the match.

Then the Attitude Era happened, and it was suddenly all about guys hitting their spots. The story was abandoned in favor of the guys making sure they got all of their stuff in. Psychology became secondary to 'holy shit" or "this is awesome" chants.

Let's take a look at one of the all-time greats. The Ironman match between Shawn and Bret comes to mind. Half of that match is rest holds, and a lot of fans consider it boring or over-rated today, but at the time it was considered one of the best matches ever. The story they told in that match is what sold it, at least at the time. Sure, they both hit their spots, but when they did it was the logical culmination of everything that came before it. It had meaning.

I don't know, maybe I've gotten too old and my opinion is somehow irrelevant, but I think that a big part of the reason that so many people have become disinterested in wrestling over the years is because the wrestlers are no longer telling a story in the ring, they are simply doing

Apparently, you are more of a fan of amateur wrestling, with rest holds etc, but for the most people, including me, that's kinda boring. There is no real action, the two guys just sit there, you know the match won't end so you just wait until they get back up to hit a new spot. The main reason why it isn't exciting anymore is because wrestling is exposed now and you know that this is NOT a real headlock, this is NOT a real armbar, except if it's built up as such.
Yes, of course I am. Have you ever been punched?
I've never seen someone knocked out from a tackle. I have both knocked people out and been knocked out from a punch. The Superman Punch is actually a common MMA move and it's one used to end a fight. The Spear is not.

Glad that you made that point. Saw a number of people talking about how the spear would have a better chance to knock someone out than a punch to the jaw. Just look at football. Players get knocked out from blows to the head, not being tackled cleanly. Same thing here.

As for your question, I agree with you. The spear should stay in his arsenal, but his predominant finisher should be the Superman Punch. The way he delivers that move almost always looks very cool and violent, and as you said, it is unique.
Don't see why Roman Reigns should lose the Spear. It is still a well done move by him and the crowd pops for it from my observations.

Maybe, when he goes into Singles, he can start using a new finisher, whilst the Spear and Superman Punch become his signature moves.
Atm, he has the Dropkick from the Apron, the Samoan Drop, the Superman Punch, the Spear....I'd say he adds a new Finisher when he goes Solo but he keeps the other moves as they suit him well.
I love the superman punch! However, I think its perfect as an out of no where signature move that signals the end or turns the tide back in his favor. As far as the spear goes, I totally get what you mean about it being over used. However the move itself is so simple that its expected to be duplicated. For example, the tombstone pile diver has become so iconic with the Undertaker that no one else can do it (with the exception of story line brother kane) it just doesn't look right. Also I have no problem with people using the same finisher if it works. The spear is a move that usually screams intensity and an out of nowhere burst of pure aggression and that fits Reigns to a tee! The move just seems to fit him well that I think he should keep it. However, I wouldn't be totally against him adding a second finisher. I don't mind wrestlers having two finishers. Cena has his FU (AA i still call it the FU thats what I always think of it as) and his submission the STFU, which on a side note I agree with stone cold that he needs wrench that damn thing in and put some torque on it! (listen to the steve austin podcast if you're wondering when he said it). Or once again the Undertaker had his Tombstone, The chokeslam put people away some times, and then one of my favs the lastride! Speaking of the Lastride, all it was, was a powerbomb where taker lifted his opponent up before slamming him down. So maybe all reigns needs is to come up with a cool name for his spear to make it his. Kinda like how Rhino called his the Gore.

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