Seth Rollins is injured... again.

Seth Rollins is an injury machine. If he's not causing injuries he's getting hurt all on his own. I've heard from one of my dozens of personal wrestling sources (that's all I use them for) is that Seth Rollins will be going forward with an Injury Gimmick. It's not clear what that means (perhaps selling a cast for ten years like Cowboy Bob Orton) but at least there's that light at the end of the tunnel.
Man, this sucks a lot.

Also the timing at which it happened. Seth was lurking around for the later half of the year waiting for the eventual feud and match with Triple H and when it starts, he got injured. Not his fault for sure but Destiny is what it is.

I always thought that Rollins Vs. Triple H should've happened at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble and not dragged to Wrestlemania 33 like this.

I hope that he gets well soon. I don't think that he could recover enough to perform at Wrestlemania 33. Also, I hope that WWE doesn't give him a Barrett treatment. He's a credible main eventer.
Small blessings?

According to, should Rollins be unable to compete at WrestleMania, one match replacement idea being discussed in the past 24 hours is Triple H vs Shane McMahon.

If this is true and the new course of action, it removes the rumored AJ vs Shane match from WrestleMania, which is something I know many of us would rather avoid. It also puts HHH in a fresh program that will develop heat fairly quickly.

Of course, where would that leave Styles? Well, if WWE is indeed gung-ho about pairing him up with Shane at WrestleMania, I'd accept a tag team permutation of it. Why not Joe and HHH vs AJ and Shane?

In fact, keep this match flexible for audibles. Maybe Shane replaces himself at the last minute with SmackDown's newest member, the recently-cleared to return Seth Rollins, if possible. Frees up Shane for some managerial shenanigans with his sister in their own spotlight. Everyone wins!
Small blessings?

If this is true and the new course of action, it removes the rumored AJ vs Shane match from WrestleMania, which is something I know many of us would rather avoid. It also puts HHH in a fresh program that will develop heat fairly quickly.

Of course, where would that leave Styles? Well, if WWE is indeed gung-ho about pairing him up with Shane at WrestleMania, I'd accept a tag team permutation of it. Why not Joe and HHH vs AJ and Shane?

In fact, keep this match flexible for audibles. Maybe Shane replaces himself with SmackDown's newest member, the recently-cleared to return Seth Rollins, if possible.
AJ and Shane would be a weird pairing and I get that they have 7-8 weeks to build it but considering they're currently building towards a match between the two, pulling a 180 and having them now be a team... I don't know if that would sit well with me.

AJ/Joe would be a real blessing but who knows if they'd do that. How dead set are they on keeping Joe on RAW? They could promote it as interpromotional but then there's also the whole TNA thing and if they'd want to go there.

I fear this might turn real bad for AJ and he might be relegated to something that would make us wish they had went with AJ/Shane.
I hope this is either a work or Rollins recovers just in time for facing HHH at Mania. If not, there's a decent option that I haven't seen anyone else mention.

Kurt Angle is now in good graces with WWE again. What if they talked him into doing two matches? I don't know if they have any mania plans for Angle or not, but if not.....

Use Angle's TNA history as a bridge to get him involved in the story leading to Angle vs Joe at Fastlane which will be a great match, and then finish it with HHH vs Angle at Mania. Which Angle and HHH have history too.

You get a big mania match and there's a slight connection that can make it make sense with some creative writing.

Problem solved!
AJ and Shane would be a weird pairing and I get that they have 7-8 weeks to build it but considering they're currently building towards a match between the two, pulling a 180 and having them now be a team... I don't know if that would sit well with me.

AJ/Joe would be a real blessing but who knows if they'd do that. How dead set are they on keeping Joe on RAW? They could promote it as interpromotional but then there's also the whole TNA thing and if they'd want to go there.

I fear this might turn real bad for AJ and he might be relegated to something that would make us wish they had went with AJ/Shane.

AJ could easily switch at the drop of a hat. It has some credibility if Shane asks him if he wants to prove he's the face that runs the place then it's time to defend the place.

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