Savior of Silence


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
You're unbanned. Now entertain us with your tales of never coming back and ignore trying to log in again last night.
He also absolutely has to have the last word with anyone who disagrees with him.

There's another poster in a thread right now who felt the need to reply to everyone who disagreed with him.

Are these people so insecure that some stranger on the internet makes them feel lessened by posting a dissenting opinion?
Was this Prisoner #24601 who tried to insult Becca?

No, he was a prisoner for being an idiot, then managed to get out of the prison, then melted down during the LD for SS on Sunday and told everybody to suck his dick and then told KB to get AIDS and die.

What I got from the whole thing was that SoS has AIDS and wants to give it to people.
You're unbanned. Now entertain us with your tales of never coming back and ignore trying to log in again last night.

So wait. He made a big scene about leaving & then couldnt help but log back in?

I swear, these meltdowns are paint by numbers. Everyone get your Bingo cards ready.
I can definitely say that I really thought that he was trying to become a better poster after his initial release, and then he gets into it with another poster in the Survivor Series LD thread, and I have to say that I'm disappointed that he had to keep going despite various warnings from KB.

I guess I somewhat relate to The Miz, as I was generally disliked and was absolutely hazed by some here when I first came aboard, and this was happening to me for many reasons. Providing a lack of quality insight, not ever shutting the fuck up about Brock Lesnar, (I couldn't go a single post without mentioning him) and then after getting a one week ban for spam, my absence turned into a few months as the treatment I had been getting made me wonder if I really should be here. I easily could have come back and had a meltdown like the ones we've experienced with FTS, Crocker, and most recently, SoS, but I know that I am better than that and that blaming the forum would solve all my posting problems. I only had myself to blame and I knew it. So what did I do? I simply just cleaned up my act.

I can now definitely say that I've been much more tolerated on these boards now than when I started here, and for good reason. But yes, I am disappointed to see that SoS once again got thrown in prison and that he very well may be in here for good this time.
Oh God I feel like it's all my fault.

I apologize to SOS for calling him an idiot, I could just have disagreed with his opinion and let it go. And to everyone on the LD thread that night for starting this shitstorm up.

By the way to SOS, I told my husband someone on the internet called me a bitch, and his response was "Oh they must know you then." He's been sleeping with one eye open ever since. I have pillows.
Yeah something had to be brewing to come out the way it did.
Honestly may not have even been forum related.
Do you guys honestly get your rocks off talking about other members here? I mean the guy was called an idiot simply because he stated he wasn't entertained by a segment in wrestling. Which was uncalled for but anyway hope the next time he doesn't take it so hard and respond in a more mature way. Welcome back SOS
Yeah. I kinda do get off on talking about people who tell others that they hope they catch aids and die. People tend to talk when others go batshit for no good reason.
The only person who's fault it is would be SoS. If you can't take being called an idiot over the internet then you really need to lighten up.

It's not about being called an idiot. It's about being reprimanded for calling somebody a bitch and that person not being reprimanded for the same slander after calling somebody an idiot based on an opinion.

If you can't see that then you're obviously too stupid to talk to.

You're unbanned. Now entertain us with your tales of never coming back and ignore trying to log in again last night.

Or...I accidentally clicked on a topic while drunk.

In other news, I still hope your ****** ass gets AIDS and dies. Suck my fucking dick KB.

Oh God I feel like it's all my fault.

I apologize to SOS for calling him an idiot, I could just have disagreed with his opinion and let it go. And to everyone on the LD thread that night for starting this shitstorm up.

It's all good. I forgive you and I apologize as well. My problem isn't even with you. It's with the ****** that decided to say something to me for "slandering" you and not say anything to you for doing the same thing.

In other news, I only logged in here today because I saw this thread existed from my iPhone earlier today. I got curious and checked the prison and saw that this thread was a thing. I mainly logged on to accept Dark Lady's apology and reciprocate the sentiment.

...And to tell KB that he's a cock sucking ******.

I'll be leaving again now.
In other news, I still hope your ****** ass gets AIDS and dies. Suck my fucking dick KB.

I feel like this should be in KB's sig.

In other news, I only logged in here today because I saw this thread existed from my iPhone earlier today. I got curious and checked the prison and saw that this thread was a thing. I mainly logged on to accept Dark Lady's apology and reciprocate the sentiment.

...And to tell KB that he's a cock sucking ******.

Who called it, with him having to have the last word? I believe you win a prize.

I'll be leaving again now.


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