Samoa Joe Suspended?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Dave Scherer is reporting that Samoa Joe has been suspended from TNA indefinitely due to an apparent bad attitude. There is also speculation that the company hasn't been happy with Joe's weight.

What are your thoughts on this I found this shocking and I sorta dont blame him. He hasn't been used well and maybe this is a sign he is leaving the company.
Not shocking in the least. This isn't the first time Joe's holier-than-thou attitude has derailed his potential/career, and I seriously doubt it'll be the last.

If this is in fact truth, I believe Adam Pearce just shit a brick (of joy) and is drooling into his phone right now begging Joe to return to ROH.

I also don't blame TNA for their use of Joe, I blame Joe for his failure to (1) stay in shape and (2) actually develop any incarnation of his characters to the point he actually exceeded that tired shell of the "angry Samoan".
This is stupid of TNA if this is true. Let's see.

Joe is first of all, one of their most popular stars. Until his weight becomes an issue to his or someone else's health, find some other way to punish him. Joe is fat. He always has been and he always will be.

As for the push, Joe has every right to be pissed. He's one of those guys that was there to help get TNA over the hump and now he's been pushed off TV so Orlando Jordan, Steven Richards and Eric Young with his mannequin can get camera time? TNA brings in all these people and overcrowds their roster and shoves out a guy that is over but due to the fact that there just isn't room for him he's not going to get more than a run in and beat people up role? I'd be pissed too and something tells me this isn't the first of the bunch of guys that are going to have issues like these.
I don't know why Samoa Joe's weight is an issue here. Not everyone needs to be slim and ripped and there's been a great many talents over the years who have gotten by just fine with a less appealing body: Andre the Giant, Yokozuna, Dusty Rhodes, Umaga and so on. He's got a different look then anyone else in TNA, that should be an asset not a disadvantage. If his weight was hindering his ability in the ring or something then that's different, but Samoa Joe can wrestle circles around and outperform 80% of the roster (in fact that's downplaying his ability).

I don't blame Joe at all for having an attitude and probably not being very happy in TNA right now. But to blame Joe and not TNA and it's bookers for ridiculous and poor ways Joe's been used over the years is asinine. Joe can only work with what he's given, and even as horrible as his direction has been over these last few years he's still had some of the best matches and continued to be over with the fans. What the hell more can you ask of him?

TNA's totally dropped the ball with Joe and they have no one to blame but themselves. I hope Joe does get out of TNA and wherever he does go he's used a lot better. Let's just hope TNA doesn't start losing all their best workers and are left with what's left like WCW was back in the day, or that could be a very big problem for them.
I don't blame TNA for doing what's right. If the guy's an asshole - he'll be treated as an asshole, no matter how talented he is. He doesn't want to stay in shape, acts badly backstage, he's bound to face the consequences of his actions.

Now as far as the OP saying that this is about him not being used well - I disagree. They made him a monster, much more intimidating than his last few years with TNA. If he's unhappy about that - well then that's his problem. Some people just want too much I suppose.
Wow this is a news to me. TNA wasnt really pushing Joe as of late. he is one of the best in ring performer in TNA. Why TNA is ruining younger guys and trying to push older guys like Dreamer, RVD and Hardy. RVD and Hardy are over for sure but TNA is making WCW mistake by not creating their own stars. What was the last time they created their own star ? Who was that , Styles? Joe whoever was that it was 3-4 years back. Now they have all guys that came from WWE and getting pushed. i dont have any problem with Pope getting pushed because he is young and can ontribute in company for what ? another ten years. They should push guys like Pope, wolfe, Anderson, Kendrick, Morgan to make company's future safe. But instead they are firjing guys liike Joe and daniels. Uhhhhhh
Samoa Joe blew up backstage after his time limit draw with Jeff Hardy, which aired on Thursday's TNA Impact. Joe headed backstage and yelled at Vince Russo in front of TNA president Dixie Carter.

Joe made it clear going into the match that he felt counting down to the time limit would give away the draw finish. However, Russo apparently instructed ring announcer Jeremy Borash to announce that there were 30 seconds remaining in the match.


I thought I'd add that to give a little more insight on what bad attitude means in this case.

I firmly believe that Joe was right about the 30 seconds thing. It was fucking stupid and obvious how the match was going to end. I also believe that he was unhappy with how he was being used, so he got worked up easily. Personally, I do think he has the right to be upset about current developments.

BUT - blowing up like that because of one stupid match ending? For me, that is not really apropriate. Does it warrant a suspension? Depends on how long the suspension is supposed to last. If it's a rather short suspension, I wouldn't see it as a big deal. He could cool off, think about everything, and then come back.

The weight thing seems like an excuse to me though.
This is stupid of TNA if this is true. Let's see.

Joe is first of all, one of their most popular stars. Until his weight becomes an issue to his or someone else's health, find some other way to punish him. Joe is fat. He always has been and he always will be.

As for the push, Joe has every right to be pissed. He's one of those guys that was there to help get TNA over the hump and now he's been pushed off TV so Orlando Jordan, Steven Richards and Eric Young with his mannequin can get camera time? TNA brings in all these people and overcrowds their roster and shoves out a guy that is over but due to the fact that there just isn't room for him he's not going to get more than a run in and beat people up role? I'd be pissed too and something tells me this isn't the first of the bunch of guys that are going to have issues like these.

Joe is one of their most popular stars, granted, but voicing your frustrations is one thing – the way Joe did it (and he has a history of doing this) was not the way to do so, however. You don't like what you are doing at your job? Fine – put together a concise argument as to what a better way of doing it would be and why, and chances are you'll be heard. Storm into your bosses office in the middle of a conference call and curse and cry, and you're begging to be suspended/fired/whatever.
I think the main reason for Samoa Joe being suspended is because 1. Him being basically an ass. and 2. his weight.

1. First off if Samoa Joe is going to be an Ass then he should be treated as one. He should really realize that he should be lucky he's earning as much money as he has and isn't earning squat in the indys. Also if Joe just realizes the things he's said and done and took time out it would probably be good for him. If not and if they do part ways... (hopefully not) then i see ROH and the Wilpon group making a rush to get him.

2. His weight, I believe Joe really needs to realize he should loose a few pounds. Not because of how he wrestles, Heck no definately not for that because the man truly is a beast. But because of how many overweight wrestlers have died just from being too dang big! I actually fear for some of these men at his weight because of the risk they have of getting a heart attack, stroke. heart failer and etc. But hopefully both Joe and TNA come to an agreement and leave this all behind them
Never saw this coming and I really have mixed emotions on it. I really really liked Samoa Joe at one time. I had never got to see him wrestle before I heard about him, but I read all about him in PWI. I read about his vast training, crazy ability for his size, and all around above average wrestling prowess. I also liked the fact that he wasn't in the typical wrestling shape because I'm not in typical wrestling shape and it was cool to see a guy my size in there beating shit down. Now, after I did get to see him I was still cool with him, but after so much time of him being so over-hyped by the IWC and TNA in general I was just turned away. One can only suspend disbelief so far and they just went too far with him. Also I thought his attitude on screen seemed a little too much like he didn't need to act much which lead me to believe this guy is a real douche who has bought waaaaay into his own bullshit. Now that he's in worse shape than ever, his last gimmick had him looking like a truck left tire tracks on his face, and he had all but flopped in TNA, I can't say I am saddened by it. I had high hopes for him at one time, but his personality, the way he's let himself go, and the way he has been used in TNA in the last few years has just turned the light off for me. Good Luck Joe.
Joe is one of their most popular stars, granted, but voicing your frustrations is one thing – the way Joe did it (and he has a history of doing this) was not the way to do so, however. You don't like what you are doing at your job? Fine – put together a concise argument as to what a better way of doing it would be and why, and chances are you'll be heard. Storm into your bosses office in the middle of a conference call and curse and cry, and you're begging to be suspended/fired/whatever.

Can't imagine that would work. This is wrestling. Backstage politics are as big a part of this business as what goes on in the ring if not far more. Joe could make as many formal complaints as he wants and more than likely it wouldn't have gone anywhere. He was pissed off and with good reason for it. Like I said in another post, this combined with AJ tells me that the lockerroom is poisonous right now and this was bound to happen. Sometimes the only way to get the attention of the higher ups is to raise hell. I think this is one of those times.
It sure seemed like Joe was getting pushed back up the roster so I do not think that played into it. Like people have said, he is a hot head. Even when he is usually right it is not an excuse to behave unprofessionally. At some point he has to learn his limits or TNA has every reason to keep him out of the main event. As far as weight goes, I think it is definitely an issue. He can still work good enough but there is a big difference between fat in-shape joe and just plain fat joe. Joe has been dancing the line between the two for some time. When he is big but reasonably in-shape his look is good enough but when he is out of shape he looks bad and you can see the conditioning effecting his matches. Once again, if he is not committed to staying in the right shape then he cannot get pushed to the main event. I find this sad if true more than anything. This is not some TNA failing, it is Joe failing. It sucks but it is probably necessary. They both need each other but they seem to be at odds. Maybe cooler heads prevail eventually. I will say the timing of this revelation seems odd if it is true unless there have been additional more recent developments.
Ah well...If he's being an ASS, then treat him like one...also indefinately?? I wonder when he will come back..I don't think TNA should blame his weight problems..I have found him to always be overweight, TNA never seemed to have a problem then, I thought it went with his character but saying it now...doesn't make sense...I understand about the attitude though...not a good way to go...he wasn't being used that much on iMPACT lately anyway..just match after match with no real feud!
Can't imagine that would work. This is wrestling. Backstage politics are as big a part of this business as what goes on in the ring if not far more. Joe could make as many formal complaints as he wants and more than likely it wouldn't have gone anywhere. He was pissed off and with good reason for it. Like I said in another post, this combined with AJ tells me that the lockerroom is poisonous right now and this was bound to happen. Sometimes the only way to get the attention of the higher ups is to raise hell. I think this is one of those times.

Perhaps, and perhaps not, but either way this type of temper tantrum throwing style does very little to help him unless he somehow manages to muster a mutiny together. On his own, it just makes him look like he overreacted (which as I noted, he has a history of doing) again, and this time it cost him time/money/yet another push.

Bottom line here, I still think he went about it wrong.
In the last few months Joe has been booked just terribly. He only appears once a month only to be in matches that mean nothing. TNA needs to use Joe like they were a year ago, the guy still draws a huge pop and is popular. I see the suspention more as " we don't quite know how to use you so we are just going to put you off for a while" which is a very dumb decition, if I was Joe when my contract expires I would jump ship to WWE if it continues to be this idiotic.
Perhaps, and perhaps not, but either way this type of temper tantrum throwing style does very little to help him unless he somehow manages to muster a mutiny together. On his own, it just makes him look like he overreacted (which as I noted, he has a history of doing) again, and this time it cost him time/money/yet another push.

Bottom line here, I still think he went about it wrong.

Maybe it's the tip of the iceberg then. It's possible someone was just waiting on someone to stand up before they did.

The other thing here is that it's not like he was getting anything out of being there sitting in the back anyway. His most recent thing was a draw to Hardy and now he's at least gone so he can take indy bookings for awhile if he wants. I think there comes a point where you just have to do something instead of being civil and he reached that point. No issue with him doing this at all.
Wtf why are you people defending the fat joke, je was pushed all the way to tna champion and when he was champ he did not draw at all hell the only time he waws interestling was when he was undeafeted or feuding with angle.
he doesnt have the look or the ability to cut a promo to even keep anyone interested to even care what he even says. Goodbye joe wrestlin biz just aint for ya or maybe its just your not the face tna is looking for, sry but i think shawn said it best (your just cursed to be midcard for life)
compare joe and hernandez, they both had time off tv and joe came having put on weight and doing nothing where hernandez came back looking better than ever and ready for a push. Joe is TNA's most iconic star after AJ styles and should be respected but should respect TNA as well.
Maybe it's the tip of the iceberg then. It's possible someone was just waiting on someone to stand up before they did.

The other thing here is that it's not like he was getting anything out of being there sitting in the back anyway. His most recent thing was a draw to Hardy and now he's at least gone so he can take indy bookings for awhile if he wants. I think there comes a point where you just have to do something instead of being civil and he reached that point. No issue with him doing this at all.

I suppose you had no issue with him shooting on Hall & TNA creative back in 2007 either, then?


Bottom line here, Joe has poor work etiquette. Not ring work, not his ability to perform – poor etiquette. From what we understand of it, he simply has no understanding of how to address his frustrations in a manner that don't indict others directly, even in the event they need to be indicted.

If Joe was this upset, he could have gone to Russo or hell, even Dixie Carter, himself and voiced them, even if it meant screaming at them behind closed doors, but he didn't – he blew a gasket, again, in public, for the world to see and he's suspended for it as a result. That's the way the cookie crumbles, Joe.
Maybe it's the tip of the iceberg then. It's possible someone was just waiting on someone to stand up before they did.

The other thing here is that it's not like he was getting anything out of being there sitting in the back anyway. His most recent thing was a draw to Hardy and now he's at least gone so he can take indy bookings for awhile if he wants. I think there comes a point where you just have to do something instead of being civil and he reached that point. No issue with him doing this at all.

I doubt an indefinite suspension (curiously similar to what sting kayfabe has) allows Joe to work the indies. Unlike many in TNA he has a long-term deal that most likely has more to it than pay by appearances. This probably just means he gets his downside to do nothing and I highly doubt he can just go where he wants without permission and he sure as hell is not getting that while he is in the dog house. How is almost beating the Champ RVD and a draw with a top guy like hardy getting Joe nothing? Makes zero sense.
As reported earlier, Samoa Joe was said to be very upset following his recent match with Jeff Hardy on iMPACT, which ended in a time limit draw. Joe was furious following the bout because he felt the finish was given away by TNA having ring announcer Jeremy Borash say there were 30 seconds remaining when he specifically asked them not to.Joe hasn’t worked for the company since the outburst and as noted before, has been suspended indefinitley by the company. He wasn’t on hand for last week’s iMPACT television tapings in Orlando. One source claims Joe yelled at production team members David Sahadi and Keith Mitchell, while others say it was Vince Russo — who reportedly instructed Borash.Meanwhile, another source felt that Joe was right about the finish being given away, but added that he handled the situation poorly. from
I suppose you had no issue with him shooting on Hall & TNA creative back in 2007 either, then?


Bottom line here, Joe has poor work etiquette. Not ring work, not his ability to perform – poor etiquette. From what we understand of it, he simply has no understanding of how to address his frustrations in a manner that don't indict others directly, even in the event they need to be indicted.

If Joe was this upset, he could have gone to Russo or hell, even Dixie Carter, himself and voiced them, even if it meant screaming at them behind closed doors, but he didn't – he blew a gasket, again, in public, for the world to see and he's suspended for it as a result. That's the way the cookie crumbles, Joe.

That's not poor etiquette. That's a guy that is there to work for the company being mad that it brought in a guy (Hall) that anyone with a brain could have seen was a risk. Rather than going with a guy like him or a guy he mentioned in the back (reportedly he immediately said Homicide and they shot him down) they went with a guy from outside in Hall for the main event. He's pissed off at the company for not respecting the work he and the rest of the guys have done over the years and not giving them a real chance. I can understand holding your tongue but there comes a point where it's not worth it anymore.
That's not poor etiquette. That's a guy that is there to work for the company being mad that it brought in a guy (Hall) that anyone with a brain could have seen was a risk. Rather than going with a guy like him or a guy he mentioned in the back (reportedly he immediately said Homicide and they shot him down) they went with a guy from outside in Hall for the main event. He's pissed off at the company for not respecting the work he and the rest of the guys have done over the years and not giving them a real chance. I can understand holding your tongue but there comes a point where it's not worth it anymore.

But that's exactly my point, KB – I understand Joe's frustrations – I really do. I understand the feeling of disrespect, and the feeling you are looked down on over more experienced but often less talented "superstars" in the industry (of old), but there's no two ways about it: it doesn't justify shooting like he did in 2007 and it certainly doesn't justify him pulling the same card he's pulled historically by screaming at David Sahadi, Keith Mitchell, Vince Russo or whoever he actually screamed at now publicly, the way he did.

Had he gone to Carter, Hogan, whoever directly and still vented, he'd have been heard – I believe that whole-heartedly. Hell, he might have even been acknowledged as being right and things might have changed for the better for him as a result, but he didn't – he did his fly by the seat of his pants react on the drop of a dime Samoa Joe of old and blew a gasket for the world to see. What choice did management have here? They risk sending a very bad message about talent being able to walk on them when they (talent) are upset with the direction of whatever they're involved in in the event they (management) don't suspend Joe for doing so. That's infinitely worse than losing Joe for an indefinite time period.
But that's exactly my point, KB – I understand Joe's frustrations – I really do. I understand the feeling of disrespect, and the feeling you are looked down on over more experienced but often less talented "superstars" in the industry (of old), but there's no two ways about it: it doesn't justify shooting like he did in 2007 and it certainly doesn't justify him pulling the same card he's pulled historically by screaming at David Sahadi, Keith Mitchell, Vince Russo or whoever he actually screamed at now publicly, the way he did.

Had he gone to Carter, Hogan, whoever directly and still vented, he'd have been heard – I believe that whole-heartedly. Hell, he might have even been acknowledged as being right and things might have changed for the better for him as a result, but he didn't – he did his fly by the seat of his pants react on the drop of a dime Samoa Joe of old and blew a gasket for the world to see. What choice did management have here? They risk sending a very bad message about talent being able to walk on them in the event they (talent) are upset with the direction of whatever they're involved in in the event they don't suspend Joe for doing so. That's infinitely worse than losing Joe for an indefinite time period.
One thing though: where was he getting by being silent? Also, what's going to stop the next guy from coming up behind him and saying they should be pushed and not Joe? Where do you stop listening to people? People like Carter agree with whomever the last person that spoke her was. Hogan is about as famous as you can be for only pushing his friends and so is Bischoff. Finally, at Turning Point he shot on the company. Four months later he was winning the world title. Him yelling worked once, so why not do it again?
The thing I do not get is that Joe went into penisface no push no character direction purgatory for a long time and had no major incidents. He gets out of that comes back as badass Joe and is working his way up the card fighting the top guys in competitive exciting matches then blows up because they make an anti-climatic finish slightly more anti-climatic slightly earlier? Even if it might have been slightly better unannounced this is a massive overreaction to something that is essentially irrelevant. What if Russo is planning for an actual finish in a countdown scenario in the near future? Joe does not know.

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