Roman Reigns's Finisher Dilemma

I don't have any issue with Reigns continuing to use the Spear as one of his finishers, and the Superman Punch as a signature move- they both look effective and get reactions from the crowd.

I like Reigns, I really do...but I think he does still need to add to his moveset, he is pretty limited in the ring. Now, I am not expecting him to suddently start busting out moonsaults or hurancanranas, but I'd like to see him utlising moves like this (he may have actually done some of these in the past that I have missed).

1. Belly to Belly Suplex
2. Multiple German Suplexes
3. Stinger Splash type move in the corner
4. Fallaway Slam

And I would also like to see him using a Powerbomb more regularly- perhaps as another finisher. The version I would prefer him to do would be the Diving Powerbomb, like Kane used to do around 2001-2002. It looks fantastic!

I totally understand the argument against using the spear, but i think he should stick with it, and also keep his Superman Punch as his signature. The Superman punch makes for a cool set up move, for it feels like a move that won't knock your opponent out but floor them, and I feel like its just more show and the image of Reigns flying threw the air and throwing a punch. I also like the spear for Reigns because it fits him. He made it his own kind of spear filled intensity paired perfectly with his war cry before he hits it which fits the Roman Reigns character. I don't think of edges spear when I see it because edge, especially when he was heel, always made his pear come across snake like and sneaky to go with the whole ultimate opportunist image.
I remember seeing Bobby Lashley do this cool modified Jackhammer (is that the suplex thing Goldberg used to do? I might be calling it the wrong thing) thing . . .

Actually here's a video:


It would be cool if he added the Regular Jackhammer to his arsenal and did the Catch Jackhammer on special occasions/vs. high flyers.

Goldberg used to drop into a powerslam, was a great move.

On Topic, I don't think wrestlers should be limited to one finisher and and I like the Superman punch, but Roman REALLY sells the spear, which Edge never did. It's a power move, looks very impactful and really fits his wrestling style.

If anything, I'd like to see him add a modified powerbomb to his arsenal, we haven't seen him do that since The Shield, Seth has a great version(into the turnbuckle) so it has to look as good or better than that.

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