ROH "Boiling Point" Live on iPPV

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I might be the only person here actually watching this live, but what the hell...I'll start a live discussion anyways.

ROH Boiling Point - Live on iPPV

ROH World Champion Kevin Steen defends against Chikara Grand Champion, Eddie Kingston

The Briscoes vs "Zombie Princess" Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino

"Die Hard" Eddie Edwards & "The Queen of Wrestling" Sara Del Ray vs. "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett & "The First Lady of ROH" Maria Kanellis

"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs "Outlaw" Charlie Haas

Jay Lethal vs "The Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa w/ RD Evans

Roderick Strong w/ Truth Martini vs "No Fear" Mike Mondo

ROH World TV Champion, Adam Cole vs "Brutal" Bob Evans

Matt Taven vs. QT Marshall vs. Antonio Thomas vs. Vinny Marseglia

This is a pretty crap card compared to some of the other ROH events they've done this year, but you really just never know. Sometimes you get a good event out of blow-off PPV...

20 minutes until bell time. I'll check back with ya'll then!
I might be the only person here actually watching this live, but what the hell...I'll start a live discussion anyways.

ROH Boiling Point - Live on iPPV

ROH World Champion Kevin Steen defends against Chikara Grand Champion, Eddie Kingston

The Briscoes vs "Zombie Princess" Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino

"Die Hard" Eddie Edwards & "The Queen of Wrestling" Sara Del Ray vs. "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett & "The First Lady of ROH" Maria Kanellis

"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs "Outlaw" Charlie Haas

Jay Lethal vs "The Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa w/ RD Evans

Roderick Strong w/ Truth Martini vs "No Fear" Mike Mondo

ROH World TV Champion, Adam Cole vs "Brutal" Bob Evans

Matt Taven vs. QT Marshall vs. Antonio Thomas vs. Vinny Marseglia

This is a pretty crap card compared to some of the other ROH events they've done this year, but you really just never know. Sometimes you get a good event out of blow-off PPV...

20 minutes until bell time. I'll check back with ya'll then!

I was debating whether to pay for it or not. The card isn't that great. If I hear good things about it, might purchase it at a later date. You don't know of a stream, do you? Hit me up on PM if you do.
Really decent opening match from Strong and Mondo. Short and brutal. Pretty sure Strong's nose was legitimately broken the hard way. Ouch...

I'm trying to do live coverage on WZ, but this second match is honestly just too fast-paced to try and keep track of.
Well, that was kind of a cluster fuck of a 4-way. ROH's tag-in concept doesn't really make any sense. I'm not sure what ROH sees in QT; personally I would have given it to Matt Taven.

"Brutal" Bob Evans being entirely creepy, insulting Adam Cole. I need an adult. :(
I really enjoyed the balance between Brutal Bob and Adam Cole. A really good clash of styles between the high flyer/technical star and the straight-up brawler. They didn't try and change their styles to accommodate the match, they made it work.

The TV Champ picks up the win with the Figure Four. I love Adam Cole; probably the second nicest, most humble wrestler I've interviewed or spent time around.
So let's see if I can get this straight.

Roderick Strong was promised Michael Elgin's World Title shot by Truth Martini. Strong was then denied that shot, and is now on strike from the House of Truth. Strong then helps Charlie Haas to a win over Elgin.

Rhino will face Kevin Steen in Chicago for the title.

Elgin will face the Champion in Toronto for the title.

It's kind of convoluted, but least there's a story surrounding the ROH World Title. I'm actually starting to like Roderick Strong for the first time ever...
A little bit of the chicken dance from Jimmy Jacobs, a little bit of Redneck Kung Fu from Mark Briscoe... Ridiculous.

A good match though, as per usual from the Briscoes. I like Jimmy Jacobs; I know literally nothing about Steve Corino.
CHIKARA Grand Champion Eddie Kingston buries his own company by calling ROH the best wrestling company in the world. He then gets all pissy because Steen insults CHIKARA? Apparently Kingston left his wife to compete in CHIKARA... Yeah, alright man. Whatever you say!
Good discussion guys! :lmao:

We're apparently halfway through Boiling Point, and I've really enjoyed almost all of the in-ring action. Some good matches, and it's nice to see at least some semblance of story being told from one month to another. I just wish I didn't have it shoved down my throat by watching this Steen/Kingston video package 13 times...

So far zero technical difficulties in the streaming process. Always a good thing. I can't really complain, even if I'm not a huge fan of ROH, because I only had to pay $12 to see the iPPV. I spent more on food...
Wow, what an absolute war between Jay Lethal and Tammaso Ciampa.

Ciampa looked legit hurt for the first half of that match, but I think they just sold the angle REALLY well! I'm a big fan of getting the first fall out of the way early on in this type of match, allowing room to breath for the remainder. It made Ciampa look down and out, making it all the more exciting when he came back later on to get his second pinfall. The only issue is...they should have switched that booking... You want your face to be the underdog, so when he comes back mid-match to finally get some offense, the fans can get behind it.

Good match. Prince Nana returns! I'm sure somebody cared about that...
Thanks a lot, Justin. I was using this to get the results for the iPPV but since they stopped, I had to use the main page.

Do you realize how many extra clicks that is?
Just finished watching, it wasn't the best card, but it was an entertaining, fun watch.

Roddy versus Mike Mondo was a solid opening, more people should give credit to Mondo for the improvement hes made since joining Ring of Honor, he isn't the typical ROH guy, he isn't a technical master, but hes getting better and last night he held his own against Roderick Strong which isn't an easy thing to do.

QT Marshall was the one promising light from that four way, didn't get into it at all. Speaking of another match I didn't get into, the Briscoes versus Corino/Jacobs match wasn't bad, but I wasn't able to feel invested in it. Love The Briscoes, easily one of the best tag teams on the planet, but Corino/Jacobs just hasn't done anything for me thus far and despite the angle that they'll leave if they don't win the tournament doesn't make me enthusiastic about a possible reign at all.

Tommaso Ciampa versus Jay Lethal was awesome. WMD wherever you are, go fuck yourself, you stated only recently these two couldn't put on a good match, yet they went out there and stole the show. Jay Lethal's impending heel turn will make for interesting television, I can see him challenging for the ROH World title in the near future.

Michael Elgin deserves his shot at Steen in Toronto; yes, I said Steen, chances of Rhino defeating Kevin at Death Before Dishonor X are between nothing and beyond nothing. They'll have a physical, entertaining brawl, but it won't be Rhino's night, he hasn't contributed enough to the company and asides his match with Homicide hasn't been overly impressive or over as a heel.

Sara Del Rey and Eddie Edwards versus Maria and Mike Bennett was average. Nothing spectacular. I enjoy Maria's character and she certainly helps Bennett as the young, cocky heel, but she isn't an overly impressive wrestler. SDR leaving soon is going to be a pretty depressing day, shes given a lot to Ring of Honor despite the company not having a women's division. She'll do wonders for WWE, pound-for-pound the best female wrestler in the world and I'd go at a stretch, of all-time, but she needs to prove herself on a mainstream stage.

Kevin Steen versus Eddie Kingston was a physical, fun brawl. Some people are complaining because Steen mentioned Larry Sweeney(former ROH manager, killed himself last year) but he didn't say anything derogatory. Randy Orton said much worse in his promo with Rey about Eddie going into WM 22, Steen simply stated Larry would be disappointed at Kingston; how is that anything against Sweeney? It isn't.

And then for the controversial aftermath; if you don't know by now, supposedly Kevin Steen kissed a male fan in the front row who was shouting abuse toward Steen as he was making his way up the aisle, fan pushed Steen away, Kevin came back and knocked him out, this guys friend swung, Kevin dodged and then knocked him out. I've spoken to fans who attended the show and they said that these two guys were interacting with them all night and if they were plants they deserve an Oscar for their performance.

I don't know whose in the wrong and whose in the right as all details have yet to be disclosed; some reports say the first guy was shouting stuff about Steen's son, others say he swung at Steen first or that he tried to kiss Steen and Kevin told him to fuck off, but once they are we'll know the entire story and I'll make a definitive judgement.

Overall, not a wrestling masterclass, not an impressive card, but an entertaining show. Reminded me of a wrestling based episode of Monday Night Raw.

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