Replace NXT with FCW?

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Hi there. This is my first ever thread on the WZ forums, eek. Hope you enjoy it.

Ok, I have been watching NXT weekly since it was on air and then weekly when it was purely online and it has got to the point where it is UNBAREABLE! I mean I like season’s 1 and 2 but then afterwards it just began to suck. NXT is just a more cheesy and annoying version of Tough Enough. NXT has boring guys who frankly we know they won’t ever do much in the WWE such as Titus O’Neil and Lucky Cannon. I really only watch NXT so I can stare at Maryse. Now what I am saying is that replace the NXT series with FCW.

For all of you guys don’t know that FCW is it is WWE’s development territory and is home to some of the young and brightest talents the industry has to offer such as Seth Rollins a.k.a ROH’s Tyler Black and Richie Steamboat son of the almighty Ricky Steamboat, it also has produced many WWE stars such as Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston. I try to watch FCW weekly but I’m in the UK so I rely on people posting it on Youtube. Some of the matches I have to say are better than a lot of the matches on Raw. The guys on FCW are already so talented that talents of their calibre deserve to be on regular WWE programming. Recently it was rumoured that WWE wanted to get Superstars and NXT back on TV and instead of putting NXT on TV FCW should be televised.

This is a prime example of matches that occur on FCW.



This is an example at the matches that occur on NXT.



Which did I prefer? Hand’s down FCW. What do you prefer? I bet you also choose FCW.

Guys like Rollins and Steamboat are in Developmental to work on their character before being promoted to the big league. Personally I find FCW much more entertaining than weekly episodes of NXT. The quality of matches is much much better. Also FCW is just like a Smackdown or Raw but will the superstars of the FCW roster. There is a GM, interviews, segments and in ring promo’s. Also this will be a great opportunity to showcase the future stars of the company. The audience will be able to see who can lead the company to success in the future when the John Cena’s and the Randy Orton’s retire.

Overall I am saying if NXT and Superstars were ever brought back to TV, NXT should be replaced by FCW as FCW is far more interesting and produces 5 star matches on a near weekly basis. Most likely it will never happen as WWE don’t want to promote their development territory but all I am saying it is much better than NXT.

What would you prefer NXT or FCW?

Reasoning for option?
Naah, there's no need to replace NXT with FCW. If anything, neither one should be on air anymore. The biggest issue with NXT is that they're running out of guys who are "TV-ready" or even remotely prepared for the main roster. In FCW, they'd have that same issue. Not only is that a place to repackage superstars from other promotions, but from the main roster too. Simply put, that place is the training ground. Many of those guys aren't ready for the big time and putting them on a major stage would be a disaster. I do believe FCW is televised locally, so they do get some exposure, but a majority of the product isn't very good. It would be fairly counterproductive, would it not? Replacing one mediocre show with another? No need.
Naah, there's no need to replace NXT with FCW. If anything, neither one should be on air anymore. The biggest issue with NXT is that they're running out of guys who are "TV-ready" or even remotely prepared for the main roster. In FCW, they'd have that same issue. Not only is that a place to repackage superstars from other promotions, but from the main roster too. Simply put, that place is the training ground. Many of those guys aren't ready for the big time and putting them on a major stage would be a disaster. I do believe FCW is televised locally, so they do get some exposure, but a majority of the product isn't very good. It would be fairly counterproductive, would it not? Replacing one mediocre show with another? No need.

I see your point friend, what I meant by this thread would you rather have NXT shown on TV or FCW.
I see your point friend, what I meant by this thread would you rather have NXT shown on TV or FCW.

As bad as the last few seasons have been, I'd still rather have nXt. Only because these are the guys (and girls) that WWE has deemed "ready for TV". They went from FCW to nXt because they impressed someone higher up. Now, if these are the one's the WWE is giving the shot to, and the ones who get voted out go back to FCW.. Why would we watch FCW over it? I get what you're saying, you want to see some of the future stars in action now, and I don't blame you. I've seen a few FCW shows and liked them, but for the most part those guys should not be on a national TV show yet. When they are ready they will be called up. Be it nXt, or Tough Enough.
i wouldn't mind FCW if it meant another federation to watch, even if it is WWE's "farm system."

watching a character evolve from FCW to WWE would pique my interest.
It would be a horrible idea for WWE to show FCW on mainstream tv rather than on one channel in Florida. The whole reason that FCW isn't shown on multiple channels is because those guys aren't ready for it. Having FCW on a main tv channel like RAW or Smackdown would just cause the guys to be exposed before they are ready which will cause them to fail. It's pretty much the same problem with NXT. They are running out of guys for it so they pushed some on tv before they were ready and pretty much ruined their first impression to the wrestling fans. What if you saw Alberto Del Rio on FCW a year before he debuted on the main roster and he was horrible & his wrestling skills or image isn't where it is now. Would his debut be as successful as it was? No. WWE has FCW as a local show so they still make money and can get fans to go to the live shows but they don't want to overexpose rookies who aren't ready for it.

NXT isn't currently a priority so of course it will suck. Maybe if WWE ever gets a US deal for NXT then WWE will start caring more but there isn't a point to try to make it a high-rated show when it doesn't have many viewers.
Okay, as some will know through the Potential series I'm doing, I'm big into Florida Championship Wrestling. Currently it houses some of my favorite guys, like Tyler Black(Seth Rollins), Jon Moxley(Dean Ambrose) and Derrick Bateman. Not even mentioning guys like Dalton and Koslov.

Even I know, the station and one hour of programming that FCW has now should stay the same.

I'm not going to really go all that into detail as Crock pretty much summed it all up, but FCW is a development territory for a reason. It is there to show guys how to work the WWE style and improve their characters. It isn't really mean't to be shown to a wide audience. Florida Championship Wrestling is still a good standard though, they've had some pretty good matches, like Black/Steamboat for example. It's probably on-par with WWE Superstars as far as pure wrestling goes.

But no, NXT which has even became stale shouldn't be replaced by Florida. It's development, it's supposed to stay in the shadows.
I would be all for it. The fact that its developmental doesn't make much difference to me... there's a minor league of every professional sport.

Then again, as Closet Fan mentioned, I'm seeing it as another federation. But I'd axe Tough Enough rather than NXT. NXT is kinda it's own show... Tough Enough is "reality TV" in a wrestling biz??

It might even make it easier for some wrestlers to get over on Raw because of the extra exposure? There could be some possibilities.

Then again, as Saga pointed out, I've never actually seen FCW.

Have a nice evening everyone!
Oh absolutely not. For every good match on FCW TV there's a match or two like this:


there is a lot of tallent in FCW, but you can't showcase just them on TV because then the guys who suck, quite frankly don't get the chance to improve because they aren't getting the time to go out and perform on TV like they would normally. So while I love FCW, and would love to watch it with higher production values, it's just not sensible to show these green guys to an international audience.

There's also the name issue, handily demonstrated here by Wade Barrett and Primo. I could also have used Serena Mia Mancini Serena or April AJ Lee.

As bad as the last few seasons have been, I'd still rather have nXt. Only because these are the guys (and girls) that WWE has deemed "ready for TV". They went from FCW to nXt because they impressed someone higher up. Now, if these are the one's the WWE is giving the shot to, and the ones who get voted out go back to FCW.. Why would we watch FCW over it? I get what you're saying, you want to see some of the future stars in action now, and I don't blame you. I've seen a few FCW shows and liked them, but for the most part those guys should not be on a national TV show yet. When they are ready they will be called up. Be it nXt, or Tough Enough.

I understand what you mean, half the guys on FCW have no mic skills what so ever. Maybe NXT wouldn;t have become stale if they had good rookies like in 1 and 2. Guys like Novak and O'Brian are a joke and they shouldn't have been chosen. Their not TV ready, both suck on the mic, O'Brian is ok in the ring but both are stale as hell, especially Novak. I think it would be intresting to watch young guys in FCW compete weekly as we will get to see what they are made of, up their popularity and it will more exciting to watch rather than another season of NXT. Either get good rookies such as Xavier Woods, Mike Dalton, Seth Rollins, Peter Orlov and Steamboat or axe NXT and implement FCW.
Oh absolutely not. For every good match on FCW TV there's a match or two like this:


there is a lot of tallent in FCW, but you can't showcase just them on TV because then the guys who suck, quite frankly don't get the chance to improve because they aren't getting the time to go out and perform on TV like they would normally. So while I love FCW, and would love to watch it with higher production values, it's just not sensible to show these green guys to an international audience.

There's also the name issue, handily demonstrated here by Wade Barrett and Primo. I could also have used Serena Mia Mancini Serena or April AJ Lee.

Much agreed. I once saw a match between a guy with a 'back cracker gimmick vs some other guy, it sucked! I understand everybody is in FCW for a reason, whether it may be to improve their in ring skills or improve their mic skills or learn to be charismatic. They are in WWE's farm territory for a reason otherwise they would already be in the WWE. But I personally would rather watch FCW on a weekly basis than watching Darren Young get in a argument with Hornswoggle...
I understand what you mean, half the guys on FCW have no mic skills what so ever. Maybe NXT wouldn;t have become stale if they had good rookies like in 1 and 2.

If they'd kept calling up their good guys, they'd have no good guys left in FCW. That's why NXT season 3 existed. All of the top guys were called up, Steamboat was injured, Rollins hadn't been signed yet and the title had to be hotshotted to Mason fucking Ryan. Season 3 let FCW develop new top guys so that they could survive another couple of rounds of having the cream whipped off. Though WWE calling up progressively less tallented guys helped too. NXT had to lower its standards or kill FCW in the process, and that helps nobody.

Guys like Novak and O'Brian are a joke and they shouldn't have been chosen. Their not TV ready, both suck on the mic, O'Brian is ok in the ring but both are stale as hell, especially Novak.

And putting them on TV in FCW would make Novak and O'Brian better suited for TV because?

And that I think it would be intresting to watch young guys in FCW compete weekly as we will get to see what they are made of, up their popularity and it will more exciting to watch rather than another season of NXT.

Here's the problem. FCW isn't taped weekly. It's taped in batches of three with a one batch delay (i.e. there's a three week delay before the first episode recoreded at a taping will be aired). Which means that Richie Steamboat and Seth Rollins will get, at most two matches every three weeks.

Either get good rookies such as Xavier Woods, Mike Dalton, Seth Rollins, Peter Orlov and Steamboat or axe NXT and implement FCW.

You can't have it both ways. You can either have an NXT stacked to the brim with tallent, or you can have an FCW which is worth watching. Airing FCW to an international audience doesn't benefit anyone, so WWE should stick with the current NXT model and call up people when they're ready on one of the main shows.
Okay, as some will know through the Potential series I'm doing, I'm big into Florida Championship Wrestling. Currently it houses some of my favorite guys, like Tyler Black(Seth Rollins), Jon Moxley(Dean Ambrose) and Derrick Bateman. Not even mentioning guys like Dalton and Koslov.

Even I know, the station and one hour of programming that FCW has now should stay the same.

I'm not going to really go all that into detail as Crock pretty much summed it all up, but FCW is a development territory for a reason. It is there to show guys how to work the WWE style and improve their characters. It isn't really mean't to be shown to a wide audience. Florida Championship Wrestling is still a good standard though, they've had some pretty good matches, like Black/Steamboat for example. It's probably on-par with WWE Superstars as far as pure wrestling goes.

But no, NXT which has even became stale shouldn't be replaced by Florida. It's development, it's supposed to stay in the shadows.

I understand WWE don't want people to know about FCW taht's why they never mention it when a superstar is brought up such as Wade Barrett or Kofi Kingston. Like you said kept in the shadows. But lets be frank, the IWC hates NXT, people are always hating. If it were to go I would much rather have weekly episodes of NXT as it gives the IWC a chance to see up and coming talent instead of searching about them on the Internet. The TV exposure will be good and they will learn, and even if they botch up it wouldn't matter as it is only developmental. I for one am in favour of watching the so called 'stars of the future' on a weekly basis so I can see what kind of guys WWE has in mind to suceed guys like The Undertaker and Triple H.
It would be nice to see but the WWE wouldn't do it. When guys come up from FCW they are a new face. If you show FCW every week no one is new and they are just another guy from FCW. Take Mason Ryan. He was FCW World Champ but when he came up to Raw it was never spoke of. Sadly if you wanna see FCW, you have to live in the Tampa area.
If they'd kept calling up their good guys, they'd have no good guys left in FCW. That's why NXT season 3 existed. All of the top guys were called up, Steamboat was injured, Rollins hadn't been signed yet and the title had to be hotshotted to Mason fucking Ryan. Season 3 let FCW develop new top guys so that they could survive another couple of rounds of having the cream whipped off. Though WWE calling up progressively less tallented guys helped too. NXT had to lower its standards or kill FCW in the process, and that helps nobody.

And putting them on TV in FCW would make Novak and O'Brian better suited for TV because?

Here's the problem. FCW isn't taped weekly. It's taped in batches of three with a one batch delay (i.e. there's a three week delay before the first episode recoreded at a taping will be aired). Which means that Richie Steamboat and Seth Rollins will get, at most two matches every three weeks.

You can't have it both ways. You can either have an NXT stacked to the brim with tallent, or you can have an FCW which is worth watching. Airing FCW to an international audience doesn't benefit anyone, so WWE should stick with the current NXT model and call up people when they're ready on one of the main shows.

Dude how do you quote indivdual things? I'm sorry I recently joined. My bad for quoting all of it.

Ok firstly I understand where your coming from. But like you said that it's taped in chunks, only air matches and promo's done by guys who are good on the mic like Derick Bateman or my personal favourite Percy Watson. They don;t need to air O'Brain or Novak. They can still do what they regualry do but it won't be aired. This way O'Brian and Novak still get practice but not aired and great matches like with Rollins and Hunico can be aired.

I know this sounds stupid to alot of people reading this thread but I think it will be intresting to see on a weekly basis what the FCW guys are made out of.
Ok firstly I understand where your coming from. But like you said that it's taped in chunks, only air matches and promo's done by guys who are good on the mic like Derick Bateman or my personal favourite Percy Watson. They don;t need to air O'Brain or Novak. They can still do what they regualry do but it won't be aired. This way O'Brian and Novak still get practice but not aired and great matches like with Rollins and Hunico can be aired.

Don't you fucking get it? If not, I'll spell it out for you. THAT. DEFIES. THE. POINT. OF. FCW! FCW isn't there to showcase the good guys. That they're there is enough. It's to get the green guys that WWE signs and get them up to scratch and teach them to work TV. It's not there to showcase how good Percy Watson is at cutting goofy ass promos. It's there to get these guys over with the audience and teach them how to work for WWE TV cameras. It's easier to get over at the FCW house shows if the people who watch can, ya know be exposed to their work and promo segments before they go.

I know this sounds stupid to alot of people reading this thread but I think it will be intresting to see on a weekly basis what the FCW guys are made out of.

Or you can let FCW do its job and help the horribly green guys get less green, teach people to get over in WWE without throwing them in the deep end and stinking out the pool. Putting FCW on an international broadcast renders its entire existance pointless. Jesus fucking Christ, do you get it now?
Definately an idea to think about. But, I think that FCW should be a place for developing stars. Stars won't completely develop if theyre being filmed in huge arenas and are shown on TV.
They should have axed NXT after the first season. I couldn't stand most of the second season. It was decent. But the winner? Kaval. And how long did he last? And you can't forget his finisher... jumping on people. He was green as hell. VKM should have recognized this at once and done something about it. :banghead:
Don't you fucking get it? If not, I'll spell it out for you. THAT. DEFIES. THE. POINT. OF. FCW! FCW isn't there to showcase the good guys. That they're there is enough. It's to get the green guys that WWE signs and get them up to scratch and teach them to work TV. It's not there to showcase how good Percy Watson is at cutting goofy ass promos. It's there to get these guys over with the audience and teach them how to work for WWE TV cameras. It's easier to get over at the FCW house shows if the people who watch can, ya know be exposed to their work and promo segments before they go.

Or you can let FCW do its job and help the horribly green guys get less green, teach people to get over in WWE without throwing them in the deep end and stinking out the pool. Putting FCW on an international broadcast renders its entire existance pointless. Jesus fucking Christ, do you get it now?

I UNDERSTAND IT'S A FUCKING DEVELOPMENTAL AREA! I know WWE will never air FCW all I am fucking saying is that it would be more entertaining to watch boring and repetitive NXT every week! When I started this thread it was to share my opinion and gain opinions from others. You've given yours now you can leave right? I think clearly we have different opinions and we have both said what we would prefer.
Okay, as some will know through the Potential series I'm doing, I'm big into Florida Championship Wrestling. Currently it houses some of my favorite guys, like Tyler Black(Seth Rollins), Jon Moxley(Dean Ambrose) and Derrick Bateman. Not even mentioning guys like Dalton and Koslov.

Even I know, the station and one hour of programming that FCW has now should stay the same.

I'm not going to really go all that into detail as Crock pretty much summed it all up, but FCW is a development territory for a reason. It is there to show guys how to work the WWE style and improve their characters. It isn't really mean't to be shown to a wide audience. Florida Championship Wrestling is still a good standard though, they've had some pretty good matches, like Black/Steamboat for example. It's probably on-par with WWE Superstars as far as pure wrestling goes.

But no, NXT which has even became stale shouldn't be replaced by Florida. It's development, it's supposed to stay in the shadows.

This pretty much sums it up. I just wanted to add one thing though:

When an FCW guy debuts on Raw or Smackdown, the casual viewer has no idea who they are. Even the announcers will be like "I have no idea who that is." If FCW were televised, it would be like NXT, in that they've already debuted. FCW gives wrestlers a chance to try out various gimmicks to see which one works best for them. And they often have new gimmicks when they get to WWE. Imagine if everyone knew about developmental talent before they debuted in WWE. John Cena, for example, was called Prototype, and I believe he was supposed to be some robot cyborg or something. That would have been a difficult storyline transition, going from a robot to a rapper. But since the casual fan wasn't aware of John Cena before he debuted, he came in with a clean slate.

Finally, the vast majority of FCW isn't that great, at least not by WWE standards. Even the NXT guys mostly all suck, and they're supposed to be the best FCW has to offer.

From a business perspective, I understand why WWE keeps NXT. They must be making money off of it. But I really wish they'd just go back to the drawing board and try to come up with something else. Because as it stands, NXT is unwatchable. I still don't get the concept of the current season and why they are competing for a spot on the next season. Isn't the point of NXT is that you're supposed to move up to the main roster? Why would I want to be on it more than once? Imagine if that was Tough Enough's prize. You don't get a WWE contract, but you get to come back for season two. Why!? While I enjoyed season 1 somewhat, at this point, NXT is just pointless.
The WWE's last 3 seasons (3/4/5) have been major downtime for FCW. Season 4's introduction of Curtis, Bateman and Clay were basically guys who didn't see much air time in FCW but were all talented enough that the WWE knew they could handle the limelight.

I doubt it'll be season 6, but one of the upcoming seasons (I really hope it's 6, but it's probably gonna include Titus O'Neill with Hornswoggle as his pro, so you can't really take it this seriously) is probably going to be partially loaded like 1 & 2 were. Look at the talent that FCW has built up that is TV Ready.

-Seth Rollins
-Richie Steamboat
-Brett Dibiase
-Tito Colon / Epico
-Peter Orlov
-Brad Maddox
-Bo Rotundo (hell of a worker, would work great in a Johnny Curtis-esque role if the WWE wants to give FCW another season worth of NXT to build up superstars)
-Donny Marlow
-(Roman) Leakee
-Xavier Woods
-Not 100% sure on this, but look at his DNA+book: Briley Pierce aka Ryan Nemeth aka Dolph Ziggler's freaking brother.

I just listed off 12 guys and since NXT has been reduced to 6-rookie rosters it's 2 seasons worth of guys. Obviously it'd be really stupid to have all 6 slots filled by men on this list, but that just increases the longevity. Season 6 will probably be on the same level as 4 in my opinion, which is a good thing because I actually somewhat enjoyed season 4. I'd love to see a Family version of NXT.


I'd definitely get behind that season.

Honestly, though, what's killing NXT right now might not even be the might be the fucking format of the show. There is legitimately more "RAW Rewind" bullshit than actual new NXT content.
I agree. If WWE stopped making NXT a joke and used proper superstars such as Seth Rollins, Micheal Dalton, Richie Steamboat, etc then maybe it would be bearable to watch (of course with a mix of guys to eliminated). Maybe if they used a variety of great talent and guys who aren't YET talented it would be more intresting, fans will watch it and it could be televised again.
if they did come up with a show featuring fcw matches, they could easily edit out the bad ones and only show good ones. plus they can edit out botches and bad spots and slice the matches down a little bit more so what the tv audience sees is the best of the best for that particular show.

how long is an fcw show? 2-3 hours? there's no reason they couldn't cut it down to an hour.

just like the wwf used to do before RAW was born. take matches from different shows that were broadcast and cram it down into an hour. i wouldn't mind that.

just like watching a baseball player you are a fan of evolve from a AAA player into a pro player. imagine being a fan of cena or orton when they were in OVW and following them going into the big times. i think it would generate a bit more interest from the casual fan.

diehard fans will always tear something like this down because they are so used to seeing the "finished product" debut at one of the two main WWE shows.
With Cena being injured HHH (my favorite wrestler of all-time in case you didnt know by my avatar and pic) Orton is also injured i think it would be great if the wwe called up at least some of the new blood from FCW! Or just Give punk the title at summerslam!
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