Lucky Cannon is one of the best heels I've seen in years!

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The Future Rises

Thinking Of A New Name..
I don't know how many of you watch FCW, but if you do you'd probably know why I think Lucky "Mr.StealYourGirl" Cannon is the one of the best heels in the WWE, hes a good talker, he has a good gimmick, and he has alot of potential, heres a promo he cut as the FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion :

IMO that promo was done to perfection, now if he can cut a promo that good as FCW Heavyweight Champion, can you imagine him as an IC or U.S. Champion cutting an even better promo?, now I was never that impressed by him on NXT 2 & 5, but hes really doing good as FCW Heavyweight Champ, my biggest fear is that the WWE will turn him into a joke like Zack Ryder, I dont know about you but I for one cant wait for Lucky to finish NXT and get a spot on the main roster.

please give your thoughts about who I believe, is one of the best heels to come out from the WWE recently.
yes great, hes using a washed up version of gen me lol

soon he will be doing the same hand gesture too. hes ok but certainly not the best heel in wwe, look to punk for what a top heel is
Best heel? Hardly. I just watched that clip and it was nothing special to me at all.. just another generic wrestler.
I don't know how many of you watch FCW, but if you do you'd probably know why I think Lucky "Mr.StealYourGirl" Cannon is the one of the best heels in the WWE, hes a good talker, he has a good gimmick, and he has alot of potential, heres a promo he cut as the FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion :

IMO that promo was done to perfection, now if he can cut a promo that good as FCW Heavyweight Champion, can you imagine him as an IC or U.S. Champion cutting an even better promo?, now I was never that impressed by him on NXT 2 & 5, but hes really doing good as FCW Heavyweight Champ, my biggest fear is that the WWE will turn him into a joke like Zack Ryder, I dont know about you but I for one cant wait for Lucky to finish NXT and get a spot on the main roster.

please give your thoughts about who I believe, is one of the best heels to come out from the WWE recently.

He's a heel? I couldn't really tell to be honest until the end.

There's a massive difference between cutting a promo to a camera in the back and cutting a promo in front of a crowd. If he had said that in front of a typical Raw audience I doubt anyone would care.

As trashboy alluded to, it was a very generic promo. No passion. No confidence. No conviction. Why was he speaking so softly? Why do you expect that if he won a mid-card title he would suddenly deliver a good promo? If anything he should be honing his skills there to prove that if/when he gets called up he can handle it. Nothing about that promo stood out.

If you like him, great, but don't expect him to set the world alight as the next big heel when he clearly has a lot to work on.
i say he is a good heel, and, heel or not i would cheer for him, i hope he wins nxt redemption and i hope he gets onto one of the big shows (not superstars). i expect things out of lucky cannon and would be made (again) if he loses nxt.
I go to FCW shows fequently. I remember when he was a face and going by Johnny Prime. I thought he had a good look, was likable enough, and decent in the ring with plenty of upside.

Then he debut on NXT as Lucky Cannon. I cheered and rooted for him even though he did nothing of significance. He was eventually eliminated, turn heel, and has been running with that gimmick since returning to FCW and becoming Champ.

Now, that I've given you all that, I watched that Promo and honestly it SUCKED. Nothing Special. I still like Lucky, but that Promo you say makes him a great heel is laughable.

Only thing I liked was the idea of him walking the halls of FCW looking upon former champs. That Could be made into a great vignette, shown several weeks on WWE TV before his debut. Show Lucky walking the Halls of WWE, looking upon pictures and statues of fomer glorious champions. The pronoucing himself as the next in line. But he needs to do it with more convictiona and passion then he did in the FCW.
I couldn't disagree more I go to FCW shows regularly and watch their TV show every week. That promo was horrible and I just don't buy him as a heel. He has that weak babyface look about him. That makes him an unrealistic heel in my opinion. If he's brought to the main roster he should definitely be a face. I just don't see him getting much heat as a heel in WWE.
I thought you were joking, literally, I can't believe you think that Lucky Cannon is one of the best heels in history. He sucks on promos big time, his wrestling is not all that great, for some reason, he's trying to be the next Ric Flair. That one promo was so stupid, I can't believe anybody would like it at all. He says, "It's all about me!" 1970 called! They want their tagline back!

Honestly, that was one of the worst heel promos I have ever seen. I really hope he gets nowhere in WWE because he sucks.
Yeah, I disagree. You're thinking way to highly about him and I just think he's too generic. He's Ric Flair-lite and he's not that great at it.
The fact that Lucky Cannon made it back for NXT Redemption over someone that has....well, a good skill set and great charisma like Percy Watson is a travesty. Look at the guys that are in FCW that are almost ready for the big time, and you will see a divide between them and guys like Lucky.

I watch what little FCW I can find online, and seriously can't stand the Lucky Cannon character. Not in the Miz-he's effectively annoying-can't stand but the X-Pac-who gives a flying fuck about him-can't stand.

Hell, Skip Sheffield, who can't cut a coherent promo to save his life has more charisma than Lucky Cannon. Damn, Matt Cross shown more charisma in being a whiny bitch after Stone Cold cut him on Tough Enough than Lucky has.

Problem is, WWE sees something in him. Other than his look, I haven't a clue what it is.
He seems way too nervous considering the size of the audience, he's not ready to jump up yet.

his facial expressions seem WAY too forced, and in a promo like that, 9/10ths of the story are in your eyes and face. Watch the promo muted, and you'll see his downfalls, now watch a promo of someone like HHH, and you'll get the story without the words.
I think you guys are being a bit too hard on good ol' Lucky. Admittedly, I don't know much about his FCW run, but since his return to NXT this season, I have to admit I've become a fan. A cautious fan, but a fan nonetheless. He has a really good heelish demeanor about him that I really did not think he had in him. I'm looking forward to what he does in the future, hopefully he can make some noise.

Although, considering the crop of rookies this season, maybe he's just looking good by default.
With great respect to the OP, I also thought that the title of this thread was a bit tongue-in-cheek also.

Lucky Cannon has the Vince McMahon ideal look and some in-ring ability but to be completely honest, his promo's are very poor - there is no sincerity, no believability or credibility to what he is saying; that doesn't necessarily stop someone in their tracks on the way to greatness (Shawn Michaels somehow managed to get away with it for 25 years) but he is a very long way behind the standard required today.

If I was Lucky Cannon, I would watch a DVD of Ric Flair or Superstar Billy Graham in their prime or sit back and take notes from Wade Barrett, CM Punk and The Rock.

He may not have it in him - the best wrestling characters are always an extension of who they are as a person i.e. Sting/Triple H/Flair/Hogan/Austin etc. Lucky needs to draw on who he really is to create something believable.
Cannon is pretty much the only solid talent on NXT. At the same time though it's not like that's saying much. NXT is a joke by comparison to any other major wrestling show and everyone knows it. Cannon is good for around there but other than that the guy has no business being on any major roster. Then again you could say the same thing about everyone on the show so it's kind of a moot point.
Lucky Cannon does NOT have the "it" factor to be called up to WWE's main roster. Honestly, I don't even know how they could give him the FCW title. I hated him as a face; I tried to like him, but I just couldn't. He didn't have any appeal. Then he turned heel. He got a little better, but he still just doesn't have it.

That promo posted above is terrible. No passion. No originality. No chance of him being a Superstar.
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