Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
I just thought about this. What if FCW got televised? It could be the C show---the role ECW played for its entire existence as WWE programming! FCW would strictly be for developmental talent, obviously. But that would make it better! Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins---who wouldn't want to watch as the future stars of the WWE compete against each other for---and this is where the similarity to NXT comes in---the FCW Championship and a spot on the main roster! This would match Triple H's supposed developmental overhaul, too.

What do you think? Do you think this is a good or bad idea?
I just thought about this. What if FCW got televised? It could be the C show---the role ECW played for its entire existence as WWE programming! FCW would strictly be for developmental talent, obviously. But that would make it better! Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins---who wouldn't want to watch as the future stars of the WWE compete against each other for---and this is where the similarity to NXT comes in---the FCW Championship and a spot on the main roster! This would match Triple H's supposed developmental overhaul, too.

What do you think? Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

Thread like this has been made before and the idea has already been discussed, no, it wouldn't.

Florida Championship Wrestling already has a television slot, although it is coming to an end/has came to an end, placing the show on a national television station would be pointless and embarrassing as it is a development territory. They don't go there to be the next top guy on television, they go there to adapt to the WWE style of working while training to be the next top guy on WWE television. It wouldn't be fair for WWE to publicly advertise Florida Championship Wrestling, because some guys they send down there don't start well and are attempting to find their WWE personas. It would be completely pointless and unfair.

Florida Championship Wrestling should not be a "C" show. Ever. They train to be promoted to the "A" show. If we were all to have the opportunity to watch them, there would be no surprise or point of promoting them pre-WWE debut. Only certain people are able to watch them based on their digital network/cable network provider or those who wish to watch via YouTube. WWE have a "C" show, it's called WWE Superstars and can be found on WWE.com.
its funny, i was thinking the exact thing the other night at an FCW show...

living in tampa, i have been going to their shows for about 3 years now, or whenever alex riley was big there...

at a house show this weekend, i saw ambrose/rollins vs hero/cottonwood vs steamboat/??? vs saxton/langston...it was better than any RAW or Smackdown tag team match in the last 2 years....

and i agree, it is where indy guys or young guys go to become WWE guys...

and you really cannot compare FCWs place with Superstars, two totally different entities, performing infront of 300 people is one thing, in front of 19k+ us another, taping before RAW gives those guys great experience being in front of a large live crowd and gives young guys who do not have an angle yet time to do ring work and be ready when their name is called for RAW or SD tv time...

i believe FCW or whatever it will be called when it moves to CT deserves a time-slot, give those kids time to build their character without working infront of 19k live screaming fans and build credibility for when they are called up...

if wwe ever got their act together and built their development territory, it would be the end of ROH, IPW, CZW, DGUSA, what indy guy does not want to wrestle under the e's banner?...
Personally I would love to watch FCW on TV. My only problem would be is the shock value of seeing a FCW star debut on Raw or Smackdown, where the regular fan has no idea that he was in WWE before. I think it would be a great show to be a regular show when WWE launches their own network and I for one would be an avid fan of the show and I'll never miss a show.
...like damien sandow, most watching SD were probably like, "who the hell is this guy?"

if FCW was broadcast on the regular, you would know he is one of the best talkers in the game today...
That would make no sense, FCW is WWE's developmental territory. FCW deserves more attention though, some of its storylines/matches are better than the ones on RAW or SmackDown.

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