Biggest Talent in FCW Besides Tyler Black???

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
So i was just checking out the FCW talent page to see what some of the new developmental guy's look like.I must say that i think if WWE didnt get any new free agents for the next 5 years that they would still be in good shape.I rerally like what i see in developmental.

Every1 in the IWC knows Seth Rollin(Tyler black) and cant wait for his debut.

Plus we have Husky Harris & His brother Bo The FCW champion.

there are other NXT guys like Titus O'niel,Byron Saxton,Derrick Bateman,Lucky Cannon,Coner O'Brian,Showtime Percy Watson ect..

Plus other Names like Richie Steamboat,avier Woods(Cosequenses Creed from TNA) & Dean Ambrose(Jon Moxley)

Dont forget Ricardo Rodriguez gets to train down there when he isnt being ADR's do boy.

I could see them maybe doing something with the russian guys Peter Orlov & Alexander Rusev. Maybe have them come in with Koslov.

So my question's to this forum is.... Besides Tyler Black...

1.Who on the FCW roster has the most talent?

I think it is Richie Steamboat.It's in his Blood.He will nbe able to use the hybrid style like Jericoh,benoit, and eddie Guerrero my fellow IWWC loves so much.I do think he need's to hit the gym and put on some weight. right now he is to skinny to be taken serious.

2.Who do you think will have the biggest impact on the main roster?

I hope all these guy's do good but im rooting for the Los Aviators.I think WWE is about to start giving the tag division more attention and these guy's will be great in it.Also with Alberto Del Rio,Mysterio,Sin Cara, Primo, i think it will help with the huge mexican fanbase

3.Who is your darkhorse talent?

I like Byron Saxton & Percy Watson alot,but since they were on NXT they cant really be darkhorses.So then it came down to THE GUY IN sIN cARA's vinettes Peter Orlov & Big E Langston.Orlov will look better in the near future, but my pick is Langston.He has been in developmental a long time now,but bringing him in right now could hurt because he will come off as another Big Zeke Jackson. So let him wait another 6 months and bring him in and i think he could play a bobby lashley role at first,but after a good amount of time on a main roster i think he can rise to the mid card scene

--just my opinion--

your thoughts
1.Who on the FCW roster has the most talent?

Easily Peter Orlov. Many people around the world know him as Alex Koslov. He's worked in some of the biggest non-WWE companies around. He was a member of Team International in the 2008 World X Cup in TNA. He wrestled for two years in CMLL, he jumped to AAA where he held a total of 3 titles in as many years. He worked Ring of Honor against now WWE talent Bryan Danielson. And now he's got a solid Anti-America character in FCW. He's got tremendous talent, he portrays his character well, he has a good flow in the ring. He's a good talent that the WWE and FCW need to make sure to keep a hold of.

2.Who do you think will have the biggest impact on the main roster?

Honestly, I hope it's Seth Rollins. He's a great talent, he plays a great heel, and he's pretty badass. If WWE plays their cards right, he could end up like CM Punk, Indy star gone World Champ. Frankly, I think none of who are in FCW will be world champions soon, if at all, but if I were to pick any one of them and say he could do it, it would be Seth Rollins.

3.Who is your darkhorse talent?

Xavier Woods. He played around for a couple of years in TNA, and he was a pretty legit tag team star with Jay Lethal. He's got charisma, he's athletic, and he knows what he's doing, for the most part. He's a good talent, but since he's a former TNA star, and he was sort of big there, you can't expect much from him. That being said, if the WWE puts faith in him, he could end up with a bright future.
I could see Consequences Creed coming up from FCW and being good in WWE but WWE wouldn't take that Apollo Creed gimmick seriously. Richie Steamboat is an if, He could be this incarnation of the Dragon but 2 cons. 1. The Dragon gimmick worked best in the 80s, and 2. He may have to use a Great Muta-Tajiri like gimmick.

Hell let's not forget Brett DiBiase down there in FCW. He could be a better Million Dollar Man then Ted Jr.
I have to say Consequences Creed's name again. Some of the moves he pulls of in the ring are fantastic and pace/positioning etc are all up to scratch too.

Biggest impact is a hard one to call because with the way WWE books things even the best like Tyler Black and Consequences Creed could end up completely obscure and buried while at the same time they give a huge push to some idiot no one cares about...

The dark horse. For me. Is Richie Steamboat. He's a bit small, but with the level of skill he has combined with how much he looks like his father, his potential is endless. Played right, when he gets brought up, he could easily galvanise the fans and become a huge babyface character.

Even as it is, Richie Steamboat could be the answer to all three of your questions on this thread.
I could see Consequences Creed coming up from FCW and being good in WWE but WWE wouldn't take that Apollo Creed gimmick seriously. Richie Steamboat is an if, He could be this incarnation of the Dragon but 2 cons. 1. The Dragon gimmick worked best in the 80s, and 2. He may have to use a Great Muta-Tajiri like gimmick.

Hell let's not forget Brett DiBiase down there in FCW. He could be a better Million Dollar Man then Ted Jr.

Brett is actually gonna be a referee. he had to retire due to several knee and leg injuries.

My guy to pick is Bo Rotundo. Good look...good skills in the ring and decent mic skills. Might be a tad undersized at 6'2....but could be a solid mid card guy.
Plus we have Husky Harris & His brother Bo The FCW champion.

Harris has been called up, and will be soon enough. Bo is mediocre in the extreme, so I hope he stays down for quite a bit longer.

there are other NXT guys like Titus O'niel


Byron Saxton


Derrick Bateman,

Pretty good, but has just been called up to NXT Redemption against Titus (who is as mentioned, shit) and Darren Young, who managed to be so uninteresting that he's back on NXT after main eventing SummerSlam.

Lucky Cannon,


Conor O'Brian


Showtime Percy Watson ect

Charismatic and athletic but not very good in the ring.

Plus other Names like Richie Steamboat

I mark for him and he's terrific in the ring but he sucks on the mic. He's worth a call up, but he's quite a significant distance away from being the best guy in FCW because of his charisma deficiency.

Xavier Woods(Cosequenses Creed from TNA)

Overrated as fuck. I'll elaborate in him later in my post.

& Dean Ambrose(Jon Moxley)

Unlikely to get a callup for several months (i.e. 12-18 months), though I haven't seen enough of him to make an informed judgement. I'll comment on him when I've seen him on FCW TV.

Dont forget Ricardo Rodriguez gets to train down there when he isnt being ADR's do boy.

Yes he does. He's pretty good.

I could see them maybe doing something with the russian guys Peter Orlov & Alexander Rusev. Maybe have them come in with Koslov.

Orlov will probably get a callup soon enough, though he hasn't been televised in the ring in literally months (a quick youtube search reveals that his most recent match was in February against Leakee). Only time he's been on TV since then is working on a fake movie with Brad Maddox.

Rusev I don't believe has been there long at all, I certainly don't recall any of his matches. And the one promo I've seen was just painful to listen to (no doubt caused by English not being his native tounge). I don't see him coming up any time this year. Unless he's going to be used as fodder in NXT, that is.

So my question's to this forum is.... Besides Tyler Black...

1.Who on the FCW roster has the most talent?

Even including Seth Rollins, I'd say it's Leo Kruger. He's a damn good wrestler (one of the advantages of being a wrestler for more than a decade) and unlike Steamboat or Rollins (who ackowledges cutting promos as his weak spot) has excellent mic skills, which he displayed in the same way Wade did two years ago. By being the most entertaining man in the company when he was in the commentary box nursing an injury.

2.Who do you think will have the biggest impact on the main roster?

That's something that nobody, and I mean NOBODY can predict. People thought that Joe Hennig, Drew McIntyre and Eric Escobar would be big stars. They were wrong. At the same time, nobody espected Alberto Banderas or Wade Barrett to be big things based on what they'd done in FCW (work with Byron Saxton and nothing important, respectively). To pick someone out of FCW who'll be a big deal requires a whole lot more luck on your part than it does skill on theirs.

3.Who is your darkhorse talent?

Well technically, that would be Leo Kruger, seeing as I'm the first guy in the thread to mention him and he's not really done anything notable in FCW other than beat Justin Gabriel once and lose a Fatal Fourway for the FCW title. But seeing as I called him the best guy in FCW, he's not really a dark horse in my books is he?

So I'll go with Nick Victor. Dude's come from the dungeon, so he's technically very good. Hasn't cut a promo that I can recall so I can't say he's got more or less charisma than the other ex-dungeon guys in WWE, though it would be hard to posess less. He's as good a pick as anybody else tbh.

I could see Consequences Creed coming up from FCW and being good in WWE but WWE wouldn't take that Apollo Creed gimmick seriously.

Well, the good news is that he doesn't have that gimmick any more. The bad news is that he plays the one he does have terribly and is completely average in the ring, he does his best to hide that by being OTT in the ring but that doesn't really help. In fact it makes it worse. One of my least favorite guys in FCW.

I'm half convinced that people only mention him (as well as Ambrose, Rollins and every other guy who'd worked in a halfway notable company) because they know who he is, don't watch FCW and feel the need to have an opinion on guys in FCW. Problem with Creed/Woods is that he was never particularly good in the first place. Dude was released from TNA, did nothing particularly good while there, and hasn't since in FCW and yet gets brought up more often than pretty much anybody on the roster in threads like this one.

Richie Steamboat is an if, He could be this incarnation of the Dragon but 2 cons. 1. The Dragon gimmick worked best in the 80s, and 2. He may have to use a Great Muta-Tajiri like gimmick.

Ricky Steamboat's gimmick was pretty much "Karate Kid" right? Richie doesn't work that gimmick. He wrestles quite like his father (good for "shades of his father..." lines on commentary) but doesn't really have a gimmick beyond being Richie Steamboat. He may be given one, but I have no freaking clue why he'd be given a Great Muta gimmick. He doesn't really have any charisma worth speaking about anyway.

Hell let's not forget Brett DiBiase down there in FCW. He could be a better Million Dollar Man then Ted Jr.

He can be forgotten. He broke his neck and after Edge's retirement got spooked and is currently working as a ref in FCW.

I have to say Consequences Creed's name again. Some of the moves he pulls of in the ring are fantastic and pace/positioning etc are all up to scratch too.

And you are basing this on?

Biggest impact is a hard one to call because with the way WWE books things even the best like Tyler Black and Consequences Creed could end up completely obscure and buried while at the same time they give a huge push to some idiot no one cares about.

Best and Xavier Woods shouldn't be menioned in the same sentence unless it also contains the words "is not even close to being" in between them. As in "Xavier Woods is not even close to being the best". And you're right that top guys in FCW don't always turn out to be top guys in WWE. There's a pretty good track record of the good guys in FCW turning out to have good careers, regardless of how Dusty booked them. See: the career paths of Alex Riley, Eric Escobar and Alberto Del Rio. One was an FCW midcarder that's won the Royal Rumble, two were FCW champions. One couldn't get heat with a flamethrower and a pile of dry wood, the other failed to win a competition that was his to lose but has recovered and made a former WWE champion his bitch.

The dark horse. For me. Is Richie Steamboat. He's a bit small, but with the level of skill he has combined with how much he looks like his father, his potential is endless. Played right, when he gets brought up, he could easily galvanise the fans and become a huge babyface character.

Even as it is, Richie Steamboat could be the answer to all three of your questions on this thread.

Does he count as a dark horse when he's one of the guys regularly mentioned in FCW threads when they crop up? Hell, you even acknowledge that he could be considered the best guy in FCW and the guy who could have the biggest impact when he's called up. Now I mark for Richie, but the one thing I cannot claim is that his tallent in the ring gets overlooked. Because it isn't. At all.
first off, i didnt hear that Brett Dibiase is now a ref, if he is that bites because i was hoping to see him, i still have high hopes for Joe Henning (NEEDS a name change and better gimmick) and Ted Dibiase Jr. (needs better booking). both can go in the ring, but one needs a name change and gimmick that fits him and of course limited mic work and more wrestling, Ted Dibiase just needs to be booked better, he should've kept the priceless thing going instead of being booked as Ted Dibiase part 2 and have people join up or help him and say the reason is because he's priceless, but hopefully they find something for him. As for other FCW guys. likely to be Tyler Black and Seth, but i think Bo Rotunda and Richie Steamboat could be good. i hope that Rotunda is good on the mic because if he is then i think him and Henning could make a good team with one being the mouth peice and one being the in ring performer.
Easy answer, Leo Kruger is by far the next big thing to come out of FCW. He not only wrestled with a broken neck, when he was out of action he demonstrated his verbal skills as a commentator...not only is he intelligent and articulate on the mic, he is also a very well schooled technical wrestler. Watch his matches... his moves are very smooth and very well executed...go on you tube and look up Dameon Duke matches from when he was South African heavyweight champ- and he was a good 20-30 lbs heavier... he can brawl too and he has power. the total package really...
I would say Brett DiBiase, son of the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase Sr., little brother of Ted Jr., now he can be the new incarnation of The Million Dollar Man exactly like his dad, using his dad's gimmick and doing what his brother couldn't do and stay true to the gimmick by hiring a personal valet or even bodyguard and he puts dollar bills in his opponents' mouths after he wins the match
I'd say peter orlov as well. Great wrestling ability I saw when he (as Alex koslov) was at The tna x cup 2008. Plus he was awesome in a certain YouTube video I saw of him in a match. Definitely should be called up to the main roster soon. But orpiv is a bland name
Peter Orlov can be the new Russian wrestler of the WWE, they can build him up to be the first ever Russian World Heavyweight Champion since Vladimir Kozlov he could have become the first ever Russian champion but no, and Nikolai Volkoff was he even Russian, I don't think so, so maybe Orlov can succeed where these Russians failed
Tyler Black needs work. He has name recognition because he was a "big" guy who could do arial stuff in ROH and could be lead to a great match. He didn't have much charism and didn't sell very well or really tell a story in the ring unless he was lead.

I say Black is "big" because he really isn't. In real life he's about 5'11" 220. Which isn't that big, he just looked huge in ROH because everyone else is like 5'8" there. Richards is probably 5'6" no joke.

I'm just going to assume that there are people more talented than Black because besides athleticism and a decent look, Black doesn't have a lot going on. Rhett Titus has more draw potential than Black.

I'll watch more FCW and get back to you guys.
There are a couple of guys I like in the FCW, but I don't know if they are the best or not.

Percy Watson - probably the most athletic and charismic Superstar on the roster. My darkehorse.
Damien Sandow - plays a great heel and has the size and power to be dominant.
Richie Steamboat - has lineage on his side, but he can hold his own in the ring. Needs work on the mic though.
Bo Rotundo - exciting in the ring and with a little work, can be really good.
Seth Rollins - will make the most impact due to his "independent" stint.

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