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Redemption: Steamboat Ricky vs. Alex Bowen - Stairway to Hardcore

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

One of WZCW dream matches will occur at Redemption as the creator of the Mayhem division and the living legend, Steamboat Ricky, will be facing off against the longest reigning Mayhem champion in history and possibly the veteran of all things Mayhem, Alex Bowen. These two men's ego's and expertise in the Mayhem division cannot be contained within standard Mayhem rules as the match has been ruled to be contested as a Stairway to Hardcore deathmatch. For those who don't know what the rules are: neither do we!

Deadline is Wednesday, July 25th at 11:59 PM Central Time.

Remembered where I posted this. It's not clear from my drawing, but it's essentially an old-style, thick steel cage with Elimination Chamber style steel grating coming from each corner of the cage, meeting in the middle...making an island. Hanging above the middle of the structure is an object (originally the Mayhem Title) that each opponent attempts to grab. The first person to secure the hanging object wins. That is the only rule to the match.
The scene opens up with Alex Bowen sitting shirtless on his couch. Bent over, Bowen is running his hands over his scared, and freshly shaved head. One can only begin to imagine the thoughts in this mans head. A war has been started, and it will fester into something almost unimaginable at Redemption. Two men, one started it, the other claims to have perfected it. These two men have been at it for weeks, with Bowen getting the upper hand on a few occasions. Trading blows, heating up something that in all honesty will not end well. Nether man will quit, that is the only known in this match. This past week, was quite a dozy. Alex won his tune up match, only to finally end his service to the harbinger of chaos. Bowen raises his head, and the years of abuse are starting to show. But that is all, his face is blank. The giant brother, David Bowen walks into the room. making his way across the room to a large plush recliner. He sits, ignoring his brothers demeanor.

David- Alex, this is a rather comfy chair. Good on you, glad you picked this up.

Alex takes a rather deep breath, exhaling he rolls his eyes at his brother.

Alex- What do you want, go ahead... rub it in my face.

David- Why would I want to do that? I knew I was right, but how does that help you? Don't let this cloud your head. Don't worry about it, it's the one thing that you have over Ricky. You had a clear head, well up until last week. You were on the right path, bro.

Alex- Oh, I still am. I'm not really worried what I did to Ty. He got what he deserved. Try and take me out? Try and get rid of me....

David smiles at his brother, sort of softly chuckling at the last statement.

David- I've only been trying to do that for years, we all see how well that has gone.

Alex- Treat me like a son? Apparently he never was told the story of what I did to our father. He did get to me, David. But I was always the one in control. I used Ty Burna to get what I wanted.

A sly smile crosses Bowen's face.

Alex- Everyone thinks that I’m crazy, or that I'm dumb for doing what I do. I'm one of the smartest people in Wzcw. I took the offer Ty gave to me, and got what I wanted. What did he get? Sure he got control of Wzcw for a few weeks. But in the end, it's his peons that are getting more out of this than he is. S.H.I.T and King are possibly looking at a world title shot. Good for them, but I have bigger fish to fry. This is my final stop in mayhem.

David- Exactly, see you focused on Bomb last week. That is why you won. Alex, this is crazy, this is really kind of over my head.

Alex- David,I know what I can do, and I know what Ricky can do. But when it all comes down to it, I need this win. Ricky talks about being something new now.

David- Why do you worried about him? Alex anyone can cut a shoot. He wanted to get under your skin. But really, you're the one who changed.

David puts up his hands as if he is afraid of Ricky

David- Oh boy, the pirate lost his non alcoholic beer gut! Jesus, Bowen he's washed up. He wants to bitch about title reigns from almost ten years ago... he needs to worry about you. I've never seen someone this focused. He wants to change his gimmick, wants to prove he is something new? Why should you be worried. He's letting all the crap cloud his head, Alex. He is taking everything everyone is saying and trying to change it all at once. He's got more on his mind than you, and that's a scary thing.

Alex- No the real scary thing is me. Because I've finally got to see the sky, I've finally figured it all out. I know why I fight, I know why I do the things I do. Daivd, you are all I have left in life. Outside of wrestling, I'm not sure where I would go. That is what keeps me going, this is all I know. I remember when I came here, Ricky was just getting big. I had spent the better part of a decade doing the same thing. I basically idolized the guy. But after I left, I realized something. I'm doing this stuff, day in and day out. He's just a gimmick. The whole time I was the real deal. But now he wants to change it all again. What he forgets is even though this is his match, I've had a slew of my own matches thrown into mayhem and won them. Does he know about the barbed wire match, or the Juggalo death match? He thinks a big cage will scare me. When the time came, he was the one who scrambled to look big and bad. He wants to drop the gimmick, well that's funny. Because that's all he is.

David- I guess you could say that.

Alex- I know I can say it. I've had gimmicks, but I'm always Alex Bowen. I'm a hardcore machine. That has never changed, but he's changed. He thinks image will win him this match. What he forgets is even though this is his match, I've had a slew of my own matches thrown into mayhem and won them. Does he know about the barbed wire match, or the Juggalo death match? He thinks a big cage will scare me.

David- You changed...

Alex- But I never got soft, I had to change to keep up. I was an old out of shape soon to be has been. When I lost my title, I saw the light, David. The game has changed, and that is what Ricky hasn't noticed. I wont feel the least bit bad, I won't apologize. My father taught me to never look back. I'm not looking forward, I’m only looking to take this bottom feeder out for good.

David scratches the side of his face, confused at his brothers last statement.

David- So you changed, and he's changing? How does that make you any better than him.

Alex- I changed to keep up with the new people. Ricky is changing because he thinks it will win him one match. This is my livelihood here, this is just him trying to hold on to something. He says he's ready for a fight... Well Ty Burna just fed him to the lion.

The smile that was on Alex's face earlier returns, it twists into a maniacal grin. Evil thoughts flow through the mad man's brain. He rubs his left arm with his right hand. Rubbing it like he is trying to take all the hair off.

Alex- I loved it when he said being hardcore isn't about taking a licking. It's about standing up for the good things, and being true to yourself. Well, he sure lied there didn't he? He let me, and Ty get under his skin. What was the point of being a new Ricky? What happened to being true to yourself, he is full of crap...

David- Well prove that to him.

Alex- Daivd, I will. Wzcw is my wasteland, this is my ruin. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and now we will finally meet face to face. I've taken what I wanted, this is the final stop. I have seen him rise and fall, but that has not, and will never happen to me. He is not worth saving, he is not worth caring for. I am terror, I am famine, I am horror, I am exile. I was the worst thing to ever happen to Wzcw. Soon when I beat Ricky everyone will know this. Without me, chaos would have never happened. I am the be all, end all. Ricky will find out, just like Ty Burna did.

Alex is seething, he stood up during his tirade. David has wide eyes, scared of his own brother. The only words to describe this, blood lust. This is no longer a match to the man standing in front of the camera. David puts up his hands. His face is red, and sweat starts to drip down his brow. His head shakes, and his pec muscles start to twitch.

David- Alex... calm down...

Alex- No, he needs to see my life. He has it good looking in from the outside. This is how Steamboat Ricky ends, let him stand and face real pain. He will just stand in silence, and face his end. His career will not end with a bang... but a whimper...

Alex cracks his neck and starts to walk around the room. The scene ends as Bowen passes the camera.
The following RP is brought to you by:


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And in part by Phil Collins. Gasparrrri Nutrition would like to thank Mr. Collins for providing the official theme music for the following RP. Available now (I think) on iTunes!!!!


*A poorly lit room is shown with a character sitting in the middle of view. “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins plays in the background.*

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Mmmmm…I can feel it. How about you?

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

God knows…God knows I’ve been waiting for this…I’ve been waiting for this for 4 years.

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? oh Lord, oh Lord

It’s coming…it’s about to happen. We’re at the precipice.

*The individual lights a small candle, revealing that he is sitting cross-legged (Indian-style) and that it is, indeed, Steamboat Ricky.*

Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am

*Clips flash quickly of Ricky dishing out carnage at various points in his career. A small, but direct, light is shown on the back of Ricky’s shirt, revealing that it reads “Steamboat Ricky: Est 2003.”*

Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes

*Clips flash of Alex Bowen becoming Mayhem Champion, forcing opponents to bleed, and incapacitating individuals with steel chairs.*

Cohen (from broadcasts' past): Ladies and Gentleman, the King of Mayhem: Alex Bowen!!

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been

*Clips flash of Bowen coming out of the crowd*

It’s all been a pack of lies

*Bowen shown attacking Ricky from behind*

Can you feel it Alex?

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

I'm sure can feel it. You’ve cut ties with Ty Burna. "The King" has launched. You had everything you could have wanted in this business, and now you’re on your own. Are you ready? Can you do this by yourself? There’s a lot at stake for you, my friend.

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

And so, there is much at stake for me.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Years ago, I achieved everything that I thought I could have wanted in this business. I left…seeking to pursue other interests and chase other fantasies. Yet, I always had this itch. This itch to find out if I still had it. The itch to see if I really was the wrestler I proclaimed myself to be. I always came back, and I always found success…only to lose interest again. Yet here I am once more.

Cohen (from MD76): The fat 'pirate' was never worth much and he's worth less now.

I’ve been back since Kingdom Come and I haven’t even won a single match. I was cocky…thinking that my previous accolades could afford me the big stage by default. What did I find upon my return? Nothing but a much larger pond than the waters I remember swimming in years before. A pond with hungrier fish that I had yet to see in my time. And the Mayhem Kingdom that I developed was overrun by others, one claiming to be its King.

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

And so, I began the process of soul searching. I got angry at others. I shut down my boat and declared war on Ty Burna. What I should have been doing is my homework. Instead of starting my own supplement line, I should have gone back to the basics. I should have been hungry. I should have looked to reclaim the throne.

Well I remember, I remember, don't worry, how could I ever forget

It’s good to know where I’ve been.

It's the first time, the last time we ever met

But I must know who I am now.

But I know the reason why you keep your silence UP, oh no you don't fool me

And I could not think of a better place to help me find out

Well the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows

But a place I call home

It's no stranger to you and me

-boom/boom, boom/boom, boom/boom, boom/boom, BOOM, BOOM-

*Overhead lights all around the room reveal that Steamboat Ricky is sitting atop the Stairway to Hardcore structure. A camera does a rotating panoramic view of the construction.*

This, Alex Bowen, is Stairway to Hardcore. My creation. Just like I created the Mayhem Division over four years ago. And just like you say that you perfected my creation…here’s your chance to do it again.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

But are you ready for this? There’s no Ty to save you. The hand that fed you has been cut off. It’s all resting on your shoulders. You’re going up against a guy who’s been backed into his own corner…a man who remembers what it feels like to starve. Can you feel the pressure?

Well I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

And so here I sit, at a crossroads in my career. Do I move forward? Evolve myself into someone who can go the distance? Or am I just a guy that was pretty good for awhile but couldn’t stand the test of time? This is what I face. This is what is on the line at Redemption. Do I find redemption? Will the once proud king reclaim the throne that he once forged and occupied with conviction?

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh lord

Or will the heir remain…making legitimate his claims to majesty?

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I tell you, I have goosebumps, Bowen. I’m not sure you know what you are getting yourself into.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Bring your chairs…bring your tables…bring your foreign objects aplenty. They may help you. But they will not save you from the infinite possibilities that this match will throw your way.

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

They cannot save you from being swallowed.

*All of the lights in the room go out except the candle placed in front of Steamboat Ricky, sitting atop the island in the middle of the structure. Slowly, the structure itself softly lights up.*

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord

*The lights on the structure itself fade to dark. The music ends, and the camera zooms in on Ricky and the candle.*

I’m hungry, Bowen…and I’m not ready to die. Make ready my throne. Prepare for my Redemption. Your reign is at an end.

*Ricky blows out the candle. End scene.*
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