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I take it soul music is a kind that doesn't gel with you?

Sometimes I think I should have been born black. I'm straight up fully Irish with a bit of Swedish, yet I constantly listen to soul music and have a vast collection of Black Panther, Marcus Garvey & Malcolm X books.

I'm a wigger. It's true. I have this poster hanging on my wall:

I legit listen to every single genre there is. I know alot of people say that, but I really do. I've got everything from screamo to soul music to opera to gangsta rap to folk music to Leadbelly blues to house. Literally every single major genre of music is represented on my iPod.
I don't entirely dislike the grindcore genre. Napalm Death is good shit. I've just never been that big into it. More into the metalcore or crust.
These may be the greatest promos ever...



Every one who has ever taken a CPR course, has seen some girl do this. She's usually not as attractive, however.
Epic wedding! When I get married to my 3rd or 4th husband we will be doing a musical theme wedding, but our wedding song will be Craxy in Love by Beyonce.
Epic wedding! When I get married to my 3rd or 4th husband we will be doing a musical theme wedding, but our wedding song will be Craxy in Love by Beyonce.

Honestly, I find this so cool it's unreal. This is an awesome way to walk down the aisle. Kudos goes to the wedding party and the Bride and Groom.

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