Post Royal Rumble Raw - 1/27/14 - RTWM Begins

CM Punk getting a night off.
Will probably continue his feud with Kane on SmackDown.
Good to see that with so many Superstars available.
Not a dumb ending at all, Shield lost due to the Wyatt's not not being able to get the job done. Didn't think they were going to go with Shield v Wyatt's so soon but I'm not complaining ! Rollins and Roman looked great !
The Butcher said:
Really good match. The Wyatts costing The Shield adds intrigue. Fun Raw.

They did it to continue. setting up the feud with Cena. it had nothing to do with The Shield. They didn't need to be in the chamber match to begin with.

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If they are teasing a Shield break & a Wyatt\Cena match, wouldnt it made more sense to have the Wyatts attack after Ambrose\Rollins cost Reigns the match?

Because that ending kind of leaves things on a strange note. The WWE wouldnt put the Wyatts against Cena & also have Shield go after them as well, would they?

This will be interesting to see what they do with The Shield at EC after that.
Overall Nice Show.
Looking forward to the build for the Elimination Chamber.

Funny that Batista had a very minor role on the programme...Royal Rumble winner and all.

WWE are still cashing in on Daniel Bryan's popularity,that much is clear. The more the heels bury him, the more over he will get.

the Shield storming out due to the Wyatt interference will leave some questions for viewers.

Also, will the Authority allow the 3 babyfaces to get into the EC match via DQ??I wonder...

Expect more carnage from Brock Lesnar next week. I hope he gets fully invested in this programme, and we aren't treated to Big Show vs Lesnar in any form or fashion on the Road to Wrestlemania.

CM Punk and Big E will be on SmackDown for sure,whilst a couple guys from today, probably Lesnar, Batista and maybe Cena/Bryan will sit out. Christian is returning as well. Wonder how he will be used...
So we are looking at potentially Orton, Lesnar, Sheamus, Bryan, Cena and I'll say Reigns in the Chamber. That's a damn good looking match on paper.
So we are looking at potentially Orton, Lesnar, Sheamus, Bryan, Cena and I'll say Reigns in the Chamber. That's a damn good looking match on paper.

They could put just about anybody in that last spot, and it'd still look like a hell of EC match. I'm looking forward to it.
If they are teasing a Shield break & a Wyatt\Cena match, wouldnt it made more sense to have the Wyatts attack after Ambrose\Rollins cost Reigns the match?

Because that ending kind of leaves things on a strange note. The WWE wouldnt put the Wyatts against Cena & also have Shield go after them as well, would they?

This will be interesting to see what they do with The Shield at EC after that.

Not that hard to book,I gather.
Could have a short feud between the two stables. Maybe have Bray punch more holes into the Shield through promos and stuff.
The programme with Cena can pick up after EC. Cena is still in the Main Event programme and not yet completely focused on the Wyatts.
I don't expect the Cena - Wyatt feud to develop until Post-EC from the way things seem.

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