Post Royal Rumble Raw - 1/27/14 - RTWM Begins

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
This should definitely be an interesting one.

Besides the obvious backlash from last night's crazy PPV (well the PPV wasn't crazy so much as people's reaction to it), what else do we see happening tonight?

We're officially on the road to WM30.

Does the gong hit?

Is it too early to expect "Real American" to play over the tron?

Personally, I'm expecting a 100% shoot from Batista on all those pesky Daniel Bryan fans :rolleyes:
If the gong doesn't hit, I'll be pissed.
If Real American does hit, I'll be pissed.
If Batista gets all smug, I'll be pissed.

On a serious note. I do think that Undertaker will turn up tonight, in some form. Hogan should leave it til after EC, he won't need as much buildup. I'd love someone to storm the ring and attack Batista for the fun of it.
I'd love someone to storm the ring and attack Batista for the fun of it.


If only to show Bats how to shake them ropes like a man.
I just pulled into C-Town and ready to riot during RAW. I am not so upset over Bryan not winning but more for the overall principle of the WWE shitting on the faithful “wrestling” fans. We have asked, cried and begged for years for a change. It is time the passion of the fans simple makes it on their own. This is going to be fun!
I rarely say anything positive about Cleveland, but may my fellow Ohioans be merciless with Batista.
I guess their next project will be to bring back the Cruiserweight Title & give it to one of their kids....
Scrap Punk vs HHH at Mania

Insert Bryan vs HHH

Dont make me explain it to you. Makes all the sense in the back to SummerSlam.

Now what Trips needs to do next is ride the heat wave and put himself in a WWE title match TONIGHT......and WIN!

Imagine the emotion from the fans at Mania....and when Bryan finally wins it'll be historic.

But that makes too much god damn sense
Fire Marshall Bill said:
The way this is going, it almost seems as if they're trying to push Batista as a heel.

They might be. He prefers being a heel and he's better as a heel anyways.

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Crowd is kinda dead compared to last night. Man it makes me wonder how loud it really could have been last night.

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