[OFFICIAL] David Otunga / R-Truth Discussion Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
This is quite the pairing. R-Truth is a seasoned veteran in the ring and has already been a part of two different promotions during two different eras.

David Otunga is the husband of Jennifer Hudson; a former American Idol contender, a singer/songwriter, actress, and a Golden Globe, BAFTA, NAACP Image, Screen Actors Guild, Grammy, and Oscar award winner. David was also a former contestant and was in the top three on the second season of the VH1 reality television program, "I Love New York". His nickname on the show was "Punk"... (hmmm, possible feud with CM Punk's boy, possibly?)

Feel free to post your thoughts about the pairing here. And please remember, this is a non-spam forum.
Personally? I think this is the blandest pairing. I've never been much into R-Truth's character (I know he's very over, but he's just boring to me) and David Otunga will never escape being Punk in my mind. I feel like this is a wasted NXT roster spot. They could've had Donny Marlow and I would've been more excited about it. Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, so many choices that would've been better than David freaking Otunga.

Oh well. Knowing Vince, this'll be the winning team. *sigh*
Gotta disagree with Kayoh here. I like the sound of this. In kayfabe, R-Truth is very down-to-Earth, with street smarts, and has had to work for everything in his life. He's also a legit veteran and has connected with the crowd.

Otunga's gimmick seems to be a celebrity A-lister, rich and full of himself. Not only does the gimmick sound fun and interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing his interactions with Truth.

NXT just looks better and better.
I am not sure what I think of this. I watched season 2 of I Love New York (what can I say, I love a good car wreck), and he was the least annoying person on that show. I had never seen him wrestle before tonight (I didn't even know he was in the WWE), so I can't make any judgements on how good or bad of a wrestler he is.

People tend to not like reality tv stars when the do anythin besides...reality tv, and I am usually one of those people. When he walked out tonight I immediately recognied him, and it actually didn't bother me. But his prior fame really can't hurt him, look at the Miz. And with Tough Enough and the Real World, the Miz was a little more well known than this guy. So while I am never really a fan of reality tv shows doing anything besides stupid, pointless reality shows, for some odd reason, this doesn't piss me off. He has a great look, but we'll have to wait and see if he can get it done in the ring.

I know that a lot of you spot monkeys out there are already hating on this guy because he doesn't look like he can do a triple flip off the turnbuckle onto the floor, but just relax. MAYBE he won't be that terrible. Just maybe.
I already stated this in the NXT aftermath thread, but David Otunga has star potential. He has great charisma and one of the most impressive resume out there. Which by the way is all mostly true. He's got a nice build and a good move set. More training can do him very well.

I just love his gimmick too. The WWE's very own Kanye West. Kind of liek Batista's gimmick, but more douchier. I have a strong feeling that he can be a great heel star in the WWE.
Watching him tonight, it is obvious to see he is the man that WWE has high hopes in. He got the sqash tonight. With an open hand slam onto CM Punks bitch. He looks great, great on the mic, and has name value outside of the WWE. Great future talent. He is my second pick to win it all.
Personally? I think this is the blandest pairing. I've never been much into R-Truth's character (I know he's very over, but he's just boring to me) and David Otunga will never escape being Punk in my mind. I feel like this is a wasted NXT roster spot. They could've had Donny Marlow and I would've been more excited about it. Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, so many choices that would've been better than David freaking Otunga.

Oh well. Knowing Vince, this'll be the winning team. *sigh*

Just because the guy was on a reality show that shouldn't make it so that he can't be taken seriously or are you forgetting the Miz who was on the Real World and is now the united states and tag team champion so that's a lame argument. Now i haven't seen enough of Otunga's wrestling to make a judgment about that but his promo was good and he has a very good look about him and i mean being married to a celebrity that can't hurt and he graduated from Harvard they can make some good storylines with that stuff to me he just seems like a really good heel to me i think he can be a star.
Just because the guy was on a reality show that shouldn't make it so that he can't be taken seriously or are you forgetting the Miz who was on the Real World and is now the united states and tag team champion so that's a lame argument. Now i haven't seen enough of Otunga's wrestling to make a judgment about that but his promo was good and he has a very good look about him and i mean being married to a celebrity that can't hurt and he graduated from Harvard they can make some good storylines with that stuff to me he just seems like a really good heel to me i think he can be a star.

Agree with a lot of this here. but you could have just said one point. Being on reality television has given him a one up, besides his fame. He can speak. Great talking tonight, and I am encouraged he can be given many storylines about his background, where he will have a chance to cut great promos. Sort of like the Miz himself.
After actually watching the show, I'm basically eating crow, because now I think Otunga has insane cocky heel potential. I was way off with my post earlier, so I guess that'll teach me to judge a book by its cover. I love Otunga's build up already, he's the guy who thinks he's better than everybody else, comparing himself to current main eventers. And the more I think about it, the more sense the pairing makes. I didn't know that Otunga was being built up as the A-List celebrity who has a huge sense of entitlement, but now that I do it makes sense that he got paired with Truth, knowing that Truth is the guy with the street smarts who has had to work for his success.

Otunga is definitely the dark horse in this show. He's HUGE, which makes him a McMahon choice, he can talk, which makes him interesting, and he's...well, he's working on his in-ring abilities, right? LOL. That...thing...that he did for a finisher looked extremely sloppy.

One problem I do have is that he reminds me too much of Ezekiel Jackson. Don't they both have the same finishers? Two roided up black guys with very similar movesets and the same finisher. That could cause a problem. Pu...er, David...definitely has better mic skills, but I'm not sure who's better in-ring. The WWE isn't big enough for the both of them, though.
Otunga, after Danielson, will be NXT's breakout star. His promo video was just amazing (he knows EVERYBODY). He just needs a bit more work and better attire. His trunks don't match his personality. I would just have him wrestle in some really nice jeans and a nice belt buckle. Like so.

Otunga is pretty sick. His moveset wasn't used to its full potential on NXT and he botched his finisher, but what impressed me the most was his vignette. He has that whole vibe about him that screams asshole. And for a heel, that's perfect. The whole thing about him legitimately being married to Jennifer Hudson alone is enough material for him to use. Along with Bryan, I'm rooting for this guy to make it...even though technically I'm not supposed to.

As for him pairing up with R-Truth, although it was pretty cool to see Truth rap for Otunga's entrance, the pairing seems a little off considering R-Truth is supposed to be a face and Otunga a heel. It's as if Vince said, "Hey Otunga likes rap, and R-Truth raps, let's put them together." But this isn't the only combination I'm complaining about.
Out of them all, this guy is the most sure future champ that I see. What a look, what a character, and what use of everything so early. He looked like a seasoned vet with everything besides the actual ring work. Im not so sure if he botched his finisher or if the ol boy he was wrestling played a hand in it. Regardless, still looked very effective. I can see HUGE things in the future for this guy, barring injury.
This is my pick to win NXT or at least second place behind Bryan. This guy could be a great heel he can talk well is legimately an A-Lister and is similar to Miz except bigger. I saw the bothced move on NXt and i got to say he needs a new finisher as it's extremely similer to Ezekiel Jacksons. A new big time heel is coming to WWE
He looks like another Batista or John Cena.

Just looking at his match he could have the gimmick as the animal or the superman.

But I do see David Otunga feuding with one of the two and maybe even both.

He could be bigger than Sheamus in his first year.

And I do agree, his promo video was amazing.

Next breakout superstar
If Bryan Danielson wasn't who he is, then this David Otunga would no doubt be winning NXT. Otunga has everything Vince is looking for. He has the size of a Triple H. The conditioning of a Randy Orton. The mic skills of The Rock. And the domination of John Cena. This boy has it all. Plus, he has media connections, so if WWE wanted to broaden their audience, just send Otunga over to Leno, MTV, or BET. People will tune in just to see Otunga because he's Jennifer Hudson's husband. Now I know you wrestling forum people don't get out much, but Jennifer Hudson is one of the biggest people in music today. And for WWE to get that type of exposure from her is great. If Otunga walked in, hadn't been on a reality show, wasn't the wife of Hudson, and was a complete unkown, then he would still be a force to be reckoned with because of his size and mic skills. His celebrity status only adds to that. If you Google this guy, you get a whole lot more than WWE stuff. If David doesn't get pushed for his talent, then he'll get pushed because he's a B-List celebrity, and with people like him on the top of the WWE food chain, I can see WWE TV becoming alot more entertaining. David Otunga is the future. David Otunga is win.
You just gotta love the guys promo especially the final line "c'mon man just google me!" that is such a cocky heel thing to say. He is in great shape and apparently McMahon saw him as the star of the show. We haven't seen everyone yet like Justin Angel, Wade Barett, etc but so far Otunga or Danielson looks to be the winner
I was pretty impressed with his promos. That botched spine buster really hurt him though. But he has the look and the persona. He just needs to work on his in ring skills.

When I watched NXT the only guy that got my attention was this dude, David Otunga. Great promo. He has the mic skills and his physique is very similar to Triple H. Has the cocky heel feel to him and like daniel bryan he is now feuding w/ his mentor R-Truth which is a sign that wwe believes in this guy.THIS GUY IS THE NXT BIG THING!
Just watched Otunga's match, and it is great to see him turning heel. He actually put on a decent match, not great, but decent, as we actually got to see longer than a minute in the ring. He got the loss, partially because of CM Punk's interference. He has an incredible physique, although, he is a pretty short guy. He was billed at 6 flat, so I wonder if its good enough to be showcased. He talks better on the mic than R-Truth does, and thats for sure.
So far I have been rather impressed with Otunga. He might be a great heel someday, the arrogance in his promo shows this. Pairing him with Truth is an interesting pairing because I'm sure the tension will grow between them, leading to a potentially cool feud towards the end of NXT, if Otunga remains this full of himself. Their entrance looks cool though with Truth rapping as Otunga walks down looking overly confident.
Appears they are booking him like a face, which is odd considering his character. Sympathy booking. Sympathy becuase he lost becuase of cheating. Sympathy by mentioning he has a fat, ugly fiance on a regular basis. Sympathy. His entrance is shit. What the fuck is that "rip teh pantz" off thing at the ramp? Is he supposed to be a male stripper or some shit?

Id say keep him with R Truth for a while, booking him as a face, to eventually turn on Truth, using the arrogant heel character he started with. the crowd seems pretty into him at the moment, so it would be a good idea to play into it, especially while he is having shitty, cookie cutter matches
Otunga really has a great look for the business. Heard one interview with him on NXT...Hopefully his mic skills are on point. His relationship with Jennifer Hudson doesn't hurt either..
Just watched his third match, and I must say, he was incredibly poor in it. He picked up the win, but I can see why Truth was in the ring for the majority of it. He is slow,he botched most of his set ups, and the only thing he did remotely well was his one handed slam. I thought this guy had a decent personality, but that has been overshadowed by his lack of ability in the ring. Great physique, just as rocky as a Philadelphia boxer.
I will say, I like his physique and he is DOMINATING in the ring. There could be some probs with him and EZEKIEL possibly 2 strong silent types. Also could see Batista poss. being a little intimidated by him as well. However, one thing I still can see that might get on some people's nerves, is the Jennifer Hudson card. Every episode, its a mention of Jennifer Hudson and how many hollywood parties he goes to. The only thing I can think of, is how about we mention Ms. New York once? LOL.
I like this pairing. I've never been a big fan of 'R-Truth' in WWE but I am a Ron Killings fan. As far as Otunga...he has the look for the business and a good physique as well. Judging from what I've heard him say so far he has pretty good microphone skills. Being J-Hud's fiancee doesn't hurt either. I could def see Otunga being a big time heel in the WWE and maybe even champion a few years down the line...And after NXT hopefully he'll go to SmackDown. I don't really watch SmackDown but I'm pretty sure that'd be a better starting place for him then RAW right now.

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