[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

Big Daddy Fool

One Man Rock Band

At last night's Florida Championship Wrestling TV taping for WWE's developmental territory, Bryan Danielson was reportedly introduced as "Daniel Bryan," which appears to be his new ring name.

FCW has not listed the former Ring of Honor star on their Superstars roster yet, but he's already been booked in a publicized six-man tag match for tonight's FCW show in Melbourne, Fla. that Edge will be attending.

The six-man tag match tonight featured Kaval (Low-Ki) & "Daniel Bryan" & FCW Hvt. champion Justin Angel vs. Smackdown wrestler Curt Hawkins & ECW wrestlers Trent Barreta & Caylen Croft.

I'm bored before work so I went to many of the internet wrestling sites, looking to see if there was any new news before i went off to work and this caught my eye. As you can see in the quote above Danielson is being promoted as Daniel Bryan. I found this interesting on a few levels.

I try to follow FCW on youtube quite a bit. There is a guy on there who uploads all the weekly shows and i try to catch them all, to watch the future of the WWE. Also with the NXt show coming up, it is a good way to familiarize myself with who I am going to be seeing on Tuesdays. A few weeks ago Danielson had a match against Kaval under his regular name. The match was by far the best on the show, Danielson showed some rust but he is still one of the best in the biz. His match with Kaval wasn't as great as some of their past battles but was still phenomenal. Saxton and barrett hyped up Danielson as they should and called him by his given name, of course because the name change had not yet been implemented.

I think the name change is a mistake. I'm not a huge danielson or ROH mark by any means, just to preface my argument. Not since CM Punk debuted in the WWE has there been a debuting star in their company with as much established work and fan base. He is a name amongst the hardcores and I am quite aware the casual fan base has no idea who he is. But if you remember the Punk debut there were Punk chants and signs like i came to see Punk in the crowd. I think this established some credibility amongst the casual fan base that this guy they had never seen was being so actively rooted for. It made him feel like wow I have never seen this guy before but all these guys really like him, i should probably keep my eye on him.

But for as much as I think this move is a mistake i also understand the WWE's reasoning for it. They like to have control over their talent, especially, When it comes to merchandising, and trademarking names. Something they would lose if Danielson went under his real name. They're smart business people, and doing this is in their best interest money making wise.

Not only to I personally disapprove the name change (like that really matters), I think the name they chose on is pretty weak. Daniel Bryan screams generic and I think people well get too confused with which one comes first due it being two first names and the fact that it is so similiar to his real one. They've done this before with debuting stars to avoid using their real names like Matt Sydal to Evan Bourne and TJ Wilson to Tyson Kidd. These are by far much better names then Daniel Bryan.

I believe the name change probably means we will be seeing him soon on NXT which is exciting. I was wondering what you guys thoughts are if you have any on this. I'm not trying to make a big deal of this, I just feel it makes for an interesting discussion.
WOW so Bryan Danielson change his name,I really hope that he gets his TV debut on NXT in the next 2 weeks.I guess a name change for him will be a new beginning,Like he had said that he was a little rusty.This could be the beginning or rebirth of Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan's) new ERA.Hopefully if he debuts on NXT he makes a good impact,And Vince moves him to a major show ASAP.

He could be the NXT champ in two weeks,Lets just wait an see.
For the love of God.....Daniel Bryan.....really? Really?? That is beyond ridiculous. If they were going to change his name they should have come up with something a little better than this. That's like Shawn Michaels going to TNA and getting his name changed to Michael Shawn. If you're going to repackage someone, then do it- don't half ass anything.

The WWE is missing the boat on this one. Name recognition is an important thing when someone with this amount of indy credibility is attempting to make the transition to the WWE. CM Punk is the obvious example here. Don't think for a second that Punk's move to the WWE didn't being garner some new fans. Danielson has a similar following. No, he's not going to bring millions of new viewers, but why alienate those loyal fans he does have for a senseless name change?
What a ridiculous name. I can understand Danielson wanting to keep the name somewhat similar to his real name for recognition purposes, but this name is completely lame sounding. How many people have ever heard of the last name that ends with a first name like "Bryan"?

I would have preferred if they had to change his name, which is their policy towards all people who have traditionally used their last name, that they change it to something similar like:

"Bryan Daniels"

or something to that effect. At least that sounds a little better as the last name "Bryan".

Maybe they could even change the spelling to "Brian", with an "I" to differentiate it.
His name is close enough, that everyone will know who he is that used to watch him in the indy scene, so I cannot see that being a problem. But the name just sounds silly to me, Bryan Daniels could have been a name change that could have worked, but the inverse just doesn't work as a common name. If they wanted to copyright a name, then they should have kept one of his given names in place, and changed the other, like Chris Jericho.
What a ridiculous name. I can understand Danielson wanting to keep the name somewhat similar to his real name for recognition purposes, but this name is completely lame sounding. How many people have ever heard of the last name that ends with a first name like "Bryan"?

I would have preferred if they had to change his name, which is their policy towards all people who have traditionally used their last name, that they change it to something similar like:

"Bryan Daniels"

or something to that effect. At least that sounds a little better as the last name "Bryan".

Maybe they could even change the spelling to "Brian", with an "I" to differentiate it.

Holy shit....we agree on something again. "Brian Daniels"- I could live with that. Name changes enough that WWE can trademark it and there is still enough similarity to keep some sense of name recognition.

Daniel Bryan....pfffft..... they should have just called him Scottie Smithers and been done with it.

I may have nightmares about this Daniel Bryan thing....
This is a shame, a damn shame. I saw Danielson at the Jan. 4th RAW where he was announced as "Bryan Danielson". My section of the crowd knew who he was and decided to hail him with "Best in the World" and "Dragon" chants, to which he really seemed to appreciate. I couldn't see who he was at first so when they announced him as Bryan Danielson I exploded. Seriously, I marked the hardest I had ever done in my life and was transformed into a Danielson mark.

Bryan Danielson is just a really cool sounding name. Hell, I wouldn't even mind "Bryan Daniels". But...Daniel Bryan? It just isn't working for me. The Daniel part is cool, but having the last name Bryan is just...dreadful. Hopefully they change him back when he debuts with the WWE. A lot of people have different names in FCW than they do on the main roster; look at Savannah/Angela Fong for just one example.
It's stupid, obviously, but I'm not sure why this surprises anyone. They're doing this for the same reason they renamed Low-Ki, and the same reason that TNA renamed Nigel McGuinness, because they can't copyright those names, but they CAN copyright the names they invent for the wrestlers. That is literally the only reason why every new wrestler gets a shitty name change these days.

Pisses me of, for sure. Bryan Danielson is a fine name, and one that is recognized around the globe. At the very least they could have gone with the name Sid came up with, Bryan Daniels. But Daniel Brian? What the FUCK? Can anyone find me one person with the last name of "Brian"?

Eh, whatever, names aren't THAT important. As long as I get to see him on WWE TV, I'll be happy, name change or not.
I won't hate the name. Because a lot of people thought "Desmond Wolfe" was bad (not me), and that turned out to be much better than his original ring name. So if Bryan Daniel happens to really go far in WWE, I'm sure we won't care much what his name is.

I do agree that Bryan Daniels would have sounded much better.
"Daniel Bryan"? Really? There are so many other possible names, like Bryan Daniels, or Daniel Bryant, or even Daniel O'Brien. Buy this name is so...lame. I've never heard of the last name Bryan. Seriously, Danny O'Brien is a good name. He could form like an Irish stable after Sheamus drops the title. That would work pretty well actually. But Daniel Bryan? For seriously?
For the love of God.....Daniel Bryan.....really? Really?? That is beyond ridiculous. If they were going to change his name they should have come up with something a little better than this. That's like Shawn Michaels going to TNA and getting his name changed to Michael Shawn. If you're going to repackage someone, then do it- don't half ass anything.

When you think about it Shawn Michaels name is half assed as well. His real name is Michael Shawn Hickenbottom. While Daniel Bryan sounds a million times worse, just keep in mind this isnt the first time it has been done, and that it has worked tremendously well before
Brian Daniels would have been cool, but hey, people HATED Desmond Wolfe and Evan Bourne but I don't hear a single complaint about them anymore, we'll get used to it just like we always do.

As for whether he should have been allowed to keep it like CM Punk... well, we can thank Paul Heyman fighting tooth and nail for that name, and if not for him Punk would probably be wrestling under another name right now. He truly is the exception to almost every rule. He was allowed to keep his name, his appearance, his gimmick and after going through developmental he was brought up and has genuinely climbed higher than any new star since like... Randy Orton. He's won title after title and two MITBs and now he's getting to do his own thing. He's the gold standard with which to measure any new talent against and the pressure on Danielson to match him is huge.
Techno Jonny read my mind and posted before I could. You bastard!!! lol
SO I guess I 2nd the O'Brian name and the Irish stable....so much for being original.

Bein serious though, does it fucking matter? Call him Thunderlips for all i care. Ring and mic work is where's it's at. AS stated before y'all will just get used to it.
I agree that Bryan Daniels is a better name than Daniel Bryan. BUt I will probably get used to it just like I did with Vance Archer (with many could agree is an equally bad name. Hopefully they give him a name change ala Atlas Dabone or is it Atlas Ortiz or is it Ricky Ortiz?
I agree, it's a horrible name. My biggest fear is that when he debuts, people who aren't aware of who he is will just think he is some local jobber and go to concessions or change the channel for those who are at home and not give him a chance. I hope, like others have said, that by the time he comes to NXT or the main roster they have decided on a better name than that.

So the "Most Outstanding Wrestler" 4 years in a row, and "Best Technical Wrestler" 5 Years in a row is now named Daniel Bryan... is that even a NAME? Have you ever met someone with the last name Bryan? What in the hell? Ugh... Leave it up to WWE to screw a name up. (Colt Cabana=Scotty Goldman)

But to be honest, it doesn't bother me THAT much. Now, aside from the fact the name sucks, with Danielson's abilities (Fuck it He's Still Danielson), he'll get over no matter what name (A Terrible Gimmick however will kill him; no matter how good you are, a bad gimmick will cut you in half) he has. The guy is by far the most impressive I've ever seen. Since I last posted on Bryan, I've done my research and every match I've watched of him in ROH, was classic.

Name the guy Steamboat Willy for all I care (Dont take that literally). As long as he gets to wrestle HIS match, He can have that horrible ass name. Just let the man wrestle, and let him show what he's got to a mainstream audience. We're lookin' at THIS Generation's Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko. When Kids of the PG Era grow up, they'll be cheering for this guy at Wrestlemania 30+.

Off Topic, Sorry, but for real; the name is garbage, but as long as he gets to wrestle; be terrible all it wants. and hey, ya never know; maybe they'll change it back or somethin'? They change their minds on everything else.
Ridiculous name? I don't think so. Is it stupid to change it in general? Sure. If that change alone alienates his LOYAL fans, then they weren't loyal to begin with.

WWE is a publicly traded company. If they let someone come in and then get something of a name, then he goes to TNA for example, that's a bad business move. They can't allow that to happen.

Changing the name is a smart business move. They (this is a stretch, I'm just stating facts) could actually get sued for letting go of big names and letting another rival company gain from that person.

Or, if any slick organization got a chance to copyright his name, THEY could sue WWE. Then, stockholders could sue because of the fact that the company has ruined a portion of the stock because of a bad rep for the use of trademarked material.

All long stretches. True. But, this is business. You can't take those type of potentially damaging chances on this like 'names.'
Ridiculous name? I don't think so. Is it stupid to change it in general? Sure. If that change alone alienates his LOYAL fans, then they weren't loyal to begin with.

WWE is a publicly traded company. If they let someone come in and then get something of a name, then he goes to TNA for example, that's a bad business move. They can't allow that to happen.

Changing the name is a smart business move. They (this is a stretch, I'm just stating facts) could actually get sued for letting go of big names and letting another rival company gain from that person.

Or, if any slick organization got a chance to copyright his name, THEY could sue WWE. Then, stockholders could sue because of the fact that the company has ruined a portion of the stock because of a bad rep for the use of trademarked material.

All long stretches. True. But, this is business. You can't take those type of potentially damaging chances on this like 'names.'

Not to try and make you sound like an idiot, but did you bother reading the responses in the thread? People are not arguing over whether or not WWE has the right to change his name, and aren't even necessarily complaining over that. What they are complaining over specifically is the name "Daniel Bryan" because that is simply an awful sounding name.

It is an awful sounding and ridiculous name because Bryan is a common first name and they gave it as his last name. The sound of that name when you say it together sounds ridiculous and simply doesn't mesh well.

The name "Bryan Daniels" instead flows much better when you announce the person. Imagine the ring announcer announcing the two names and say them out loud and state which one you think sounds better.

WWE is being criticized for the name they assigned as they rightfully should because it is as awkward as Hell. Where as people may not like Danielson changing his name at all, I'm not really seeing people argue that WWE did it, because they do understand the business reason behind it and really didn't need to you lecturing it to them in so far as "WWE is a publicly traded company", "someone could sue WWE" and all that garbage, since they already are aware of this.

Red Rep for you for assuming the posters on here are morons and for not reading the responses of what was actually being stated from the posters.
I don't really understand the name change (I mean his Bryan Danielson sounds better than Daniel Bryan in my opinion. Not to mention its his real name so its not like ROH owns the copyright to the name or anything, its not like American Dragon) but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter too much what his name is.

I don't see the name change hurting him in any way, at the end of the day its how he performs (in the ring, on mic, promos, ect) that will determine his success or not, its not like this simple name change (which isn't very different anyways) will destroy danielson's career, or even hurt it in any way.

Not only that its only in FCW right now (Really, who watches FCW except for WWE nuts and hardcore fans like ourselves), when he's brought up to the main roster he may have an entirely different name and/or persona (who knows, by that time he may be Bryan Danielson again, it has happened before).

Frankly, I don't see this name change doing anything to hurt the guy but I will say it was unnecessary for them to do that.
Well, if anything, this name is slightly better than what I thought they'd come up with: Daniel Bryanson.

Seriously, that is a terrible name. I been trying to say it to myself and it doesn't roll off the tongue at all. In fact, I can't even say it without screwing up and saying "Bryan" first. At least Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd and even Desmond Wolfe are cool-sounding names. Daniel Bryan sounds as generic as it is confusing.

Oh well, hopefully they'll change his name into something better between now and NXT's debut (which I'm sure he'll be on). If not, well....Daniel Bryan, here we come.
Not to try and make you sound like an idiot, but did you bother reading the responses in the thread? People are not arguing over whether or not WWE has the right to change his name, and aren't even necessarily complaining over that. What they are complaining over specifically is the name "Daniel Bryan" because that is simply an awful sounding name.

It is an awful sounding and ridiculous name because Bryan is a common first name and they gave it as his last name. The sound of that name when you say it together sounds ridiculous and simply doesn't mesh well.

The name "Bryan Daniels" instead flows much better when you announce the person. Imagine the ring announcer announcing the two names and say them out loud and state which one you think sounds better.

WWE is being criticized for the name they assigned as they rightfully should because it is as awkward as Hell. Where as people may not like Danielson changing his name at all, I'm not really seeing people argue that WWE did it, because they do understand the business reason behind it and really didn't need to you lecturing it to them in so far as "WWE is a publicly traded company", "someone could sue WWE" and all that garbage, since they already are aware of this.

Red Rep for you for assuming the posters on here are morons and for not reading the responses of what was actually being stated from the posters.

I know, I mentioned that in the beginning of my post. I don't think it's a ridiculous name. Especially with some of the names that have ended up working in wrestling. I was simply stating how in the end, it doesn't matter. It's something that has to happen for legal reasons.

As far as the red rep, I think that's a bit ridiculous. I stated my opinion on the name, and why it was changed. Just because YOU didn't read that I DID give an opinion, I shouldn't be repped.

People have the right to disagree, for one. And also, as I've stated. I DID give my take on the name itself. Brief? Sure. But, I mentioned why it was a moot point.

So, maybe YOU should read people's posts.
Legal reason shouldn't even be considered because Bryan Danielson's real name is Bryan Danielson. No wrestling company can take your real name and trademark it as their own. Look at Brian Kendrick, that's his real name and he gets to use it wherever he wants. The only other reason I could think of is what Calderownz stated earlier that if Danielson leaves WWE for say, TNA, the fans TNA are trying to attract (say, the WWE audience) won't recognise him due to the name as quick as they might... maybe even preventing them from knowing him at all.

But the name change does sound a little ridiculous as of now. We will get used to it in due time. However, they could have added some twists to the name to make it more interesting. Having a first name for a last name without the added "s" or other combination of letters at the end, it makes the person look a little bland. For example, Shawn Michael sounds horrible. Add the s and the name ain't too bad.

We really shouldn't be worried about the name change, we really should worry about how he is going to be used. There is the slight chance Daniel Bryan might change his name before he gets called up, so all is not lost.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1808213 said:
Legal reason shouldn't even be considered because Bryan Danielson's real name is Bryan Danielson. No wrestling company can take your real name and trademark it as their own. Look at Brian Kendrick, that's his real name and he gets to use it wherever he wants. The only other reason I could think of is what Calderownz stated earlier that if Danielson leaves WWE for say, TNA, the fans TNA are trying to attract (say, the WWE audience) won't recognise him due to the name as quick as they might... maybe even preventing them from knowing him at all.

But the name change does sound a little ridiculous as of now. We will get used to it in due time. However, they could have added some twists to the name to make it more interesting. Having a first name for a last name without the added "s" or other combination of letters at the end, it makes the person look a little bland. For example, Shawn Michael sounds horrible. Add the s and the name ain't too bad.

We really shouldn't be worried about the name change, we really should worry about how he is going to be used. There is the slight chance Daniel Bryan might change his name before he gets called up, so all is not lost.

Yeah, in terms of his name being his real name, that's a valid point. However, I think with WWE's mindset, they probably change names for a few reasons, and do it across the board. One, they want it to be a fully blown WWE product. Two, leglal reasons with OTHER talent that it applies to. And three, it helps when they try to give the talent a certain character to work with, that they have a name that will fit it.

Yeah, the name doesn't pop out at you. But, think of it this way.. McIntire, it sounds like the last name of a boy band member. Sheamus is... well.. Not the best name. But, if the guy can sell his character, you go with the name.

Even a name like The Rock sounds a bit weird on paper. Obviously, that didn't go so bad.

So, I agree with your assessment that it's about how he's used, not the name he uses.
Jesus H. Christ, you people are really getting desperate for something to bitch and moan about aren't you? Daniel Bryan...exactly what's wrong with it? I've seen the name Bryan Daniels thrown about quite a bit. So, it would be a hundred times better of the last name became his first name and an "s" was slapped onto Daniels? Yeah man, that would be absofuckinglutely revolutionary right there.

Let's see....some actually horrible names...how 'bout Johnny Slapnuts? What about Hank Hart? Seriously?? This is the latest WWE complaint? The changing of the name of an IWC darling into something that still resembles the name he's been wrestling under for years? Man, the IWC is really reaching far up into its collective rectum to pull out this gem of a thread.
The name doesnt really matter to me for a few reasons. 1) The name has no bearing on how over or not he's going to be. The Indy fans are still going to chant his indy name. for a while at least. (See also: Generation me (the fans were chanking young bucks, not their TNA name)). 2) It's probably going to change at some stage. WWE has a tendancy to change names when wrestlers some from developmental (See: Ken Doane => Kenny Dykstra, Nic Nemeth => Dolph Ziggler, Matt Sydal => Evan Bourne and Jake Hager => Jack Swagger), or at some stage after they come up (See: Johnny Spade/Superstar/Onyx/Blaze => Johnny Nitro => John Morrison, Bret and Bryan Major => Curt Hawkins and Zacy Ryder and Harry Smith => D. H. Smith). And 3) Daniel Bryan is hardly the most odd name on the roster. I again point to Swagger, Bourne and Ziggler as, as well as guys with puns for names like Paul Bearer or Irwin R. Schyder, or with ludicrous names like Hunter Hearst Helmsley or Hulk Hogan (what sort of a nother names her child 'Hulk'?). I'm guessing that Daniel Bryan wont last for long, and he'll make his WWE debut with a different name (possibly his own).

And besides, this is a better name than the one I thought he was going to get (Merrik N. Dracken or a similar bad pun), so I'm happy with the name.

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