[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

  • True

  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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The character of the anonymous Raw GM has been so inconsistent that the only plausible explanation for who it could be is someone like Mick Foley. Or Cactus Jack. Or Mankind. Or Dude Love. Here’s what we know, or at least, what I remember from the duration of this incredibly drawn out storyline:

-At one point the GM seemed to hate Canadians, tormenting the likes of Edge and Chris Jericho while openly admitting animosity for Bret Hart.

-At the very beginning, the GM had a tendency to mimic the catchphrases of famous former wrestlers such as Stone Cold and The Rock.

-He/she has a sense of humour, shown when berating Edge and claiming he had ‘crazy eyes’

-Vince McMahon made the decision to appoint him/her General Manager, alluding to a close relationship between the two

-He/she contacts the WWE universe through Michael Cole, arguably WWE’s biggest heel

-They have made both extremely popular, and extremely unpopular, decisions

So what does this all mean? I don’t know, and I don’t think WWE knows either. They’ve digged themselves a hole with this story, and now its conclusion will only be disappointing. But at least they could be logical and reveal the GM is someone completely illogical like Foley.
Does anyone think that the WWE is trying to drown out the anyomous Gm storyline? I mean think about it, SCSA as the gm, then Peoples Choice, and now Raw Roulette? The GM hasnt been in control the last 2 weeks, and again this Monday. So what are your thoughts?
Thought exactly the same as you. I for one dont think they have a clue who it is so theyre doing the special episodes to pass time. I just hope like anything they dont go back to the guest stars gms, i dont think i can go through that again.
There is indeed a lot of inconsistency in the behavior of the anonymous GM. Although I must say he/she shows more heelish tendencies. Considering how "heroes" like the Rock or Steve Austin dealt with the GM issue I would be very surprised if this cowardly person who has been hiding behind a computer will be revealed to be a fan favorite.

Mick Foley is a name that gets thrown around a lot. I think it's highly unlikely that it's him. Granted, the WWE has been known to piss on logic when it suits their purpose, but are we really supposed to believe that at one point Mick Foley was in charge of TNA Impact AND Monday Night Raw? That's a stretch, even for the WWE.

The only two people that might be reveled as the GM are Michael Cole (yeah, quite the logic gap there, but whatevs) and Triple H (who is a babyface, but could easily turn heel again at any time).
All I can say if they do reveal the GM it better be HUGE. This has been going on for over a year now, why hasn't anybody besides Jericho cared enought to try and figure it out? The storyline has so many gaps in it it's pathetic. Here is in my opinion the only way the reveal would work and actually make the least bit of sense:

The Rock
I know a lot of people are kind of tired of him already, but it would make sense. Due to his schedule he can only work very limited dates, he had a personal issue with Jericho and Edge (I know Rock and Edge never really had a fued, but they were on the roster at the same time, you could work it) and he could say he was "controlling" the entire WWE Universe from his home. Obviously, they are going to try and make Rock play the heel at Mania so this would be a good way to get him some heat. I would love to see Cena win a war at the Rumble, the computer go off and say something like "your night isn't over Cena you have another title match right now against me" the lights go out for a second and Rock's music hits. He comes in wins the title quick and carries it into Mania. Super Cena goes through hell on the Road to Wrestle Mania, wins the title back Rock rides off into the sunset end of story.

Mick Foley
Lots of gaps here, we all know he is more than likely coming back, but it would be a little bit of a suprise. We all know Foley is a wrestling nerd hence the quotes when this angle first started. WWE wouldn't acknowledge TNA, but Foley could use that when he was working for "the other company" he was also trying to sabotage Raw. Foley can be a smart ass and he has history with Jericho, Edge and The Rock.

Once again tons of gaps, but he could play off like he had us all fooled.

Triple H
He hasn't been on TV except for a month during the whole angle, Jericho traced the IP to Titan Towers, where everybody knows Triple H works. He has a history with Cena, Jericho, Edge, Rock, Austin everybody the GM has pissed off. I think logically this one makes the most sense, and the rumor right now is Triple H vs. The Miz at Mania next year, there would be no better way to turn Miz face in the event The Rock does to Cena what Hogan did to him and the crows turn dramatically on Cena.

Vince McMahon
I don't see this one happening, but it would at least make a little sense. He could say he wanted to run the show the way he wanted to and didn't want to get physically involved like he has in the past. He has history with everybody involved and he is a great heel.

Paul Heyman, Eric Bishoff, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair
These are all very long shots, and Heyman would be my wet dream, but with the length this had been going on anybody short of one of the above I mentioned or one of these four would be a let down. I know three of them are working for TNA right now and Heyman is doing his own thing but a boy can dream can't he?

If they make a joke out of it like they did the Vince's son angle, Mike Adamle better be the reveal because anything short is going to cause a riot. Abraham Washington is a name I heard thrown around, this makes no sense what so ever. You could always make it a legend who is good on the mic like a Dusty Rhodes or a Ted DiBiase. Michael Cole is an option, but there would be so many gaps in that storyline it would be hard to believe. Jim Ross would be a good option I think, but once again storyline gaps. I just kind of wish this would come to an end already before they do something really stupid with it. The state of booking right now I could honestly see it being an active heel like The Miz or Vicki or reveal it as Teddy Long and say he was running both shows or something stupid like that
With any truth to it or just a good storyline we recently saw Triple H taking over the WWE from his father in law Vince McMahon... will this finally result in an outcome to a long on going storyline.. the anonymous Raw GM or is that story dead in the water now?

As for making a good story goes (something to fit in with Hunters take over) who do you think Triple H would/should reveal as the Raw GM or should he try and forget about the whole thing?

Stephanie McMahon? HBK? Nash? X-Pac? CM Punk?

Thoughts, Ideas?
I think there's a good possibility of this happening. While I personally don't mind the Raw GM angle, it's harmless and doesn't get in the way, I think that they're are going to have to be some "changes" made to Raw so that it at least looks like Triple H is in charge and wants to do some things differently than Vince.

As for who it could be...well that's hard to say. It needs to be someone that can deliver a big impact, someone that generates some buzz and can provide a degree of credibility to it if they want to be able to get the most out of it. While it'd be nice to see HBK and I'd have no problem with him taking the spot, it seems a little too obvious and predictable. I think Kevin Nash would be a better choice. We haven't seen him since the Royal Rumble, the WWE obviously has no interest in using him as an in-ring talent, and it could provide a little bit of nostalgia.
They'll probably drop the gm thing. It's obvious they didn't have anyone in line for the job. With Triple H taking over it gives him a chance to announce storyline wise who he wants. That's better anyways because wwe is on a roll and the whole gm thing went from great to awful after a while. Might as well role with the fresh start. It won't be the 1st time wwe just quit in the middle of a storyline. nash would make a great gm.
I definetly think they should drop the Anon Gm thing. Put SMH in and just call it a day. To me she was very controversial and a good GM.
I'm calling it here and now... the next Raw GM will be the best commentator and GM of all time returning to his position. MIKE ADAMLE. Ok, so he sucked as a commentator at first, but afterwards he got better, and he even made a great match concept. Even if it's not used anymore.
I hope they drop the Anonymous GM angle; it's tired and played out. In fact, I would enjoy watching Triple H make a point of getting rid of the "person"...... even if it involved naming someone and dragging him out of hiding, just to make a ceremony of dumping him (or her).

Hopefully, we're going to start seeing Triple H more often now.....and if we do, he'd probably spend more time on RAW, eliminating the need for a GM. I'd enjoy seeing him perform as an authority figure who occasionally beats the shit out of those who defy him.

If WWE wants to run with an adversary to Triple H on an ongoing basis, they can use Stephanie.
Edge wouldn't be a bad choice. He's had a few months off and is good on the mic. I think he'd make a great on air personality.
I can see someone like William Regal becoming general manager, however if they do continue with the annonymous GM would look a little silly if even triple H doesnt know who he is considering he is on the pay role (logical booking :-s )

....without going for the totally obvious choices of HBK, Nash, X pac I could potentially see one of the following becoming the next RAW General Manager...

Mick Foley
Armando Estrada
Michael Cole
Ric Flair (take advantage of his TNA situation)

Edge wouldn't be a bad choice. He's had a few months off and is good on the mic. I think he'd make a great on air personality.

However that would make no sense since he fueded and broke the computer while on Raw.

I'd have to say Stephanie is the best choice to make any sense. Nash was in TNA when it started and I don't see HBK coming back as GM although it'd be awesome. I don't feel X-Pac has the star power to have that role.

So I have to go with Stephanie but if Nash was brought in, they could make it make sense.
I'm calling it here and now... the next Raw GM will be the best commentator and GM of all time returning to his position. MIKE ADAMLE. Ok, so he sucked as a commentator at first, but afterwards he got better, and he even made a great match concept. Even if it's not used anymore.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong about that on a few levels. The next Raw GM will, in fact, be the best commentator or all time, but it's not Mr. Adamle, it is...... wait for it......... wait for it........


Okay, okay, so maybe not, but a guy can dream, right? And in all honesty, I would have thought Triple H would be revealed as the new GM, but since he's now the big boss, I think it just might be Stephanie McMahon. Could make for some interesting storylines with her and Hunter in complete control of the company.
I'm calling it here and now... the next Raw GM will be the best commentator and GM of all time returning to his position. MIKE ADAMLE. Ok, so he sucked as a commentator at first, but afterwards he got better, and he even made a great match concept. Even if it's not used anymore.

yes, yes. everything she said here! this would be just what a world full of crotchity(?) wwe fans/critics need. mike adamle...

or maybe zack ryder could be named the gm. after all, he's never actually ON the show. hmmmm.
However that would make no sense since he fueded and broke the computer while on Raw.

I'd have to say Stephanie is the best choice to make any sense. Nash was in TNA when it started and I don't see HBK coming back as GM although it'd be awesome. I don't feel X-Pac has the star power to have that role.

So I have to go with Stephanie but if Nash was brought in, they could make it make sense.

The fact Nash was in TNA at the time wouldnt matter at all as WWE pretend they dont exist so as far as thats concerned, it would be fine as they'd just say he was working for WWE throughout the entire period of there being a Raw GM, and I dont think anyone would really be bothered about the overlap in contracts, because hey, who even watches TNA? :)

I personally think Nash would be an excellent pick although Stephanie could work equally well and I dont think it would be a bad thing to see her 'assets' on TV again! It could be good to start giving the Kliq tv time though as even casual fans know a little about that situation and it could add a different dimension to HHH's reign than Vince's, as the storyline possibilities involving them literally running the company are endless.
Considering Mick Foley has been touting the WWE product for months now, even when he was still in IW, I wouldn't be shocked if he ends up being the GM.

I personally think it works out perfectly. It get Mick airtime and mic time without actually having to wrestle.
Long time reader first time poster so forgive me if i am a little off topic.

In my opinion I think the wwe should just scrap the whole brand split and the GMs all together. My Idea would be for Triple H the commissioner for both shows both raw & smackdown would be better off. But hey thats just me. If theres has to be a GM for Raw i would say Chris Jericho.
I would like to see Mick Foley return in a GM sort of role but I think it would make more sense for him to GM Smackdown with Edge as is second man..

If Flair could be bought back in somehow then I think he or Steph would make the best Raw GM's and the history between Foley and Flair and Foley and HHH would make for some interesting developments.

This would mean a continuation of the Raw Vs Smackdown thing though I guess which perhaps the WWE is moving away from?! The whole thing could work just aswell with Foley and Edge in charge of Raw and Triple H, Stephanie, Flair, Nash, X-pac running the WWE...
Considering Mick Foley has been touting the WWE product for months now, even when he was still in IW, I wouldn't be shocked if he ends up being the GM.

Me either. When these guys show up at a PPV for a company they don't work for, they always tell us they were just there to check out the show.

But don't you ever wonder if they're trolling for work?......and don 't you wonder if someone with the legendary reputation of Mick Foley should even have to do that? In other words, if Foley wasn't in WWE's plans, just showing his face isn't going to get him hired. (Then again, maybe it will.)

Of course, if he isn't taken in, he'll say he never intended his PPV appearance to result in employment, anyway. Would you believe that?

Finally, does anyone think he actually had to buy a ticket? Be kinda disillusioning if he did, no?
I believe Edge will get the GM spot, due to the fact the WWE has butchered this storyline and they need to pick it back up. To me Edge would be a perfect fit for a GM, he's funny as hell and would give Raw an even bigger boost than what they have right now. Like the above poster said, I could see Mick Foley becoming the GM too. If it isn't either one of those two, they should just drop it. The whole Triple H thing will make us all forget in a few months.
it would be awesome if HHH was the temp. GM and someone like the Miz complained about how HHH has gone soft and into a stupid role after being a great champ to being washed up. They have a feud in a major PPV and Miz's career is elevated! (or someone's!)
I dont think the GM will even be revealed. Just have Triple H interrupt Cole, Fire the GM and smash the lap top with a Sledge hammer to end of storyline.

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