NXT TNA invasion?


I'm the Big Daddy
So Storm, Gunner, and Aries are all reported backstage at tonights tapings.

Storm is great fit on main roster or in NXT... he is solid worker and could be a big heel or face either way.... just very adaptable.
Aries is perfect for NXT.... puts on great matches but personality wise he is only OK.... perfect for the NXT environment and on teaching some of the youngens how to put great matches on.
Gunner is the wild card for me.... I thought he has "the look" and if memory serves me he is fairly young still...... I think he is one they can groom and in a few years could be a major piece of the WWE puzzle (not saying world champ or anything just saying a very important piece)


Now all we need is Bobby Roode to show up with AJ Styles and a complete TNA invasion of NXT would have happened
I think that Samoa Joe should become the leader and state that he brought some friends with him, to take over NXT. Out come Storm, Aries and Gunner. Invasion angles are always kind of underwhelming, so it will be tough to pull off, but, why not try it in NXT as opposed to TNA trying to invade WWE.
I really do not think or want an invasion angle...... just bringing up the TNAers that could be in NXT. I do not feel all of TNAs wrestlers were bad.... just in bad situations.
So I want to make clear I do not want a full fledged Invasion angle taking place.... just what could they bring and which ones could succeed in NXT or on the main roster.
Id be interested if AJ Styles leads them. Consisting of Styles, Joe, Storm, Aries and Roode. They can call them something generic like...idk...The Band..?
Why would WWE want to acknowledge TNA?

Having an invasion or a stable of former TNA guys would only make reference to TNA, something which WWE refuses to do.
I used to be a bigger TNA fan when AJ Styles was fighting for that promotion. Now I really don't know what's going on there recently. Except that Austin Aries is amazing. The problem Austin has if he ever makes it to the WWE Main Roster is that he doesn't have the big , muscle bound look that Vince wants fighting in his company. It's a shame, because Austin is good on the mic and despite his smaller size, has the execution and technical prowess of a Dean Malenko slash Hitman.

Bobby Roode is another guy I'd like to see hit the WWE. He has a similar look to Triple H and is solid on the mic and very good in the ring. He was also part of my favourite tag team ever, Beer Money. Now wouldn't a Beer Money debut on Raw be awesome ?
This to me feels like a replenishment of the NXT roster. Having a mix of young wrestlers and vets who can go makes for a more well rounded product. I don't see any reason why these guys should even have to go to the main roster. These guys have a following and are still getting very good exposure on the NXT brand.
It doesn't really made sense to me, as all it would do is give some publicity to TNA. Remember that when WCW did this back in the 90's, they were on the losing side of the ratings battles. So them insinuating that WWF was invading as a good strategy, as it brought more attention to them instead of the competition.

If the WWF had tried the same angle, with the implication of WCW invading them, I don't think it would've mattered...and in a way, they kind of did do that with Ric Flair and that group consisting of Guerrero, Saturn, Malenko and Benoit.

Plus, I don't think NXT would draw anymore, although I could be wrong. To watch NXT, you either need Hulu or the network and I don't see someone paying a monthly fee just to watch a certain wrestler. At least with RAW, Nitro, Impact, etc, you just need cable. You're paying a monthly fee, but it's not just for wrestling- presumably.
Why would WWE want to acknowledge TNA?

Having an invasion or a stable of former TNA guys would only make reference to TNA, something which WWE refuses to do.

Because at some point in the not-too-distant future, WWE is very likely to own TNA's tape library, and then they can use that footage for future Network/DVD/Highlight packages.
It's a weird situation as wwe is acknowledging TNA to a degree - they say Storm is a former world champ but don't mention where. I don't think they will ever group them or say they have a history together though. If that was the case, why wasn't Joe there to help Sting considering their history? The way i see it, they are bringing in these guys because they have the tv experience that a lot of NXT talent wouldn't have. Storm, Joe, Aries, even Gunner have all worked in front of tv audiences for years now where as a lot of the other talent just has live event experience. Aside from maybe Gunner(and I think the tats may be an issue), I don't see wwe giving any of these guys major pushes on the main roster but they can be a big deal in NXT and get the new talent, who will make it on the main roster, used to wrestling for tv.
I am a big fan of Austin Aries & Gunner and i like James Storm too..... so its a win-win situation for me..... Excited to see them in nXt but please no invasion angle! :shrug:

I always wished Austin Aries to join nXt/WWE as soon as he left TNA.... My wish is granted!
Personally, if there is going to be an invasion, I'd rather see an MMA one. I keep hearing about MMA fighters possibly coming over to WWE and it would be a lot more interesting and note that I emphasize that it would be an MMA invasion- not a UFC invasion. So it wouldnt be like they'd be giving away free publicity.
I think it is weird if they bring Gunner in. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he the one who was married to Charlotte, and wasn't he being charged for some sort of an assault either on her or someone else? Unless all charges were dropped. I just wonder how this will go with the Flair family if they are upset about the whole Reid storyline thing, and then now they bring in a worker who was married to Charlotte
I think it is weird if they bring Gunner in. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he the one who was married to Charlotte, and wasn't he being charged for some sort of an assault either on her or someone else? Unless all charges were dropped. I just wonder how this will go with the Flair family if they are upset about the whole Reid storyline thing, and then now they bring in a worker who was married to Charlotte
No, that was Bram.

Because at some point in the not-too-distant future, WWE is very likely to own TNA's tape library, and then they can use that footage for future Network/DVD/Highlight packages.

WWE is not going to have TNA's tape library. Their library is worthless. Once they're gone they'll be forgotten in the world of wrestling, beyond the IWC.

WWE is not going to acknowledge TNA ever. They have absolutely no reason to, and there's absolutely no gain in doing so. TNA is not WCW, they're a small time promotion in a small market that the greater populace doesn't even know about or isn't even watching.

WWE is bringing these talents in because they're good assets to have, for their experience and wrestling skill. WWE wants to expand the roster of NXT, and they're going to bring these stars into NXT and make them their OWN. They're not going to even acknowledge some nothing brand they use to work at in obscurity.
Invasion angle suck. Why would WWE even bother acknowledging TNA guys? Makes no sense. They are just maybe adding some talent and not being biased from where they come from. They are now accepting TNA guys as well as independent talent to try to make NXT a legit third brand.

Finally, Gunner stinks. True TNA fans never saw him as "TNA" guy.
If the WWE were to acknowledge TNA, and have a full blown invasion, starting with NXT, then SuperStars, followed by Main Event, and working its way through Smackdown, and finally taking over Raw, I would be very interested in this storyline. They know what they did wrong with the WCW / ECW Alliance Invasion angle, and I don’t think they would make the same mistakes twice. There are quite a few TNA SuperStars I would like to see lead this angle.

Kurt Angle
Bobby Roode
Jeff Hardy
A.J. Styles
Bully Ray
Samoa Joe
Rob Van Dam
Ethan Carter III
Austin Aries
Eric Young
Mr. Anderson
Mick Foley
Chris Sabin
James Storm
Matt Hardy

That would be my lineup for a TNA Invasion roster. I know they wouldn’t be able to get all of them, but all of them would be ideal. They could add and subtract TNA SuperStars from my list, but personally, I think my list is perfect.
Holy shit, if Austin Aries shows up on NXT, I'll lose it. Been waiting on WWE to sign this guy for friggin ever.

As for the invasion storyline, WWE won't even mention TNA so I doubt we see a whole angle based on it. It would be cool to see these guys team up though and portray themselves as something other than "TNA guys". I'd say even throw in the "non WWE guys" like Ciampa and Gargano. There's so much talent in NXT right now that a big storyline like this could work. It would take a lot of figuring out though.
Originally Posted by Charismatic Enigma
Because at some point in the not-too-distant future, WWE is very likely to own TNA's tape library, and then they can use that footage for future Network/DVD/Highlight packages."

Your reply "WWE is not going to have TNA's tape library. Their library is worthless. Once they're gone they'll be forgotten in the world of wrestling, beyond the IWC."

now tell me why WWE would not want to own TNAs tape library when a bunch of their former stars are over there. they have way too much footage of stars that they can make DVDs from for example Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Christian, the Dudleys...

You think Stings DVD wouldn't have been better without 10 years of his career missing?

the WWE knows that owning the tape library would be profitable don't think they wouldn't jump on the chance to purchase it if given the opportunity.
If the WWE were to acknowledge TNA, and have a full blown invasion, starting with NXT, then SuperStars, followed by Main Event, and working its way through Smackdown, and finally taking over Raw, I would be very interested in this storyline. They know what they did wrong with the WCW / ECW Alliance Invasion angle, and I don’t think they would make the same mistakes twice. There are quite a few TNA SuperStars I would like to see lead this angle.

Kurt Angle
Bobby Roode
Jeff Hardy
A.J. Styles
Bully Ray
Samoa Joe
Rob Van Dam
Ethan Carter III
Austin Aries
Eric Young
Mr. Anderson
Mick Foley
Chris Sabin
James Storm
Matt Hardy

That would be my lineup for a TNA Invasion roster. I know they wouldn’t be able to get all of them, but all of them would be ideal. They could add and subtract TNA SuperStars from my list, but personally, I think my list is perfect.

Interesting, but more than a few of those guys in your list have been known as WWE guys for longer than they were known as TNA guys, so (even though WWE's target audience is likely not old enough to remember some of them) the idea of buying into them as 'invaders' might not take root.

I'm thinking more of guys who have most recently been seen on WWE TV as opposed to TNA TV, and guys who largely made their names in WWE.

I doubt it'd be handled the same way as the Invasion was where WWE were in the position to acknowledge WCW/ECW as well as directly reference their wrestlers' past accomplishments in those promotion. Something that having Heyman/Tazz as cause-sympathetic commentators helped address.
The TNA vets are excellent pick ups in that they can elevate the young stars and carry matches on TV if needed. However you do not want NXT to become a TNA graveyard or for the influx of established TNA talent to overshine the progress that the lesser known guys are making. I realise that Finn Balor for example was a big star in Japan and could be considered a vet in his own right plus he and others such as Apollo Crews and other alumni like Owens and Zayn were well known before NXT, however aren't really known the the mainstream WWE audience so can be presented as new talent who have risen through the ranks of NXT to the main roster, whereas I think most or at least a fair portion of the audience know who the TNA veterans are plus they are older guys so it would be a pity to put them ahead of the rising stars when they may only have two or three good years left.
Interesting, but more than a few of those guys in your list have been known as WWE guys for longer than they were known as TNA guys, so (even though WWE's target audience is likely not old enough to remember some of them) the idea of buying into them as 'invaders' might not take root.

I'm thinking more of guys who have most recently been seen on WWE TV as opposed to TNA TV, and guys who largely made their names in WWE.

I doubt it'd be handled the same way as the Invasion was where WWE were in the position to acknowledge WCW/ECW as well as directly reference their wrestlers' past accomplishments in those promotion. Something that having Heyman/Tazz as cause-sympathetic commentators helped address.

Not sure if you noticed, but my picks for the Total Nonstop Action Invaders are all of the former TNA World Champions. When the WCW and ECW Alliance invaded the Federation, they had Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle leading the charge. At the very least, mine makes a little more sense. It's just an idea.

Now, someone asked me, "Where's Drew?? WHERE'S DREW??" on my list. Here's the deal, if Drew Galloway win the TNA World Title Series, then, and only then, will I add him to my list. HAHA!!
So Storm, Gunner, and Aries are all reported backstage at tonights tapings.

Storm is great fit on main roster or in NXT... he is solid worker and could be a big heel or face either way.... just very adaptable.
Aries is perfect for NXT.... puts on great matches but personality wise he is only OK.... perfect for the NXT environment and on teaching some of the youngens how to put great matches on.
Gunner is the wild card for me.... I thought he has "the look" and if memory serves me he is fairly young still...... I think he is one they can groom and in a few years could be a major piece of the WWE puzzle (not saying world champ or anything just saying a very important piece)


Now all we need is Bobby Roode to show up with AJ Styles and a complete TNA invasion of NXT would have happened

you talk like a wwe mark! Seriously they won t last in wwe and they ll be let go! Name any TNA star that stuck around long enough? LOL
Not sure if you noticed, but my picks for the Total Nonstop Action Invaders are all of the former TNA World Champions. When the WCW and ECW Alliance invaded the Federation, they had Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle leading the charge. At the very least, mine makes a little more sense. It's just an idea.

Now, someone asked me, "Where's Drew?? WHERE'S DREW??" on my list. Here's the deal, if Drew Galloway win the TNA World Title Series, then, and only then, will I add him to my list. HAHA!!

It's funny, I never ever knew why Drew Galloway got any attention at all. He was like a toned down Test . Then he entered 3MB and was buried. Just watched a video of Brock Lesnar run out and completely destroy 3MB. Poor saps.

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