Well now that WWE champion Seth Rollins is injured and CENA , Orton and Lesnar is away too what about doing the NXT invasion story line..

Monday night Vince returns and complains about HHH being a bad Authority figure to the WWE and that he has failed to maintain the business like it used to be..So Vince says he needs to rethink about the future of the Company..

This makes HHH frustrated and leads to HHH bringing the NXT invasion on RAW with Blaor, Joe and James Storm and Corbin leading with William Regal and others on the side..
If that happened that would be the way to do it, but there should be no invasions in wrestling. It's always terrible, especially with a brand like NXT where all these guys are being groomed to be on the main roster.. They already did somewhat of an NXT invasion with the woman earlier this year, that's the most you'll get.
I agree that invasion angles never really work and are played out. And I prefer NXT as it is, doing its own thing, building the future, and more often than not being a better product than Raw or Smackdown.
I wouldnot want it though it maybe good....
Making multiple nXt stars debut at the same time destroys their credibility and persona...like they did with Becky, Sasha & Miss Flair
I was thinking the same thing about an invasion angle from NXT. Maybe a group of guys who are ready for the main roster move, come in and they say now that the guys like Cena who are just ruining this sport it is time for them to shine and it gives Cena new opponents to face when he comes back. Will Cena win, most likely but I would have the NXT guys go over. Like a passing of the torch
No, I assume you enjoy NXT for what it is. Don't try to change something that you enjoy. NXT is getting plucked enough as it is, there is no reason to move more talent. Even if the "invaders" work double duty on NXT, the continuity will not be the same and you will lose something that you are enjoying right now.

Don't be a saboteur.
NXT is getting plucked enough as it is....

Yes, that's the main problem with the idea. It's true the main roster needs some talent, with Brock, Rollins and Cena missing...... but stripping the NXT roster, especially so soon after bringing up a bunch of people, including the divas, could be counterproductive to the mission of the entire company, not just NXT.

In addition, even though I rather like the idea of James Storm as an intimidating outsider, I must admit I have a hard time seeing Samoa Joe as part of an invasion force. :)
My problem here is - what happens after? NXT would obviously lose to the main roster, which lowers them as a brand in the casual fan's eyes. And they can't lose talent on their own show either by keeping some of them on the main level. The current system works as stars are created in NXT and then come up one by one. A true invasion would do nothing but backfire. Occasional crossover is OK, but I don't think a full-blown invasion would end up being beneficial for NXT in the long run. Even though they're technically "developmental," NXT is viewed as a true alternative brand to WWE. An invasion-type "loss" to WWE would just lower their stock and present them as a B-league.
NXT will end up looking like crap, and HHH will end up looking good, while burying an entire roster. No thanks, keep NXT doing NXT. Invasion angles always make the soldiers look like crap while boasting the already established Generals.

The way they're doing it now with guys being called up for high key events is making them look good, win lose or draw, we're seeing NXT stars fight the likes of Cena, or going for mid-card gold on their first insertion, keep that kind of exposure up instead of flooding us. You need to keep some high key guys back in NXT as your cycle more into the big leagues, or your minor league will get stale and without good people to work with, wrestlers won't develop as well.
like most of you feel, WWE right now is crap. The product is stale and the majority of Raw is garbage. What I think WWE needs is for NXT to 'invade' WWE. Here's how I would do it:

At TLC, during the WWE Championship match, have Regal come down and start to watch it. Then, as the match draws to a close, you see Regal on his cell phone talking to someone, looking at the ramp. Next thing you know, some of the big names on the roster come out (Balor, Samoa Joe, Vaudvillians, etc) and just decimate them. Next night on Raw, Regal comes out and states exactly what we are thinking: WWE needs fresh new talent, and he's got em right here.

HHH comes down and asks what he's doing and Regal says that he's sick of WWE wasting their time on has beens and over the hill guys. Then regal challenges HHH to put up or shut up sets up matches with his guys vs. HHH guys. Balor vs. shemus, Joe vs. Reigns, New Day vs. Vaudevillians, etc....You could build this through the Royal Rumble, Feb. PPV and cuulminate to a Wresltemian 32 NXT vs. WWE

This could open up a lot of cool possibilities, like do former NXT guys stay with WWE (Neville, Owens, Breeze), or jump back with their NXT friends? WIll HHH get NXT guys to jump ship to WWE?

Will HHH bring back Cena, Bryan to help with the fight?

Will HHH Invade NXT with his guys?

DISCLAIMER: After reading Scott Hudson's take on WCW/ECW purchase and Invasion angle even IF the WWE had the balls to pull the trigger which they haven't had any balls since 2004 anyway it would be a mess. I'm sure ALL of the Wrestlezone community could book it better or any RAW episode better than the status quo.

The problem would be where do the guys who've joined the roster in the past 2/3 years side in this battle meaning Wyatts, The Shield, Lucha Dragons, Kevin Owens, Neville, etc.... Also where would Daniel Bryan & Brock Lesnar stand.

I would have Samoa Joe go squash whoever is the top babyface

I would have Finn Balor & Sami Zayn form a tagteam because unless there's a Cruiserweight championship I don't see them having any relevancy on the main roster.

All in all I think it should NOT be done because NXT is Triple H's baby so how can they "invade" when we all know Regal is his boy and he picked most of those guys. Triple H should mastermind the invasion (ala Vince McMahon's Corporate Ministry of Darkness) and have no one see it coming which would get them ALL over as heels and keep most of the WWE roster face with fans cheering for them.
I like the idea, but I still think WWE can salvage a lot of the guys that were brought up and relegated to jobber status the last few years. I think if guys like Fandango, Axel, Sandow, Rose etc drop their gimmicks and just start jumping people and working that disgruntled employee work/shoot edge, that may add some excitement, or at least reignite some of their careers.
Yes, try to sell out a 100,000 seat stadium with a bunch of guys the majority of the regular audience has never heard of.

Yes, totally drain NXT of its roster.

Yes, lets do yet another invasion angle that will eventually smolder out and help no one.

Great ideas, all round here.
NXT will end up looking like crap, and HHH will end up looking good, while burying an entire roster. No thanks, keep NXT doing NXT. Invasion angles always make the soldiers look like crap while boasting the already established Generals.

The way they're doing it now with guys being called up for high key events is making them look good, win lose or draw, we're seeing NXT stars fight the likes of Cena, or going for mid-card gold on their first insertion, keep that kind of exposure up instead of flooding us. You need to keep some high key guys back in NXT as your cycle more into the big leagues, or your minor league will get stale and without good people to work with, wrestlers won't develop as well.

I agree , there's a lot of NXT Invasion angles being thrown around lately.

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