Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year

Who Is The Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year For 2012?

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Big Show

  • Sin Cara

  • Austin Aries

  • Samoa Joe

  • Kane

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Daniel Bryan went from mediocre midcarder to one of the most over guys on the roster. Sin Cara has adjusted a little more to the WWE style but is in the exact same spot now as he was last year. Show just happens to be in a main event spot right now. It happens all the time. The guy bounces all over the card and is put into the main event when there isn't a better option. Nothing new.
Daniel Bryan, once he found a way to truly connect with an audience. Rather simple way too actually, then the rest is history. It's amazing what a year and an attempted burial can do to a man's career.
It's Daniel Bryan; the work he's done recently has raised his stock with me tremendously. Since Kane is my default #1 Bryan's become my #2 surpassing both Wade Barrett and R-Truth for the time being.
Recently Cara has made some improvements, and isn't a guaranteed botch fest, but it wasn't until he started working with Rey.

I'm giving my vote to Bryan. He has always been good as far as moves go, but part of being a pro wrestling is the ability to tell a story and connect with the audience. I remember this time last year, Bryan was getting no crowd reaction at all. His entire WHC title reign was a bit of a dud, then came Mania. Him losing made him the most over guy in pro wrestling over night. I was watching ESPN when the new Miami Ballpark opened and the Yes! Yes! Yes! chants broke out. He found a way to go from fairly bland midcarder, to an extremely over main event/upper midcard guy.
It's got to be Show or Cara because the rest have always been pretty awesome. Leaning towards towards Show though.

I agree. Show has worked his ass off and has become one of the best workers the WWE has over the past 2 years.

Cara has been great the past few months, very smooth.

Bryan has always been great, he's just gotten more exposure.
What I'm thinking of is this, Bryan Danielson and Daniel Bryan are the same person just a more hyped up, charismatic version. Of course he can't do some of his ROH or Japan moves, but he still is consistenly a top 2 or 3 match worker in the business. Show has the dedication and heart and it makes me wanna vote for him, but for me it's Aries. Austin Aries has went from being a small, vicious hitting, quiet ass whooper, to a flamboyant actor-wrestler kind of thing as Austin Starr, and finally became "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived" Austin Aries. Easy for Me, Aries by a mile.
I'm going with Daniel Bryan as well. As has been pointed out, Bryan has gone from being a primarily generic babyface mid-card wrestler to one of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster over the course of the past 12 months. He's gone from someone that many were expecting to be future endeavored at just about anytime to someone that's shown he has what it takes to be a long term star in WWE. Bryan winning the WHC and having a significant run with it was as pleasant surprise as well. The only complaint I have about Bryan's run is how it ended, but I can't argue with the aftermath in that Bryan is a much bigger star after he held the title than he was before he held it.

Sin Cara has improved a lot in the ring, he no longer botches all over the place, but he's still the same generic luchadore that he always was.

Big Show has improved a lot, I do have to say that. He's been consistently entertaining throughout this year and his matches & feuds with Daniel Bryan & Sheamus have been great.

Austin Aries, all in all, hasn't really shown me that he's improved. He's still great but the only difference really is that he had a brief run in TNA as the WHC. That'd be great if he hadn't been completely overshadowed by Aces & Eights and generally put on the backburner.

To me, Samoa Joe is pretty much the same as he's always been. He gives a few heated promos now and again but, all in all, more of the same.

Kane has improved a lot but, frankly, I think it's more due to his invovlement & chemistry with Daniel Bryan than anything else.
Easily Bryan. He has gone from a guy that allegedly had great matches in the indies to one of the most over wrestlers. He has been entertaining in all of his feuds, plus he had the best match of his (WWE) career against Sheamus.

Oh, and he uses 'Ride of the Valkyries' as his theme.
I voted for Big Show because whilst Bryan has had a massive rise to stardom he was already a fantastic wrestler before then and was already having many good matches for me this was the first year I had actually watched Big Show matches particularly recently and actually thought wow he can wrestle he's not just a fat bastard.
I voted Aries but in all honesty my vote would have went to James Storm. I honestly thought he'd be forgotten after Roode's success but he wasn't. He turned himself into one of the better guys on the roster and a solidified main eventer for TNA.
Oh hells to the yes my boi D-Bry. This kid right here is in my fav five for a-a-a-a reason. Daniel Bryan wasn't not good before he started this year, but there were serious doubts as to whether he could ever pull off being anything other than a Benoit or a Bret Hart, great wrestler, but low in charisma who had to rely on their wrestling to get and keep them over.

Daniel Bryan now officially no longer needs to be considered for that category. The boy is charismatic, very charismatic, more-so than most of the guys they have in the WWE, and has developed from a guy having good-great matches to possibly the best all-round performer in the company at this time. In fact, he'd get my vote for that.
I am honestly surprised one guy was not on this list. His name immediately came to mind when I read the words "most improved". Bully Ray. I know his gimmick started in 2011, but I think it just continued to improve the farther along he went, even into this year. The end of the year seems to be leveling off, but I still think he improved into 2012 as well.

That being said, I'm going to go with Bryan. He didn't necessarily need to improve in-ring wise, but he still tweaked and polished up his moveset, worked on his connection with the crowd, etc. etc. It all came together and now he's even better than before, more well rounded, more versatile.

Besides, how can you vote against somebody who went from nerdy vegan to bearded bad ass?
Bryan. As someone said before, those guys were always pretty good. Bryan went from the generic ring technician from ROH who was as bland as butter on bread to easily one of the best mic workers in WWE, that made me actually want to watch Smackdown. The overness Bryan has exceeds anything currently going in today's WWE. Not to mention his catchphrase was catchy also.

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