Miz And Morrison - DX, not the Rockers.

Mr Breezy

Dark Match Jobber
Earlier there was a thread about ShowMiz being a modern day Diesel/HBK. A few people pretty much said that the Miz' name shouldn't be spoken in the same breath as HBK's. Now this got me thinking, everyone has always said that the tag team of Miz and Morrison was similar to The Rockers -- meaning that one would go on to be very succesful as the other will be a complete failure. But in my honest opinion, I believe that Miz and Morrison are the modern day D-Generation X.

Before you guys go apeshit, you really need to think about this. The Miz may not be HBK, but i believe he's more of a HHH character. At this stage of his careers, does anybody HONESTLY think that the current United States Champion and 1/2 Of The Unified Tag Champions is going to be unsuccesful? This guy gets some of the best heel reactions today. IMO he's second to Jericho at cutting promos in the WWE. This guy SCREAMS charisma. Sure, he might not be Kurt Angle in the ring. But was Triple H? No. Did HHH at one point have that cocky heel persona? Yes. Does The Miz still have 10+ years left in his career to become as good as HHH? Hell yes.

Next up is John Morrison. This guy obviously has the look. At the young age of 30, he also has 10+ years left in his career. He can execute all the moves that Shawn Michaels can, if not, better. All he needs to do is work on his mic work. I can easily see Miz and Morrison reuniting again in the very near future. At this point Morrison hasn't really found his true-self yet, but it takes time. He definitely has a character, but he needs to add more personality. He is much better as a heel and IMO to be a good face, you need to be a great heel first.

Together, these two were the most entertaining tag-team in the last few years. I think that creative split them up way too early. As well I think they should have held on to the Tag Titles, and at the same time started working their way up to the Intercontinental/United States Championships. I expect one of these men to win at the MITB ppv. As soon as one of these guys get a World Championship, we will see the other instantly chase him. The storyline pretty much makes itself. But now i'm just rambling.

Anyways, so does anybody think that these two resemble D-Generation X, or do you still believe that they have a "Rockers" future. Discuss.
I know what you are trying to say. I see both the Miz and Morrison being sucessful. I really do not think one will overshadow the other. However, a year ago I would have said Morrison will be the star. With both individuals being young, they still have time to develop. I see one of them winning the World Title next year. i think it will be Morrison if he stays on Smackdown.
There's no question that the Miz and John Morrison are the future of the WWE!

When it comes to them, there is no Janetty in the bunch. With every great tag team, there's always been that debate. But ever since the singles successes of the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian, the whole notion of one partner achieving greatness while the other fades away in mediocrity has been thrown out the window.

Much like Shawn Michaels and Triple H, these two are spectactular whether they are opponents or allies. I would love to see a reunion later on down the road but not yet. In a couple of years time, after they achieved World Heavyweight and WWE Championship success, the reunion could be just as big, if not bigger, than DX.
I love Miz and Big Show as a team, the Miz is awesome (no pun intended). Hes so good on the mic that we dont even have to hear Big Show talk. I can see them trading the belts backand forth with the Hart Dynasty now, this is a good thing in my opinion as it seems loike the tag team division could be getting back in shape. I reckon it'l be MizSho/ShoMiz vs Hart Dynasty at Extreme Rules but I reckon they will retain and eventually lose the belts to the Harts before regaining it. MizSho/ShoMiz is hear to stay and I believe the Miz in a few years will be on top.

John Morrison is a great talent shame he didnt have a better program for WrestleMania. I'd give him a long run with the IC title before I pushed him onto the World Title though, I think he may even benefit from a heel turn.
Yea Miz n Morrison are probably like DX, just the new young ones
And Miz has certainly impressed me over the past months. I just think he needs to improve his look and buffen up a bit. But in all he can probably reach Triple H greatness
As for Morrison, he has the look, nice moves. Just needs better mic skills and give him the damn IC title!
ok i agree that both these men have great talent and them reuniting one day would be great personally i dont think wwe should of never split this team considerin how short on tag teams a morrison hell turn is in order cause him bein face just isnt workin out miz on the other i think will kinda be like cristain or matt hardy will be right there but never get the wwe/world even if he does deserve it in the future morrsion on the other hand i see winning the world title before the end of this year but personally i hate to say but i am a fan of the miz and would like to see him get world title gold on his waste well thats all i gotta say
Earlier there was a thread about ShowMiz being a modern day Diesel/HBK. A few people pretty much said that the Miz' name shouldn't be spoken in the same breath as HBK's. Now this got me thinking, everyone has always said that the tag team of Miz and Morrison was similar to The Rockers -- meaning that one would go on to be very succesful as the other will be a complete failure. But in my honest opinion, I believe that Miz and Morrison are the modern day D-Generation X.

Before you guys go apeshit, you really need to think about this. The Miz may not be HBK, but i believe he's more of a HHH character. At this stage of his careers, does anybody HONESTLY think that the current United States Champion and 1/2 Of The Unified Tag Champions is going to be unsuccesful? This guy gets some of the best heel reactions today. IMO he's second to Jericho at cutting promos in the WWE. This guy SCREAMS charisma. Sure, he might not be Kurt Angle in the ring. But was Triple H? No. Did HHH at one point have that cocky heel persona? Yes. Does The Miz still have 10+ years left in his career to become as good as HHH? Hell yes.

Together, these two were the most entertaining tag-team in the last few years. I think that creative split them up way too early. .

this can't be a serious post. This is probably the reason why every monday night i have to force myself to watch RAW. If i don' thappen to be home, no big deal. The Miz is second to Jericho in cutting promos? WHAT?!?!? Last night I tried to give this no-talent a 2nd shot. For the past month, I have immediately changed the channel whenever the Miz was on tv. But I kept hearing how fantastic he was on the stick. So I tried again to listen to him. Christ he's boring! Typical Miz promo: blah blah blah cuz I'm awesome! Where did he get his inspiration from? 7 year olds on a playground? Everybody likes to claim HHH is where he's at because of his relationship with Stephanie McMahon. Well who did the Miz have to hook up with to get a job? Pat Patterson? Unified tag champ AND the U.S. title? Jesus christ. And what is the typical ShowMiz match? Miz gets the crap kicked out of him and then Show comes in to clean up the mess. They need to do this because it's not convincing that this clown could legitimately beat Kelly Kelly in a match. If he's the 2nd best on the mic, its a sad state of affairs for the E. But who do they really have? Brilliant move letting Sylvester the Cat win money in the bank. Thuffering Thucatash! Jack Swagger is a joke. They better not ever let that idiot touch a mic again. Let him cash in the title match, have Superman er John Cena whip his ass quickly and we never have to hear from him again.

There's no question that the Miz and John Morrison are the future of the WWE!

When it comes to them, there is no Janetty in the bunch. With every great tag team, there's always been that debate. But ever since the singles successes of the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian, the whole notion of one partner achieving greatness while the other fades away in mediocrity has been thrown out the window.

Much like Shawn Michaels and Triple H, these two are spectactular whether they are opponents or allies. I would love to see a reunion later on down the road but not yet. In a couple of years time, after they achieved World Heavyweight and WWE Championship success, the reunion could be just as big, if not bigger, than DX.

If they are the future, the WWE is going to a dark pathetic place. The Hardys, Edge and Christian, and DX all had something that Miz and Morrison are lacking: talent. Sorry, Morrison actually does have talent but the Miz is just an embarrassment and shows how dry the product has become. This is seriously the best the WWE has to offer?!? If he ever wins a world title I will turn the channel and never return. And the sad thing is I could see it happening fairly soon. The Undertaker is on his last legs, HBK is retired. And since everbody wants to dump people on the wrong side of 40, I guess HHH and Jericho will be checking out soon. The Miz looks like a rejected Abercrombie and Fitch model. He couldn't make it because of his bad physique and terrible overbite. He looks like a hillbilly from the mountains of west virginia. So now he walks out into WWE arenas screams, "I'M AWESOME" and the sheep rave about his outstanding mic skills. I would rather watch Vicky Guerrero in a bikini contest than listen to anything this idiot has to say. At least his mic skills are better than his in ring performance. But thats not saying much. Thats like saying cat crap smells better than dog crap. Its both crap, so who cares?
HHH and HBK were sucessful before DX though. Miz not so much, Morrison yes to a degree. Neither has the mic skills nor the fan following as DX. I don't compare them to these other tag teams. The only common trait for Hardyz, E & C, DX, Miz&Morrison is that both in the teams were/are sucessful.
It's really still to early in the careers of Miz/Morrison to compare them to these legendary tag teams.
The Miz has more personality than Morrison. I could see him being the bigger star in the long run. His mic skills are getting better and better as is his in ring work. All you Miz haters need to sit the fuck down. Sure, he doesn't always hit the mark but he's damn good. You need to forget the whole reality show Miz and how terrible he was when he first started. I hated the guy back then with a passion. Look and give proper praise to how far Miz has come already. Remember, there are no territories for these new young guys to hone thier skills in before you see them on tv. Give a little breathing room a guy doing something you have no chance in hell of doing, to being something that you're not....and that's.....AMESOME!!!!!!!
When it comes to them, there is no Janetty in the bunch. With every great tag team, there's always been that debate. But ever since the singles successes of the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian, the whole notion of one partner achieving greatness while the other fades away in mediocrity has been thrown out the window.

Sadly, this is not quite the case. Matt Hardy and Christian have avoided getting forgotten like Janetty was. But neither has made the break through that Jeff and Edge made. While the scale is smaller, it's still true: one goes up, one does not. There's still time left for both of them, though (well, Christian more than Hardy).

If they are the future, the WWE is going to a dark pathetic place. The Hardys, Edge and Christian, and DX all had something that Miz and Morrison are lacking: talent.

Wrong. Not to say they are the best right now, but they get reactions from the crowd. They can work (whether you think so or not...they haven't been booed from the ring, have they?). They can do segments like "The Dirt Sheet", and they can cut an at least decent promo most of the time (nobody is 100% perfect). It's your opinion that you don't like them, but it's not fact that they have no talent.

Sorry, Morrison actually does have talent but the Miz is just an embarrassment and shows how dry the product has become. This is seriously the best the WWE has to offer?!? If he ever wins a world title I will turn the channel and never return. And the sad thing is I could see it happening fairly soon.

Wrong again. Miz is anything but dry. Compare him to a year ago, and then a year before that. The man has continuously improved his game. You may not like the gimmick, but again, that's your opinion and not fact that he has no skill or talent.

The Undertaker is on his last legs, HBK is retired. And since everbody wants to dump people on the wrong side of 40, I guess HHH and Jericho will be checking out soon.

If by everybody you mean WWE, I don't think they are dumping on anyone over 40. I bet they'd rather keep the older guys around as long as possible.

If by everybody you mean us, the IWC, I think you are mistaken. The majority of dumping on old guys I see online is directed at TNA and it's Ric Flair/Hulk Hogan/Scott Hall/Kevin Nash/Syxx Pac/Nasty Boys/etc fetish.

Either way, wrong #3.

The Miz looks like a rejected Abercrombie and Fitch model. He couldn't make it because of his bad physique and terrible overbite. He looks like a hillbilly from the mountains of west virginia.

Um. I'd say he looks like glam hipster trash, like Hollywood bile. Never noticed a bad physique, though. He's just like any other small dude. And hillbilly? I've never seen a hillbilly dressed like that. Wrong again, chief.

So now he walks out into WWE arenas screams, "I'M AWESOME" and the sheep rave about his outstanding mic skills.

No, silly, when I praise The Miz on the mic it's because he drops references to the distant past, or to the smark crowd (not in the Russo "look how subtle I'm being!!!!!" way, mind you). He's a guy that not only loves the industry and has for a long time, but one who is also pretty in touch with the "mainstream" at the moment. And he uses this to further his heel status. You are going to hate him for having a catch phrase? What did you think of The Rock, or Stone Cold, or HHH, or Mankind, or really anyone ever who's ever had a catch phrase (which is most everyone)? I'm willing to bet it's just because you don't like his catch phrase. Again, opinion vs fact...fact wins. Wrong streak continues.

I would rather watch Vicky Guerrero in a bikini contest than listen to anything this idiot has to say. At least his mic skills are better than his in ring performance. But thats not saying much. Thats like saying cat crap smells better than dog crap. Its both crap, so who cares?

First of all, stop ripping off Cornette. Secondly, you go ahead and have that Vicky vision. I bet it's not too bad, but then again I like my women big. Thirdly, you keep saying he's crap in the ring. You don't seem to be able to point out any examples or reasons. So, one last time, opinion vs fact.

Find something like yoga or whatever to release your stress, man.
No, silly, when I praise The Miz on the mic it's because he drops references to the distant past, or to the smark crowd (not in the Russo "look how subtle I'm being!!!!!" way, mind you). He's a guy that not only loves the industry and has for a long time, but one who is also pretty in touch with the "mainstream" at the moment.

If that was case then maybe Michael Cole would not be too criticized by you for also sometimes trying to address this "smark crowd". Let us see. He too commonly brings up "vintage" moments from the past but the difference is he executes with wrong information sometimes. Now I know it was supposed to be about Miz. I distinctly remember him saying he was not going to be the Marty Jannetty. Well so far he won the championship of the middle card like Marty won the Intercontinental Championship. He can say things but hardly backs them up. Time may reveal if he was lying or telling the truth.

What was an example of him playing to the smart fans? Would that not be counterproductive since they are only about five percent of the people that watched the WWE? If you could provide a reference, could you also relate it to how Vince Russo was described as being subtle about it? The Miz sounded somewhat subtle as well when he addressed moments of the past like D-Generation X being created in nineteen ninety-seven. Sure he talked loudly but it still felt subtle because he might have treated it as an afterthought which I thought was the point of the promo on "The Dirt Sheet" in the late portion of two thousand eight during WWE ECW.
For A long time I have thought they reminded me of D-X, but more like the version of D-X with the New Age Outlaws. Miz to me is like Road Dogg. Road Dogg was one of the best performers on the mic. He could cut a great promo but lacked a lot in the ring. I think Miz is better than the Road D-O-Double G in the ring. Morrison is like Billy Gunn. Gunn had a great physique and could get it done in the ring. Gunn's problem was he can't talk. His promo's sucked big time. Morrison's do too. I think Morrison is a bit better than the ASS MAN at promo's and in the ring.

So I see Miz and Morrison as a step up from the New-Age outlaws, but not Michaels and HHH.

P.S. If the WWE wanted to truly recreate a New Age Outlaw tag-team. Miz and Ziggler would be almost exact replica's.

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