What if The Miz/Morrison Edition


Layeth The Smackdown!
Now remember about 2 years ago at the yearly WWE Draft when Miz and Morrison were in a tag match and they lost so Morrison was drafted to SD and Miz to Raw? After this, The Miz would beat down Morrison and after that moment I thought Miz would be the face and Morrison would be the heel. But, I was wrong and so was everyone else. Now if Miz was to become a face and Morrison was to stay heel how would things be different? Would Miz be over as a face? Would Morrison be in the main event as a heel? Who would be more successful? Your thoughts?
THE MIZ i think could get over as face but not as good as he is as a Heel. JOMO i think would be a Maineventer as heel as we all no Jomo is better as a heel he cuts better promos as a heel and to me his charcter fits a heel better. I think JOMO would be more succesful cause like i said Jomo is a better heel and im not to sure how over as a face Miz could be.
Hmm, you would have to think that maybe JoMo would have being more successful than Miz if he were the one turned heel, Simply due to the fact that is much easier to get over as a heel than a face.

Also The Miz never would of created the catchphrase "Awesome" he wouldn't of furred with Cena or the guest hosts and would of being sent to the hell known as the Raw midcard.

Morrison on the otherhand would of being drafted to Smackdown while Edge was injured and probably wouldnof became the second fiddle heel to Jericho. But then of course he might of being unsuccessful as a heel without The Miz and failed at getting over.

Also, maybe the WWE Universe may have relised what a great guy Miz was outside the ring and gotten over that way. We just really won't know so all I can do is predict.
It was actually just over a year ago. Both men were heels when they split and Morrison didn't turn face until the Smackdown that week (or the one after) when he brawling with Jericho or Benjamin (Since he still worked as a heel on ECW against Bourne the next night). If there roles were reversed both men would be in midcard hell (Unlike how only Morrison is now). Morrison couldn't draw heat at all as he can't talk and his move set is one that a flippy fash uses. The Miz on the other hand is an obnoxious character and if he was a face he would of ended up like MVP. As a heel he managed to get over and is still on the rise, i can't picture The Miz as a face as he just works as a heel.

Just my opinion, roles reversed, both men would of failed. The way they are is how it should be, if Morrison wasn't fed to McIntyre he wouldn't of fallen so far down the card. The Miz, how he is right now just works.
Really, how can the man that beats down his long-time tag partner, become a face? It was obvious who would turn out to be who. If you watched The Dirt Sheet, it showed Morrison as the face, and Miz as the Hollywood Wannabe as before.
And For The Record, it was a singles match between Kofi and The Miz, Morrison interfered while the ref was looking, and hey-ho, The Awesome One ends up on Raw...I'm Just Sayin...
Sorry but, Morrision's dead.

Theycompletely missed the boat and let his window of opportuinity expire. Now, he's nothing more than a mid card jobber with main event looks, that is in DIRE NEED of being repackaged.

The Miz, personnally would work pretty well as a face but I think he's much better as a heel. He needs to 86 that useless US Title because he's better than that. Then the 'E' needs to let him win MITB and win the title clean at Summerslam.
For the love of all that is sacred, do NOT make the Miz a face!!! I just grazed over what everyone else posted, but the general consensus is Miz makes a better heel than a face. There's more than one type of heel. There's guys like Swagger or Vicki Guerrero who you just hate. It has nothing to do with their gimmick or who their rivals are, you just hate them and even if everything was real, you still want to see them get run over by a bus. There's guys like Miz and Ryder. Loud, arrogant, obnoxious, but for some reason, you like them. You don't mind seeing the heel beat the face. Then you have someone like Sheamus. Kind of stuck in between. You don't really want to like him because he was pushed way too quick, but at the same time, you have to admit he does have the ability, and you were happy both times he dethroned SuperCena.

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