Mid Card for Life


I can do whatever I want
Who currently employed in the WWE do you think will never get passed the mid card?

Carlito: This guy is decent in the ring, has a pretty good # of fans, and is good on the mic, yet I don't know if Carlito will ever truly get out of the midcard, or at least if his gimmick stays. They made his character to much of a comedy one for him to compete for the top belts and mainevent PPV's so I see Carlito being a permanent member of the midcard unless a gimmick change is implemented.

Kenny Dykstra: This guy does have talent. He is decent in the ring and on the mic and he radiates a certain kinda of charimsa that makes him very easy to hate. But I think he's size and lack of something special may hinder him from being a top star. Thoughts? Who are your choices?
THE Brian Kendrick and Kenny Dykstra.

The only thing these guys can accomplish anything is/was in tag matches. Sure, they both have talent, but it just isn't enough. I actually believe that Kendrick will be taken down to the promotional territories again, whereas Dykstra will be pushed or fired for being a waste of time.

Maybe they should get together and call themselves THE Rejects of WWE.
The Kendrick...shipped down to promotional developments? Are you currently watching Smackdown? They are pushing Kendrick pretty hard. He was in the mainevent of a PPV, and is been give alot of air time(unlike London) Yes, he will probably stay in the midcard but I doubt they would ship him to FCW since his skills are great, and he can't really improve anymore. If anything it's his size that will make him Midcard for life. Yes, Mysterio did it, but where is he now? Many people just cannot realisticly believe that a small guy like Kendrick could contend with a guy like Taker or HHH(the marks anyway).
What I meant for The Kendrick is for his gimmick to change, if at all. Obviously the guy is an amazing in-ring competitor, showing proof with tag titles around his waist before. But singles competition isn't enough. It makes or breaks. Deuce and Domino, Cade and Murdoch; these guys broke up and where are they now? Hardly on TV or being filler to some bigger scheme.

I ruled out Dykstra right away and threw him to the dogs because, once again, he was part of a tag team, which everyone (aside from Nicky as Dolph Ziggler) went back to FCW. Unless The Kendrick can do what Edge did when he split from Christian, he will be a mid-carder, always, and most likely he will be given a gimmick overhaul.
Personally, my feeling on TBK (look how close his acroynm is to HBK...omen? ;) ) is that I'm not feeling the it factor from him right now. The important part of that sentence, however, is right now. I see Kendrick as an Intercontinental, US, or ECW Champion any day of the week right now, and when he was drafted there was no way I could have ever expected that out of him. Honestly, I think the best thing for this guy would be to go to ECW and have a good feud with Matt Hardy. As far as the potential of main eventing a pay per view...well, it's not something I'm seeing for him right now. Obviously he is small, although he can change that. He's on the short side but if he packed on 20 pounds (hopefully of muscle) the general image could change. Besides, he outweighs Mysterio by 20 pounds already and is two inches taller. He's got a great spot on the Smackdown midcard, and it's not like he needs to jump up to the main event right away. There's nothing wrong with him being where he is, and in several years he might get there.

That said, here's some eternal midcarders as I see 'em,

Carlito - I just don't see him making the main event in the WWE. Give this guy any midcard title you want, he's great for it. But Carlito as a world champ...man, it's just not there. It's time like these I realize how huge the gap between the midcard titles and the world titles really is. There was a time when we could have said, "Well, he's been Intercontinental Champion, so he should be gearing up for the main event soon." Nowadays the feeling is more like, "He'd be a great IC Champ, but no way will he ever get the world title." There's guys who have Hall of Fame careers who's great WWE accomplishment is the IC Title. Anyway, Carlito. His tag run is exciting and he's shown he can do face or heel and work out well, but his mic skills really aren't that great. He's a pretty good wrestler and I don't see any problem with him maybe main eventing ECW one day. But I can't see him ever hitting the main event. I'd say the same for his brother, but because he's so new, I can't penalize him this early.

Mr. Kennedy - I love this guy, and it hurts to say this, but I don't see him ever getting out of the midcard because he's just too injury prone. Every time he gets on a roll he gets hurt, and leaving to do a movie didn't do him any favors either. Kennedy is one of the best talkers on Smackdown, and can get a crowd majorly pumped with his whole entrance business. But just looking at his history...he got the MITB case which he lost to injury, and he very well could have become world champ off that case had he managed to last till WM. Then again maybe he was always supposed to lose to Edge, we can't know. But certainly getting hurt there didn't help him. Then he got himself suspended, which is another momentum killer, went up to Wrestlemania with nothing special and made a token appearance at best in the MITB match, when he could very well have become world champ that night. Then he leaves for a movie, returns for a whopping two months, and gets hurt. The only saving grace Kennedy has is that the fans love him, and if he can stay injury free maybe one day he'll become world champ. I'd love nothing more, I think he's awesome. But one more injury and long term abscence might condemn him forever to the midcard.
Lance Cade: Now at one stage there was talk of a big push for this guy, but hes basically been buried during the HBK/Jericho angle. Also, I didnt see this coming but hes freaking boring!

Kennedy: Man, it upsets me so much! Im a huge Kennedy mark, but hes either cursed or just dam unlucky! I think he will probably get close one more time and something else will go wrong and thatll be the end of his main event pushes
Kofi Kingston is the one guy that pops into my mind first. Enjoyable matches, a positive attitude and a damn good moveset, but his character is just too repetitive and quite frankly, so are his matches. The stereotype is a bit over much. He's gonna be a mid-carder for his entire stay in WWE. Not that there's anything wrong with that, not at all, he can help bring some well-needed intensity back into the tag team division and after Santino beats Honky's record, the IC division again.

Oh yeah, I suppose I should also include D-Lo Brown, IF he even makes the mid-card. So far since he's return, he's been the same guy, just with less entertainment value. He feels completely out of place. I hardly expect any title reigns or memorable angles for him in his last tenure in WWE (I think?) but he could be a solid mid-carder, I guess. Call me crazy, but I've never seen the potential in this guy.

And I can't believe you can include THE Brian Kendrick in this? He has the IT factor all right...I saw some glimpses of it in his Spanky days, but he's become nothing short of a revelation since he changed his gimmick. He's just so believable as a heel...he should be the next "ultimate opportunist". It would put him over like crazy as a heel. He has both a great moveset and heel charisma to die for, so he's about the last guy who should be stuck in the mid-card as far as I'm concerned.
I have to agree with everyone saying Carlito. He's good on the mic, and can put on a good match, but there is no way I could take him seriously as a champion. I'm not saying he would be a bad world champ, but on a show with Triple H, Undertaker, Edge (whenever he comes back), and Jeff Hardy (*marks out just thinking about Jeff as wwe champ*) there is no way that I could believe that he is the best wrestler.

I have to disagree about Mr. Kennedy tho. The only thing holding him back right now is the fact that he is injury-prone. If he can prove that he can stay healthy for an extended period of time, he would make an excellent champion. He is excellent at delivering promos, a very good in-ring worker, and the fact that he has shown that he can be either an effective heel or face. I truly belive that all that stands between Kennedy and a world title run is his health.
Paul Burchill: Though I think this guy has potential, I just don't think that he'll amount to more than IC/US champion. I'd like to see him improve to the point where he's a major player in the years to come, but I just don't know.

Lance Cade: He's got a decent look and a decent finisher, but I don't see what the WWE sees in this guy. He could have a run with the IC title, but I think that's his ceiling. I highly doubt he'll ever even become an upper midcarder.

Santino Marella: Eventually, the act is going to wear thin and nobody will care anymore. Then, unless he gets a total gimmick change, he'll be stuck as even more of a jobber than he is now.

Carlito: The ultimate midcarder. The guy's talented enough to be a midcard title holder but he lacks that extra umph to get himself up any higher.

Mike Knox: Just another generic big & tough heel. He's better than some, but he's nothing too special.

Ricky Ortiz: I don't see why he's even a midcarder. Damn near every single person I know just thinks this guy is a no-talent douche. The best thing for them to do, I think, is put him in a tag team with Scotty Goldman, where Ortiz can be the big guy and Goldman can be the small but fast guy.
Umaga: I'm a huge fan of Umaga and I think he's a great worker but because he's limited on the mic, I don't think he'll ever become World Champion, he'll always be a IC/US champion and nice competition for World champions. True Kahli got the title with no mic but only in that instance, where a bunch of champions get injuried, will Umaga ever hold the title. He started strong, but since lost to a whole bunch of people and his characters lost a little steam, I hope he returns strong.

Lance Cade: I've never seen nothing special in Cade, not in his first run and not with Murdock. He's very generic, has a decent finisher and just isn't very entertaning. At most he'll be an IC contender for life.
Carlito for sure, first person to come to mind. To me, hes been labeled as a comedy character with his stupid entrance music and accent. He should have been repackaged as a heel when he got drafted to SD!. His absence for so long makes his past not important but he comes back with horrible loooking ring atire and still sporting that stupid entrance music. Personally I think his ring work is kinda sloppy, sorta like the Jeff Hardy around 2002 or 2003. And his finisher sucks, just a regular TNA move. He should be doing a top rope move.

I don't know if its just me but I think if you wanna be a solid player in WWE, you need a good entrance tune not some stupid shit like Carlito's...
WOW, just..wow.

Do you guys are aware that ALL of the guys mentioned in this thread are the only stars left in the business after all the bigs stars are gone?

Carlito is young, a great talker with a decent move set, and you guys are burying to oblivion?? come on, give the guy some time; no one can say that he could be the next Rock, but he can easily make a big impact. in terms of business, specially with all the latino audience out there, Carlito is bound for sucess; besides Rey, who else is out there who appeal Latino audience? yup, nobody else.

Kenny Dykstra?? you gotta be kidding me... he is even younger than Carlito! anybody remember these chants? "Rocky sucks, rocky sucks" ? wow, that was THE ROCK in the beginning of his career, nobody liked the guy because he was trying to imitate the SCSA good guy character... Kenny? not so much. He has been a heel since the beginning and I expect great things from him in the future.

the other new guys (Scotty Goldman, Ricky Ortiz) are just "too new" to judge them, so I cant tell.

Geez, people, it seems that patience is not a virtue around here.
Kenny Dykstra needs to get into the midcard before he can be stuck there for life. He is filler. He is a jobber to the stars.

This pains me, but Kofi Kingston seems on the stuck track. It's not that I don't like him, because he is near the top of my list. His problem is that he has an accent. Kozlov can transcend the accent because of his look. He looks menacing, sounds menacing, and will be a champ some day. Kofi on the other hand can never have a heel turn. A heel turn and then turn back is the track to the top. You turn, turn back, and are redeemed by winning the belt. Kofi's accent sounds too fun, he smiles too much, and is too loved. He will be a guy who will get into an elimination chamber match, but not be a serious threat. He will be on the big time Survivor Series team, but be eliminated early. He will get paired with someone at the top for a short term segment of an angle, but it will fade. He will be good to fill in spots around the main eventers without ever being one.

It's too bad, as I love the guy. He is exciting in the ring, and just cheery, he makes me root for him. The problem is that his promos, while good, will never be able to match HHH in the intensity necessary to carry a feud of that caliber.
Santino: I think this guy has potential, but i just don't see him making more then an entertaining IC champ. Personally i think the guy could be great with a new gimmick, I just don't see Vince wanting to try.

Mike Knox: This guy looks like he is from ancient Egypt for gods sake. He will never make it past jobber status, and i think he is a complete waste of a pay check.

The Brian Kendrick i dont really see making it much farther then a world title shot, but i think he has more potential then these two, and if given the right gimmick could be pretty damn good.
Sadly all three of these mid-carders all have talent, its a shame they may never get utilised properly.

My first mid carder would be Santino. The reason i have picked him is because even with the IC title he just seems like a "fill in" for someone else, its as if theres someone that will take the IC title away from him when they come back. Who? I don't know but i hope it does'nt happen. This guy is majorly talented and making him job everyweek to people is just plain stupid. The abgle with him and Beth is also keeping him down. It makes him look like a baby and Beth look weak. Like i said earlier, i hpe my thoughts don't come reality because if they do it will be a sad loss/waste of Santino'd talent.

My second mid carder would be Kennedy. The reason i have picked Kennedy is because of his injuries and his drug related suspensions . I feel bad that he got injured just before he was going to be pushed but sometimes things are'nt meant to happen and maybe his "push" was'nt. As for his drug related problem this could also be seen as another reason to why he will never be a main eventer. He has let down the company once and hopefullly he does'nt do it again. To prove he isn't just a mid carder he needs to do some serious thinking about how he wants his career to go. Does he want to be like Jeff Hardy or does he want to be like a honest man

My third mid carder will be Carlito. The reason i have picked Carlito is because he never seems quite at ease with his gimmick or where he is at, he seems lacklustre and to me does'nt care about his job in the WWE. I remember when he slagged off Triple H, now where did that get him? These are the types of things that will not get him far. Whilst he was off this year for a long time it was rumored he was checking out different wrestling promotions in his native Carribean, now please tell me what he would find their? I'd say nothing. I just think Carlito needs to improve his attitude and he needs to feel at ease with where he is at and his gimmick. Then he could become a main eventer, although i doubt Carlito will ever heed peoples advice

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