Which WWE mid-card talent is the next star?

Mid-card talent to be the next major title contender?

  • MVP

  • CM Punk

  • Carlito

  • Chris Masters

  • Johnny Nitro

  • Matt Hardy

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Other

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I voted for shelton because of all the reasons given by people before, however, the person i'd love to get a good push would be carlito , let him grow back into the amazing cocky arrogant heel champion he was before, getting himself DQ'd and counted out to keep his title and he would have atomic heat from the crowd. Also despite people not liking his ringwork , i'm a big fan of it , especially the backstabber which I think is within the top 5 finishing moves in WWE right now. and really you won't find many better on the mic in the WWE , now that, thats cool.
It is definatly Matt Hardy (CM Punk I would say is already at the main event level as he is in contention for a World Title after all) he has busted his ass through all the tag team matches of the late 90's been in the company longer than all of the other guys is by far the most over guy the WWE has (except with 12 year old girls or pre-pubescent guys they have Cena to look up to *gag*) he has decent skills with a mic but the WWE won't let him go on it often but then again when has that meant anything I mean look at Benoit how many times did he ever get on the mic. Then again there is always Jeff (imo good wrestler, mid-card title holder only) for some reason the WWE has always pushed Jeff more than Matt at least they should be pushed equally both great competitors. Hopefully by the end of the year or early next year Matt gets the WHC off Edge.
Shelton Benjamin making a late push...

My one concern for turning him face again is the same issue I have had with Mick Foley and Kurt Angle as of late. When you can't make up your mind about a guy, when it's face to heel to tweener to heel to face every other month, it can be hard to keep track of and the fans lose interest. If Shelton goes face AGAIN, especially without buildup, fans will not care at all.

This response also is another vote in favor of my "Virgin Tournament" idea, where a vacated World or WWE title is decided at King of the Ring in an 8-man single elimination comprised of superstars who have never won the "major championship"; three from RAW (J. Hardy, S. Benjamin, Carlito), two from Smackdown (M. Hardy, MVP, C. Masters), and two from ECW (J. Nitro and C.M. Punk). A pay per view in which you are PROMISED a major champion's first time reign? A final pitting Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy in the first brother vs brother title match since Bret and Own at Summerslam? I'd take it in a heartbeat!
I like that "Virgin Tournament" idea. I think that MVP will be the next star because he has that "it" factor. He can wrestle, has great mic skills, and gets over with the fans. After all, he is billed as the "highest paid free agent in SmackDown! history." That has to count for something.
Everyone's forgetting about the top draft pick for Monday night Raw, my man MISTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER

He has the potential to be like the Rock with the way they allow him all over the mic. Not to mention he gets his very own drop down from the ceiling oldschool style microphone, hehe. Plus he just has that attitude that Orton used to have and is getting back recently...purely untouchably cool. Throw in the fact that he was supposed to have beaten the Undertaker for the belt anyway if they didn't get injured and you've got yourself the next mid carder taking their game to the main event level.
INDEED! I know people are saying he's already a main eventer, but I don't think he's quite there yet. The injuries slowed him down, but the fact is mike skills mean a lot to me, and Kennedy is a pisser! I've liked the guy since I first saw his gimmick, and he is very cool. As far as the list goes, I voted for MVP, as he can wrestle his ass off. But, your next WWE champ will hopefully be... MISTAAAAAAAAA...(goes on for about 5 minutes), KEEEEENEEEDDDDDDYYYY! (wait for it...you know it's coming...just one...second...more.......KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to the mods. I just could NOT help it. :)
Again, this thread is about MID-CARD talents... I dont think Kennedy is in the midcard anymore...
And about Matt Hardy, i dont know, he is way over, but he is getting old so fast... besides, Edge is at the top of his game right now, and i dont think Matt could cut a promo like Edge does, not in a 100 years...maybe a little push and 1 or 2 shots, that will be all for him.
I would push Shelton, ONLY if the guy is really commited to improve his mic skills, he has the athleticism, the skills, and recently some TV time, i think this is the time for Shelton to get the IC title again and break up with Charlie Hass for good. (after the romantic approach on RAW, maybe this wont be possible though :D) i see him feuding Kennedy(c) for the WWE belt in a couple of years...
Shelton Benjamin could be the next big star if they would just give the guy a chance for gods sake he is great in the ring even though he gets a little too spotty sometimes he still has alot of talent and his mic skills i dont know its really been so long since iver heard him talk i dont really know but he is a great heel and very cocky and can get heat but they need to separate him from Haas and give him a shot...i dont think they would be let down
I think CM Punk will be a hi carder soon. He is over with the fans, and he is an all around good wrestler. The only thing he needs to do is get the ECW championship and he will be heading up. Also a move to Smackdown or RAW would help a lot.
They tried Shelton and it failed. He's got the in-ring skills but lacks the charisma to be a champ. CM-Punk already has his title now and I think it's time both Hardy's get pushed up. They both have the talent, Matt has decent mic skills. Jeff like Benoit has won fans through his matches and not for speaking. Though Jeff says much more in his matches than that chump Cena every will. Sadly mic skills is what is needed to be a champ and if you don't have them then it's pointless.
It has to be Matt Hardy... people say he's getting old way too fast...I disagree. He's not that much older than any of the other champions. Besides we've had Hogan and HBK and Taker as champs recently so age can't be a factor. On smackdown...once Khali is gone I think Matt Hardy is a factor for the title. Matt Hardy could be the big star given the right push as a heel or face
I think both Hardy's will be major players in the near future. Both have great in-ring capabilities, and they have more than adequate mic skills. Just give them a chance to run with the ball, and be amazed. No one can doubt Matt Hardy's path has been started just look at the publicity, the wins, and the announcer backing he's been getting. Which i do find the announcer backing odd, because it is coming from JBL (the heel announcer). Is there a turn in the books?

Side note: I would like to see them reinvent the WWE by both turning heel, and creating a cross brand stable futuring the younger more electrifying talent. There main goal would be breaking a "good ole boys" network holding the young stars back. Maybe get this have them be countered by a face Corporate stable.
Say what you will about Shelton Benjamin. He doesn't have the charisma, he isn't good on the mic, he can't cut good promos, etc! Shelton Benjamin is probably the best athelete on the roster and proves it with the majority of his matches.

All he needs is a mouth peice! A manager to talk for him. To do the promos and the interveiws. Look at Brock Lesnar! Horrible on the mic, but Paul Heyman was all he needed to get over! If they would do the same for Shelton Benjamin, he could be a very big star!

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