I won't believe it until I see it.... however, if this DOES happen.... I would mark out for it. If Beth won MITB and actually got a world title then she would make history. If ANY diva in the modern era deserves to be the first one to win a world title in WWE, it's Beth. I think she will just cash it in for a Womens Championship match though.... My pick to win MITB is still Drew McIntyre, even if Beth does end up in the match.
Popular? Yes. Massively? No. He's regulated to Matt Hardy status, which in turn is just D'Lo Brown's old job.

Pretty sure Cristian is a hugely popular face, admittedly he's not on R-Truth's level, but he's still over enough to be considered for a title run.

I'll take almost anybody else's word over Eric Bischoff. On instinct alone.

I can recall Bischoff being flat out wrong on numerous times, but I'm at a loss to think of any lies.

At time of me writing this, Honky Tonk Man's TNA status is still nonexistent.

I believe we are stuck here as neither of us can claim to speak for "most people". Perhaps a poll is in order at some point.

I feel I can, after several years on forums and having seen a hundred or so threads about Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior, I can easily come to the conclusion that the IC title being on the line is one of the least talked about aspects of the match.

No, what I had said was Warrior eats face, Drew eats jabroni's shorts, and if McIntyre wins MitB, we riot. Also, I took some shots at Christian, but I hope he knows I still love him.

I'll bump this thread should he win, I expect photos of you smashing up your bedroom.
By what standard? Holding the WWECW Championship twice is a feat of excellence or a show of confidence?
First of all, calling the WWE version of ECW by the name "WWECW" hasn't been witty since... Okay, you caught me. It's never been witty.

The old ECW is dead. The new ECW was a success that drew top ratings for SciFi at little expense to the WWE and built stars up for major prime-time pushes upon reaching the top brands. Not only that but it presented many high quality bouts on a regular basis. Open your eyes, greet the modern wrestling landscape, and stop crying yourself to sleep in your faded ECW t-shirt.

Punk jumped from the ECW title to MITB and won the World Championship on his first week on Raw. Matt used the ECW title get him momentum for his heel turn (Not WWE or the belt's fault that Matt's injury prone and out of shape). Also...

Where's Lashley now, btw?
You talk like Lashley didn't transition from his second ECW title reign to a major title match against John Cena. He did. The WWE had plans for him. Where he is now has nothing to do with anything.

Anyone who thinks the ECW title wasn't the top midcard belt in the WWE is fooling themself.

He's been built up to be Matt Hardy 2.0; a talented but flawed performer that can get decent pops depending on the area, and will never be able to escape the limelight of their ex-tag parter.
You're talking shit.

What the hell is this? Am I supposed to take you seriously? Did I mention conspiracies, or Roswell, of FBI secret takeovers of your water supply? You seem like a smart guy, but I just can't take you seriously with a comment like that.
I feel the same way about you (minus the part where I think you're a smart guy) when you spew dumb shit about how Vince had a grudge against Christian. How can you fall for such obvious smark bait?

Whoa there. Whoa. There. Calm the hell down, vato. Christian just completed two major stretches with a jabroni title for the dying ECW brand.
That belt did more for most people than the IC belt and the US belt.

And anyway, that's how matches like this are booked, silly; drop in some noobs with some seasoned (well, often overcooked) pros so people don't write it off as unimportant.
No shit. That doesn't mean all seasoned pros are on the same level as Kane.

No, Sheamus got a huge push. McIntyre has gotten a push like a schizo. They forget him for a few weeks, and then push really hard that "Oh yeah, remember he's undefeated*, oh yeah, he's the Chosen One". They make him look weak against most everyone. Except one local jobber. Yep, huge push.
He's on TV every week. He's a champion. He's got mic time. He's had an on-going angle in recent weeks about his streak. He hasn't looked as weak as you think. I mean if getting trounced by the Undertaker were a sign of a burial, everyone on the roster would be in trouble.

You're talking shit. Do you even watch SmackDown?

Oh and thanks for my first red rep.
You earned it.
Um, McIntyre is going to win Money In the Bank.

er, yea. I have always thought it was perfectly clear. Matter of fact, if Batista and Cena dont go on last, i would have my radar up for a same night cash in, for the first time. Maybe. Probably not.
Im either going with Mcintyre or Christian will either win it or cash it in, Mcintyre seems the favorite in all of this being Vince's chosen one and Christian has momentum coming in from ECW, so im hoping for him to get a chance at the big time.
So.. no 11th entry in MITB, as Yoshi won a meaningless battle royal it seems.

And Swagger straight up SAID on Raw he'd cash in THAT VERY NIGHT (Mania) if he won. So clearly, as of this past Raw, they didn't even KNOW yet who they wanted to win. :lmao:

And when they drew his name out of the hat, moments before the match, they likely said.. "Okay, Jack, you're gonna win - but in the end, you aren't cashing shit in because you will NEVAH be Champion. Enjoy making history, for becoming the first guy to cash in and lose."
McInyre was robbed. And Kofi should've won from the stilt-performance alone. LOL When he walked out I was like "Wow, what an idiot, he's not high enough to even make that believ..." then he started jumping up the rungs and I shut the fuck up. :lmao:

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