The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Beth Phoenix is slated to be the 11th participant in the MITB match, according to an inside source. She is expected to qualify as a surprise entrant in a dark match battle royal before the show.

I'm excited. A great talent, with a legit shot at winning. I would definitely buy a WWE championship reign. It would be more credible than Sheamus...
Ugh...WWE would find a way to ruin it. They have a golden opportunity here. They better not screw it up!
Funny that when I add Beth to the list of participants, only her, Christian and Kofi look like legit possible winners. I could totally dig a Beth Phoenix title run. Also, my girlfriend will likely have her first mark out moment in wrestling if it's true. Hope the source is good.
I mentioned to Showtime yesterday that no one in the Money in the Bank match this year has the name to become a legit contender for a title shot. In my opinion, Christian or Kane are really the only two contenders that could possible become any potential threat against a challenger.

If Beth Pheonix was a suprise entrant in this match, she would be at the top of my extremely short list for potential believable contenders.

But as good as a talent as she is, would it actually be marketable to see her vs Jericho or Batista or any other main event champion?

To me she would have to challenge for the US Title, Intercontinental Title or Woman's Championship and to me, thats a waste of cashing in the Money in the Bank title shot.

The moral of the story: Beth Pheonix for Money in the Bank!
I think that if Beth does appear in MITB it only solidifies my belief that Drew McIntyre is going to win it.

A heel like McIntyre will get great heat for Future Shocking a woman off the ladder or just pipping her to the briefcase
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1911940 said:
That kid above me has my avatar. Not a fan.

EDIT: Above Barbosa


I thought that was you!!

Some people are just associated with their avatars. You being the hitman one, and I like to think I got the wraps on the Foley avatar.

Could be worse Theo, he could have asked for the same sig from you, Scotty, and Doc! lol
Is Beth supposed to be the next Chyna, but much hotter version?
I would mark out to Beth being a suprise entrant in the Money in the Bank.
She is the first women in a long time to fight with the big boys.
Last time Ive seen a diva win something a superstar wins was Jacqueline def. Chavo or Chavo Classic for the Cruiserweight Championship.

This would be totally awsome if Dolph tries hitting on her during the match, the both climb up the ladder start getting a little jiggy lol and then Beth just GlamSlams him off the ladder haha
If only it were true. She's a better pick for the match than Ziggler, Swagger, MVP and anybody else not called Christian or Drew McIntyre.

I thought that was you!!

Some people are just associated with their avatars. You being the hitman one, and I like to think I got the wraps on the Foley avatar.

Could be worse Theo, he could have asked for the same sig from you, Scotty, and Doc! lol

I too thought it was me lol. I was like "one of those admins changed my sig". Then I read the name. But yes it could have been worse (he could have asked for a sig with EVERY ACTIVE SUPERSTAR!!!!). That request still makes me chuckle.
Why not, Tasty? She eliminated the Great Khali in the Royal Rumble!

Beth is obviously going to win this. She'll cash it in in the middle of the Edge/Jericho match. Or maybe at the end of the show.
He doesn't stand a chance of winning it.

I actually think he does have a chance, I read months ago that WWE is very high on having Kofi Kingston winning this years M.I.T.B.
But ever since Orton complained Kofi Kingstons chances on being big got smaller and smaller.
Months ago it was between him & Morrison winning the MITB, not now. I think Kofi was maybe supposed to be involved in the Legacy match, when that didn't happen they weren't left with anything for him to do other than make up the mumbers in this match.
He doesn't stand a chance of winning it.

Ha! And Christian has a better chance? Who let their contract run out, jumped ship to TNA, and came back with their tail between their legs. McMahon wouldn't even let him be the last ECW Champion, and gave that *honor* to Ezekiel Jackson.

Before we get all quote crazy on my ass, note that I am not knocking Christian's talents (at least, not right now), but that his place in the match is the same as Kane's: to make the rest of the noobs look like they can compete with some *top* guys.

Also, Drew doesn't have much of a chance at all. The last guy to hold the IC and a World title at the same time? Wasn't it Ultimate Warrior? Yeah, no, Drew is not repeating that feat (and may NorCal strike me down were it to be otherwise).
Beth could be the possible winner here, If she does get involve in the MITB match. It could be possible that WWE is just adding this match to the card just to make us "happy".

Lets be honest here, MITB PPV is around July, I think. Will they just give the match to Beth, and just wait until MITB PPV to get a actual winner?
Ha! And Christian has a better chance? Who let their contract run out, jumped ship to TNA, and came back with their tail between their legs. McMahon wouldn't even let him be the last ECW Champion, and gave that *honor* to Ezekiel Jackson.

Before we get all quote crazy on my ass, note that I am not knocking Christian's talents (at least, not right now), but that his place in the match is the same as Kane's: to make the rest of the noobs look like they can compete with some *top* guys.

Also, Drew doesn't have much of a chance at all. The last guy to hold the IC and a World title at the same time? Wasn't it Ultimate Warrior? Yeah, no, Drew is not repeating that feat (and may NorCal strike me down were it to be otherwise).

You know, I would have to agree on everything you just said.
But I think WWE wants Drew McIntyre look like hes the biggest thing right now, maybe they would repeat history.
and last time the Intercontinental Champion was Mr. Money in the Bank was R.V.D in 06 or 07...Remember that? Am I correct?

Well as much as I love Christian I just dont see him winning, but anything can happen its Wrestlemania!

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