Kurt Angle is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!


Master of the Scorpion Death Lock
After all of Angle's talk about wanting to "beat Sting cleanly" (for the "first time"), he cheated to win the title. Hogan arrived at ringside towards the end of the match, when both Angle & Sting were down (and the referee was out-cold). Hogan got in the ring, and it looked like he was going to hit Sting in the back with the chair. Angle got to his feet, and took the chair away from Hogan. Hogan bailed out of the ring, and Angle stood there with the chair...staring daggers at Hogan (who was now outside the ring). After a few seconds, Kurt waffled Sting with the chair and hit him with an Angle-Slam. Kurt "woke up" the ref, covered Sting, and Brian Hebner counted the 1-2-3.

What's up with Hogan's involvement in the match? Could we possibly see Angle joining Immortal this Thursday on Impact? Did Angle just hit Sting with the chair because he wanted to be the World Champion that badly? Was this premeditated, or did Angle just do it on the fly when Hogan arrived with the chair?

Another TNA swerve, that (according to Mike Tenay & Taz) NOBODY saw coming! haha!
Even though I thought Angle would win tonight, I thought this was great set up. Angle took away the chair from Hogan who was about to hit Sting but when Hogan cleared the ring, Angle hit the same chair across the back of Sting. Angle slam. New Champion. The reaction post match was were I thought they set this up nice. You didn't know if Angle was joining or just took advantage of the opportunity . Angle did not celebrate with Hogan. Hogan wasn't going nuts with happiness. You really didn't know if they were in it together or not. I'm leaning toward they were not but you never know
Angle turning because he wants the title so bad makes sense. But him joining Immortal would make zero sense. They've beaten the crap out of him in early 2011 and I can't possibly see him hugging Jeff Jarrett. I would lose faith in this company if this would happen.
Can't say I'm at all surprised that Angle won the title. Everyone should of seen that coming but it's the fashion in which he won the title that's interesting. My guess is that Angle will join immortal eventually. Why not everybody joins immortal eventually?
Same old f'cking same old..

I predicted a swerve in the PPV thread for this match, and obviously this result proves I was right. This is the problem with TNA, and definitely with Russo, they're oblivious to the fact that they've done so many swerves, so many times, that its so easy now to see one coming a mile away. They've watered down the impact of a swerve so much it means very little anymore. Less is more!

I'm predicting that not much about this swerve will make sense once it all plays out. If Kurt Angle did this because he didn't think he could beat Sting on his own, then that's kind of lame. And where does Angle go from there? He's a heel but won't be alligned with Immortal? That wouldn't make much sense right now. I predict Angle WILL join Immortal, and that will make NO f'cking sense at all. After everything he went through with Jeff Jarrett, and the whole relationship with his ex wife, this will turn out to be the silliest swerve in a while.

It'll likely be a triple threat at Bound for Glory. Why? Because TNA probably won't trust whoever wins the Bound for Glory series (Crimson seems likely) to carry the main event of their biggest show without putting both Angle and Sting in there to try to help draw. Crimson won't draw shit.
Sets up for an interesting impact at least, many unanswered questions. I have a feeling Angle did it for Angle, and will do an ego angle, but not directly siding with Immortal, just doesn't make sense, I don't think the TNA creative would jump around booking like that.

Is hogan with a weapon going to be the finish to every PPV? I think this is the 4th time they've used this ending since 10/10/10
It's not a heel turn. It's not going to result in him joining Immortal either.

Hogan wanted to screw Sting out of the belt to keep his mission to get Dixie her company back.

Angle wanted to beat Sting for the first time in his career and about 3 times in that match, he nearly lost.

What happens? Hogan comes down to hit Sting and Angle takes it away and does it first. What does that mean? Angle did it to win the belt. Hogan allowed it because Angle isn't a threat. Sting is.

If anything, Angle is a tweener now. He'll probably defend the belt against Sting again or someone else.

By Bound For Glory, Heel/Tweener Kurt Angle vs. face: Crimson or Roode. Angle puts over one of those and a new era in TNA is born. Dixie returns when Sting takes out Immortal with help from Hogan who "finally sees the light" and it all ends into a new beginning.

That's the big setup.

A good use of a swerve by Russo tonight. Finally.
I can say with 100% honesty... I didn't see that ending coming.

With the olympics approaching, and the whole build to the match being about how Angle needed to beat Sting clean to "prove something", I just didn't see it coming.

I also think that Hogan is intended to have nothing to do with this directly, it just happened to work out that way. Angle was willing to win-at-all-costs and this just happened to be the scenario that played out.

The Immortal faction should not make it past Bound For Glory, if it makes it that far. I don't see anything positive coming from a Hogan/Angle alignment.
I think it all has to do with Angle going into BFG as a heel to put over a baby face before he leaves for the Olympics.

I still think Bobby Roode is going to the finals and facing Angle. Crimson can still win at No Surrender and not go to BFG. As long as the other finals match winner has more points when he wins than Crimson.

Then that sets up Crimson getting the first shot at Bobby Roode after BFG. You have an instant story line where Crimson can say he never lost a match in the tournament, yet because of the points system could advance for the title shot.
It's not a heel turn. It's not going to result in him joining Immortal either.

Hogan wanted to screw Sting out of the belt to keep his mission to get Dixie her company back.

Angle wanted to beat Sting for the first time in his career and about 3 times in that match, he nearly lost.

What happens? Hogan comes down to hit Sting and Angle takes it away and does it first. What does that mean? Angle did it to win the belt. Hogan allowed it because Angle isn't a threat. Sting is.

If anything, Angle is a tweener now. He'll probably defend the belt against Sting again or someone else.

By Bound For Glory, Heel/Tweener Kurt Angle vs. face: Crimson or Roode. Angle puts over one of those and a new era in TNA is born. Dixie returns when Sting takes out Immortal with help from Hogan who "finally sees the light" and it all ends into a new beginning.

That's the big setup.

A good use of a swerve by Russo tonight. Finally.

I see enormous delusions with this man. Tweeners never works, especially in TNA.

The only way for this to work is for Angle to really embrace his evil side, lead Immortal(maybe throwing Hogan out) and have Angle face Joe at BFG, putting Joe over.
I agree with the majority of posts so far...I don't think we'll see Angle joining up with Immortal. Kurt joining Immortal just wouldn't make sense, the biggest problem being Jeff Jarrett (and Karen).

It's possible that Sting didn't want to lie down for Angle (at least not without interference, or a foreign object involved), so the bookers could have cooked up this ending at the last minute (presumably earlier this afternoon). Since Angle's never gone over Sting "cleanly" before, I feel a situation such as this is completely within the realm of possibility.

It COMPLETELY makes sense that the belt is now with Angle (I just didn't like the ending). Kurt is going to leave TNA soon (for the 2012 Olympics, his reality show, etc), and letting him have "one last run" with the belt definitely makes sense. Kurt might not return to TNA after he leaves this time, who knows? I'm glad the belt is with him...but the ending to the main event at HC Justice was goofy as hell.

As soon as Brian Hebner got knocked out, I knew (and probably everyone else did as well) that some type of swerve was about to happen. My feeling is that this Thursday Kurt will say that he didn't enter the ring with the intention of using a weapon to win the match. He'll probably repeat himself by saying "the Title is the only thing that matters to me", and he'll also probably say that he only hit Sting with the chair because the opportunity presented itself (IE: when CM Punk cashed in his MITB briefcase on Jeff Hardy in '07, and explained that it was the perfect opportunity to win the title).

When Mr. Anderson joined Immortal, TNA/IW lost their only "popular heel". I think they're now going to have Angle be Impact's only "tweener" (god, I hate that term), by having him stay on his own. Who knows, Angle might end up being like Bret Hart was with the nWo (not a member, but a "Hogan-supporter"). I don't know for sure, they could also make Angle a full-fledged heel again. I just think that TNA would be stupid to have him aligned with Immortal at this point (as long as Jarrett is still a member). It's also possible that they'll try to keep Kurt as a face. Kurt might apologize, yadda-yadda-yadda, or he just might go full-fledged heel. I dunno, it's too early to say.

Regardless of what happens, I'm excited to watch Impact this Thursday, obviously Sting will want Kurt to explain his actions. Hopefully the show will start with Kurt in the middle of the ring, asking Sting to come down. Maybe we'll see a rematch for the World Title on Impact this week (or next week), but most likely that will have a screwy finish as well...setting up a rematch between Angle & Sting for No Surrender. If that happens, I'm predicting that Angle will win that as well (as does the majority of the IWC, I presume). Angle will most likely enter BFG as TNA's Heavyweight Champion (just maybe not walk out as Champ).
not surprised...i mean...how else do they build to BFG. yes it's in philly but it's still pennsylvania, this also helps the whole hulk/sting then. If you didnt see this coming, slap yourself for me
Same old f'cking same old..

I predicted a swerve in the PPV thread for this match, and obviously this result proves I was right. This is the problem with TNA, and definitely with Russo, they're oblivious to the fact that they've done so many swerves, so many times, that its so easy now to see one coming a mile away. They've watered down the impact of a swerve so much it means very little anymore. Less is more!

I'm predicting that not much about this swerve will make sense once it all plays out. If Kurt Angle did this because he didn't think he could beat Sting on his own, then that's kind of lame. And where does Angle go from there? He's a heel but won't be alligned with Immortal? That wouldn't make much sense right now. I predict Angle WILL join Immortal, and that will make NO f'cking sense at all. After everything he went through with Jeff Jarrett, and the whole relationship with his ex wife, this will turn out to be the silliest swerve in a while.

It'll likely be a triple threat at Bound for Glory. Why? Because TNA probably won't trust whoever wins the Bound for Glory series (Crimson seems likely) to carry the main event of their biggest show without putting both Angle and Sting in there to try to help draw. Crimson won't draw shit.

Earlier, there was a thread about what would finally make you stop watching TNA. I think this fella here, made a PERFECT understanding of why its no longer even interesting anymore. What the heck is a swerve now? Its whats normal in TNA. I didn't order the ppv, i read the recap here and based on that, i don't think i'll ever buy a ppv from TNA. What makes sense about what Angle did tonight? Nothing! And thats what we're saying! Nothing in this show makes any sense!!! Angle vs Sting ..face vs face with no REAL build up. Then Bully Ray vs Ken Anderson. An heel vs heel match of two people, IN THE SAME FACTION. Come on really? its just to stupid for words.
After this, I think its safe to say I'll take my chances with ROH in September. My DVR can have thursday nights off from now on.
Crimson is NOT main eventing Bound For Glory. People are buying way too much into this undefeated streak. He didn't even go over cleanly on RVD, he's not main eventing the biggest of show of the year.

Robert Roode is still TNA Tag Team Champion and while yes, he could possibly lose the tag titles and win the BFG series, I just don't see it going there considering Beer Money is the only legitimate tag team TNA has going into the biggest PPV of the year.

My guess is a certain somebody with -10 points is going to comeback and shock the world.

And Kurt Angle didn't turn heel, he took advantage of the situation and won by any means necessary. It was a swerve yes, but it wasn't a turn.
i personally dont like this ending! after all the talk of angle saying i wanna beat sting clean it doesnt happen! it really makes zero sense and i have a feeling before the next ppv sting will win back the title on impact (sense it seems thats where he always wins the title in 2011) but if angle joins immortal thats really pointless and horrible booking i mean come on after this long huge fued with jarrett and immortal kicking his ass alot this year and hell even him being part of the "they are coming for immortal" (even though it was mainly fortune it was also steiner,angle and crimson) dont like this ending hopefully they find a way to keep angle face
It's not a heel turn. It's not going to result in him joining Immortal either.

Hogan wanted to screw Sting out of the belt to keep his mission to get Dixie her company back.

Thats a fair statement, but it fails for one reason

Angle wanted to beat Sting for the first time in his career and about 3 times in that match, he nearly lost.
Actually Angle stated that he wanted to beat sting clean for the first time in his career without interfearence, guess what, it didn't happen, it is in fact a heel turn, you cannot state otherwise.

What happens? Hogan comes down to hit Sting and Angle takes it away and does it first. What does that mean? Angle did it to win the belt. Hogan allowed it because Angle isn't a threat. Sting is.
Angle cheated to win, a heel tactic.

If anything, Angle is a tweener now. He'll probably defend the belt against Sting again or someone else.
I call bull on this, how can you be a tweener when you cheated to win?, it's a heel move, and another embaressing turn, angle keeps changing his alignment same as anderson and its mostly because they needed an outcome in this face vs face match, its a screwjob finish and was something that i felt shouldn't have happened, if hogan attacked sting behind the refs back and angle still made the cover than fine i would have called tweener, but hitting sting with a char that was supposed to be used by hogan is a heel tactic.

By Bound For Glory, Heel/Tweener Kurt Angle vs. face: Crimson or Roode. Angle puts over one of those and a new era in TNA is born. Dixie returns when Sting takes out Immortal with help from Hogan who "finally sees the light" and it all ends into a new beginning.
No, its BS, the fact is they should have just fed anderson to angle instead of sting, It did nothing to get either guy over, nor the TNA title it was a bad finish, bad booking by Russo, the constant turns need to stop and wrestlers need fixed alignments, everyone keeps turning and its hard to keep up.

That's the big setup.
It's a terrible setup

A good use of a swerve by Russo tonight. Finally.
to quote the Miz "Really?, REALLY?"

The Angle vs sting feud didnt make sense to begin with, now the higher ups decided to turn another face heel inorder to give Anderson vs Bullyray a chance, im sorry but this is stupid with both matches they single handedly turned Angle heel and Anderson face, it makes no sense and has just given the title back to two guys who dont need it, mark my words sting will probably get it back at some point which will make any chance of the winner for the BFG series getting a hold of it unlikely.

Russo has no understanding of the wrestling business, what hes doing to a title that should have been credible is throw it around like a hot potato betwen guys who keep changing their alignment and its leaving the damn crowd confused, is anderson heel, face or tweener, is angle heel, face or tweener, they keep changing it and its pissing me off to no end.
How CAN they keep Angle face now? He just blasted the biggest and most popular name face the company has on their roster. Angle just spent the last several months building his All American Olympic hero persona again and they throw it all away with one chair shot? Really? This is what the bookers came up with?
With Bully Ray beating Anderson and the way the Angle/Sting match ended, I honestly see Angle saying how he was in fact in cahoots with Hogan. How it was all a big scheme and how they fooled everyone. He will forget his hatred for Jarrett and they will hug and all that. I hate to say it, just seems like such a WCW thing to do. The same thing Hogan and Bischoff were doing with the nWo! People would feud with them all year, hate them, then join them.

I hope I'm wrong. As it would be an interesting twist if Angle didn't just turn heel and join Immportal but that is just how it seems to me. At least it has people talking so that's good, right?

Here's another thing they could do:

1st - Hogan comes in on Impact, does a heartfelt promo how he is wrong. Batshit psycho Joe comes out from the crowd and completly destroys him. Turning Hogan face as nobody is there to help him.

Main Event - Immortal comes in with Bully as spokesman, saying to Anderson you are fired! Angle is welcome by Immortal in the ring, a lot of high five and so forth. But he pretty much start by saying he's not interested with them, some words are exchanged and Angle punch Bully in the face.(sort of like the opposite of what Anderson did) Immortal are fighting Angle. Lights out, Sting appears in the ring. Starts hitting everyone with his bat including Angle. Sting stands there triumphant with everyone laying in the ring. He has destroyed Immortal and beat the guy that screwed him at HJ. But then Anderson who was in the outside looking in at what had happened, climb in the ring from behind Sting and bang give him his finisher. There was no reason for him to do that. He just wanted to steal the show. Because he's an a-hole.

This the end of Immortal.
Hey y'all. First post in one of these, but aren't we missing the point here? Angle went over tonight so Sting could lose the belt to further promote Sting and Hogan's upcoming match at Bound For Glory. That's why Hogan was involved. Angle isn't joining Immortal. For some ungodly reason they believe this match will be relevant in today's age of wrestling. Now will I buy the PPV to watch it? You better believe it. But really, my prediction before tonight was Angle would go over to take the belt off of Sting so Sting can face Hogan at BFG. This way it's a non title match that won't really mean anything other than inflating the egos of two old men.

As for Angle, with the Olympics coming up he will not hold on to the title for long. However, who better to put over the new face of TNA better than Angle? Sting is a good choice, but loses a little credibility with the whole "Insane Icon" gimmick. I like the gimmick, but for the direction I feel TNA is going in, Angle is the #1 guy to put over someone new.

Someone earlier eluded to a 3-Way at BFG, and I believe this will be so. I think it will be Crimson vs. Gunner vs. Angle. There are those that say Crimson and Gunner won't draw, and that doesn't matter. The show will draw because of Hogan vs. Sting. They will use that draw to build the championship match, which will crown what I believe the future (for now) of TNA as new champion. Based on crowd reaction and "The Streak", I'm going with Crimson on this one.
Hey y'all. First post in one of these, but aren't we missing the point here? Angle went over tonight so Sting could lose the belt to further promote Sting and Hogan's upcoming match at Bound For Glory. That's why Hogan was involved. Angle isn't joining Immortal. For some ungodly reason they believe this match will be relevant in today's age of wrestling. Now will I buy the PPV to watch it? You better believe it. But really, my prediction before tonight was Angle would go over to take the belt off of Sting so Sting can face Hogan at BFG. This way it's a non title match that won't really mean anything other than inflating the egos of two old men.

As for Angle, with the Olympics coming up he will not hold on to the title for long. However, who better to put over the new face of TNA better than Angle? Sting is a good choice, but loses a little credibility with the whole "Insane Icon" gimmick. I like the gimmick, but for the direction I feel TNA is going in, Angle is the #1 guy to put over someone new.

Someone earlier eluded to a 3-Way at BFG, and I believe this will be so. I think it will be Crimson vs. Gunner vs. Angle. There are those that say Crimson and Gunner won't draw, and that doesn't matter. The show will draw because of Hogan vs. Sting. They will use that draw to build the championship match, which will crown what I believe the future (for now) of TNA as new champion. Based on crowd reaction and "The Streak", I'm going with Crimson on this one.

Since when is that a draw? I didnt want to see it in ten years ago, I dont want to see it now. Nothing screams IMPACT WRESTLING than having two old men fight and if that is the triple threat for the title, shut the company down. Roode should be up there and others before Gunner or Goldber....i mean Crimson.
CM Punk (While on The B.S Report) and Edge (on Right After Wrestling) said it best. You can't rightfully judge/shit all over a story before you know the ending. Wanna know the REAL fallout instead of bitching and complaing? Then either read the spoilers tomorrow or watch on thursday!!! Stop saying Angle did turn, didn't turn, is a tweener, joined Immortal. YOU DON'T KNOW, SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO!!!
Angle is TNA's best wrestler so it makes sense for him to hold the title. Hopefully he gets a nice long run with it. The only problem I have is with Hogan's involvement. It doesn't make any sense and Sting and Angle should stand on it's own. Hogan needs to stay the fuck off TV. He's such a glory hound and he just HAS to be involved with the main events.
Considering HOgan's problems with Sting and Angle confronting him this past Thursday, I guess it's not really all that surprising when you stop to think about it. Exactly what this means in terms of Angle's title run, whether he's a face or tweener or heel and the potential build towards Sting vs. Hogan; I can honestly say that I don't care.

Angle is someone who most definitely didn't need another run with the title and him being champ at this point in time does nothing to interest me in the title picture. I know Angle's great, not saying he's isn't, but I'm just over Angle being in the title hunt. He doesn't need the title but I can at least understand if they intend to use this situation as a starting point of giving the BFG Series winner a major rub. Of course, that depends on who ultimately wins the BFG Series and whether or not he actually wins. Until then, it just seems like the TNA WHC is going to be in a holding pattern just kind of hovering around until BFG.

When it's all said and done, this could be an opportunity for TNA to create a new star or it could all turn out to be a huge disappointment that makes the entire BFG Series a long, drawn out waste of time.

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