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Jeff Hardy Heel Turn v2.0?


Hey there guys, I was just browsing the web and came across the "Jeff Hardy OMEGA Championship" look it up if you want, I'm on an iPhone so I can't post pictures. Anyway, this made me think, what if RNA did a Jeff hardy heel turn V.2? So that's all this thread is, speculation if Jeff would turn heel again,how TNA should do it, how you would do it, or if you would do it at all

I would love to see Jeff as a heel again, his dark gibberish promos were amazing IMO. I would wait till Matt hardy is ready 100% and I would bring back Matt, Shannon Moore, bring in Shane helms and add Jeff and have those four become a group "omega" hence the name of the title. So your thoughts on this?
The wrestlers in TNA turn face/heel all the time.

I don't think there's any question Jeff Hardy will turn heel, and probably soon. TNA likes to position a guy as the top face, let him win the belt, then turn him heel. I imagine Hardy will turn shortly after his next world title win.
I don't know if Hardy will turn heel again in the future, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. there are already enough top heels right now. Roode, Angle, Bully. who are top faces? Hardy, Storm, Styles?
Hardy hasn't been back that long, so now is not the time to have him turn on the fans again. he has been feeding off the crowd. he should remain face for a while yet, and should for a long while.
Considering the first heel turn should be classified as a gigantic flop, I highly doubt even TNA would be silly enough to do that again.

I still don't support Jeff being back 100 percent but he's seemingly been ok and he gets fan support the likes of which basically no one else on the roster gets. Turning him would be stupid. If ever there was a guy custom tailored to be a babyface wrestler, it's Jeff. Be smart and keep him that way.
I saw a photo with Jeff, Matt, Shannon, and Greg (back when jeff was with Immortal) and they were a stable named Immortal Omega which might be a good isea but Jeff is much better as a face
I would love to see Jeff as a heel again, his dark gibberish promos were amazing IMO. I would wait till Matt hardy is ready 100% and I would bring back Matt, Shannon Moore, bring in Shane helms and add Jeff and have those four become a group "omega" hence the name of the title.

haha i find this funny because in my internet wrestling fed i do with my buddy i actullay formed this same exact group monthes ago with the same exact name but they were a face group not heel haha anyway i wouldnt mind this idea being used but i think they would work better as faces..as long as their was a heel stable for them to fued with. i personally dont think shannon moore and matt hardy are good at playing heels and jeff hardys whole gimmick is too superface for a heel turn imo but bottom line i wouldnt mind seeing this group
As much as I liked the run Hardy had as a heel, the one thing working against Hardy there is the same thing that worked against Sting when they tried to turn him in WCW — the fans want to cheer for both men, especially Hardy, despite his issues, which makes turning him near impossible.

So no, I don't think they'll try or that they even should at this point. Hardy should be built as one of the bigger faces in TNA. Let Roode, Ray and the rest of the heels carry the "bad" side of the coin a while.
sorry, but Jeff Hardy is a ruibbish heel. He has no heel personality to start with, and if he was to turn heel, all they have to use is his personal issues that have plauged him. Having spent the past 6 months trying to protect his image and get past that stage of his life, it wqould be pretty idiotic to go there storyline wise. Hardy will be staying face, Bully Ray is turning face for the next title contender to Bobby Roode
Jeff Hardy is a mega face so why would you try fix something that isn't broken? No matter what Jeff Hardy does or who he wrestles he gets the most insane amount of pops of the entire show. Working him as a heel last time wasn't as successful as what he was as a face because fans will cheer for him no matter what. Just like Rey Mysterio and Undertaker, turning them heel will solve nothing and do nothing for both them and the company.
sorry, but Jeff Hardy is a ruibbish heel. He has no heel personality to start with, and if he was to turn heel, all they have to use is his personal issues that have plauged him. Having spent the past 6 months trying to protect his image and get past that stage of his life, it wqould be pretty idiotic to go there storyline wise. Hardy will be staying face, Bully Ray is turning face for the next title contender to Bobby Roode

Jeff Hardy has no personality at all. Listening to him on the mic is like hearing nails screech down a chalkboard. He's over because of what he does in the ring(spots) and teenage girls.

Turning him heel is a bad idea. He's not believable enough. His wrestling style doesn't fit in the heel character. They should leave him face. They have enough guys who can run a heel character 100x's better than Hardy.
I'm worried that if they turn Jeff Hardy heel too soon, they will lose the sympathy vote that they (specifically Jeff Jarrett) worked so hard to build up for his return. The crowd has expended a lot of emotion on Hardy, and regardless of the industry being "fake", the forgiveness offered by the fans was pretty genuine. Right now he is the most over person in TNA, followed closely by Sting and James Storm. They could easily turn him heel, but will the fans have the heart to "boo" him? When people have actually dealt with very "real" anger towards Jeff Hardy recently, supplementing it with "fake" anger for his character might be a very bad idea. I could be wrong - it may be brilliant, and maybe the fans will flock to booing him naturally. But they may also just stop caring...

Now, all that aside I think being a heel genuinely plays to Hardy's strengths much more than being a face does. He has a great tenure in pro wrestling, but it's no secret that he's not the smoothest mic worker in the business. He's had epic feuds, but for the most part it's been his opponents that carry the promo work. What Hardy has is his excellent ring work, ability to get the crowd behind him in a positive OR negative way, his extremely unique look, and his veteran experience. And let's face it...Hardy looked at his most bad-ass during his last run as a heel in TNA:


So another Hardy heel run? I could get behind that if they decided to go that route in... maybe a year? And I would LOVE to see this look return for him. He truly looks like an evil man - utterly sadistic. What I do NOT want to see, under any circumstances, is another Immortal run. Or any sort of evil, power-hungry faction with Hardy at the helm for that matter! If they absolutely must do it... turn him heel, give him (at most) one ally or manager that can speak for him from time to time, and allow him to cut loose and truly be the heel he can be. None of this wishy-washy cocky heel crap. Hardy is the type of guy that has to go big, or go home in everything he does, or it just won't work. He's just not vocally charismatic enough to ride the line between heel and face...

I will say one last concern of mine, and it may be a foolish one. I do fear that in the past these reality-based heel angles for Hardy have only enhanced his issues with drugs and other substances. Both the Hardy Boys are famous for not being able to distinguish that line between work and reality. It may be silly, and for any casual fan you may laugh at the thought of a character taking himself seriously...but Hardy is in a precarious place. When WWE pushed him to the sky, the pressure was to much, and he quit right before being arrested on serious drug charges. When Jeff was at the top of TNA for a short time, he ruined a PPV and caused a giant scandal. You don't want to give him too much responsibility, because I honestly don't think he's mature enough to handle it.
Few issues here that have been touched upon:

*Matt Hardy has a serious drug issue. Please do not bring him back. It wouldn't be good for him, or for us. He hasn't been the same in a long time and needs to focus on sorting himself out, not dragging his carcus out to try and perform.

*Shannon Moore - No thank you. X-Division or nothing.

*Jeff really doesn't need a faction. He is a one-man entity, and people love him.

But, I will agree that Jeff's best work in his career (imo) was as a heel. The dark pre-taped promos, the music, the entrance. Absolutely dead on.

I've always found face Jeff Hardy pretty cringeworthy, but women and children (and some males) can't get enough, so whatever.
Not at this point in time and not for a very long time. The guy just came back from fucking up a PPV match and has been clawing his way back to being a guy worthy of his job. To turn him heel within the next year would be idiotic and a spit in the face to the fans who have been supporting him to get better.

Would I want a heel turn, not really, a tweener role could certainly suit him. Lone wolf out for himself type role would be good.

The thing is about his last heel run was he was good in the role, being aligned with Immortal was what brought him down, he was playing second fiddle to Hogan and Bischoff when he should have been top dog.

So yeah I wouldn't mind a heel type run, but not for a very long, long time.
Turning him would be stupid. If ever there was a guy custom tailored to be a babyface wrestler, it's Jeff. Be smart and keep him that way.

I agree with this quoted portion of your comment.

I don't know what it is about Jeff Hardy, but people LOVE him. Something about Jeff Hardy speaks to people. I can't remember another guy ever in the business(who was from and wrestling in the U.S.) that was so limited on the mic, yet able to garner such a truly over babyface reaction. Jeff Hardy gets a better reaction than even Sting or AJ and I never thought I'd see another wrestler that one could say that about in the Impact Zone.

This isn't about if Jeff can or can't play an effective heel. He has a darkside and a mystery factor that lend themself just enough to allow him to be a quality heel if situations were to dictate it, but frankly, they don't. TNA doesn't need a new top heel- for right now Ray and Roode are amazing at what they do.

The fact is that people want to feel it's okay to applaud Jeff Hardy, they want to support him. There is no reason to turn a guy that the vast majority of your fanbase so badly wants to be able to stand behind. This isn't like the Cena/WWE situaution, which is a highly debatable one, because Cena's reaction's are atleast mixed to some degree; a vocal portion of their "universe":rolleyes: wants to boo him. We never really experience that with Jeff.

Even while in the WWE, logic would dictate that if an orginization aimed almost solely at children and tweens was running a storyline pitting an anti-drug using, non-smoker, non-drinker, who is well spoken facing off against an enigmatic, introverted, troubled, mysterious, drug-addled oponent that the latter would be the heel. But that is not how things were worked, and Jeff, Punk, and the storyline were better for it.

No matter how he's packaged something about Hardy causes people to want to flock to his support. They want to cheer him. They want to see him win. He is the most over guy on the roster and the most mainstream known and recognizable babyface that the company posesses(south of 50 years old).

In short, I believe another Hardy heel turn is bad business.
Hey there guys, I was just browsing the web and came across the "Jeff Hardy OMEGA Championship" look it up if you want, I'm on an iPhone so I can't post pictures. Anyway, this made me think, what if RNA did a Jeff hardy heel turn V.2? So that's all this thread is, speculation if Jeff would turn heel again,how TNA should do it, how you would do it, or if you would do it at all
He's been on the biggest role since 2008, why would you turn the guy heel for? Seriously? You have Bobby Roode, Bully Ray and Kurt Angle as heels and now you want Hardy too? Especially after being built up as a sympathetic face? You wanna crush that and go with the same shocking swerve that condemned 2011?

I would love to see Jeff as a heel again, his dark gibberish promos were amazing IMO.
What? I was still waiting for him to say something.
I would wait till Matt hardy is ready 100% and I would bring back Matt, Shannon Moore, bring in Shane helms and add Jeff and have those four become a group "omega" hence the name of the title. So your thoughts on this?
Are YOU MAD?! TNA is trying their damnedest not to make ANOTHER faction again (there's been one every year since 2006!) but you wanna do it anyway? Especially with Matt Hardy? He bombed. Unlike Jeff, Matt's never shown to be more than a bad sympathy act that then gets an over-inflated ego. I knew him coming to wrestle to TNA was a bad idea in the first place and I was right. Put him anywhere else expect in the ring and put no focus on him at all. This is a horrid idea. Sorry.

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