Jack Swagger Arrested on DUI/Marijuana Charges


The Colter character is overrated. How many times can he keep saying the same exact thing before people tire of it?

I think it is terrible. Doesn't interest me at all.

Although I must say that my original thought upon hearing this and before I heard the reasons behind it was that it was staged to fit with the gimmick - like he was arrested for picketing a Mexican party or performing a citizen's arrest a little too forcefully on an illegal immigrant.
The Colter character is overrated. How many times can he keep saying the same exact thing before people tire of it?
Its really Dutch that I'm concerned about.

Hell, they could have Mantel come out and cut a promo on how the views of the character were full of shit, but it was his only way to get back in the WWE. He could even bury Swagger in the process, since I'm sure Vince is pretty angry right about now. I don't really care how they do it, I just don't want to lose Mantel off WWE TV this quickly.
I think everybody's writing him off way too fast. I really don't think WWE is going to do anything major before 'Mania as far as punishment goes.

Is it really a stretch that a character like Jack's would go to Mississippi and get a DUI with marijuana possession on the side? If anything he was just doing some method acting or living the gimmick, more appropriately.

EDIT: Scratch that. I was just reminded of RVD. Jack's push is likely done.
.....What a fucking moron! Your in the middle of a push towards a HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH AT WRESTLEMANIA! and you don't think "hey maybe I should stop with the weed!" dumbass. Fully expect him to lose his spot in the match now, Probably to Henry or Orton.
Swagger didnt deserve to be in the WHC and now he won't be. Did the Shield have any part in this justice? I believe in the Shield

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