It's Wrestlemania Time..!

I don't think this is his last, but I hope it is. That was a fitting end to one of the greatest careers of all time. Time to ride off into the sunset and enjoy retirement.

In the nicest way possible... but what about the last 10-15 minutes that we just watched says "not his last?"
Taker clearly wanted to lose his last match. Reigns is the only man who will be a main evented for years and can also take the hit of retiring Taker.

Yeah Taker losing on his way out was fine. No problems with that.

It's not the worst idea ever, but in my opinion Reigns doesn't need another rub. Still he is the guy, so it's fine.
He has three. Someone mentioned he has main evented Mania more times that Ric Flair, Randy Savage and Bret Hart. Not too bad considering he'll be doing it for the next 5-10 years by the looks of things.

Even John Cena wasn't pushed this hard. In fact, I don't remember any wrestler ever pushed this hard. A case is there for Brock, but his first run didn't last that long. Anybody else?
I loved that ending. Never once The Undertaker broke kayfabe in the ring. He loses, he takes of the gloves and the gimmick, breaks kayfabe and we hear the gong... one last time.
That exit was both heartwarming and heartbreaking to watch. One of the very first guys I saw that hooked me on wrestling when i was a kid. Tough to believe he's finally done.
The moment of him raising his hand and then the camera zooming on the Wrestlemania sign was amazing.
I prefer this over the druids. Taking his accessories off and kissing his wife was the perfect way to get the point across that he was done. No more resurrections.

Thank You Taker.
In the nicest way possible... but what about the last 10-15 minutes that we just watched says "not his last?"

I don't know. Random feeling I guess? I feel like he might come back for one more with it actually advertised as his last. Who the fuck knows though. Like I said, I hope that was it.
Ive gotta give a massive shout out to the WWE for wasting the Undertaker's retirement match on a man that the majority of fans will never truly accept.

As far as I'm concerned that's a masterstroke and extremely fitting. I know you can't see me here but I'm slow clapping and nobody else is joining in. It's kinda awkward...
I don't know. Random feeling I guess? I feel like he might come back for one more with it actually advertised as his last. Who the fuck knows though. Like I said, I hope that was it.

I don't think you can advertise a match as a "last match" in wrestling. All you can do is advertise a "career threatening" match like they did with Flair, HBK, etc... Taker was always a guy of mystery. Plus just watching him over the past year says "this ride is pretty much over." That ride ended tonight.
That ending had to have been 25 minutes of him wandering around, disrobing, walking out. I know it's his final Mania but come on. Hogan never even flexed and went on that long.
Well. I didn't watch Taker a majority of what people seem to enjoy the most from him, and I didn't grow up watching him. No nostalgia, No Bias. Taker had a career that will go past anyone on this current roster no matter how hard they are pushed. Lesnar did it when it mattered and already has a better career than most, and I can just continue to skip Reigns segments and matches. No harm done. The last couple years were hard sometimes to watch, and I'm glad this seems to be the final chapter in the legacy of Undertaker. Great matches. Endless moments to recall to. Some of the best stories pro-wrestlers have told today. Great contribution to WWE/F. Pro-Wrestling. Pop Culture. Fans, and a whole lot more.
I don't think you can advertise a match as a "last match" in wrestling. All you can do is advertise a "career threatening" match like they did with Flair, HBK, etc... Taker was always a guy of mystery. Plus just watching him over the past year says "this ride is pretty much over." That ride ended tonight.

Yeah, probably. Everybody seems to think so and this seems like the exact way he would go out. I wonder if that's the last time we'll ever see him in a WWE ring. He doesn't seem like the type to come in for one-off random appearances.
That was Takers last, no way after this they are gona do another. Great career.

Also, kinda logical results. If they turned Reigns heel would be perfect, but hey, maybe tomorrow.

Also, also, much better Mania that expected. Lots of matches delivered, Hardys are back, results were logical and good. No Joe, Nakamura and Asuka but that just for day or two.
Have to say though, a very entertaining Wrestlemania. Best one in awhile. Off the charts with the presentation and sets. Plus the crowd was pretty jacked all night and that makes a show better IMO.
Really fun show. Orton/Wyatt was the only true dud IMO.

They really need to address the length of these things, though. Some kid in Asia is going to die in his chair watching Wrestlemania one of these years.
Plus I thought J.R lost alot of his edge on commentary, sad to say. I love J.R and was excited to see him calling this match. But he's not half the voice he was in his prime.

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