Wrestlemania XXXII

The conspiracy theorists are out in full force today, stunned as usual that what a person hears in their section of a 100,000 seat venue isn't necessarily going to be a carbon copy of what TV mics pick up.

The conspiracy theorists are out in full force today, stunned as usual that what a person hears in their section of a 100,000 seat venue isn't necessarily going to be a carbon copy of what TV mics pick up.


IT was mostly folks watching on tv who noticed the audio shenanigans. It was pretty much universally noticed.
There were production mishaps all night long. I refuse to believe they still care enough to poorly attempt to hide something everyone knows is happening.
I'm hearing way too much about inaccurate attendance numbers on my FB News feed, why does it even matter? It's wrestling, you have to expect them bending the truth on certain things and over 94,000 legit is incredibly impressive. It's such an odd thing to nitpick, who cares?
Oh they definitely muted the crowd mics during Roman's entrance. You can even pinpoint the exact moment.
I've seen that footage and just can't believe it's what it looks like. There's an underlying level of pettiness there that's impressive even for this company.

Why bother when we can still hear exactly what's going on for the entire match?
Don't they adjust crowd volumes and pipe in crowd noises for Smackdown?

And, I mean, that's just Smackdown.
They do it for taped stuff but you tend not to hear the same obvious signs on most live shows.
The crowd noises were definitely muted. During the first 3 or 4 minutes of the match the commentators suddenly got louder too.
Yeah. I pretty much lost all hope at getting any kind of swerve at that point. It was just basic as fuck.

Can't wait for Wrestlemania Orange next year.
Should've expected it really, when they showed the hype video and had Triple H's entrance to the Rumble loudly booed, which just isn't what happened.
I'm hearing way too much about inaccurate attendance numbers on my FB News feed, why does it even matter? It's wrestling, you have to expect them bending the truth on certain things and over 94,000 legit is incredibly impressive. It's such an odd thing to nitpick, who cares?

Because it's Dave Meltzer spouting his bullshit, and his minions follow blindly. The record for that building is 108,000, so why would the WWE randomly decide on 101,7##?
Exactly, people who went had said they were surprised where some of the seats were in order to get the record.
Because it's Dave Meltzer spouting his bullshit, and his minions follow blindly. The record for that building is 108,000, so why would the WWE randomly decide on 101,7##?

the building may be built for it but then you take out a huge chunk for the stage. The real number still smashed wrestlemania 3s fake number. Meltzers source is apparently the stadium itself. WWE is known for inflating the numbers. The WWE at one point until close to the show had only allocated 85000 tickets,
Because it's Dave Meltzer spouting his bullshit, and his minions follow blindly. The record for that building is 108,000, so why would the WWE randomly decide on 101,7##?

Meltzer drives me nuts with this shit. I don't think WWE could've beat the record with that setup, too many seats need to be blocked off due to production but over 101,000 is amazing (so is 94,000), why shit on that in any fashion? WWE wanted to break 100,000 but even if they didn't I can't imagine them being upset with the turnout, although I'm not surprised if they inflated the number to go above 100,000.
Meltzer loves to pick at the attendance figures every year in spite of having as much credibility as WWE in that area (I.E. why should I believe him over them?).

Thought it was a fine show, but just fine. Was one of those Mania's that will settle nicely into the middle of the pack come next year's retrospective.

Good things included:
- Saiyan New Day coming out of the Bootyo cereal box and everything they did with Austin, Foley and Michaels post match.
- Zack Ryder's genuinely shocking and awesome feel good win.
- Kelsey Grammer's voice-over for the opening.
- The Woman's Title match stealing the show match quality wise (though even that was like a B at best) and being booked as a mega deal - the pyro was insane, the entrances epic and the match was solid main event quality. It all worked...minus the wardrobe issues for Becky and Charlotte of course.
- AJ Styles' entrance including the moment of him being like 'holy fuck that's a lot of people', same with Heyman's 'Oh my God' halfway through the Brock intro. Love it when performers get caught up in the moment like that.
- Shane killing himself - that match had some proper storytelling in it at the end too when Shane told Taker to bring it. Was well done, even though the first part where they were trading MMA fantasies was ridiculous.
- Rock's segment rambled and went too long as is his custom but I loved the fact he went to great lengths to trash Bray, then put him over, then trash him again and needed Cena to save him from the impending beatdown.

I was thoroughly disappointed by Brock/Dean and Triple H did that things that tends to cripple most of the Mania main events he wrestles - tries to make them big, epic, long wars of attrition when really a standard blood feud/Attitude Era brawl would suffice.
Yeah. I pretty much lost all hope at getting any kind of swerve at that point. It was just basic as fuck.

Can't wait for Wrestlemania Orange next year.

Sort of reminds me of HHH/Orton at WM 25. The entire time everyone thought "Something's going to happen here. Some big shit is going down in this match." and they played it as straight as possible, not even a Legacy run-in. And that match was also a snore.
Exactly, people who went had said they were surprised where some of the seats were in order to get the record.

Vince forced the commentary team to purchase tickets for their seats in order to be counted as "attendees".

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