It's Wrestlemania Time..!

It's amazing to me that people actually believed Bray had a chance to win. It's WrestleMania and Bray looks fat and unclean. He's not winning against a guy who looks like he was made in a factory by Vince himself.
To me its not looks, its more of that he couldnt lace up Ortons shoes in terms of ring abilities. If you look at whole match all he did was "summoned" CGI effects and hit few moves. But hey, I am "Wyatt hater" around here and think he is overrated in every way. :D

KB, when is it gona be review?
I stopped watching after the Wyatt/Orton match. I like Wyatt and I like Orton and I thought that this would actually be pretty good but yeah this sucked.

I just watched the Goldberg/Lesnar match and I have no idea how to describe it
Ok so on reflection

AJ Vs Shane - Good, match of the night
Owens Vs Jericho - Good, though the ending was a bit abrupt
Women's 4-Way - Disappointing considering what it should have been.
Ladder Match - Average, never cared about the Hardy's.
Cena Vs Miz - Needed another 5 minutes, another abrupt finish. Miz deserved better
Rollins Vs HHH - Nearly put me to sleep.
Bray Vs Orton - What the fuck was that? It was all going really well, and then it just ended. No reaction from the crowd who were expecting another 10 minutes.
Brock Vs Goldberg - Exactly what it needed to be, all thriller and no filler.
6-Pack Challenge - Dreadful. A return to the bad old days of the woman's division.
Taker Vs Reigns - Difficult to critique really. It started well enough but Taker was clearly struggling after 10 minutes. Objectively it wasn't great and Roman didn't help but you have to give it a pass just for getting through it.

Overall it was a perfectly fine show with no bad matches (well, maybe 1) but there was a theme of anticlimactic finishes. Ultimately it got hot too soon, went too long and the crowd were burnt out after the ladder match.
To me its not looks, its more of that he couldnt lace up Ortons shoes in terms of ring abilities. If you look at whole match all he did was "summoned" CGI effects and hit few moves. But hey, I am "Wyatt hater" around here and think he is overrated in every way. :D

KB, when is it gona be review?

It's going to be a bit as the wifi here sucks and I've got Raw and Smackdown over the next two days, plus a 14 hour drive home.
Good Wrestlemania, but given the card, it could have been great, but ended up being good.

Shane vs Styles - Pretty surprising. These guys raised the bar that was set for them.
Owens vs Jericho - Good. The ending was kinda fast and without much drama. They didn't raise the bar.
Fatal-4-Way - Entertaining, although I found it short and without connection to the audience.
Ladder match - It did its job. Hardys coming back is a huge Wrestlemania moment.
Mixed Tag - Also did its job well.
Rollins vs Triple H - Boring and average. Seth and Trips didn't have much chemistry. It didn't really live up to the hype an never felt personal. It never felt like they wanted to destroy each other.
Lesnar vs Goldberg - Another suprising match. It did great.
Wyatt vs Orton - one big letdown.
Reigns vs Taker - Good. They gave it their all. Unlike HHH/Rollins and Wyatt/Orton.

It was a good show, but it really lacked connection and in ring storytelling. That's why it was just a good Wrestlemania. Definately better than 32 though.
There were no really bad matches. With that said, I didn't feel like there were any really good matches either. Everything was mostly middle-of-the-road stuff with some matches being a little better or worse than expected. This wasn't a card with one 5-star match and crap for the rest - it was consistent.

Some may like that type of card but others may prefer one or two great matches. I felt like a lot of the matches were good, did its job, etc. But I didn't feel a strong connection or feeling during any of those matches outside of Goldeberg/Brock. Even the ending match with Undertaker signifying retirement didn't, at least for me, feel like it should have. And it's not because Roman - I'm fine with him winning.

It was a fine show. But there wasn't any match that got me super invested nor anything that got me excited for the future. I guess what I'm saying is everything was good, but if it had at least one immersive, this-is-why-I-watch-wrestling moment, it could have been great.

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