IMPACT Wrestling LD for 08.11.11

Oh and to X, gingers have never drawn. In fact, the best ginger ever had his hair dyed and played some sort of dead guy.

That said, you have Crimson rising and that Sheamus guy kicking ass and taking names over on Smackdown. It seems it's time for the ginger revolution!
Well at least we're in agreeance there. It doesn't make a lick of sense at this point.

Well if they didnt do it people would complain about another face vs face title match. Yes it doesn't make sense, but at least it will be a heel vs face at BFG and it won't be Sting vs Hogan for the title.
Oh and to X, gingers have never drawn. In fact, the best ginger ever had his hair dyed and played some sort of dead guy.

That said, you have Crimson rising and that Sheamus guy kicking ass and taking names over on Smackdown. It seems it's time for the ginger revolution!

Two Words: Heath Slater.

Revolution denied.
Minority fans.

No. Majority fans. Casual wrestling fans do not watch TNA. Casual wrestling fans barely watch the WWE. The only people who watch TNA are hardcore wrestling fans (ie the people who would comment on a wrestling website).

Also, this isn't 1998. Everyone has the internet at the touch of a button and everyone likes to talk about things online. Everyone from the dumbest most casual non-wrestling fan jock to the most hardcore geeky nerd puro-watching mouthbreather, everyone uses the internet to discuss and explore their interests. Times have changed man, catch up with them.
No. Majority fans. Casual wrestling fans do not watch TNA. Casual wrestling fans barely watch the WWE. The only people who watch TNA are hardcore wrestling fans (ie the people who would comment on a wrestling website).

Also, this isn't 1998. Everyone has the internet at the touch of a button and everyone likes to talk about things online. Everyone from the dumbest most casual non-wrestling fan jock to the most hardcore geeky nerd puro-watching mouthbreather, everyone uses the internet to discuss and explore their interests. Times have changed man, catch up with them.

Nah, I don't buy that. Plenty of casual fans don't bother with the internet, and no way in hell does TNA not have them. That's 100% speculation on your part. 100%.
If the majority of TNA fans are the kind of people who give a shit about match length, want Vince Russo fired and demand focus on the X-Division then why has TNA's consistent and unflinching failure to give a shit about those people never translated into a dip in the ratings? Every other wrestling broadcast is losing viewers, and a general rule of thumb seems to be that the closer a show appears to conform to the demands of that kind of fan, the worse it performs. Either the hardcore fans are so out of touch that they can no longer adequately measure their own personal preferences, or it's somebody else making up the bulk of Impact's audience.

The vast majority of TNA's audience are people who consistently enjoy the vast majority of TNA. There's a very vocal minority of hardcore nutcases, but the idea that they are in any way the bulk of the audience is laughable. They're a fraction, and they're a fraction who are going to watch every week regardless of the product and most of whom are never going to be convinced to pay for anything. As such they can and should be ignored.

As for the "everyone likes to talk about things online" argument, that's crap. I enjoy sport, I enjoy local politics, I enjoy chess, creative writing and cookery. Know how many of these interests I regularly discuss over the internet with fellow fans? None. The vast majority of people do not maintain that level of fanatical devotion towards the vast majority of their interests.
If the majority of TNA fans are the kind of people who give a shit about match length, want Vince Russo fired and demand focus on the X-Division then why has TNA's consistent and unflinching failure to give a shit about those people never translated into a dip in the ratings? Every other wrestling broadcast is losing viewers, and a general rule of thumb seems to be that the closer a show appears to conform to the demands of that kind of fan, the worse it performs.

The vast majority of TNA's audience are people who consistently enjoy the vast majority of TNA. There's a very vocal minority of hardcore nutcases, but the idea that they are in any way the bulk of the audience is laughable. They're a fraction, and they're a fraction who are going to watch every week regardless of the product and most of whom are never going to be convinced to pay for anything. As such they can and should be ignored.

As for the "everyone likes to talk about things online" argument, that's crap. I enjoy sport, I enjoy local politics, I enjoy chess, creative writing and cookery. Know how many of these interests I regularly discuss over the internet with fellow fans? None. The vast majority of people do not maintain that level of fanatical devotion towards the vast majority of their interests.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gelgarin again.
For what it's worth, Angle/Hogan is being advertised as a "Union Between Hulk Hogan & Kurt Angle", not a union between Immortal and Kurt Angle.
For what it's worth, Angle/Hogan is being advertised as a "Union Between Hulk Hogan & Kurt Angle", not a union between Immortal and Kurt Angle.

Call it what you want, it still doesn't make a ton of sense. I liked most of the rest of the show, but that part drives me nuts for so many reasons.
I laughed, a lot.

-Angle's heel turn makes me laugh. So, he ran his mouth, for weeks, about how much he respected Sting, wanted to beat him clean, etc. And we're supposed to buy into him saying fuck it, and joining with Hogan? It just doesn't compute.

-Anderson's a face again? Why should anyone cheer for him? Why? Just weeks ago, he joined the "biggest heel faction in TNA history, Brother!" He turned on the fans. Oh, and he didn't "quit" Immortal. He didn't side with the fans... he was beaten out of Immortal. I don't get it.

Sorry, but this is one of the worst shows of the year.
I mean Sting and Hoagie, not something you get to see often. In fact, itll probably be my only chance in life to see Hogan live, so, ill probably have to go for it.

Not to mention, front row cant be too stupid expensive for TNA, so ill be able to be hilariously involved in the show and PPV. When is the date its happening?
10/16. I'd look into the VIP thing if money isn't an issue. I've heard they're awesome and you get to meet some of the guys, including the Hulkster himself at times.

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