iMPACT! to go LIVE 10/07/10

This makes me go back to the posts Jeff Jarrett made a few months ago regarding the "surprise".
Awhile back, TNA star Jeff Jarrett was posting hints concerning a big "surprise" that was to be announced by TNA. Earlier today, Jarrett posted the following on his Twitter account: "And I will state this again, the reason no hints for a while...a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) was signed."

These pictures were "hints" regarding the subject.



It's pretty scrambled, but thinking a bit, you need lights and air travel (at times) to take the show on the road.

I don't know if the island is that they may be going through the east coast or something, but it seems like it. TNA's touring schedule ends after the 3rd annual Global iMPACT!. We may start seeing TNA on the road sometime by February.

Or I could just be complicating things and the deal is just the live broadcasts. I don't know, it just sounds weird.
I really don't think it would be a bad move... I used to love when WWE had Heat on right before the PPV... It's a lot better than the crappy 30 minute pre shows they have now... I'd make Xplosion live on the days of the TNA PPVs and have a match or two that isn't quite PPV quality and mostly just hype the PPV...

I know back in the day WCW and WWE used to do it... I think WcW did it with their Saturday show for like Roadwild which played on Saturdays... I really don't see how it could hurt...

But, hey... They could even go a whole other route and have it on Saturday Mornings... Xplosion doesn't really have to be as edgey as Impact... But, they'd want to show clips from Impact... So I think Saturday or Sunday nights around 6pm would be perfect...

You made a terrific point. I love watching Heat growing up. You had the storylines progress even more. Perfect example is before the Fully Loaded 99 PPV where both Taker and Austin busted each other open before their First Blood Match. I believe Taker struck Austin on Heat then Austin got payback before the match. And for someone like me who is a mark for visuals I always loved seeing the one of a kind stages. For TNA that isn't the case but still a 30 min to an hour show before a PPV would be a great idea.
I think it will help TNA a lot if teh wrestling fans stop being marks and watching the stupidities of WWE circus every week teh matches are shit! There is more talking and commercials on WWE than TNA ! At least we g et 3or 4 good matches in TNA what does WWE give one good main event match with NEXXUS! Please this angle is shit and more boring than TNA at least ECW invasion in TNA is well worthwhile watching !
So to all dumb idiotic ignorant marks start watching TNA at least I see blood in their matches compared to the PG rating of WWE
But as a whole its time for TNA to become like UFC if wrestling will continue to bore us with skits and storylines and the playfighting people are gonna slowly advert and convert to UFC period but McMoron doesn t wanna realize and wake up to it since he is breathing his WWE disneyland Circus world he is in !
If TNA doesn t become as real as it gets like UFC they won t exist afterwards so originality is necessary

Yeah and what did somebody said earlier about being a Slurper? Anyway fine for TNA if go Live again (even though it Failed the last time) but its not going to make a world of difference if their Product is still crappy. Im sure they are doing this as a one time thing since they probably know Smackdown's 1st Show on SyFy is a Live Show.
She said TNA is going to change forever. And she said they're going live on 10/7.

That doesn't mean TNA is going live EVERY WEEK, and it doesn't mean that the tweet claiming TNA will change forever is even pertaining to that. These are all assumptions.

My thought is that TNA might be leaving the Impact Zone, or at least filming iMPACT sometimes in other venues.

If TNA is going to spend all that extra money going live on a weekly basis (which, believe me, is EXTREMELY expensive to do), I think they should use that money more wisely and go to different venues every other week and get as far away from the Impact Zone as possible.

I've said this before, but going live doesn't always mean it's good for business. Right now, TNA needs to focus on other things before making that decision. It costs too much money, and the reward won't be worth it.
I haven't post in a while but I had to do it this time. Some of you guys are just idiots.

On her comments, Dixie never said that this is what is going to change TNA Forever. She said:
"TNA iMPACT! is going LIVE on 10/7. Remember my tweet about how TNA is going to change forever? Stay tuned."

Can you read it again? At the end, she says STAY TUNED!!!

When you want to change something, eg. yourself, you have to start somewhere. You maybe get a haircut, then shave, then buy new clothes, maybe change your lifestyle or personality...

So going LIVE is just one step of this HUGE change TNA is going to go through. One step at a time... I believe something huge is gonna happen that week, probably in BFG. That may be another step.

But let's say Batista or Heyman is coming to TNA. Will Batista change the TNA forever? Will Heyman? I don't think so, but it is another BIG step. Going LIVE is HUGE... and if they go on the ROAD, that will be even bigger.

So be patience, my TNA friends... like Dixie said: "Stay tuned!!!" Things are finally changing for the good of TNA.
i really want that to happen. when one of the best web sites ever,, post impact spoilers, i have to look! it is so tempting! i can barely restrain myself from viewing the raw and smackdown spoilers. I plan to watch tna tonight, and have not read spoilers, and really am looking forward to jeff vs angle. i just wish they put heels in the tournament and won, like styles, idk, but hopefully, tna can survive 3 months with no champion. 10-7-10 is the week of bound for glory, so it would be perfect to reveal a big suprise then; batista debuts, heyman, as some of the thread repliers say, or who "they"are.
Heck, for all i know, 'they" are batista or heyman with bischoff, and prob. fortune. it could also be NWO with a different name, cuz sting is now red face painted, and seems to bee forming a alliance or tag with nash, and tna has hogan and bischoff, so you never know. that is why i love wrestling, unless u read spoilers or a match or storyline is very predictable, u never know what happens next. as wwe superstars says "Expect everything"

I wonder... how much would the ratings boost if heyman arrived and as chairshot reality said, dropped the ev2.0 guys because heyman does not let personal ties get in the way of business?

plus, batista can still compete. i mean, he's training for mma, i dont think he's ruled tna out.
I wish she would stop saying that! All she talks about is this change or that change, I mean, it's starting to piss me off. If something changes for the better in TNA, then that's a good thing, but it has to be a natural progression. It can't be this one big change out of the blue, which she, Hogan, and Bischoff have attempted to do many times this year, only to fail miserably each time. If she wants to tweet something, talk about the things that are happening now, and what she would like to do in the future to make TNA better. But no more "big" surprises. This is 2010, not 1997, nobody is in droves trying to watch your TV program, lady. Shit, nobody really cares about Raw ir Smackdown either, but WWE has never promised anything that was going to change the foundation of the company, except for the annual draft, which has pretty much horrible for the last four years.

TNA could announce that Jesus Christ himself (or maybe Sarah Palin again) was appearing on iMPACT and nobody would care.

It's the case of 'the boy who cried wolf'. It's sad at this point.
I wish she would stop saying that! All she talks about is this change or that change, I mean, it's starting to piss me off. If something changes for the better in TNA, then that's a good thing, but it has to be a natural progression. It can't be this one big change out of the blue, which she, Hogan, and Bischoff have attempted to do many times this year, only to fail miserably each time. If she wants to tweet something, talk about the things that are happening now, and what she would like to do in the future to make TNA better. But no more "big" surprises. This is 2010, not 1997, nobody is in droves trying to watch your TV program, lady. Shit, nobody really cares about Raw ir Smackdown either, but WWE has never promised anything that was going to change the foundation of the company, except for the annual draft, which has pretty much horrible for the last four years.

TNA could announce that Jesus Christ himself (or maybe Sarah Palin again) was appearing on iMPACT and nobody would care.

It's the case of 'the boy who cried wolf'. It's sad at this point.

Exactly. They do this basically every other week. "OH MY GOD A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT THIS WEEK". Then we hear it, "Oh my God there's gonna be a big match" or "Oh damn another old piece of crap who can't wrestle just joined the company!" They've not only killed the surprise element, but they raped it to and raped it to death over and over and over again. The surprise element is soooooooooooooooooo overrated.

Jeff Jarrett made a big mistake giving the company, a wrestling company, to some fucking dumb hick girl. The ONLY woman who could ever possible run a wrestling company would be Stephanie McMahon, because she has fucking balls the size of grapefruits!
I'm all for Impact going live every week. It just has more of an excitement feel to it.

As far as Dixie's posting about "changing TNA forever"? Shut up already. Another PPV coming up, and she does her tweet thing about a big surprse/change. Nobody's buying that anymore.
Aren't people making major assumptions here? As I read it, Dixie Carter's newest mysterious tweet promising to change TNA forever (after all there is a PPV this weekend, you'd better run and purchase it so you don't miss out on any surprises!) said iMPACT was going live on 10/07, it didn't say anything about going live every Thursday. Isn't this another example of Carter tweeting something vague and misleading (at least not downright deceptive, this time) and the TNA guys jump all over it with false hope and naievity? I saw nothing to suggest TNA is going live every week (been there, done that, got the bruises to show from it), but rather, are going live for one show to hype up their big PPV for 10/10/10.

I hope TNA can deliver on the hype of the "they" angle which they've been setting up for 3 or 4 months now. If this turns out to be another disappointment which we've all grown accustomed to, it will be very hurtful to TNA's future. Of course, we now know it won't be Hogan or Bischoff's fault as they don't run TNA anyway.
i think this is good for TNA (NOTICE i didn't say great i said good)

taping a show only leads to ppl like me to read the spoilers especially when theres 10 days between the taping and airing.

now from what i understand it costs more money to do live shows (how true that is? idk) but even still if they can get the live show rolling every week i'm sure the rating will go up a little bit. i'm not talking like a .5+ rating jump but maybe little by little.
Impact is not going live every week, I'm goin with this just being the go home show before Bound 4 Glory. TNA is no where near the live every week thing again. All the last minute hot shot angles for BFG will take place on this show.
TNA IS NOT GOING LIVE EVERY FUCKING WEEK! The only reason they are going live is for this stupid announcement Dixie has been sugar coating for so long. Think about it! If she said it on a taped show, then we'd be able to just go to the dirt sheets and say, "Well, that's nothing. Who gives a shit." This way, she gets more ratings because she's ****e.

I remember TNA when they first started and no one knew about them. That's when they were great. Then they got a little exposure and fucked everything up. They are NOT a good wrestling company now. They're simply an over-exposed indy promotion that will go nowhere, ever. Bischoff even said it, and made himself look like a fucking fool by joining them.
I think a good trial thing for them to do would be to move their tapings to Thursdays and Fridays...

That way atleast every other Impact would be live and it wouldn't change the work schedule too much for guys like Angle, Hardy, and RVD... I know the relaxed schedule is one of TNA's major selling points for recruiting people who are burnt out from a WWE type schedule...

Plus, you could really gauge the difference a live show draws compared to a taped show...

Even if TNA was live every other Thursday, it would be a HUGE step for them...

Hell, WWE didn't even start doing live TV until WCW forced them to...
Jeff Jarrett made a big mistake giving the company, a wrestling company, to some fucking dumb hick girl. The ONLY woman who could ever possible run a wrestling company would be Stephanie McMahon, because she has fucking balls the size of grapefruits!

A dumb hick girl with a college degree who ran her own agency for over 10 years. Pretty sure she's smarter than you ever will be. This is great news, yet already the thread is filled with WWE marks saying "oh try never follow through" IDR already covered it, but clearly this post acknowledges that this is part of the same announcement from months ago. So shut up and watch it happen.
Hey Redd, wasn't the big announcement "generally accepted" to be Reaction? Maybe you aren't the right person to be strutting about demanding others eat crow. ;)

But- for those of you (IDR- looking at you) who insist that anyone who ever doubted Dixie Carter should sit down and have some humble pie, watch what I do here:

"Something big is going to happen. I won't say what it is here, but it's going to change things forever."

Now, later down the line, should teh evil terrorists blow up an airliner, or if a late-season hurricane surprises Florida again, or if Jim Cornette finally goes nuts and kills Vince Russo, I can claim credit for it. It's an old carny trick called "leading the mark", and professional wrestling has never made it that far from its carny roots. In this case, it works quite well, because there are a lot of marks that want to be led.

So spare me the whole schtick about how Dixie Carter had told the world this was coming. She was blowing smoke up your ass then, and being fortunate enough to have something fall into her lap doesn't make her a seer now.

Going live is another gimmick; how does it improve the quality of their product? Ratings aren't down over last year because fans have gotten tired of Impact not being live, it's because the product isn't compelling enough to make new fans want to watch. (Eric- putting 4 people in a tournament into a tag match before a PPV isn't controversial. It's pretty standard booking. That was actually a good intro to Impact before you tried to throw that kind of needless hype in there.) The ratings will spike for a couple of weeks, and then taper right back off to where they have been, until you give people reasons to watch that they don't have to make threads on wrestling forums to find.
Hey Redd, wasn't the big announcement "generally accepted" to be Reaction? Maybe you aren't the right person to be strutting about demanding others eat crow. ;)
Yeah, so I can accept I was wrong and that doesn't change the fact that every asshole who's claimed that "they never follow through" has been shut up with this single tweet and still they claim the same shit.

But- for those of you (IDR- looking at you) who insist that anyone who ever doubted Dixie Carter should sit down and have some humble pie, watch what I do here:

"Something big is going to happen. I won't say what it is here, but it's going to change things forever."

it's an old carny trick called "leading the mark", and professional wrestling has never made it that far from its carny roots. In this case, it works quite well, because there are a lot of marks that want to be led.
LOL so you're an expert on old carny terms. :rolleyes:

So spare me the whole schtick about how Dixie Carter had told the world this was coming. She was blowing smoke up your ass then, and being fortunate enough to have something fall into her lap doesn't make her a seer now.
Or you know, Dixie was fully aware that it would take time for her idea to pan out. You know, new shows, now they're going live. Couldn't all be done in one week as much as you'd love to believe it could.

Going live is another gimmick; how does it improve the quality of their product?
Adds unpredictability, reduces viewers lost via spoilers.

Ratings aren't down over last year because fans have gotten tired of Impact not being live, it's because the product isn't compelling enough to make new fans want to watch. (Eric- putting 4 people in a tournament into a tag match before a PPV isn't controversial.

People in this very thread have posted that they have read spoilers and skipped the show. I do the very same with Smackdown. Haven't actually watched an episode in over a 2 months. Plenty of people are content with reading spoilers and if they don't like what they read they'll do something other than watch the show. Also who claimed this weeks matches were controversial? I don't remember anyone here or Eric Bischoff claiming anything of the sort.

That was actually a good intro to Impact before you tried to throw that kind of needless hype in there.) The ratings will spike for a couple of weeks, and then taper right back off to where they have been, until you give people reasons to watch that they don't have to make threads on wrestling forums to find.

Considering how widespread and accessible the internet is, it's foolish to actually believe large numbers of people don't choose to read spoilers instead of watch it. Outside of much older fans 40+ and younger fans most people who watch wrestling a dedicated fans and as such are not above utilising the internet to learn more about it. TNA going live is a further step toward greater success. And if you'll notice Dixie's tweet was not "we're going live that was the surprise". As my original belief that her announcement referred to the changing landscape in TNA like ReAction and televised Xplosion, this another step in TNA's evolution as a company. There'll be more to come and it would seem that Dixie's hints are not a single entity but refer to changes within TNA as a whole, which make it all the more accurate.
Say what you will about Eric and hogan.. since they got here we went from 1 taped show (Impact 2009) to having 3 shows in 2010 (Xplosian, Impact, ReAction) and now live Impacts seems to be the next step.. (even though they gave us that too on Monday nights earlier in the year) Oh and not to mention an ALL KO PPV coming up here soon as well.

There is good and bad with Hogan/Bish but they are actually GROWING TNA into more than a one show orginiazation. I wish people would see this more...

This is a great move by them! Taped shows will not work in todays day and age. And if people did not know what to expect then they will tune in more. Its simple logic.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2388281]I recall some of the pictures Jeff Jarrett was talking about when he alluded to the whole "ground-shaking" announcement. If I recall, one picture was an airplane landing. Could Dixie's true surprise be that TNA is finally heading for the road? Seems like something truly groundbreaking as TNA has been planted in Orlando since 2005 and before that in Nashville. I really doubt going live is the big picture here. I mean not too long ago they were doing it bi-weekly. Great timing if anything. I guess we shouldn't have taken Dixie for granted.[/QUOTE]

Im pretty sure Jarrett said it didnt have to do with anything TNA related and the clues were hints that his Daughters were going to be in Taylor Swifts new music video. Which they were.

Doesnt explain the NDA though.
I think it is good that TNA seems to at least be considering going live on a regular basis (definitely that one day at least). But, like a bunch of others have said, I am not sure how this changes TNA forever. I don't think the people complaining about TNA have been saying "You know, TNA is perfect, the only thing missing is it isn't live. If that happened I would never watch WWE again". If you are putting the same product out nothing will really change.

Also, if they do a better job of managing their time (the other live shows on Monday were difficult to watch with all the 2 minutes commercial breaks) it won't mean anything. I have no doubt they have been preparing for this and closing monitoring the flow of their shows to make sure they can pull it off, so I will keep my fingers crossed. A stronger TNA is better for wrestling in general, so even though I prefer WWE I still pull for TNA to continue to pick up it's game.
Redd- again, not playing quote wars with you, any idiot can multiquote, it takes a thinker to come up with ideas. "Kayfabe" descends directly from carny talk. It's where the terms were formed. I'm not an expert on carnival talk, but I am pretty sharp with my professional wrestling roots. It's not court law or anything... ;), but considering where we're talking and what we're talking about, it's good stuff to know.

If you want to hear who claimed that these matches were "controversial", whip out your TiVo and watch the very first minute of Impact. It's sad, I struggle to watch Impact just so I'm not just some douchebag off the internet who isn't watching what he's critiquing (but good God is it hard to watch lately), you should be able to quote their product better than I can.

But hey, TNA's going to change forever. That's the first time I've heard that in the past year. ;)
Redd- again, not playing quote wars with you, any idiot can multiquote, it takes a thinker to come up with ideas.
Oh wow are you that guy? The little bitch who had a sad that I was using code? Please be that guy.

"Kayfabe" descends directly from carny talk. It's where the terms were formed. I'm not an expert on carnival talk, but I am pretty sharp with my professional wrestling roots. It's not court law or anything... ;), but considering where we're talking and what we're talking about, it's good stuff to know.
I don't care.

If you want to hear who claimed that these matches were "controversial", whip out your TiVo and watch the very first minute of Impact.
Hasn't aired over here yet.

It's sad, I struggle to watch Impact so I'm not just some douchebag off on the internet without at least watching what he's critiquing (but good God is it hard to watch lately), you should be able to quote their product better than I can.
No I'm pretty sure you are a douchebag. You are if you use the term "quote wars" literally anyone who says that term and means it is a fucking 'tard.

But hey, TNA's going to change forever. That's the first time I've heard that in the past year. ;)
In the past year TNA has completely changed from what it had been previously. It started with the removal of the 6 sided ring. Then they brought in new wrestlers, then they altered their programming and added in new shows and it seems they plan to go live by October. Now tell me how is that not changing TNA forever? They've changed a lot this year, I challenge you to prove that statement wrong.
This guy right here is what's wrong with the internet. He's not a wrestling fan, he's a WWE slurper. After a shitty Summer Slam, and the worst episode of Raw ever, if you consider that it was billed as the 9000 million episode that's what he says about TNA. It's the very reason why I don't really read these forums anymore. People live to talk bad about TNA. If you don't like it, don't watch it, don't comment n it.

Actually, you're a perfect example of what's wrong with the internet. You're a hopeless fanboy that simply cannot stand the fact that anyone has anything negative to say about your favorite wrestling company. If you can't be an adult and accept the fact that not everybody is willing to buy into this illusion that you and others like you have created, that being that TNA is this shining beacon of wrestling in which everything is fantastic, then maybe you shouldn't read these forums. You'll notice I don't derive you for your criticism of WWE as you're entitled to it. If you don't like it, but being unable to abide by criticisms of what you're into only makes you look childish.
Redd- "quote wars" is a term people use for that forum activity of crawling through someone's post, half a sentence at a time. The reason why it's a lousy debate tactic is because 1) you never express any original ideas when you do it, only counterpoints (your logical fallacies notwithstanding) to someone else's ideas, which, without the framework of an original idea, mean nothing, and 2) there is no way to respond to that style of post besides going half a sentence at a time through someone else's post yourself. (Or, for that matter, telling them that you aren't going to lower your standards and play quote wars yourself.) I'm not the guy who said you were using code; I've been using vBulletin since you were marking out on Spongebob fan sites.

If you don't like the term, maybe you should stop using the tactic so frequently, hrm?

You also totally whiffed on the sarcasm on that last quote you had, which isn't surprising, as I've said when you've whiffed on my sarcasm before- when you play quote wars, you're in such a rush to respond to the other person that you don't really pay any attention to what they're saying. TNA has changed a lot in the past year. Not for the better, and not in any way that's meant anything. Ooooh, a 4-sided ring!!! Hiring talent that they don't know what to do with! The only significant "change" they've made this year, besides that Monday night abortion (which, for the record, even I thought was a good idea at the time) was adding new programming. Now they have a rerun show and Reaction, which is at least a noble experiment, even if its time slot dooms it to failure. Change is only meaningful if it amounts to something, and a drop in audience share over last year doesn't count.

By the by, you aren't good at admitting that you're wrong when you don't do it until someone calls you out on it after you insist your detractors eat crow. Any dog knows he shit on the carpet when you rub his nose in it. I am quite well aware that you don't care about professional wrestling history, which is why you are so ignorant when it comes to professional wrestling current.
Redd- "quote wars" is a term people use for that forum activity of crawling through someone's post, half a sentence at a time.
Hahahaha. Oh God, back to baby's first 4chan for you.

The reason why it's a lousy debate tactic is because 1) you never express any original ideas when you do it,
I'm countering what you're saying so there's no need for "original ideas". You clearly know fuck all about debating. I'm not presenting any "original ideas" because my issue is 'tards like you spouting out bullshit. I'm correcting it.

2) there is no way to respond to that style of post besides going half a sentence at a time through someone else's post yourself. (Or, for that matter, telling them that you aren't going to lower your standards and play quote wars yourself.) I'm not the guy who said you were using code; I've been using vBulletin since you were marking out on Spongebob fan sites.
Mmmhmm sure you have, you've probably been visiting the Jailbait Gallery too. Ahhh, I don't know what's more amusing or the fact that you A.) think you're older than me or B.) are a grown adult who thinks about a kids cartoon when trying to argue with people.

If you don't like the term, maybe you should stop using the tactic so frequently, hrm?
What are you gonna do next? Call someone a n00b. Back to baby's first 4chan for you, methinks. Oh I know, you're gonna use lolcats.

You also totally whiffed on the sarcasm on that last quote you had, which isn't surprising, as I've said when you've whiffed on my sarcasm before-
No, I know you were failing at sarcasm, the wink emote was a giveaway. If you try a little harder you might make it to a level occupied by 12 year olds who just got a WoW account. Just make sure you stay 1337.

when you play quote wars, you're in such a rush to respond to the other person that you don't really pay any attention to what they're saying.
I play plenty attention to what you're saying, it's just so hilariously bad that I can't respond in a serious manner.

TNA has changed a lot in the past year.
Hey you admitted it.

Not for the better, and not in any way that's meant anything.
Ahh yes, those 3 television shows don't mean a thing. And that damn going live and changing their taping arena, why that means nothing. Not to mention those new additions to the roster, they mean nothing. Really what would TNA have to do, for the almighty you, to declare it "mean something"? I'm dying to know.

Ooooh, a 4-sided ring!!! Hiring talent that they don't know what to do with!
The six-sided ring often regarded by many as a key part of TNA's identity is gone, but nah that doesn't mean anything at all, I mean something many people identified with TNA being altered, surely that isn't change!! And I'm pretty sure Ken Anderson, Desmond Wolfe, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair are all struggling to stay important within TNA. Oh just for you ;) did you see that? A WINK OMGZ SARCASMS.

The only significant "change" they've made this year, besides that Monday night abortion (which, for the record, even I thought was a good idea at the time) was adding new programming.
Oh I see, so you're the master of deciding what is and what isn't significant. Never mind TNA, producing 4 hours of television per week instead of 2, nah that's not significant because YOU said it wasn't. If you can't see the ridiculousness in you making this high and mighty judgement, you truly are blind.

Now they have a rerun show and Reaction, which is at least a noble experiment, even if its time slot dooms it to failure. Change is only meaningful if it amounts to something, and a drop in audience share over last year doesn't count
A rerun show? What's that? Haven't seen a rerun show. Ah so what you're saying is "change is only meaningful if you feel it is". Yeah sure, producing 3 television shows that are doing well in their respective markets just isn't significant. Hey Xplosion, it doesn't matter if you've been key to expanding TNA's broadcasts in new demographics in international markets, apparently that doesn't amount to anything, no sir.

By the by, you aren't good at admitting that you're wrong when you don't do it until someone calls you out on it after you insist your detractors eat crow. Any dog knows he shit on the carpet when you rub his nose in it. I am quite well aware that you don't care about professional wrestling history, which is why you are so ignorant when it comes to professional wrestling current.

I'm sorry what? Admitting I'm wrong? I don't believe I consider myself to be wrong. You keep saying "eat crow" that must be like "quote wars" a term used only by 'tards. I find it hilarious that you seem to know what I think. I know plenty about wrestling history I don't even understand where you've gotten this idea, unless you're referring to me knocking your shitty "it's old carny talk" shit. I don't give two shits about your stories on "old carny talk" I love how you call me ignorant to current wrestling, yet you're the person making outright incorrect statements, you know like "rerun show". What I'm finding is you've spent all this time saying "you quote people and that means your argument suX" but you haven't actually rebutted anything. You've just whinged. Oh and you've made assumptions about me based on nothing.

Hey, I've seen you do the same with TNA, you know making assumptions based on nothing. A lot of other posters too, you should form a club.

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