iMPACT! to go LIVE 10/07/10

I hope they go live after this, I got tickets to the thursday oct 14 show, so they would be great.
I hope they go live after this, I got tickets to the thursday oct 14 show, so they would be great.

Where is the show at on the 14th?

Maybe it will just be a one time thing... Unless...

They tape an Impact on the road, live...

Or they announce an official start date for their live shows on the 7th...

Maybe we all did jump the gun on them going live full time, the 7th might just be a experiment...

I hope not though, I was really excited about live Impacts full time...
Change only counts if it does anything. So they've added a four-sided ring, hired new talent, and produced two new shows. How does that matter fuck-all if ratings are down over last year? You can dress up a turd, but it remains a turd. Advertisers don't pay based on changes you make to your product, they pay based on the Nielsens. Doing well in their respective markets? They've got steep competition on Spike TV- right now in prime time, they're showing CSI reruns.

Something you've forgotten is that professional wrestling is about making money, and that's all. If it isn't selling, who cares about it?

Just to humor you, I'll quote you twice. If your knowledge of 24 hours worth of history is this spotty, I hope you can understand why I think your knowledge of history and your professional wrestling roots sucks.

Reddannihilation said:
Yeah, so I can accept I was wrong and that doesn't change the fact that every asshole who's claimed that "they never follow through" has been shut up with this single tweet and still they claim the same shit.
Reddannihilation said:
I'm sorry what? Admitting I'm wrong? I don't believe I consider myself to be wrong.
I'm not insulted that you're unfamiliar with the terms I use; I'm more amused that you portray your ignorance of them (they're pretty common) as a virtue. This is coming from the same guy who once tried to use "court law" in an internet debate, so maybe the pot shouldn't be calling the kettle black regardless. I'm also not too threatened by what you think of my debate skills; I am talking to the same person that once insisted that no one who was successful in one business would ever stick with a money losing product in another, (another link there for you), and, ergo, TNA must be profitable. You aren't exactly the Artful Dodger yourself. ;)
Change only counts if it does anything. So they've added a four-sided ring, hired new talent, and produced two new shows. How does that matter fuck-all if ratings are down over last year?

Think that through for a second, ReAction wasn't around last year but it's ratings are down from last year? How's that work? And Xplosion get very solid ratings in it's markets. So try again, *****.

You can dress up a turd, but it remains a turd. Advertisers don't pay based on changes you make to your product, they pay based on the Nielsens.
Yeah and three television shows is more time in which to run advertisements. Shows what you fucking know. Never mind that you still can't refute the point that TNA has completely changed it's product and output this year, keeping in perfect line with Carter's comments.

Doing well in their respective markets? They've got steep competition on Spike TV- right now in prime time, they're showing CSI reruns.
TNA shows are doing well in their markets, you have any data to say otherwise? No? Then shut up.

Something you've forgotten is that professional wrestling is about making money, and that's all. If it isn't selling, who cares about it?
Oh you know TNA's financial situation now? You know what's selling and what isn't? You must be Dixie Carter then. This is the best thing you could come up with and it's the same tired argument that literally is proven wrong by the two word combination of "private company".

Just to humor you, I'll quote you twice. If your knowledge of 24 hours worth of history is this spotty, I hope you can understand why I think your knowledge of history and your professional wrestling roots sucks.
Ah yes, I said I was wrong that Dixie's announcement ended with ReAction, however if you were to actually read the post you're paraphrasing from an earlier thread, you'd notice it goes beyond that referring to TNA's overrall output has changed with the addition of new shows. So yes I was wrong that Carter's announcement ended with ReAction, but I was right that the announcement refers to the constantly changing landscape within TNA and their products.

Now quick, post a lolcat.

I'm not insulted that you're unfamiliar with the terms I use; I'm more amused that you portray your ignorance of them (they're pretty common) as a virtue.
Ignorance? Nay, it's simply hilarious that they're the basis to your argument. "I don't use the quote function, so I am winning, !!!!1111!!1!!!" that's what you sound like.

This is coming from the same guy who once tried to use "court law" in an internet debate, so maybe the pot shouldn't be calling the kettle black regardless.

So this is where your "original ideas" reside? Oh yes I once told a person who was spouting a bunch of baseless bullshit that the burden of proof was on them. Man that was a terrible tactic, I mean here was a guy saying things he couldn't back up and I told him to prove it and he couldn't. I'm not really seeing how that's a bad thing.

I'm also not too threatened by what you think of my debate skills; I am talking to the same person that once insisted that no one who was successful in one business would ever stick with a money losing product in another, (another link there for you), and, ergo, TNA must be profitable. You aren't exactly the Artful Dodger yourself. ;)
LOL, a picture of Ted Turner, now I'm trying to think, wasn't Ted Turner a media mogul? And wasn't WCW primarily a TV Show? So where's the crossover into a separate business here? Oh it isn't anywhere. Yes, these right here are your "original ideas" you take things completely out of context from other threads, of course without actually linking to them, in the hope that someone who reads the thread will side with you, based on one sided info. Ok, that's great. You're terrible at this.

You still can't actually refute Dixie's announcement either, she said TNA would change and it has. The best you've been able to come up with is "well it's change that doesn't matter". Good luck with that.

PS: I have an old carny term for you "sticking the shaft in the swine anus". It means you fuck pigs, pig-fucker. :)
TNA will be taping iMPACT! episodes on October 11 & 12, so their live episode on October 7 is a one shot deal. They also changed their website to reflect that London Brawling is facing the Motor City Machine Guns at No Surrender, not Generation Me as they were originally saying.

Well, Dixie have been playing with words again or so it seems and the internet smarks have been fooled again (or most of them anyway), TNA's 7th of October show is a one time thing, at least for the time being, yes going live will benefit the product, but that under the basis that your product is good and watchable but the taped atmosphere kill the surprise element in the show, and I can pretty much say that this isn't the case with TNA.

Smackdown is a good show and I watched it regularly despite it being taped, and despite the fact that I most of the time read the spoilers regarding the show, it is watchable and provide good entertainment, while on the other hand when I turn on RAW, I can't complete five minutes whether it is live or not and the same has to be applied to TNA who need to develope their show more than RAW, you see RAW has been on the air for 18 years, and therefore fans will be there watching whether the show is good or not despite what many of them say.

Sure the rating will rise but it isn't that rise that they need (provided they stay live everyweek) and then it'll fall if you don't offer something that keeps the fans interested in the product.IMO TNA's problems are far deeper than iMPACT! going live or not.

As for the announcement that'll change TNA forever, I'll keep my fingers crossed, heard that statement thousands of times for the last four years and nothing happened, maybe this time things will change forever or maybe it'll be typical TNA hype that comes to nothing, I don't know really.I hope for the former but expect the latter.
This is only my opinion, but, TNA has drastically changed over the past year and for anyone to question that has to be inept to what goes on around them. Look, from the roster additions to the set and production changes, this is a new TNA. The company has pushed many new talents and brought in a shit load of new wrestlers to compliment it's already great roster. We're now blessed with matches like MCMG vs. BMI and GenMe. That's the kind of action that makes me tune in every week. Then you add in the storylines which have gotten that much more interesting than ever and TNA makes for a very fun product to watch. Before Hogan and his crew came to TNA, it didn't seem like more than a Televised Independent Promotion. Now, it looks more and more like a solid Pro Wrestling Program. Again, this is only my opinion.
A dumb hick girl with a college degree who ran her own agency for over 10 years. Pretty sure she's smarter than you ever will be. This is great news, yet already the thread is filled with WWE marks saying "oh try never follow through" IDR already covered it, but clearly this post acknowledges that this is part of the same announcement from months ago. So shut up and watch it happen.

She knows nothing about wrestling.

I hate WWE. They starting sucking in 2001, and by 2004 it was just bullshit. The only mark I see is you.

It won't happen. You're sadly going to be very disappointed.
She knows nothing about wrestling.

I hate WWE. They starting sucking in 2001, and by 2004 it was just bullshit. The only mark I see is you.

It won't happen. You're sadly going to be very disappointed.

She knows more wrestling than you do. Also what won't happen? You can't tell me going live this one time for now won't get people watching. Hell WWE marks/TNA haters will watch it just to rant on it. This will bring a small raise in the ratings.
She knows nothing about wrestling.
Yeah I love people who say this, what wrestling company do you run? So Dixie Carter runs the #2 wrestling company but she "knows nothing" but people on the internet who do not run a wrestling company know everything? Yeah, good job.

I hate WWE. They starting sucking in 2001, and by 2004 it was just bullshit. The only mark I see is you.
Really because last I checked I'm not the blind guy saying the exact same thing all anti-TNA marks say every thread.

It won't happen. You're sadly going to be very disappointed.
No, I'm not.

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