iMPACT! to go LIVE 10/07/10

I've been hoping they would do this for years now. Live is going to be good for them, maybe not right at first but down the road.

All that's left now is to start going other places besides Orlando to have the show. Atleast the east coast.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2388281]I recall some of the pictures Jeff Jarrett was talking about when he alluded to the whole "ground-shaking" announcement. If I recall, one picture was an airplane landing. Could Dixie's true surprise be that TNA is finally heading for the road? Seems like something truly groundbreaking as TNA has been planted in Orlando since 2005 and before that in Nashville. I really doubt going live is the big picture here. I mean not too long ago they were doing it bi-weekly. Great timing if anything. I guess we shouldn't have taken Dixie for granted.[/QUOTE]

Good God.. I would shit my pants. TNA leaving Orlando is like a young bird being forced out of it's nest to fly. And TNA would soar. If that's what this really means, then TNA has just became the #1 wrestling program to watch week in and week out. I dream of seeing an arena of sold out fans week after week for a live impact.. It makes sense too.. because..

TNA would NEVER be the same.
If the announcement is that they're going live every week, that's great! It can only benefit the product to keep the spoilers at bay.

However, I don't see how this would "change TNA forever." It's still the same Impact, just live and with a potential ratings boost.

Now if what Riaku is guessing is true and they're hitting the road and getting out of the Impact Zone, now THAT would change TNA forever. I'd love for them to head down to LA! :D
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2388281]I recall some of the pictures Jeff Jarrett was talking about when he alluded to the whole "ground-shaking" announcement. If I recall, one picture was an airplane landing. Could Dixie's true surprise be that TNA is finally heading for the road? Seems like something truly groundbreaking as TNA has been planted in Orlando since 2005 and before that in Nashville. I really doubt going live is the big picture here. I mean not too long ago they were doing it bi-weekly. Great timing if anything. I guess we shouldn't have taken Dixie for granted.[/QUOTE]

IDR, this is what im talking about in regards to ground breaking. If TNA indeed does start taking iMPACT on the road around the US and such, that would change TNA forever. That's how you build a bigger fanbase, help get your product out there, and bring in bigger revenue and TV ratings. Though im probably getting off topic, but yeah.

I understand what you're saying IDR, but I don't think the spoiler readers are going to make iMPACT's ratings jump up to like a 2 or something.
How many times can TNA change forever? How many times can they revolutionize themselves? Going live isnt gonna make a difference, shitty booking whether live or taped is still shitty booking. And Dixie Carter is still just an idiot to think anyone in the IWC cares. And announcing this stuff on Twitter? She may think its her being "Hip" and "In with the young people". But it makes her look like a joke.

TNA continues to make decisions that "change the company forever". Well in case they havent noticed all but a few have been terrible decisions. They continue to set themselves up to fail by making stupid choices, whether it be hirings, changing the day impact is aired, or even announcing what their gonna do via twitter.

This is just another indication of TNA going down fast. The only thing it helps is it takes away spoilers, so they want to force wrestling fans to watch their shitty product. Not saying all is bad but 90% of it at the least.
This might give TNA a little boost. A lot of us might fight reading the spoilers, but it can be hard. Having Impact go live three days before Bound For Glory is good timing on Dixie's part. It could spark some extra interest in TNA's flagship PPV. A live show can be more exciting to watch, but I doubt this will be huge for TNA. Going live might help them a little bit, but if the quality of the show doesn't change, then you won't see too much of a difference as far as the ratings go.
Nice! Im liking this.. no more spoilers so ill have to tune in =]

Now if SD! would go live!

Maybe SD should move back to thursday and compete with impact xD

The Thursday Night Wars =P
So, you're suggesting they put a wrestling show on a Sunday? To compete with PPV's twice a month? One of which will be their own? Logic. Even if it's on before or after PPV's it'd probably be a bad move.

I really don't think it would be a bad move... I used to love when WWE had Heat on right before the PPV... It's a lot better than the crappy 30 minute pre shows they have now... I'd make Xplosion live on the days of the TNA PPVs and have a match or two that isn't quite PPV quality and mostly just hype the PPV...

I know back in the day WCW and WWE used to do it... I think WcW did it with their Saturday show for like Roadwild which played on Saturdays... I really don't see how it could hurt...

But, hey... They could even go a whole other route and have it on Saturday Mornings... Xplosion doesn't really have to be as edgey as Impact... But, they'd want to show clips from Impact... So I think Saturday or Sunday nights around 6pm would be perfect...
this is a great move! In 2006 and most of 2007, the only time I ever watched a TNA event was a PPV, because it was live. On rare occasions would I watch iMPACT, as I would make the decision to record the show.

This makes it better for wrestling fans who read spoiler sheets on taped shows (Superstars, Smackdown, Ring of Honor) to determine what to watch or to watch at all.
Anyone else remember when every week JR would always say, "Tonight is going to be the biggest Raw ever!" I always got hyped up, then Raw ends and I'm like what? It was just a normal regular Raw. Yup I eventually figured out this was just JR saying that to make people watch the whole show. They now stopped doing that, only time they say it is if it's a special like the 900th show.
I think it will help TNA a lot if teh wrestling fans stop being marks and watching the stupidities of WWE circus every week teh matches are shit! There is more talking and commercials on WWE than TNA ! At least we g et 3or 4 good matches in TNA what does WWE give one good main event match with NEXXUS! Please this angle is shit and more boring than TNA at least ECW invasion in TNA is well worthwhile watching !
So to all dumb idiotic ignorant marks start watching TNA at least I see blood in their matches compared to the PG rating of WWE
But as a whole its time for TNA to become like UFC if wrestling will continue to bore us with skits and storylines and the playfighting people are gonna slowly advert and convert to UFC period but McMoron doesn t wanna realize and wake up to it since he is breathing his WWE disneyland Circus world he is in !
If TNA doesn t become as real as it gets like UFC they won t exist afterwards so originality is necessary
I think going live could help TNA draw in a few more viewers. I bet Taz will be great live :rolleyes:. The suspense of not knowing what is going to happen heading into the show is always a plus, but I think the only thing that will "change" TNA is for them to take the show on the road. They could just stay in the southern states, or up and down the east coast if money is an issue. The best thing I think for their show would be to travel outside of Orlando. They need to expose the product to more fans and that would be probably be the best way.
Is anyone else waiting for a giant egg on a stage to show up on Impact, with the promise of something "major" breaking out of it? Fingers crossed......
This guy right here is what's wrong with the internet. He's not a wrestling fan, he's a WWE slurper. After a shitty Summer Slam, and the worst episode of Raw ever, if you consider that it was billed as the 9000 million episode that's what he says about TNA. It's the very reason why I don't really read these forums anymore. People live to talk bad about TNA. If you don't like it, don't watch it, don't comment n it.
And this folks is what you call a hypocrite. HE calls someone a wwe slurper for not liking the way tna runs things, but he then he bashes the wwe. Which is only because he loves tna. And that makes him a tna ''slurper''.

Ok onto the post. Tna could have a great ratings run because of this. Not only for impact, but also for reactions, because the more people that watch impact the more chance of people keeping the channel on. But if their talking about groundbreaking stuff, then it has to be a major signing. If it was someone like batista then it would be more than an extra .1 or .2 to the rating but .5 or .6 added on. Now that would be huge.
Going live keeps the element of surprise a little bit (very little), but to call this a groundbreaking announcement is both absurd and hilarious, and it certainly isn't going to change TNA's landscape forevere. If anyone actually thinks that this is going to be huge they got another thing coming because it certainly isn't going to help the current product improve, its not going to increase ratings (maybe by .1 or .2 but not enough to make a real difference), its not going to really do anything for the product except make it more expensive to run shows.

With the internet these days the element of surprise isn't really there anymore, even when watching a RAW broadcast, sure RAW is live, but the element of surprise is non existent.

There's nothing wrong with going live, but its not going to change a damn thing in regards to the product, people don't watch RAW because its live, they watch it because they like it, if RAW wasn't live the ratings wouldn't take a big hit and Smackdown's ratings take a hit because its on Friday nights, most people have better things to do on Fridays then to sit at home and watch wrestling and most people still don't have DVR so that argument is out of the question.

I knew TNA wouldn't follow through on their groundbreaking announcement, and they didn't, having a live show isn't a big deal.
This is very exciting news and I really like this, I would love for TNA to go live, the concept of having things live makes it more exciting and could really help them grow at least a little bit of a bigger audience since there is no replay. BUT don't gets your hopes up maybe their just having it that day only to hype BFG since it's the iMPACT! before it.
I'd like to see iMPACT! go live from now on, but as others have said, taking their show on the road would be one of the best possible things they could do. Seeing them in Orlando every week has gotten pretty stale, and this could add a ridiculous amount of excitement to their shows, not to mention plenty of revenue. Going live is big, but I hope TNA will aim higher.
While I think TNA being live is great, I'm tired of hearing Dixie promise changes and "BIG" surprises. She doesn't deliver. Don't hype what you can't provide.
Being live and on Thursdays will hopefully help TNA forge their own identity. Lets hope they don't start giving out SMackdown spoilers live on air....
There's no way they will be on the road by october - this is just them going live. October is only a month away so they can't be taking impact on the road every week - they would need to book arenas, sell tickets etc.
There's no way they will be on the road by october - this is just them going live. October is only a month away so they can't be taking impact on the road every week - they would need to book arenas, sell tickets etc.

I agree... Impact is far from going on the road... I think they are just fine in the Impact Zone...

Or, if anything they could change venues... But taking Impact on the road weekly is a bad idea and would hurt them in the long run...

I would like to see PPVs in other locations though... To me, it makes them seem more important and actually gives them that PPV vibe instead of feeling like just another Impact...
This guy right here is what's wrong with the internet. He's not a wrestling fan, he's a WWE slurper. After a shitty Summer Slam, and the worst episode of Raw ever, if you consider that it was billed as the 9000 million episode that's what he says about TNA. It's the very reason why I don't really read these forums anymore. People live to talk bad about TNA. If you don't like it, don't watch it, don't comment n it.

And you are exactly the definition of an idiotic TNA mark. TNA fans have this really annoying tendency to just take all criticisms of TNA and say "Oh you're just a damn WWE mark and you don't know what REAL wrestling is." If this is the case, why do so few people watch TNA? Instead of coming in here and trying to bash someone because they like something else, defend the abomination that is TNA at the moment. Until then, don't waste our fucking time with your bullshit about "Oh you just love WWE so you don't know good wrestling."

As for this it could help a bit. Like Jack-Hammer and Mitch and probably others said though, if the product isn't good then there's no real benefit here. I believe two weeks ago we had a PPV level special and the ratings dropped. As long as you have all these three minute matches with guys that people don't want to see such as Dreamer and Abyss as the focal points of the company, the fans are going to continue tuning out. At the end of the day, when Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, PPV broadcasts on free TV and everything else they do can't raise ratings, I don't think that going live is going to do much good for them. Finally, you remember the criticisms from Carter that they need to tighten things up? If that hasn't happened, then the wrestling is going to look very sloppy, which is bad.

Overall, I just don't think this is ground shaking or anything, but it's not bad.
I don't think this is going to help much.

It will help that episode. And, if done well, it will help Bound For Glory. Having the "First Live Impact" to lead into their show is good for momentum.

But after the First Live Impact! the effect will fade, and quickly. Live vs taped is overrated outside of the Monday Night Wars context, when you had a competitor reading your results out and directly counterprogramming.

And live is more expensive than taped.

(I know it's not the first live Impact. But it's the semi-debut of the new, live Impact as a regular thing.)
The following was posted by Dixie Carter on Twitter...

I'm assuming that on October 7, TNA iMPACT! will go live each and every week. If this is correct, I think it's a GREAT move for TNA. Pre-taping the shows in advance hurts TNA in my opinion, in fact a lot of people read the spoilers and then don't tune in.

So what are everyone's thoughts about iMPACT! going live?

awesome, i only watch tna once a month even tho i love it, but i always read it and lose in interest, i will be watching every week now
One thing I don't get...

Most of you are assuming TNA will go live every week? 7th Oct is a Thursday correct?

So will TNA be going live every Thursdays? I'm all for TNA going live, it will really help them a lot..and since pre-taped shows can hurt TNA, that disadvantage can now be solved!
I'm praying for this to be big news. I like TNA, I want them to be a challenge to WWE. The first ever monday night wars was fun, trying to improve on both shows every week, thats what made a large audience watch it. If TNA can go live every week, hopefully it helps. WWE Raw is somewhat of a drag these days, same with TNA. If TNA can improve, and make stars but not buy them, TNA will gain an audience. I'm usually on and off while watching wrestling. TNA hasn't been to great lately, EV2.0 is kinda boring. Raw's storylines are also a bit boring, nothing interesting in wrestling right now. Excpet SmackDown, I enjoy that more then RAW and TNA.

Back to the subject, I want TNA to succeed. I want them to become a great wrestling brand. They have a lot of guys I like, but are so underutilized. I don`t mind them hiring big names like Anderson, or Jeff Hardy, but they should develop them much more. TNA moving live would be great. The ratings should pick up. But you need good stroylines to support it. TNA is trying, I 100% respect that. WWE doesnt try, thats why its boring. We need something new to the world of wrestling!

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