If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

I wouldn't fire anyone, because I'm self-aware enough to realize that I just simply don't have the heart to take away what is likely somebody's dream job. More than that, their livelihood and way of providing for their family. I'm willing to bet at least 90% of the people who have posted wouldn't have the balls to actually fire somebody, as it really takes somebody who can put off their emotions for the job at hand. Not only that, but I'll be the first to admit I don't have the experience to manage any wrestling promotion, let alone the biggest one in the world...

Every guy who walks in the door is there because WWE management thinks they draw money, or have the potential to do so. Michael Cole isn't the greatest announcer in the world, but most of that ISN'T HIS FAULT. When he doesn't have to play the most annoying heel in the world, he's actually a perfectly adequate commentator. Less awkward than Scott Stamford anyways... Yeah, it's a bit annoying to deal with the Hornswoggle antics sometimes, but most of the time he's relegated to house shows and commercial breaks. It's not like they have him around just to piss off older fans... I'm 22 years old and I sorta...kinda popped when he came out during a Raw commercial last time they were in Chicago. Not because I love him or anything, just because it was something fun and better to do than staring at the ceiling for 10 minutes.

I'll even say that Big Zeke is terrible, and likely has no real value to the future of the WWE. But SOMEBODY thinks he has monetary value that can be squeezed out, or he wouldn't still be around after all this time. If nothing else, they still make money off of programs like Superstars, and the dark matches to their DVD sales. Somebody has to fill those roles...

I guess, hypothetically speaking, if I had to answer you question....I'd fire Evan Bourne. Not because I hate marijuana (in fact, the opposite is true), but because I honestly think he could be of more use in TNA, where he'd be used as a wrestler and in the X-Division. But just because I want to see that, doesn't mean he'd be happier there. It doesn't mean that business would be better for it, or that anything positive would come from it. You're talking about firing real people, from real jobs they've worked their whole life to get to.
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Big Zeke has to go. He looks great but thats it. You can polish a turd but its still crap. Jinder and Kahli should be on a trip back home too. Kahli has his size and thats it. Jinder has ... oh yeah nothing. He sucks in the ring and WWE needs to quit using Sheamus to try to get him over.
Michael Cole. I really just loathe Michael Cole and not in the made up "heat" that the heels get, but in the sense of man, if I saw this dude on the street I'd kick his ass. Bottomline, Michael Cole destroys the product, or at least tries to. He's not a Bobby Heenan or a Jesse Ventura in the sense of being an entertaining "heel-slanted" commentator, he's just a prick who randomly pokes fun at people and has even been told, apparently, to tone it down...BUT I wonder how that's working out for him, because he's still doing it (that is, still trying to rip everyone NOT named Randy Orton or John Cena who's a face).

I wish Michael Cole would just get dropped. I don't ever wish someone would lose their job but damn that guy makes me so sick. Personally he just does. Here's to hoping...
Jinder Mahal, He actually has a pretty good gimmick but I can't put my finger on it but I just can't get into him. I just stop caring when hes on screen.
I love how some people say JL. I think he is doing a great job as being the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the Interim General Manager of Monday Night Raw.

Back to the topic, I wouldn't hesitate on firing Vickie. She is annoying as hell, her voice is unbearable, and can't cut a promo.
I'd fire the writers. I'd hire writers who are good at creating wrestling storylines. The storylines that surprise us, and smoothly end and transition properly. They'll know how to even make superstars and NXT relevant, as well as every single title in the company. Khali too. unless they wanted to make a territory in India only. Probably Mason Ryan as well. Everyone else is fine to me.
There are alot of people i'd fire if I could. Jinder Mahal, Michael Cole, Khali, Hornswaggle, ect there are so damn many lol. But if I had to pick one I'd say Hornswaggle just because they put him in alot of angles he doesnt need to be in but michael cole would be next to go lol.
I would can Hornswoggle, without question.

Granted he was good with Finlay, but he isn't around anymore and he just irritates me. Everytime I hear that, that music I change the channel cause I know it's him and I don't wanna see him for pete's sake. He's not funny and can ruin good segments. If they are gonna keep him around, change the music at least. It is so God Awful.

Michael Cole kinda has to stay around cause he's the Future and the only guy to carry the play by play calls since JR isn't coming back anytime soon :banghead:
Cena sells a bunch of merch too, it doesnt mean that what they've done with him over the past year up until the Kane rivalry was productive. Guys like you are going and buying the Punk shirts and guys like me arent buying any shirts because we're ASHAMED to admit that we're wrestling fans. Ratings speak over everything, and the fact the ratings keep going down every time Punk wins the title should speak for itself. I'm pretty sure if some famous celebrity did a reality show and the ratings sucked it would get canceled, regardless of how much perfume they sold. If Laurinaitis wasnt around Punk wouldnt have an aouthority figure to "rebel" against. If Ziggler wasnt around who was going to feud with him for the title. Not Cena, hes doing the Kane thing, Jericho didnt come around until later, Triple H was building suspense for his return and doing stuff backstage, Del Rio has a groin injury, Henry has a groing injury, Orton was faking a back injury, Sheamus was playing dumb in order to make his RR win a "surprise", Swagger was busy being US champ, Miz and Truth are feuding with eachother...and that pretty much sums up all the relevant people on the roster. Anyway, why am I being criticized, the question was who would I fire, not completely ignore the guys who serve no purpose besides having a solid fan base in the bubble of the IWC.

so you would fire a top guy cause ratings are down a tiny bit. Thats just so stupid. You would give a top draw in a hand basket to the competitors and lose a guy thats making you money.
Cena, hands down. He wouldn't bother me so much, but he's always in the mainevent spotlight and he always has to get carried through his matches these days. He's has some decent ones with the likes of punk and micheals back at wm23, yet if it takes punk or micheals to get you in half decent mainevent thats not saying much those two guys could put a broom over. It becomes obvious when you get something like cena miz that it shows unless someone can carry cena ( or miz for that matter) you most likely going to see 95% random opponent and 5% cena in the match. Exactly the same time and again. His character is stale and has stayed the same for a 6-7 years, and only now is hinting at a change. I don't care if he's replaced by an indies type like cm punk or wwe man like sheamus/ barret/ orton. He's gotta go
I agree that it's time for Vince to go as head of Creative... but he will always own 51% of the company...

Michael Cole is a good choice, but I'd rather they just move him off commentary and into a permanent manager role. So I would go for... Michael Hayes...

Smackdown has not really gotten any better and Hayes is the main writer... He is also a pretty nasty piece of work by all accounts and should have been fired a long time ago if guys like Finlay deserved to go...

If you want a wrestler? I'd really think that Miz is on the bubble of becoming a joke... They tried him as champ and it didn't really work... Apart from inheriting Edge's trenchcoat he hasn't done anything different in over a year... Stale...
I would fire CM Punk


Really though, I would fire the guy who gives ideas for NXT. The most unbearable wrestling show in forever. It just takes the act of sucking to a whole new level.
@hipppie, this based on my preference, I know he sells a shit load of merch and what not and seats to young impressionable children and not so young impressionable girls, but the fact remains he is as boring and stale as all fuck

Sure. I'll buy that as a preference. Until you say it's a fact that he's boring and stale. That's not a fact, that's an opinion. And your own opinion doesn't mean much when he's making money for the company. Lots of it.
Daniel Bryan.
I can't for the life of me understand why they made him a world champion. To me he's so painful to watch. His promos sound way too forced and I don't see that he's anything special in the ring, he doesn't even look intimidating in the slightest. I just hate him in every way. Usally I like underdog characters but Daniel Bryan should've stayed an underdog cause I didn't even like him then. He's nothing like the great underdogs of the past like Eddie Guerrero or Roddy Piper. He's just painful to see in the wwe at all let alone having him thrust into my face as a champion.
I would so love for him to be fired while he still has the belt so it just gets vacated and I don't have to suffer through another one of his matches.
This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later.

Whew, thank god those qualities aren't mutually exclusive or anything. :suspic:

Punk/Bryan was awesome and for anyone to say otherwise really and truly shows how much damage this current era has done to the business. Punk and Bryan put on a freaking clinic the likes of which the WWE audience very rarely sees anymore, and it's a damn shame that some people don't appreciate it. Yeah I know they call it "sports entertainment" these days, but it's nice to get a pure dose of wrestling every now and again.

And RoH is awesome by the way. Two words: Kevin Steen :worship:

Every thing everyone says here is their opinion* as far as I know no one has a phd in professional wrestling to claim their statements are any more important then another. As for cena being stale and boring? he's done the exact same character, move set, storylines for 6-7 years. There have been a few exceptions where he's done something different or done a few extra moves but thats never made him worthy of the spotlight from an entertaining aspect. I agree however, if you can sell that much merch, seats to young children and girls because they think he's superman or attractive then cu doce, but it doesn't make him a good professional Rasler or sports entertainer for that matter
This may be unpopular, but I'd shit can Kofi Kingston. But I'd do it because I think he has alot to offer, he just needs some improvement and I think that a year or two away from the WWE could do him a world of good. He could spend a bot of time on the indys, maybe head to ROH and work on honing his ring skills and especially his promo work.
Guys with Kofi's build are now being pushed to main event status, so with a little time away from the WWE spot light could really help Kofi develop character, ring skills and Mic skills. I don't think he'll get to the top of the card otherwise.
I wouldn't want to fire anyone but if I had to pick one I would say Mason Ryan because he's big dumb oaf with no mic skills and pretty shitty in ring abilities. I don't see him ever being a legit superstar and considering that there are plenty of more deserving guys not getting a shot on the roster, he doesn't need to be around to screw them out of an oppertunity that he won't do anything with.

I'm pretty sure people said the same thing about Batista when he first came to WWE, and look how that turned out. The guy has never really been given a chance and was pushed right from signing the contract, so I blame WWE for this one. They aren't giving him someone to work with like Batista had.

There really isn't anyone I would fire per-say. Everyone is being used in some shape, the WWE just has too large of a roster to work with, and nothing for anyone to do because spots are filled.

Give it some time. Once Barrett, Ziggler and Rhodes are in the ME, 3 more spots in the mid-card will open up. Guys will be brought back up or used in those open positions. Justin Gabriel is coming along and they obviously have a plan for Drew.

WWE is working to push guys as best as they can. The roster is so full that stories are getting mixed or are becoming overdone and becoming stale fast.
This isn't going to be popular and is impossible, but I'd fire Triple H. He is the embodiment of literally everything that is wrong with sports entertainment. He's a throwback to the days of stale, outrageously selfish toolbags who are so wrapped up in themselves they hurt the industry more than they help it.
- I would say Michael Cole, He's annoying & Witty. His commentary is boring & stale. Also I would fire Jinder Mahal I have no care in the world for this guy, It actually get's that bad I switch channels. I just don't like him.

- I would also get rid of Hornswoggle. Seriously what does he have to offer? Nothing. He has his odd promo for the children that's it. Are they even Interested in him? - He's not funny. His Promo's aren't good. I remember when he did promo's with DX. They we're just NASTY.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3692681 said:
I wouldn't fire anyone, because I'm self-aware enough to realize that I just simply don't have the heart to take away what is likely somebody's dream job. More than that, their livelihood and way of providing for their family. I'm willing to bet at least 90% of the people who have posted wouldn't have the balls to actually fire somebody, as it really takes somebody who can put off their emotions for the job at hand. Not only that, but I'll be the first to admit I don't have the experience to manage any wrestling promotion, let alone the biggest one in the world...

Every guy who walks in the door is there because WWE management thinks they draw money, or have the potential to do so. Michael Cole isn't the greatest announcer in the world, but most of that ISN'T HIS FAULT. When he doesn't have to play the most annoying heel in the world, he's actually a perfectly adequate commentator. Less awkward than Scott Stamford anyways... Yeah, it's a bit annoying to deal with the Hornswoggle antics sometimes, but most of the time he's relegated to house shows and commercial breaks. It's not like they have him around just to piss off older fans... I'm 22 years old and I sorta...kinda popped when he came out during a Raw commercial last time they were in Chicago. Not because I love him or anything, just because it was something fun and better to do than staring at the ceiling for 10 minutes.

I'll even say that Big Zeke is terrible, and likely has no real value to the future of the WWE. But SOMEBODY thinks he has monetary value that can be squeezed out, or he wouldn't still be around after all this time. If nothing else, they still make money off of programs like Superstars, and the dark matches to their DVD sales. Somebody has to fill those roles...

I guess, hypothetically speaking, if I had to answer you question....I'd fire Evan Bourne. Not because I hate marijuana (in fact, the opposite is true), but because I honestly think he could be of more use in TNA, where he'd be used as a wrestler and in the X-Division. But just because I want to see that, doesn't mean he'd be happier there. It doesn't mean that business would be better for it, or that anything positive would come from it. You're talking about firing real people, from real jobs they've worked their whole life to get to.

Exactly the reason why I was planning on not commenting on this tread. The fact is, these wrestlers HAVE worked their whole lives. And regardless of what they can or can't do, there's a reason for them being there. Yes, I do realize this is a hypothetical thread, but there's some degree of respect we owe these people for going out and working their asses off all year 'round for OUR entertainment.

Sure, if my opinion had no weight on anyone ACTUALLY getting fired, I'd say Bourne for being just a dumbass, Cole for being annoying as hell and really boring, and probably half of WWE Creative because they can't seem to get their shit straight and push the right people. Hello? Anyone remember the Kofi/Orton feud? That was good shit...
First off, I understand the meaning of this thread. But I have to say that I wouldn't fire anyone unless there was a good reason to do so. Like earlier posts said, this is a dream job for a pro wrestler or a non-wrestler. You're at the top of the food chain and probably worked your ass off to get there.

However, If you do something to screw it up, that's on you and you deserve your punishment. While some wrestlers are pretty boring and don't hold interest (Ezekiel Jackson, Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater, etc.) or are there simply as comic relief or to pander to a younger audience (Hornswoggle, Santino, Great Khali, etc.), the writers and backstage officials can help a wrestler to better develop or change their character (although it's a bit more difficult to do so nowadays), so I wouldn't just fire someone because they're boring. Now if the writers can't make it work with the wrestler for whatever reason, a release is understandable to let that wrestler continue his/her career somewhere else.

That being said, here are a few WWE pink slips I'd recommend:

1) Evan Bourne - Sorry, bud (pun intended). If you can't keep your shit straight and fail TWO drug tests, you're throwing away your chance at stardom. I like Bourne and his character, and was happy to see him getting over before he threw it all away to smoke some fake weed. I understand getting busted once. After that, you clean up your act. But to get busted again pretty much immediately after you get off suspension is just idiocy. It shows that you don't care about your company's policies or your co-workers (Kofi, in this case). And if that's the case, you deserve to be let go, IMO. This also goes for any Superstar that violates the wellness policy more than once.

2) Vince McMahon (as creative director) and the current writing/booking staff- As stated earlier, it's time for some fresh ideas. Vince can maintain his majority ownership and all that, and even show up as an on-screen character from time to time, but let's infuse some new blood into creative overall. I can watch a WWE product and pretty much tell you everything that's going to happen with every angle, minus a few swerves here and there. Of course, I've been watching pro wrestling for more than 25 years, so you tend to learn how to predict some stuff. But most of the ideas and feuds are getting pretty stale nowadays. As Vince liked to say when the Draft comes around, "Let's shake things up a bit!"

3) NXT (the program) - Just stop it. Please. This show has lost any traction it ever had. The first season was pretty good and led to the Nexus, which broke out guys like Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan (at least in WWE) and Wade Barrett, but it's gone downhill ever since. You've had a few nice additions in following seasons (A.J., Kaitlyn, Brodus Clay), but now it's just the new Sunday Night Heat for the C- and D-team wrestlers. The show being kicked off TV and sent directly to WWE.com was the death knell, IMO. It's had a nice run, but it's time to give up the ghost on this idea and move on to something else. The only way I see saving it is to move it to the new WWE Network, but even that is a stretch.

4) Michael Cole (as an announcer) - I really thought this would be done by now. After the whole Cole/Miz/Lawler angle a while back, it seemed that Cole was destined to become Miz's manager. Never happened. Personally, I don't like Cole on the mic. I think he'd be a great heel manager, a position which seems to be returning in WWE w/Vicki Guerrero, Jinder Mahal and Ricardo Rodriguez. We'd all like Jim Ross to come back, but I don't see that happening. Cole's gotten some good heat, but this is more just a personal disdain for him.
Hornswaggle for definite, but lets think this how many of us last year was thinking that it was going to r-truth that was gonna get fired and look what hes done, not saying swaggle is gonna be the same but some of the guys people have mentioned here have the ability to do just the same as R-truth
I have to say Mason Ryan, He's just big that's it. He's not a good wrestler and he's clumsy. I really hope the push he's supposed to get is backburned because there are others that deserve that spot.
Some strange responses here!

Khali? Last time I checked, he wasn't with the company. Yes, I saw the Rumble. But it's like saying 'fire Hacksaw! He's way too old now!'. He was a surprise entrant.

And to the people saying it isn't the worker's fault, I do see what you're saying, but this is a 'what if' thread - no one's getting fired. It's just what you'd do in the power's position.

Mason Ryan? Inclined to go along with that one. The guy tries, but he's there for his size as many have said. I can't help but feel WWE are undoing all their hard work at making us believe a smaller guy can be WWE Champion.

I'd personally go with Swagger. I don't see the upside to this young man. He's had more than enough air time to prove his worth, which, in my opinion, he has not.

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