If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

The point is that in 2012 Steve Austin wouldn't be able to change from the "Ringmaster" to "Stone Cold" like he could in 1996. He'd be stuck as the "Ringmaster" because that's what he's told to do by "Creative" as these days sports entertainers are given a character and script and told exactly what to do. And you may be right that Vince is the problem, not "Creative". If that's the case then he should be fired.

The funny thing is that I agree with you 100% (except for the Vince being fired thing, that really is absurd but I get that you were just making a point) and wholeheartedly believe that the wrestling talent should be given more say in their own character development. That's obvious. But there are SO many outside factors to consider, not the least of which is that some wrestlers are simply more creative than others even though they aren't as good. Example: Batista and Mick Foley. Batista is a much more intimidating person, and because of his look alone main evented a shit ton more PPVs than Foley. But for my money, Foley was the better wrestler and a has a much bigger legacy than Batista could ever hope for because he was dynamic. Foley could cut a promo that could make your heart jump, he's seriously one of the best on the mic ever, but Batista could make you believe that he could break a guy in half.

Just my 2 cents.
Current mainstream wrestling is like "Sports Entertainment for Dummies," the matches are more formulaic, and the hard numbers prove (I repeat: PROVE) that years and years of this kind of wrestling has been to the detriment of WWE's bottom line.

Your logic here is way off. The numbers are off, yes, but it's not because the matches are "formulaic". I mean, the numbers were at their absolute best in the Attitude era and if anything, the wrestlers were even more limited then. Hell, there wasn't even much actual wrestling going on back then.

You know what was different back then, besides the overly risque and mostly inane storylines? The wrestlers themselves had five times the personality of the talent these days. They were allowed to show it. It didn't matter if they couldn't wrestle, because people got behind them regardless.

I get that the current talent isn't really allowed to let their personalities show by creative, but you know what? Creative has to lead them by the hand because the masses don't want to hear the talent consistently talk shit about the business. It's inevitable that eventually they'll just change the channel.
I'm going to ignore each and every post in this thread due to the fact, judging from this last page alone, it appears to have became one major trollfest which everybody responded to. Great job, guys! Instead of carrying it on, I'll respond to the original topic itself.

I honestly wouldn't fire anybody. There's a few people within the company that I am not a fan of, such as, just for example, Hornswoggle. But not only does Hornswoggle have a lot of pros to outweigh his cons (he's a very popular character on the show), I also wouldn't wish it on anybody to lose their job in this day and age. Times are hard, these guys are doing what they love weekly for our entertainment, wanting them to lose their source of income for it is just a massive dick move.
I'd just fire anybody who is incapable of being a draw.

Yoshi Tatsu: He's one I'd fire. He has no personality & I don't buy that Ying-Yang Yo character he's playing or whatever the "He" to the double "l" it is.

Jinder Mahal: What's he there for again?:wtf:

Kelly Kelly: She's just a pretty face that's only there for show. She barely has talent & lack of personality.

Bella Twins: Same as K2.

I have some more but for now these are it as I pull this off the top of my head.
the del rio reject......JINDER MAHAL!!!!!! just terrible he just has to go, im not taking away from his ability or anything, but he has to go his character is just ridiculously boring
It would be a toss up between Hornswaggle and Teddy Long ... I cant stand watching either one of them. They are both annoying as all hell.
No one, at this point. Not even Hornswoggle. However...

I would hit whoever it was who mandated the humiliating gimmick for Natalya with a 2x4 over the head.
I would fire The Great Khali. The guy barely speaks English and is practically immobile. He is a 7 foot anchor, dragging down every segment and match he's involved in.

I was pretty relieved when his contract expired a few months ago, but sadly, the WWE seems to have rehired him.
Jinder Mahal. The guy has nothing. No personality, no mic skills, hes talking in arabic half the time. His entrance even sucks. The whole thing on his head that hes just gonna take off, and the way hes raises his hand to his opponent like hes a pissed off giraffe(lost reference)just is so stale.
Did someone call Eve ugly? Tf. . .

I'd fire Ted Dibiase, I don't think he has any potential or is going anywhere. The only reason why he's there is because of the old man Dibiase.

Also, why do people want Hornswoogle to go? He's Entertaining and he's in a Entertainment business. It wouldn't make any sense for him to go. Lol.
i'm fired all wrestlers return like Rock or HBK they have make theirs time,let's place to the young generation,it disrespect when you see an young who work very hard for to arrived at the everest and at the final you have an Mick foley come back,no interest to see this.
The Great Khali. I think that the general consensus right now is that he can't wrestle, he has no mic skills/backstage talent, and that he cannot put anybody over. The only good thing about that man is his theme song. I jam to that every time he comes to the ring.
To fire anyone in WWE right now, well is there any need for Alicia Fox? She has literally done nothing since she has been there. Other members that are just wasting space are Heath Slater and Mason Ryan. One dimensional personalities that the fans could care less about. At this point you could say the same about Curt Hawkins, Tyler Rekks, and even the once beloved Drew Mcyintire. I never have seen the fascination with this guy besides his accent and catchy music. He is like a small tan boring version of Sheamus.
I'm glad you guys mentioned that Evan Bourne got suspended twice for failing drug tests, I didn't know that and it changed up my list a little bit.

#3. John Cena- Now obiously they wouldn't do this because it would be financial suicide. But this guy is boring in the ring, kisses ass on the mic, and created the dumbest looking title belt in history. I'm sorry, but Cena is part of the reason I've limited my WWE-watching time. I am so sick of him saying something and then finishing it with an ass kisser statement like "...because these are the greatest fans in the world, and they deserve the best!" I'm just so sick of him. Not really excited at all for his WM match either.

#2. Evan Bourne- Before I read that he had been suspended TWICE for failing drug tests, I thought he was a great superstar. He always seemed like a great guy, a phenomenal athlete, and an all around stud. But in a matter of seconds my opinion changed from "good superstar" to "disrespectful punk." Like some of you have said, he didn't just disrespect the WWE's policies, but he ended up hurting Kofi which in my opinion is reckless and totally disrespectful. Oh, and instead of learning from his mistake and making it better, he does it again??? He obviously doesn't care about the WWE nor the other superstars in it.

#1. Michael Cole- This ******** was a horrible commentator to begin with. But when he became a heel commentator, he engraved his name as the worst commentator of all time. I'm sorry, but he is really making WWE matches hard to watch. And the fact that they choose this guy over JR is rediculous.

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