If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

Punk & Daniel Bryan- I dont care if you can do 20 variations to a kick, where you come from, how you carry yourselves around as so much better than everyone else. This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later. Their warped idea on who deserves to be champion (that comes mainly from the IWC) is what gives us people like Ryder- all hype but they will never draw numbers. Theres nothing special about either one of these two and the quicker WWE gets to making superstars like The Rock they'll be more successful. Its a shame when guys like Dolph Ziggler and Laurinaitis are the only ones keeping the WWE champion relevant.

So you would just fire the two world champions? are you dillusional? Punk and Bryan are the two BEST wrestlers in the WWE. They put on one hell of a match. You want to criticize their wrestling styles and argue that its the WWE and not ROH? would you prefer watching people who cant wrestle for shit like Jinder Mahal and Khali over CM PUNK and DANIEL BRYAN? Just because they kick a lot? If you werent entertained by their match then youre not a wrestling fan, youre a soap opera junkie. Rey Mysterio kicks a lot, jeff hardy kicks a lot, plenty of WWE superstars kick a lot. and you cant base every future superstar on being like the rock.. you wanna say that CM Punk doesnt draw? Whos the superstar getting crowd chants at every show and is the top merch seller in the WWE? CM PUNK.
i would fire Jinder Mahal, plain and simple. Hes terrible, he doesnt even get heat from the crowd. hes boring in the ring and on the mic. you cant get over without personality. I wouldnt fire Cole, why? because hes a good commentator when hes not being a raging douche bag. I understand the frustration with him now, but why fire someone you could always change?
Mahal moves very well for a guy of his size. He doesn't look too bad in the ring, either. Quite surprised to see so many saying him.

Or is it because he's been given an outdated gimmick that's been ****ed out more times than I can remember?
Punk & Daniel Bryan- I dont care if you can do 20 variations to a kick, where you come from, how you carry yourselves around as so much better than everyone else. This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later. Their warped idea on who deserves to be champion (that comes mainly from the IWC) is what gives us people like Ryder- all hype but they will never draw numbers. Theres nothing special about either one of these two and the quicker WWE gets to making superstars like The Rock they'll be more successful. Its a shame when guys like Dolph Ziggler and Laurinaitis are the only ones keeping the WWE champion relevant.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion but I have to completely disagree with...well everything you said.

CM Punk is loaded with personality and charisma, is second to none on the mic right now and can flat out go inside the ring. Daniel Bryan has improved by leaps and bounds since becoming WHC. He garners great heat, he seems very comfortable in the role he's in, he's delivering very good work on the mic and he can flat out go inside the ring. I fail to see exactly where the waste of time in these men represent can be found. You're right, it's WWE and not ROH. If it was ROH, it'd be a wrestling company in which 99% of the roster can't cut a decent promo to save their lives and constantly do one high spot or flashy move after another during matches without any reason other than simply doing it because it's flashy, thereby usually sacrificing storytelling and any use of in-ring psychology.

Your comment regarding The Rock is a good example of why some people simply will not allow themselves to enjoy the product. A lot of people ask "Who will be the next Stone Cold Steve Austin" or "Who will be the next Rock?" The Rock and Austin were two extremely uncommon talents. Do you honestly believe that everyone who came about during the Attitude Era reached the lofty heights that Rock & Austin achieved? The vast majority of them didn't come anywhere close to where Rock & Austin ultimately lie in wrestling history. Just because CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler or whoever doesn't become as big of a star as The Rock, that doesn't mean that they aren't overall highly talented pro wrestlers. In some ways, guys like Punk, Bryan & Ziggler might be better than The Rock in some areas. Personally, I think all three of these men could work circles around The Rock inside the ring and I've little doubt that Punk could hold his own in a promo. He might not have all the flashy cathphrases that The Rock has heavily relied on and used, but that doesn't mean that Punk wouldn't be able to and hasn't cut as good a promo as Rock has in the past. Guys that deliver the overall star power of The Rock are extremely rare. I'm talking winning a $250,000,000 Powerball jackpot rare. As for guys like Punk or Bryan not drawing numbers, not sure where you're getting your information from. The final segment of the Raw before the Royal Rumble featuring CM Punk & Big Johnny drew additionaly 753,000 viewers on top of the numer of people who were already watching. The CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan match drew 220,000 additional viewers and SD! still continues to draw well over 3,000,000 viewers since Daniel Bryan became World Heavyweight Champion. Sounds to me like Punk & Bryan are drawing good numbers.

As for who I'd fire, I'd definitely go with Hornswoggle for one. Let's face it, Hornswoggle is an absolute, 100% waste of space who does little more than serve as a factor to further embarass wrestlers that are usually at the bottom of the totem pole already. Being barely over 4 feet tall also means he's not capable of having an actual wrestling match with someone. As for my second choice, I'd probably go with Mason Ryan. Aside from having a freakish looking physique, Ryan brings nothing whatsoever to the table. At least Hornswoggle can be funny sometimes, but Ryan has below average ability in the ring, can't talk to save his life and has the charisma of an expired jar of mayonaise that's been left out in the sun for 6 months.
Teddy Long! Great shout!

Maybe not even necessarilly fire him, just get him off my screen. Please. Like, now.

Also, whomever is in charge of promo/intro music (Rihanna or some crap for your BIGGEST event of the year? Seriously?! Way to zap the importance/emotion out of it... And SD! intro. Don't even get me started). They need to be lined up and shot. Once again, now, please. Thanks :)
Michael Cole... I so badly want to be able to get into wrestling matches... it's kind of hard when Michael Cole is talking about John Laurinitis 12/15 minutes in a CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan match.

It's a lot easier to get into wrestling matches when the announcer is calling the fucking match, and not distracting you with ludacris statments.

Wonder why the ratings keep declining? Michael Cole has been a mainstay on RAW, and he's doing a terrible job of putting over the talent... therefore the talent IS NOT GETTING OVER as much as they should... therefore people don't care about the talent... therefore people don't care about RAW... therefore the ratings drop ever more as Michael Cole continues to "make us care" about the WWE wrestlers.
Punk & Daniel Bryan- I dont care if you can do 20 variations to a kick, where you come from, how you carry yourselves around as so much better than everyone else. This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later. Their warped idea on who deserves to be champion (that comes mainly from the IWC) is what gives us people like Ryder- all hype but they will never draw numbers. Theres nothing special about either one of these two and the quicker WWE gets to making superstars like The Rock they'll be more successful. Its a shame when guys like Dolph Ziggler and Laurinaitis are the only ones keeping the WWE champion relevant.

I feel you on Zack Ryder I really do. I don't see what all the fuss was about him other than his work ethic on getting noticed. I agree to a lesser extent with you on Daniel Bryan as well. I enjoy watching him wrestle , but he is a tad on the boring side. Now Punk is where I am going to have to disagree. Have you heard his promos when he is allowed to be himself? His shoot promo was one of the best promos since the rock was around full time. In my opinion he is very entertaining in the ring as well. It seems to me that vince has put a muzzle on him lately, and is not allowing him to be himself. Do you remember when The rock debuted as rocky miavia (spelling?), he was a big pile of boring, then as vince allowed him more freedom the rock was born. Let punk do that for a year and see what you think of him then. Like I said i agree on the first two to a point just not on punk. As far as the topic goes I think hornswoggle needs to go. I would not pay him to wash my car and I don't think he is entertaining in the least. There is enough going on right now for child entertainment, they do not need him. Also I hate to say but the king has gotten very stale and it seems he is just going through the motions these days. I loved him in the attitude era, but i think it is time he maybe fades into more of a backstage role or just be gone all together.
Alberto Del Rio, without question.

I don't understand the appeal of him. His promos cause me to change the channel, and no one else in all the years I've watched wrestling has ever made me feel compelled to see what else is on. His in-ring work also bores me. There's just nothing about him that I like. When the best thing a wrestler has going for them is their "personal ring announcer", that's pathetic.

I've been enjoying RAW more than I have in quite a while over the last couple months or so. I am not at all looking forward to the return of ADR.
I don't understand some of the answers here. It sounds like you wish them to be fired because of the lame duck gimmick they were given. Sure, some of them has no microphone skills at all, which means they have no business in the WWE. Blame the talent relations. But other talent are great, but have horrible gimmicks & held back thanks to mgmt or Vince.

Eve. I fucking hate everything about this dumb ****. From her trout lips, cringe-worthy acting ability to the dumb cunt thinking she looks good while she dances. You don't Eve, please stop. You look like Gumby flopping around. Also, the fact that she is being side kicked with a talented guy like Ryder to get her more over. She's pathetic and I wish her well in her future endeavors.

I think shes smokin hot. With the wrestling part, I agree, then again...not many divas can actually wrestle.
wow really.
So you would get rid of two top draws because you don't like that the iwc likes them so much. So you wouldn't just knock them down to mid carders.

To be honest i don't know why vince doesn't just chose you as his successor. I just think your idea of creating wrestlers just like the rock is the greatest. Why didn't they think of that sooner. That wwe is saved. Thank you for your wisdom.
When did I say its because the iwc likes them? Its because they dont offer nothing for wrestling in the long run. Neither of them can be considered a top draw either. Punk is just barely there. As far as the midcard goes, that belongs to the younger talent thats going somewhere. Punk is 48 and DB has no charisma. None of it, look up the definition before you try to tell me that he does or that he did in ROH because thats irrelevant. And I never said I could do Vince job, I just suggested we build on stars that actually entertain the crowd instead of awarding a guy for whining about the spot hes in then walking away from the business because he wasnt being treated like John Cena when the last relevant thing they did was lead the New Nexus.

I really dont understand why everyone has to act like I just raped their mother because I dont find Punk or DB entertaining. I just dont. This is why anti Punk fans dont even post on forums like this, especially on a thread that is about someone's personal approach to the business. The title of the thread is "If YOU could fire anyone..." not "What is the best business decision for WWE in terms of layoffs..."
I feel you on Zack Ryder I really do. I don't see what all the fuss was about him other than his work ethic on getting noticed. I agree to a lesser extent with you on Daniel Bryan as well. I enjoy watching him wrestle , but he is a tad on the boring side. Now Punk is where I am going to have to disagree. Have you heard his promos when he is allowed to be himself? His shoot promo was one of the best promos since the rock was around full time. In my opinion he is very entertaining in the ring as well. It seems to me that vince has put a muzzle on him lately, and is not allowing him to be himself. Do you remember when The rock debuted as rocky miavia (spelling?), he was a big pile of boring, then as vince allowed him more freedom the rock was born. Let punk do that for a year and see what you think of him then. Like I said i agree on the first two to a point just not on punk. As far as the topic goes I think hornswoggle needs to go. I would not pay him to wash my car and I don't think he is entertaining in the least. There is enough going on right now for child entertainment, they do not need him. Also I hate to say but the king has gotten very stale and it seems he is just going through the motions these days. I loved him in the attitude era, but i think it is time he maybe fades into more of a backstage role or just be gone all together.
The thing is that The Rock's way of "being himself" was being entertaining, connecting with the fans, and annoying his foes with his larger than life persona. Punk's version of being himself is talking shit about the business. No boss in any other line of work, entertainment or not, would keep a guy around who makes the business look bad and talks trash about the man in charge and his family. I'm starting to think all these media outlets covered the story not to give RAW some 15 minutes of fame but because Punk was basically making wrestling look bad for them, making all these "real sports" guys' jobs effortless.

At least we agreed on Ryder and DB.
So you would just fire the two world champions? are you dillusional? Punk and Bryan are the two BEST wrestlers in the WWE. They put on one hell of a match. You want to criticize their wrestling styles and argue that its the WWE and not ROH? would you prefer watching people who cant wrestle for shit like Jinder Mahal and Khali over CM PUNK and DANIEL BRYAN? Just because they kick a lot? If you werent entertained by their match then youre not a wrestling fan, youre a soap opera junkie. Rey Mysterio kicks a lot, jeff hardy kicks a lot, plenty of WWE superstars kick a lot. and you cant base every future superstar on being like the rock.. you wanna say that CM Punk doesnt draw? Whos the superstar getting crowd chants at every show and is the top merch seller in the WWE? CM PUNK.
No, I'm a WWE fan. And like I said its what WWE is and what WWE is about. The kicking a lot is just an example of these two being glorified because they have mastered ONE of the MANY wrestling styles. The IWC needs to realize that there are powerhouses, showmen, submission specialists, etc. in this thing called the WWE. Its isnt two hours of greco-roman mimicking, its 2 hours of trying to catch someone's damn attention. Its like going to the circus, all the flips and stunts look cool but you dont go to the circus every day because it would eventually get boring. And just because they do stunts in the circus it doesnt automatically make it the best and only form of entertainment out there. A lot of other superstars have similar movesets but they back it up with charisma and dedication. Jeff and Rey never walked out on the WWE because they werent being treated like John Cena. As far as getting cheers, Cena got those too. Sometimes he still gets them. It doesnt automatically mean that the business couldnt do better without him.
The thing is that The Rock's way of "being himself" was being entertaining, connecting with the fans, and annoying his foes with his larger than life persona. Punk's version of being himself is talking shit about the business. No boss in any other line of work, entertainment or not, would keep a guy around who makes the business look bad and talks trash about the man in charge and his family. I'm starting to think all these media outlets covered the story not to give RAW some 15 minutes of fame but because Punk was basically making wrestling look bad for them, making all these "real sports" guys' jobs effortless.

At least we agreed on Ryder and DB.

I think in a round about way we agree totally. Let me put it like this. When undertaker beat HBK the second time and shawn retired I had a tear in my eye lol. I am 31 years old, and I felt like a woman lol.. (for the uptight that was a joke and I believe that it is ok for men to cry to). If Punk left tomorrow i would go hmmm no big deal. Now maybe that will come with time but I don't know. I do know that I do not connect with the stars today like I did when in the attitude era and even before. Damn I made a thread about taking a swing at my cousin when warrior beat hogan lol. I think that you are one of the few writing on here that have the guts to admit and say what you said about punk and bryan which is a good thing, and I am sure you are getting attacked for it. By the way have you seen ROH? I gave it the old college try, but I just can't get involved with the wrestlers.
Punk & Daniel Bryan- I dont care if you can do 20 variations to a kick, where you come from, how you carry yourselves around as so much better than everyone else. This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later. Their warped idea on who deserves to be champion (that comes mainly from the IWC) is what gives us people like Ryder- all hype but they will never draw numbers. Theres nothing special about either one of these two and the quicker WWE gets to making superstars like The Rock they'll be more successful. Its a shame when guys like Dolph Ziggler and Laurinaitis are the only ones keeping the WWE champion relevant.

You do realize Punk has out sold Cena in t shirt sales? And Daniel Bryan has fans world wide from his Indy days?

Pretty much everything you said makes no sense! Ziggler is awesome i agree but how is he making the championship relevant? By losing? And LAURINAITIS?! Your joking there right?! The guy cant even talk! What is he making relevant?!

Back to the topic

Cole for sure would be canned! Also Hornswoggle! And i may get some shit for this but i would also fire Bourne since the man cant stay sober
i was fired the entire Divas in wwe, theirs matchs is not interesting and it's an loose of time to see it.
Where is the young generation that WWE has make to see,and old wrestlers like the rock or Foley wasn't not an good idea,that's ruin the future of this company.
You do realize Punk has out sold Cena in t shirt sales? And Daniel Bryan has fans world wide from his Indy days?

Pretty much everything you said makes no sense! Ziggler is awesome i agree but how is he making the championship relevant? By losing? And LAURINAITIS?! Your joking there right?! The guy cant even talk! What is he making relevant?!
So what? Cena was WWE's top merch seller too and now when we look back at it we see a guy who was only on top for 4 enjoyable years (2005-2009, notice I said enjoyable) and cant really hold a title or come out on top without annoying 70% of the fans. We also learned that the whole way the dealt with his career (the supercena stuff) was wrong. Just because someone is selling a lot of merch it doesnt mean they are good for the show. Ziggler made him relevant because hes the only top star that was actually available to feud with Punk. If Laurianatis wasnt around Punk wouldnt have any authority figure to complain about, and we know he loves to complain.
Eve. I fucking hate everything about this dumb ****. From her trout lips, cringe-worthy acting ability to the dumb cunt thinking she looks good while she dances. You don't Eve, please stop. You look like Gumby flopping around. Also, the fact that she is being side kicked with a talented guy like Ryder to get her more over. She's pathetic and I wish her well in her future endeavors.

I understand that everyone has an opinion on who they would like to fire but to call someone names when you don't even know them is just damn right wrong!
Your just jealous because you wish you could get a girl thats as hot as Eve and your at home all day, every day still getting your mum to run around for you doing all your dirty work while you sit and call people names because your jealous of where they are.
I would get rid of Teddy Long as the GM of Smackdown. He just doesn't really bring anything to the show and if you are going to have a GM at least have someone that is interesting.
And Daniel Bryan has fans world wide from his Indy days?

You do realize that 99% of the WWE's audience could give a flying fuck about the indy scene, right?

There's a reason they're wrestling in half empty high school gyms. The only people there are IWC types looking for the "soul of wrestling". Conversely and not surprisingly, people in the IWC vastly overrate the appeal of indy superstars in the big leagues.
You do realize that 99% of the WWE's audience could give a flying fuck about the indy scene, right?

There's a reason they're wrestling in half empty high school gyms. The only people there are IWC types looking for the "soul of wrestling". Conversely and not surprisingly, people in the IWC vastly overrate the appeal of indy superstars in the big leagues.

You have a point, but I also believe the "big leagues" have played a part in pigeonholing mainstream wrestling into a corner. There is nothing wrong with thinking that more complex movesets and styles (most Indy wrestling) is more compelling AND entertaining than Sports Entertainment (WWE), which typically consists of a few guys exchanging 3-4 signature spots and little else. Current mainstream wrestling is like "Sports Entertainment for Dummies," the matches are more formulaic, and the hard numbers prove (I repeat: PROVE) that years and years of this kind of wrestling has been to the detriment of WWE's bottom line.

All I'm saying is that Punk/Bryan on RAW this week was great, and highlighted the fact that the word Wrestling comes before Entertainment in "WWE."
Punk & Daniel Bryan- I dont care if you can do 20 variations to a kick, where you come from, how you carry yourselves around as so much better than everyone else. This is WWE, not ROH. What we watch every week is supposed to be entertaining first, athletically sound later. Their warped idea on who deserves to be champion (that comes mainly from the IWC) is what gives us people like Ryder- all hype but they will never draw numbers. Theres nothing special about either one of these two and the quicker WWE gets to making superstars like The Rock they'll be more successful. Its a shame when guys like Dolph Ziggler and Laurinaitis are the only ones keeping the WWE champion relevant.

Blatant trolling is blatant.

Go ahead and provide all this "evidence", that you're completely pulling out of your ass. Not only has RAW been in the 3.0's for years, but Punk pulls in a large amount of merch as well. If I saw you fire one of the top merch guys, I'd not only make sure you were removed from your position, but that you were blacklisted from any company in any business.

Durrrrr, let's fire one of our top money earners. Dats a good idea amirite?

Onto Bryan. Yes, I am a Bryan fan, obviously, so my opinion is very biased against yours. However, your mindset is terrible. Why does everyone have to be the exact same? We're not allowed to have any variety? Everyone in the company has to be a fast-paced talker?

Sorry, Bryan is a new generation's Benoit. Not only is he as sound technically, and far more sane as Chris ended up being, but he's far better on the microphone as well.

You're not going to find another Rock, there aren't any more Stone Colds. Those two have been proven to be once in a lifetime stars that were booked at a time where Vince still understood what was culturally relevant. If you don't like Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, more power to you, but firing them is stupid.
Blatant trolling is blatant.

Go ahead and provide all this "evidence", that you're completely pulling out of your ass. Not only has RAW been in the 3.0's for years, but Punk pulls in a large amount of merch as well. If I saw you fire one of the top merch guys, I'd not only make sure you were removed from your position, but that you were blacklisted from any company in any business.

Durrrrr, let's fire one of our top money earners. Dats a good idea amirite?

Onto Bryan. Yes, I am a Bryan fan, obviously, so my opinion is very biased against yours. However, your mindset is terrible. Why does everyone have to be the exact same? We're not allowed to have any variety? Everyone in the company has to be a fast-paced talker?

Sorry, Bryan is a new generation's Benoit. Not only is he as sound technically, and far more sane as Chris ended up being, but he's far better on the microphone as well.

You're not going to find another Rock, there aren't any more Stone Colds. Those two have been proven to be once in a lifetime stars that were booked at a time where Vince still understood what was culturally relevant. If you don't like Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, more power to you, but firing them is stupid.

How do you know that? Stone Cold himself said they need to let the young guys cut it loose on the mic, and quit with the overly scripted promos written by "Creative". Stone Cold and the Rock (and previous all-time legends like Hulk Hogan and Macho Man) wouldn't have become mega-icons if they were stifled by the WWE's current bureaucratic, overly scripted, overly PC, overly sanitized product.

On that note I'd fire WWE "Creative". We need to get back to where guys were responsible for developing and shaping their own personas, as that's how they find greatness. If Steve Austin came into the WWE today, he'd still be stuck with being the "Ringmaster" and would get dropped down the card when he didn't get that weak gimmick over. There's no freedom to craft your own persona and character anymore.
Id fire that ''one man rock band'' guy that was in Nexus. He has no appeal what so ever and as you see, I dont even know his name.
If Steve Austin came into the WWE today, he'd still be stuck with being the "Ringmaster" and would get dropped down the card when he didn't get that weak gimmick over. There's no freedom to craft your own persona and character anymore.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but that's a horrible analogy because a) Austin DID get saddled with the lame "Ringmaster" gimmick and b) he survived that debacle and moved on to become Stone Cold Steve Austin. You're right though, the self-made gimmicks are the best because the talent actually cares about their character since it's often an exaggerated version of their real personality. Zack Ryder is a perfect example; that's a gimmick he jumped on because he IS from New Jersey, recognized the potential in a "Jersey Shore" stereotype, and ran with it on his own on YouTube. He wasn't handed pre-written scripts, he just genuinely loved doing it and people recognize and connect with that.

I don't think WWE needs to fire the creative team, though. I think the creative team needs to just grow a set and speak out when a McMahon is about to make a horrible decision (Kevin Nash on television, Alberto losing at 'Mania, Cena poop jokes, Kevin Nash on television, ignoring the potential in a Cody/Goldust feud, Katie Vick, the "Eddie's in Hell" promo, not hiring AJ fucking Styles when they had the chance, having Hunter pin Punk clean at NoC, Kevin Nash on fucking television ext ext). Only problem is, the reward for brutal honesty is most often a pink slip. It's not that Creative doesn't have knowledgable people at its table, it's just that the table is afraid of being fired.

But I've never written for television. I'm just a smark, what do I know? :shrug:
I understand the point you're trying to make, but that's a horrible analogy because a) Austin DID get saddled with the lame "Ringmaster" gimmick and b) he survived that debacle and moved on to become Stone Cold Steve Austin. You're right though, the self-made gimmicks are the best because the talent actually cares about their character since it's often an exaggerated version of their real personality. Zack Ryder is a perfect example; that's a gimmick he jumped on because he IS from New Jersey, recognized the potential in a "Jersey Shore" stereotype, and ran with it on his own on YouTube. He wasn't handed pre-written scripts, he just genuinely loved doing it and people recognize and connect with that.

I don't think WWE needs to fire the creative team, though. I think the creative team needs to just grow a set and speak out when a McMahon is about to make a horrible decision (Kevin Nash on television, Alberto losing at 'Mania, Cena poop jokes, Kevin Nash on television, ignoring the potential in a Cody/Goldust feud, Katie Vick, the "Eddie's in Hell" promo, not hiring AJ fucking Styles when they had the chance, having Hunter pin Punk clean at NoC, Kevin Nash on fucking television ext ext). Only problem is, the reward for brutal honesty is most often a pink slip. It's not that Creative doesn't have knowledgable people at its table, it's just that the table is afraid of being fired.

But I've never written for television. I'm just a smark, what do I know? :shrug:

The point is that in 2012 Steve Austin wouldn't be able to change from the "Ringmaster" to "Stone Cold" like he could in 1996. He'd be stuck as the "Ringmaster" because that's what he's told to do by "Creative" as these days sports entertainers are given a character and script and told exactly what to do. And you may be right that Vince is the problem, not "Creative". If that's the case then he should be fired.

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