I hope Linda McMahon loses


Pre-Show Stalwart
Honestly, I can't stand the stupid bitch. For one, who face looks like it got mauled by an ape, and then shot in the face, and second of all, as most of you know, the main reason the WWE is PG, and it's completely sucking dick right now, is so Linda doesn't have any bad publicity for her election.

Does anybody know when this whole election shit is going to end? When theres gonna be votes, and when Linda will hopefully lose, and we don't have to deal with PG anymore. I think it's obvious is she wins, we are going to see Hornswoggle and Chavo like-feuds for a longggggg time.
Honestly, I can't stand the stupid bitch. For one, who face looks like it got mauled by an ape, and then shot in the face, and second of all, as most of you know, the main reason the WWE is PG, and it's completely sucking dick right now, is so Linda doesn't have any bad publicity for her election.

Does anybody know when this whole election shit is going to end? When theres gonna be votes, and when Linda will hopefully lose, and we don't have to deal with PG anymore. I think it's obvious is she wins, we are going to see Hornswoggle and Chavo like-feuds for a longggggg time.
wait, wut?

Sense, this post makes none.
Apparently he was good while he was in prison. Wouldn't know, I haven't been there since Macca had his E-Fed and Sidious got thrown in there.
The WWE doesn't blow. Last week's Raw was awesome.

Agreed, I'm just sick of the PG era, sick of how Vince is running the company backstage, and sick of all the polictical bullshit hoops, that Vince has to go through to make sure Linda looks good politically.
1) Why are you sick of the PG Era? It's either this or DX getting blowjobs in the parking lot. I have a feeling Orton RKOing people and Cena fucking shit up is a more interesting time.

2) How is Vince running the company backstage that isn't good? The WWE is what, a multi-billion dollar business? Seems like it's just fine.

3) What political hoops? The ones that all of these young guys have jumped through? Or are you bitching that Punk got shit on for 2 months because he talked back to WWE Creative and the Undertaker?

4) Vince is Linda's husband. Linda used to sit on the Board, no? This is par for the course. Live with it.
Lol, I guess that was kinda mean, it happened to these to women before. Their faces got all messed up, and had to undergo surgery, I actually feel kinda bad for saying that.



For one, who face looks like it got mauled by an ape, and then shot in the face,
Translate please? I don't understand.
1) Why are you sick of the PG Era? It's either this or DX getting blowjobs in the parking lot. I have a feeling Orton RKOing people and Cena fucking shit up is a more interesting time.

2) How is Vince running the company backstage that isn't good? The WWE is what, a multi-billion dollar business? Seems like it's just fine.

3) What political hoops? The ones that all of these young guys have jumped through? Or are you bitching that Punk got shit on for 2 months because he talked back to WWE Creative and the Undertaker?

4) Vince is Linda's husband. Linda used to sit on the Board, no? This is par for the course. Live with it.

Really, what sparked this rant, is I was in the thread with the guy complaing of WWE making jokes about Sheamus' skin, and how it isn't PG Era worthy, and teaching kids to be racist or something. The thread was stupid, but it pissed me off, the WWE was making fun of Mickie and her weight, and that's basically promoting kids to make fun of fat people, not that Mickies fat, but still.
Translate please? I don't understand.

I said who? I meant her. I was typing really fast, and I'm very tired.

She's got that Hillary Clinton type of look, just that averge Political women type of look, and for some reason it just makes me cringe, like scracthing nails on a chalkboard.

So I'm saying, it looks like Linda McMahon, got shot in the face, with a gun, and then got punched repeatedly in the face..by an ape.

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