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Hire One, Fire One....


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
Okay so if you could hire one wrestler from anywhere in the world who would it be? why would you hire him/her? and what would you do with them?

Also you must release one talent also and explain why.

Try keep a level view with your choices. For example dont say..."I would hire sting and release Trent Baretta" because they are 2 wrestlers on different ends of the spectrum. Try replace the guy you released with someone similar.

My pick would be Austin Aries. He has been my favourite worker for a number of years now ever since i seen him in ROH leading Generation Next against The Embassy. I would put him on RAW as a up and coming heel star who prides himself on being a showcase and showstealer and have him climb his way up the roster before a pay off feud with either CM Punk or Daniel Bryan.

In turn i would release John Morrison. Personally i just dont see "It" in JoMo. I find him poor in pretty much all aspects. His mic work, his in ring work all seems very sloppy and lets remember that this guy has been wrestling for little over 7 years and has hardly improved. I just cant see the guy ever being a top star until he ups his game and i cant see that happening either. Sorry JoMo!
I would hire Jay Lethal and fire Ted Dibiase, mainly for their differing levels of charisma. Lethal is too damn talented not to be in the big time.
In terms of hiring, I would select AJ Styles. I think he could serve as a really effective mid card champion, especially under the guidance of the WWE who could assist him in the development of his charisma, his mic skills, and could help him develop in front of an audience. He's languishing in the mid card in TNA anyway; if you are going to stagnate in the mid card, you may as well do so on the grandest stage of them all.

On the other side of the coin, I would release Jack Swagger. I just see no real value in the guy, and if I were forced to let someone go to offset the hiring of AJ, I would select him. I don't ever see him holding major hardware again in his career, nor do I see an sort of a sustained push coming for him anytime soon. His mic skills are less than stellar, and while his in ring work is OK, he's no AJ Styles.
I would hire chris hero. simply so he and claudio can reunite as the kings of wrestling!

I would fire curt hawkins. He is about as exciting as wet toast;). Very slow in the ring and is stuck on the now cancled superstars! a very expendable superstar indeed.
i would hire back mr anderson and fire the miz. mr anderson is way better on the mic and in the ring. the miz may be a good worker, but nothing about him says main event.
I would hire Chris Daniels because he's one of the few TNA guys who entertains me both in ring and on the mic (Sorry Sting, you're too old) and could be a guy like Chris Jericho who puts over talent without being an expense to himself

I would fire, Heath Slater. I don't see him ever doing anything meaningful other than being a jobber. At least jobbing out Daniels would actually make the opponent look credible.

Also, one feud I'd love to see the in WWE is Punk and Daniels (Straight Edge Messiah vs Fallen Angel) so I'm a bit biased here.
I would hire Robert Roode. IMO he's one of the best wrestlers in the world, and he deserves to be on the main stage. I would put him on Raw, winning the U.S. title in a Battle Royal on his debut. He'd have a long run and loose by interference, then he'd move into the WWE title picture.

I'd fire Jinder Mahal. It seems like WWE wants him to break out, but I see nothing in him. He's mediocre in the ring, boring on the mic, and the worst part is, he'd saddled with a gimmick that can get anyone heat....except Mahal.

My honorable mentions to hire: James Storm, Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe.

My honorable mentions to fire: Heath Slater, Zeke Jackson, Great Khali.
I entered this thread just so I could say that I'd fire John Morrison.

But I'd rather not be a douche and not fully answer the question, and/or get modded, so I'll go with hiring "The Pope" D'angelo Dinero.
Hire: Gunner; the guy is underexposed and has TONS of potential. The options of what to do with him are endless and he's already shown that he CAN cut a promo.

Fire: Drew McIntyre; they pushed this guy pretty well and he STILL couldn't get over. sometimes you just gotta let a guy go.
Hiring: I'm going with someone NOT in IW currently- Prince Devitt. And quite a few of the people reading this will give a blank look and think "Who?" Prince Devitt (who is Irish-born) is one of the best junior heavyweights wrestling in Japan. While he's about Chris Jericho's size, don't underestimate him as he is very talented in the ring. Go check out his matches on Youtube. I'd love to see him have it out with Daniel Bryan.

Firing: I see Devitt being a good upper midcard/emergency main eventer, so I would get rid of Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and the whole Sin Cara gimmick altogether. Heath Slater offers absolutely nil and might have a chance elsewhere, and the Sin Cara gimmick just isn't doing it for me (little too generic-looking for my taste). Mahal got ruined by not following through with the Khali family threat. I wouldn't fire Mistico and Hunico, but I'd repackage them into their own distinct characters.
I would hire the American Wolves (Eddie Edwards/Davey Richards) to bring back the TagTeam Division and to create them as to bonifide singles competitors as well. They both are very good telling a story in the ring, amazing mat technicians, can make money off their merchandise if marketed correctly, and have great mic/promo skills.

I'd fire Jack Swagger...zero charisma, cannot tell a story worth grabbing the audiences attention, not a main eventer, and one word...LISP!!!
I would hire Sting just to face Taker in his last WrestleMania match

I would fire Triple H for the shock value, it would be legit, it wouldnt mean anything on one hand though because he's married to Steph, so I'd be slick with my firing and do one that doesnt take away, since you insist we stupidly fire a top star for hiring one when talent going nowhere should go

Also I'd likely have Steph LEAVE with him and have them seriously back TNA and have Shane secretly backing ROH or something, but have the family beef seem legit so when the time is right, Monopolize wrestling! lol

And then create some stupid small 2nd tier organization that's very very poorly produced just to get over on the feds by having another mainstream company (seemingly not associated with)

do what they didnt do in 2001, bring all in at once and get the wrestling industry back where it needs to be, endless dream matches, attract retired stars back for others and get new stars from all over the world etc
I would fire Alicia Fox as she is horrible and botchy in the ring and does not look ever to be getting better.

I would hire Cheerleader Melissa, face or heel she has the full package of looks and ability.
Hire Brock Lesnar, the man was the best and most unstoppable wrestler to ever embrace a wrestling ring. Fire, Christian, all the internet guys thinks hes main event status anyways. he sucks always has always will. He had his 3 days off fame, he better have thanked edge.
I would hire Samoa Joe ... A big imposing bodyguard type who has charisma and can actually wrestle

I was going to say Mason Ryan (screw it fire him anyways) but I will try to stay on the same level as Joe and say fire Wade Barrett... Sorry this guy has lost all momentum, yes he still gets some heat but WWE dropped the ball with him hard
If I could fire one it would be JTG. He's just taking up space & money. I don't think its too much you can do w/his character, his in ring performance is somewhat below average. He's never did anything in the ring that has been memorable or has got the crowd more interested in his character. W/O shad, I don't see nothing left for him. I would rehire Chris Masters because I think if he was given another push he could become a contender for the title. He has great physique, mic skills need alittle more work, but overall his in ring performance was up to par. WWE pulled the plug too soon.
I would hire Bad Intentions (or steal) from NJPW because they are a beastly Tag Team and would be true believable champions. Tag Teams don't have to be small guys like they are now in WWE and I would like to add some size to the scene. Albert would be a nice throwback for everyone to see how much he's changed and improved. He could be in singles competition too.

I would fire Great Khali and John Morrison. Khali because he is so bad in the ring and Morrison because just the sight of him makes me want to fast forward. He is boring in personality but its more than that, I don't mind a mundane personality, his offense looks terrible.
I would hire Robbie Rhoode. He seems to be at the top of his game and reminds me of a younger Triple H., in his look.I would fire C.M. Punk, just kidding, lol. Actually, I would fire the Great Khali. The big man looks ackward in the ring and top heavy, with skinny legs. I think it is only a matter of time before he trips or falls and hurts himself or someone else. Too risky.
I would fire Jinder Mahal first. Although his ring skills are acceptable, his character just sucks. I can't get into the character at all and constantly forget he's on the roster already. Him being fired would go unnoticed.

I'd hire somebody nobody here has mentioned yet. I'd hire Jushin Thunder Liger. I know he's nearing retirement but I'd give him a good solid 3 year run in the WWE before he was set to return to Japan for his sendoff. Liger is one of the best cruiserweights there ever has been. He's absolutely exciting to watch and I wish I could get the opportunity to watch him wrestle more often. Liger would do well working the midcard in WWE.
Hire: Kaval. This guy never really got into the WWE. He was here for about five r six months then PWHIP he was gone. Let's bring him back and actually push him as a face and get him the IC title or US title.
Fire: Michael Cole. 50% is the obvious because I hate him on Raw and Smackdown so much and the other 50% is because he's too biased to be a ring annoncer. He mocks Divas, DBD, the faces and praises the absolute a-holes who cheat and are obviously NOT COOL. That's not ood for buisness because then people won't want to watch and have to listen to this guy praise someone who just sent someone else to the hospital.
Fire CHRISTIAN and hire Al Snow. I have no interest in Christian. I didn't care when he left and went to TNA. I didn't care while he was in TNA. I didn't care when he returned from TNA to WWE. I don't care now. He is not interesting. By saying I would hire Al Snow that is pretty much like saying give me anyone then Christian. Why do people like him?
I would hire chris hero. simply so he and claudio can reunite as the kings of wrestling!

I would fire curt hawkins. He is about as exciting as wet toast;). Very slow in the ring and is stuck on the now cancled superstars! a very expendable superstar indeed.

I was thinking Hero too, however I would have him as a singles competitor. He could be a solid mid-carded with potential to go further up the card.
In his place, I would fire someone Drew McIntyre who has the size and potential but I would be firing him for the reason of "you never know what you had until it's gone". Firing him,would make the E miss him.
I would fire Air-Boom, both Kingston and Bourne because their never going to get anywhere further than they are now. Their both spot monkeys, they both have been stuck in the same place for several years now, and they wont go anywhere anytime soon.

I would hire Beer Money, because damnit they are two of the best wrestlers TNA has to offer. Robert "Bobby" Roode and James Storm have all the tools needed to transition into the WWE and become mainstay, main event top talent stars.
Hire: AJ Styles (he still has what an 'it' factor that can make him a bigger star in the "E")
Fire: John Morrison (injury prone, dry character, might be a great addition to TNA to get the "Christian Cage Repackage Rehire in a few years" treatment)

Hire: Robert Roode (the only other thing really going for TNA [IMO] and that has been for awhile now, since he broke from Team Canada)
Fire: JTG, Yoshi, and Khali (Bobby Roode can provide more entertainment than these 3 combined so that's my tradeoff)

Hire: Matt Morgan (I have a hope that whomever made him stutter in WWE doesn't work there anymore. The one 'Mulligan' Vince might want back...and maybe Pope)
Fire: Jinder Mahal (let's be honest...it's never gonna happen for him), Jack Swagger (no personality/potential wasted), Drew McEntyre (had HIGH hopes for him, bad call)
Hire: Beer Money for the tag division, AJ Styles for the mid-card and heavyweight division, and rehire Colt Cabana for their comedy. Plus Hire Sara Del Ray so she can join the Kings of Wrestling when they debut.

Fire: Randy Orton as I can not stand him anymore and wished he was off my TV for a while cause I'm sick and tired off the Super Orton crap, Tyler Reks and JTG as they're boring as heck, and Hornswoggle and Santino Marella cause that stuff has gotten boring and reduntant since the git go.

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