Hilarious YouTube Video making fun of SummerSlam music video

Funny how you and the youtuber's first name is the same hmm, nah coincidence!
lol at your attempt for a shameless plug. You made the video, man. You user names give that away.

On topic,, the video is not funny at all. If that is what humor is now, i don;t want to live on this planet anymore.
I don't really want to say this, but yeah the video sucked and that was a super shameless plug and a waste of my time. Don't post anymore of your videos, just talk about wrestling. You really should have put this in the wrestling spam zone.
What's wrong with linking to one of my own videos?
Yea it's mine who cares, the video got positive
feedback until you negative people had to get all jealous
and hop on the hater bandwagon. We were having some fun in
our free time whats so wrong with that? If you notice most
of the stuff I was doing was stuff your favorite wrestling darlings do.
Hell WWE contacted me on YouTube wanting to use our video for

I believe WWE got the idea from us to do a competition of youtubers
submitting their own SummerSlam videos. If you look at the date we
made this it was mid July, wwe didnt start promoting
the contest till about a week ago. Look at all the dates of
the other youtube vids and you'll see our's was first!

Instead of hating on someone who does something and takes
action in their life how bout you guys get off your asses and
do something instead of try to bring someone else's
ideas down!
In all seriousness the IWC takes things way too seriously, have some
fun this is professional wrestling after all.
What's wrong with linking to one of my own videos?
Yea it's mine who cares, the video got positive
feedback until you negative people had to get all jealous
and hop on the hater bandwagon. We were having some fun in
our free time whats so wrong with that? If you notice most
of the stuff I was doing was stuff your favorite wrestling darlings do.
Hell WWE contacted me on YouTube wanting to use our video for

I believe WWE got the idea from us to do a competition of youtubers
submitting their own SummerSlam videos. If you look at the date we
made this it was mid July, wwe didnt start promoting
the contest till about a week ago. Look at all the dates of
the other youtube vids and you'll see our's was first!

Instead of hating on someone who does something and takes
action in their life how bout you guys get off your asses and
do something instead of try to bring someone else's
ideas down!

You have no idea how the internet works do you?

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