High Court Rules in Favor of Gun Rights (Cage Version)

Whats the damn difference? When I go out hunting and shoot a deer I don't have to go to the damn burger king and eat their processed garbage. Because I can usually take enough to feed myself and some relatives for several months. Before you bash deer hunters go and look at what they do to cows at proccessing centers.


So, basically, what you're saying is... you hunt deer because cows are mistreated badly at processing centers? Ahh.. that makes a ton of sense, man. :icon_rolleyes:

Seriously dude, just admit it... you hunt only because it makes your little penis hard to be able to kill a living, breathing being. No other reason.

You wanna see what happens when people don't hunt? Come to Michigan, and see what happened when they outlawed using bait. Record numbers of deer were hit and killed by vehicles, deer starved in large numbers, and farmers were killing them off by the hundreds. Without hunting, game animals would become so numerous you wouldn't be able to turn your head without seeing them. In northern michigan they would die from starvation because farmers would stop planting crops strictly for bait. I dunno about you but I think that you are a sick fuck for wanting them to starve and freeze to death.

Are you a fucking farmer? No, you're a normal person, so quit trying to use someone like a farmer's reasoning for hunting as the reason your dumb ass does it.

Don't come at me with that bullshit about just wanting to shoot shit, I have hunted for 11 years and I have take 3 THREE you asshole because most of the time I just enjoy being out there, and I won't even take one unless its large enough.

Lol... how disappointed your family must be with you! I mean, Jesus.. only 3? But aren't you supposed to help feed your family for months and months with the deer you catch, so they don't have to eat Burger King's processed garbage?

Now thats bullshit

How so? I bought a gun years ago because I live in a shitty neighborhood. I never leave the house with it; I just have it, because it makes me feel a little more safe. I haven't even touched the damn thing in God knows how long, thinking about it.

Point is, I don't care for guns, even if I own one myself. If they were banned, I seriously wouldn't give two shits about it.
Menthol joints? Excuse me while I vomit all over myself. I hate menthol, why would you want to ruin the delicious taste of some fine KB with artificial menthol flavoring? Yuck. No thanks, I like my joints and cigarettes without fiberglass in them please.

Random rant, but I hate menthols.
Seriously dude, just admit it... you hunt only because it makes your little penis hard to be able to kill a living, breathing being. No other reason.

Again you fail, think of the living breathing beings whenever you eat at Burger King or wherever the fuck you eat. You are a fucking hypocrite or a vegatable I mean vegatarian.

You know what even though this is the Cage I have taken this to be a serious discussion, an you use the words little penis. You have nothing better to offer than "little penis". Sorry you fail at life and this is the last time I will respond to you.

How so? I bought a gun years ago because I live in a shitty neighborhood. I never leave the house with it; I just have it, because it makes me feel a little more safe. I haven't even touched the damn thing in God knows how long, thinking about it.

Its not my problem that you live in the ghetto, maybe do something with your miserable little life and quit bitching about living in a bad area.
Menthol joints? Excuse me while I vomit all over myself. I hate menthol, why would you want to ruin the delicious taste of some fine KB with artificial menthol flavoring? Yuck. No thanks, I like my joints and cigarettes without fiberglass in them please.

Random rant, but I hate menthols.

sorry lol, just saying the option would be nice.
...So I know you did not just insult JMT and tell him to "improve his miserable life" Vash. Because no one could possibly be that much of a prick. Seriously, you pick the nicest fucking dude on here who has exactly zero enemies, and you shit on him.

Don't make us shine up the ban hammer.
Again you fail, think of the living breathing beings whenever you eat at Burger King or wherever the fuck you eat. You are a fucking hypocrite or a vegatable I mean vegatarian.

You know what even though this is the Cage I have taken this to be a serious discussion, an you use the words little penis. You have nothing better to offer than "little penis". Sorry you fail at life and this is the last time I will respond to you.

Its not my problem that you live in the ghetto, maybe do something with your miserable little life and quit bitching about living in a bad area.

Wow dude. You seriously just sealed your fate as a joke on this forum. JMT> You. You fucking twat.
...So I know you did not just insult JMT and tell him to "improve his miserable life" Vash. Because no one could possibly be that much of a prick. Seriously, you pick the nicest fucking dude on here who has exactly zero enemies, and you shit on him.

Don't make us shine up the ban hammer.

Hey I didn't ask him to come in here and start making random judgement calls about me. He doesn't know me, and he doesn't have the right to question why I do what I do or say the things that I say. He shit on me, long before I shit on him.

If he was just fucking with me it would be different, but I am getting the distinct impression that he isn't.
You are a fucking hypocrite or a vegatable I mean vegatarian.

Since this is clearly meant as an insult, I would assume you think eating meat is a very important thing. So in other words since JMT (allegedly) doesn't eat meat (according to you) and therefore wouldn't be going to Burger King where there are so many poisons allegedly, he's more healthy by not eating them, but because he doesn't hurt he's a bad person since it results in him not eating meat?
Yea, that aint why ever one hunts JMT, chill dude. Some people just appreciate the skill and independance of going out and getting their own shit. My granparents hunt, and eat the meat for dinner literally just about every damn night of the year. They make blankets out of the skins, use just about everything. Some people just prefer to do that.

Fair enough.

Thing is, ******** was putting it over as if he HAD to do it to survive. I just hate when people use that excuse.

Again you fail, think of the living breating beings whenever you eat at Burger King or wherever the fuck you eat. You are a hypocrite.

Dude, you are fucking ******ed.

So, unlike Norcal who can actually come up with a reasonable line of logic as to why his grandparents do it, you still stick with because you want to save cows from Burger King?

You know what even though this is the Cage I have taken this to be a serious discussion, an you use the words little penis. You offer nothing better to offer than "little penis". Sorry you fail at life and this is the last time I will respond to you.

Do you want some cheese with that Whine?

Seriously, don't cry over one little insult. You called me an asshole before, remember?

Its not my problem that you live in the ghetto, maybe do something with your miserable little life and quit bitching about living in a bad area.

Lol... I'm actually pretty content where I am right now. I choose to live here to stay closer to my mother. I could easily move to a nicer place, but I don't need to right now.

So, nice attempt there at an insult, dumb ass, but it looks like you don't know shit about anything, do you?
...So I know you did not just insult JMT and tell him to "improve his miserable life" Vash. Because no one could possibly be that much of a prick. Seriously, you pick the nicest fucking dude on here who has exactly zero enemies, and you shit on him.

Don't make us shine up the ban hammer.

Hey I didn't ask him to come in here and start making random judgement calls about me. He doesn't know me, and he doesn't have the right to question why I do what I do or say the things that I say. He shit on me, long before I shit on him.

If he was just fucking with me it would be different, but I am getting the distinct impression that he isn't.
Don't make us shine up the ban hammer.

If I recall, the Cage has anything goes other than porn and illegal stuff. If I'm wrong, then I'll gladly admit it. I just think calling Vash a waste of sperm would be sufficient for your argument. Why am I even replying? I'm not a fan of Vash.
Yeah, even I wouldn't want Vash banned.

And he's right, I did start with him, because that little "I hunt to eat" comment deserved a response. In return, he decides to flip his logic and say he hunts to save cows from Burger King, which is almost as stupid as saying he hunts to survive.

Vash, just learn a bit from Norcal, man. His response is how you handle how I came at you... I would have respected you for it and left it at that. Instead, you just had to keep burying a hole for yourself deeper and deeper.
Yeah, even I wouldn't want Vash banned.

And he's right, I did start with him, because that little "I hunt to eat" comment deserved a response. In return, he decides to flip his logic and say he hunts to save cows from Burger King, which is almost as stupid as saying he hunts to survive.

Vash, just learn a bit from Norcal, man. His response is how you handle how I came at you... I would have respected you for it and left it at that. Instead, you just had to keep burying a hole for yourself deeper and deeper.

More reason why I love JMT.
Fair enough.

Thing is, ******** was putting it over as if he HAD to do it to survive. I just hate when people use that excuse.

ok sure whatever. I never once said that I had to do it to survive. I go out into the middle of nowhere and kill animals that would if you had your way build into such unbelievable numbers that the government would have to go in and cull the herd. Deer would die by the thousands by starvation by the harsh winters. It wouldn't be a quick death from a bullet, it would be a painful cruel month long affair which would leave the animal crippled and on the ground in agonizing pain. I'm sorry if my options were starvation and hypothermia or the bullet, I would choose the bullet. I never ONCE said that I had to kill animals to live.

So, unlike Norcal who can actually come up with a reasonable line of logic as to why his grandparents do it, you still stick with because you want to save cows from Burger King?

Why do I keep bringing up Burger King? It is because everyday you eat meat. What is the difference if it is venison or some random burger from a slaughterhouse. You should be out protesting every fast food place and grocery store with your "i'm gonna save the poor deer attitude". People eat meat its a fact of life.

I don't have any use for people who go to deer ranches or go big game hunting, I don't go out for trophies and I don't go out because I like to kill shit. I go out because I enjoy the woods and I like the taste of venison.

Its people like you that make game animals suffer.
Anything goes in the cage, I know---including completely unreasonable and unfair bannings.


The only time a person should own a gun is if they have a reasonable fear for their safety. Otherwise, I don't see the point, which is kind of ironic considering some of my best friends are absolute gun nuts who own several different rifles, handguns and shotguns.
From the Declaration of Independance...

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --

I am not saying that our government is anywhere near that point but...

How are you supposed to throw off such a government when the populace has been disarmed? Do you know what the colonists fought with most of the time? Their own personal hunting rifles.
You might have a point if:

1) The Declaration of Independence had any legal standing in our country, which it doesn't.

2) The Declaration had been written anywhere near the time of the Constitution, which it wasn't.

Basically, using the Declaration of Independence to justify a legal ruling on our Constitution is the sign of idiocy.

The message behind the second ammendment is when a government abuses its power the people have the obligation to remove that government and start over.

No, no it's not.

An better yet, who gets to decide what constitutes a well regulated militia? The government who wants to make it impossible for you to have any kind of organized resistance should the need arise?
Do you understand the term "militia"? If you did, you wouldn't ask this question.

The whole purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to avoid having a professional army, while still giving the American citizens a way to defend themselves. Since then, we've added multiple branches of a professional military, as well as numerous law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.

The 2nd Amendment is an outdated line in our Constitution, which exists only because it is in the Bill of Rights, and because idiots like you seem to think it gives you the RIGHT to own a gun. You aren't owed the RIGHT to own a gun, you have the PRIVILEGE of owning a gun.

Well, at least you did, until blatant judicial activism got in the way. But I'm sure that 5-4 vote had nothing to do with party and ideological affiliations. :rolleyes:

Don't take away someones right to own a gun.
And idiots like you are what perpetuate the myth that owning a gun is a right. It's not. Look at your Bill of Rights. All of them protect the rights of American citizens to keep them free of oppressive government. How do you figure then, the 2nd Amendment was designed simply to own one item? It makes no sense. The Bill of Rights was enacted to protect American Citizens' rights to their freedom. Since you want to talk about the Declaration of Independence, refer to John Locke's statements of the people's right to life, liberty and property. THAT'S what the Bill of Rights was for; to protect the rights of people's life, liberty and property.

When the 2nd Amendment was first enacted, since there was no professional army and there was no law enforcement agencies, each citizen had to depend upon themselves to defend themselves. Since then, our country has evolved where that is no longer necessary, and as such, the 2nd Amendment ceases to be relevant.

Except, as I said, to those 5 justices of the Supreme court who seem to think that they have the right to completely butcher the Amendment and ignore the most important clause of it.

No one knows for sure what the framers of the constitution were really thinking with that amendment, but ask yourself this question. Where would we be right now if the farmers hadn't had the weapons to fight off the British.
You are missing the entire point. The 2nd Amendment WAS necessary at the time it was ratified. But now, with the evolution of our country, it no longer is, and to use it as a self-serving medium to give people the right to keep making money off other people's misfortunes is just heinous.

I however have the Supreme Court backing me.

Yes...after over 200 years, how lucky we are we have 5 Justices out of 9 who realize THEY know what the 2nd Amendment was originally intended for. So what if they have to ignore parts of the Amendment, and mock the entire legal process? Their friends will keep making money, and that's what is important.
If alcohol is legal, marijuana should be too. Like someone else said, you could tax it.
I am all for alcohol not being legal. :shrug:
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