Flame Away

I hate twilight and I've never seen it before.
I'm amazed someone bothered to care about my opinion.
I mean, who cares about my opinion, my opinion is worse less.

Come on. Your comment generated discussion. That make you more worthwhile that half of these bar fly heroes.
Come on. Your comment generated discussion. That make you more worthwhile that half of these bar fly heroes.

The exact responses i wanted to see, indeed my comment means something now due to you taking notice to it, but if you hadn't bothered to make a topic about it then no one would of taken notice and thus it would of been worthless just like everything else i post on the internet.
Buffy is pretty overrated though, especially when Supernatural or The X-Files are much MUCH better shows, that deal with sort of the same thing.

To be fair, Monkey, Buffy was a completely different beast unto itself. Yes, those shows do deal with the same material, but Buffy had a far different feel to it, just by being based in high school. Joss tried getting away from that for a season or two, but eventually had to go back to it, because the show had lost it's identity.

That, and the chicks on Buffy were way hotter than the others who were on TV at the same time.
I still don't think he is dead. He is bound to pop up in the next movie.

Nope. He is dead.

It was written in the novel that came out and also confirmed by Eckhart that the character was considered dead as well.

I think the plan was originally to bring Heath Ledger back in the next one, but that has been shot to Hell, and I don't think they will go with another actor. So Dark Knight will be Joker's only film. Shame, too.

My best guess is that both The Riddler and The Penguin will be the villains in the next one.

And for those that doubt Penguin is a choice, Nolan NEVER said No to the character. He said he would be tricky. Keep in mind that this isn't really Nolan's decision anyway, it is a Warner decision.
Nope. He is dead.

It was written in the novel that came out and also confirmed by Eckhart that the character was considered dead as well.

I think the plan was originally to bring Heath Ledger back in the next one, but that has been shot to Hell, and I don't think they will go with another actor. So Dark Knight will be Joker's only film. Shame, too.

My best guess is that both The Riddler and The Penguin will be the villains in the next one.

And for those that doubt Penguin is a choice, Nolan NEVER said No to the character. He said he would be tricky. Keep in mind that this isn't really Nolan's decision anyway, it is a Warner decision.

Well this blows my mind away considering I have been convinced since my first viewing of Dark Knight that he would return. I guess I must move on with my life now. Thanks for the info Sid it is much appreciated.

I also expect to see the Riddler in the next film. I think it would be an awesome idea with the way the Batman series has gone. Hopefully it happens.

Nah. I love the movie but he is entitled to his opinion. I'm really looking forward to the movie. The Riddler would be amazing as long as they find a good enough actor to play him.
Well this blows my mind away considering I have been convinced since my first viewing of Dark Knight that he would return. I guess I must move on with my life now. Thanks for the info Sid it is much appreciated.

I also expect to see the Riddler in the next film. I think it would be an awesome idea with the way the Batman series has gone. Hopefully it happens.

Riddler is going to be a virtual lock. In Nolan's universe, Warner wants his vision of realistic villains. So the villains have to be realistic without any type of supernatural abilities, which definitely eliminates a lot of the sci-fi villains. However, they also are going to have to be semi-well-known.

The only 3 villains I forsee as having a chance in the next film with that criteria are:

The Riddler
The Penguin

And it will likely be two of the three.

The Penguin has definitely decreased in popularity over the years because of people thinking his gimmick is lame, but he is still to this day, regarded universally as Batman's second most famous villain, behind only The Joker.

Riddler may be more intriguing a villain, and I think they should incorporate some of the Jigsaw character from the Saw franchise into his role. A more murderous Riddler as opposed to someone who just leaves clues at each of his crime scenes.

And as far as The Penguin, I think there is tremendous potential and a great challenge for Nolan to provide a new interpretation to the villain and put him back in the spotlight again. Plus, he is one of the more realistic villains that could possibly be chosen. But at the end of the day, he is a criminal kingpin in the Underworld- a mob boss. That shouldn't be too hard to pull off. You just have to make him an absolute vicious SOB who is virtually untouchable.

There have been rumors of Phillip Seymour Hoffman as speculated upon, for the role, and Nolan has publicly stated that he would like to use Hoffman in one of his films, but isn't a fan of The Penguin character. But, at the end of the day, it isn't Nolan's decision, and Nolan didn't rule out Penguin as being in any film he may direct. He just said Penguin would be tricky.

If not Hoffman, then maybe even someone like Joe Pesci would be perfect, with his gangster background in Scorcese films. He would definitely give the character a huge facelift, as well.

My instinct is that it will be both Riddler and Penguin.
I have heard places that they want to make The Penguin (If they want to use him) a mob boss. I don't think I would like that as Batman spend pretty much all of Batman Begins fighting ScareCrow and the mob.
The Drak knight, in my opinion, is the greatest movie I have ever watched. I love everything about that movie, and I disagree with it losing rewatch value. It still blows everything away even after the 6th I watch it.

As for the next movie, I've heard rumours of Hoffman as the Penguin and Johnny Depp as the Riddler. Personally I think these could be phenomenal given the new dark edge to the movies, like a Heath Ledger's Joker version of both.

I have a feeling they wanted to keep the Joker for the next movie, but won't now because of the uproar that would come if they used someone else
Christpher Nolan said that The Penguin will probably never be in his Batman movies as he feels the character doesn't fit in with this version of the Batman story he's trying to do.

There was a rumor from maybe a year before TDK came out claiming that Phillip Seymour Hoffman had shot one scene as The Penguin but it made Nolan change his mind about intrducing the character. Probably not true but interesting still.

I'd like to see one of the following men play The Riddler in the next movie: Michael Emerson, David Tennant or Sam Rockwell.
As for the next movie, I've heard rumours of Hoffman as the Penguin and Johnny Depp as the Riddler. Personally I think these could be phenomenal given the new dark edge to the movies, like a Heath Ledger's Joker version of both.

No offense to Depp, who is a great character actor, but he has always come off way too cartoony to me. I think it wouldn't feel right with him playing The Riddler in the incarnation of the Batman movie. He was great in the Pirates movies, and just about another movie where he played a slightly off, crazy character, but those characters are way off base with what The Riddler should be. To me he would come off alot like Frank Gorshin's version, and while he was awesome in the role, im sure how you could see how that version wouldnt fit in Nolan's Batman.
I personally loved Penguin as a kid growing up. He wasn't my favorite villain, but I still liked the character, and I think a lot of the hate with him is unfounded.

Instead of just trashing the character and ignoring his historic value to the franchise, just revamp the character and modernize him.

Get rid of any and all campy bird themes as it relates to his crimes. You can explain in storyline how he got his nickname was because of his physique, and he just went with it as a criminal, but nothing says he needs the bird theme element for his crimes.

Secondly, you don't necessarily need the pointy nose or the webbed hands, which have sometimes been included in the interpretation of the character (as a deformed man), and other times not.

Nothing says he needs to be deformed.

The only question I still am not decided on is his umbrellas. I think he should carry one, and somehow relate it to his childhood, as the comics did with his mother giving him an umbrella to keep from getting sick from the weather .... but I am undecided on whether or not he should be featured with gimmick umbrellas, or whether he should just carry one as a trademark.

Obviously, the campy umbrellas need to go away if they use him, like the flying umbrella, the hypnotizing one, etc. like was used in Batman Returns. But I am undecided on whether he should be featured with an umbrella as a gun, or perhaps one with a blade at the tip. If the gun umbrella is too corny, which I am undecided on, maybe just have an umbrella with a blade tip to it.

But the timing is perfect with the Gotham Underworld dispersed after what happened in Dark Knight, for The Penguin to come in and take over as the new mob boss. The film could feature around Penguin and his corruption with Gotham, while The Riddler comes in and plays around with his fascination with who The Batman is.

Maybe Riddler could discover Batman's identity and offer to sell it to The Penguin.

This is definitely a highly workable plot with these two villains and I feel this has the most potential for a kickass film.
Christpher Nolan said that The Penguin will probably never be in his Batman movies as he feels the character doesn't fit in with this version of the Batman story he's trying to do.

There was a rumor from maybe a year before TDK came out claiming that Phillip Seymour Hoffman had shot one scene as The Penguin but it made Nolan change his mind about intrducing the character. Probably not true but interesting still.

I'd like to see one of the following men play The Riddler in the next movie: Michael Emerson, David Tennant or Sam Rockwell.

But it isn't Nolan's decision at the end of the day. It's a Warner decision. And never did he say it was ruled out completely. Plus, Penguin is one of the more realistic Batman villains you could possibly do, so that explanation doesn't hold water. All he said was that "he would be tricky". That was his famous quote pertaining to Penguin, which does not eliminate him.
As far as Riddler, the best interpretation I have seen thus far has actually come from The Animated Series. The John Glover version is the closest thing on screen at this point that has come close to the modern day Riddler I can envision.

The Frank Gorshin campiness needs to go away, because it's too close to what The Joker was. That was even a concern back in the 60's when the show was on air and comparisons were made between him and Cesar Romero, but they went with it anyway.

Of course, Jim Carrey made the problem worse.

But they need something like John Glover's version from The Animated Series. And it needs to be even darker than that, honestly. They need to incorporate elements of Jigsaw into the character, in my opinion and make the character a cross between that and the John Glover Riddler.
Penguin doesn't fit in? He's crazy. Just make The Penguin a slimy and corrupt businessman. He'll have to be fat and unhygenic, though. His umbrella could be the gun or blade one, and he could be rich. Make him a very dark character who doesn't care what he funds as long as the price is right. Throw away the major deformities and bird obsession. It's not that hard.


And get Timothy Spall to play him.
I personally loved Penguin as a kid growing up. He wasn't my favorite villain, but I still liked the character, and I think a lot of the hate with him is unfounded.

Instead of just trashing the character and ignoring his historic value to the franchise, just revamp the character and modernize him.

Get rid of any and all campy bird themes as it relates to his crimes. You can explain in storyline how he got his nickname was because of his physique, and he just went with it as a criminal, but nothing says he needs the bird theme element for his crimes.

Secondly, you don't necessarily need the pointy nose or the webbed hands, which have sometimes been included in the interpretation of the character (as a deformed man), and other times not.

Nothing says he needs to be deformed.

The only question I still am not decided on is his umbrellas. I think he should carry one, and somehow relate it to his childhood, as the comics did with his mother giving him an umbrella to keep from getting sick from the weather .... but I am undecided on whether or not he should be featured with gimmick umbrellas, or whether he should just carry one as a trademark.

Obviously, the campy umbrellas need to go away if they use him, like the flying umbrella, the hypnotizing one, etc. like was used in Batman Returns. But I am undecided on whether he should be featured with an umbrella as a gun, or perhaps one with a blade at the tip. If the gun umbrella is too corny, which I am undecided on, maybe just have an umbrella with a blade tip to it.

But the timing is perfect with the Gotham Underworld dispersed after what happened in Dark Knight, for The Penguin to come in and take over as the new mob boss. The film could feature around Penguin and his corruption with Gotham, while The Riddler comes in and plays around with his fascination with who The Batman is.

Maybe Riddler could discover Batman's identity and offer to sell it to The Penguin.

This is definitely a highly workable plot with these two villains and I feel this has the most potential for a kickass film.

I get where your coming from, but that sounds like you are taking away everything that makes Penguin a great villian and turning him into a generic mob boss.

You're right in saying alot of those things need to go, like the cheesy umbrellas and such. But I say keep some mild deformity. Maybe just a hand, or a little in the face. He will need some sort look to him rather then just being a fat guy in a tuxedo.

And your plot idea isn't bad, but it sounds an awful lot like Batman Forever, with TwoFace being the mob boss and The Riddler being obsessed with Batman's identity. They should have Batman hunting for a serial killer who leaves riddles at the crime scenes, taunting Batman to come find him. I heard Nolan say if he was to ever use Penguin he would be a powerful arms dealer, which is an okay idea i guess.
Perhaps they could use a similar premise as that in Batman Returns. After the Joker's rampage in TDK, there is no District Attourney, no Major and no mob boss. That opens the door for someone like Christopher Walken's Max Shreck attempting to take over Gotham through corruption and the Penguin or the Riddler consolidating power as King of the Underworld.

The story could be that Batman is the only one to see Shreck's corruption and his connections to criminal elements, furthering his portrayal as an out of control vigilante rather than a hero begun at the end of TDK.
Maybe Harley Quinn can come to get revenge on Batman for locking away her "hero" The Joker.

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