First Round: Boston - Jimmy Snuka vs. Gorgeous George

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Jimmy Snuka

  • Gorgeous George

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round matchup in the Boston Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated.

Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts.


Jimmy Snuka



Gorgeous George


Voting is open for 4 days.
I'm voting for George.

I am a big fan of colorful gimmicks, and without George we wouldn't have any. George was a sensation across the nation, and has influenced many, many people, including Muhammed Ali. He helped turn wrestling into the extravanganza it is today.

Jimmy Snuka made Mick Foley want to be a wrestler, and he jumped off cages. I love Mick Foley, but I don't feel Snuka did as much for the business as George.
Maybe I missed something, but besides George's paving the way for gimmicks in wrestling, how could he defeat a man like Jimmy Snuka in an actual wrestling match??

Come on, guys... this is supposed to be a tournament based on the outcome of a match that contained the two men. It isn't about who started wearing sparkly robes first.

Snuka would slap the piss out of George in a match. My vote is for Snuka.
Maybe I missed something, but besides George's paving the way for gimmicks in wrestling, how could he defeat a man like Jimmy Snuka in an actual wrestling match??

Come on, guys... this is supposed to be a tournament based on the outcome of a match that contained the two men. It isn't about who started wearing sparkly robes first.

Snuka would slap the piss out of George in a match. My vote is for Snuka.

Actually, we're allowed to vote however we want, using any criteria we wish to use. And I voted George because of what he's done for the business. He was the first real national icon wrestling had, before Hogan, before Austin, there was Gorgeous George. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Hogan, Austin, Flair, or countless others. He introduced pageantry into wrestling. Without gorgeous George, we'd have a parade of Paul Burchills to watch week after week, if we had televised wrestling at all.

This isn't a strictly kayfabe tournament. Plus, George wouldn't be averse to cheating to win if this match were to actually happen.
Gorgeuos George had a very good gimmick, when wrestling was starting to slip off he help wrestling out and brought it back to life. He got a lot of media attention and help out the wrestling business a lot.

Jimmy snuka is awesome, but he didn't help out the wrestling business as much as Gorgeous George did.

I'll give my vote to Gorgeous George.
Actually, we're allowed to vote however we want, using any criteria we wish to use. And I voted George because of what he's done for the business. He was the first real national icon wrestling had, before Hogan, before Austin, there was Gorgeous George. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Hogan, Austin, Flair, or countless others. He introduced pageantry into wrestling. Without gorgeous George, we'd have a parade of Paul Burchills to watch week after week, if we had televised wrestling at all.

This isn't a strictly kayfabe tournament. Plus, George wouldn't be averse to cheating to win if this match were to actually happen.

But then we should've entered men in this tournament based on gimmicks, and not their skills.

This is a miscarriage of justice, if I've ever seen one. Gimmick versus athleticism in a straight-up wrestling match and the GIMMICK is going to win?? It's just plain unfair. It basically gives a bye to the winner's opponent in the next round.
I suppose. I can't speak for the other voters but I think that the reasons I voted George are as valid as "I hate Foley so the random guy I don't know wins.".

Funnily enough, I never much liked Snuka. Just didn't really capture me for some reason when I watched old matches.
I for one can't stand Jimmy Snuka. He bored me to no end and to me he was just there. Gorgeous George was a pioneer in the wrestling business and paved the way for a lot of things that made wrestling popular. However I'm not to sure how he'd fare against a guy who is built like Snuka. I can't claim to have watched a George match, but I reckon he hasn't faced someone built like Snuka. I think Snuka would win the match and I'll put my hatred aside and vote for him.
Gorgeous George isn't JUST a gimmick. It's not like he didn't win a bunch of matches, including winning a World Championship. George had skills in a kayfabe sense, and was a true world champ. Snuka was a midcarder. George probably cheats, but he also probably wins.
I take George.

Snuka's career is littered with impressive showings before his stupidity backfires, allowing the smarter wrestlers to pick up a win. That's exactly how this one goes down, despite Snuka being faster and more powerful.

FFS accidentally voted for Snuka. My written vote goes to George, and if you can change my actual vote feel free.
This was one of the hardest choices for me to make,due in part to the fact that George Wagner not only was one of the first to have a great gimmick, but the man actually was a good wrestler. That being said, I bit the bullet on this one and voted Snuka, only due to the fact that his high flying manuvers and greater size and power give him a microscopic edge. A superfly leap off the top rope catches the Gorgeous one off guard and Snuka squeaks one out(barely)
George is one of the godfathers of the wrestling business. His contributions might be the greatest of any non promoter. That said, Snuka would win in a wrestling match between these two, even if George cheats, which he will. Snuka was just a far better wrestler and way more athletic. Splash from the top rope and it's done.
While George certainly put out some of the pioneering stuff for the wrestling world with the gimmick, the flamboyance and the fact that he was quite a draw as a heel, like he said to Ali "keep talking smack, people will pay big bucks to watch you get your ass kicked" and exactly that attitude is a groundbreaking fact and I think it really did great things for the business.

But, on the other hand, we have Snuka, a definite great wrestler, one of his more memorable moments (if you ask me) would definitely have to be the dive off the cage in Madison Square Garden against Bob Backlund, and moments like that is exactly why I'm voting for Snuka, because he put's on memorable moments, great matches, and building the future for WWE superstars in terms of high flying, and that I believe is superior to what Gorgeous George put out.

And no I'm voting against Snuka cause he's just the more common name, but I truly do think he's the superior one of these two, in a kayfabe match, and in a influence wise way.
But, on the other hand, we have Snuka, a definite great wrestler, one of his more memorable moments (if you ask me) would definitely have to be the dive off the cage in Madison Square Garden against Bob Backlund Don Muraco, and moments like that is exactly why I'm voting for Snuka, because he put's on memorable moments, great matches, and building the future for WWE superstars in terms of high flying, and that I believe is superior to what Gorgeous George put out.

There. I had to correct that one.

So, in order to not make this post spam, I just want to say that Snuka was a very good wrestler and one of the most popular stars of the 1980's. The only reason why he did not achieve any kind of gold was because as good as he was, there were just always better guys. I'm talking about guy like Bob Backlund, Pedro Morales, Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage... it's like a who's who of pro-wrestling.

But a Snuka versus George match would definitely end up with a superfly.
There. I had to correct that one.

So, in order to not make this post spam, I just want to say that Snuka was a very good wrestler and one of the most popular stars of the 1980's. The only reason why he did not achieve any kind of gold was because as good as he was, there were just always better guys. I'm talking about guy like Bob Backlund, Pedro Morales, Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage... it's like a who's who of pro-wrestling.

But a Snuka versus George match would definitely end up with a superfly.

No I'm pretty damn guaranteed it was Bob Backlund.

Hell let's draw in someone who has it written as a fact (yes I know, Wikipedia can be user edited, but why in the hell would someone write about someone's career to be wrong)

Wikipedia said:
Snuka lost several title shots at WWF Champion Bob Backlund; their most famous match together was a Steel cage match at Madison Square Garden on June 28, 1982 in which Snuka leapt from the top of the cage, barely missing Backlund who managed to escape the cage for the win. The contest would be declared Match of the Year by Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

But yeah I believe Snuka has done quite a few leaps from cages over his career, and all of them memorable, hence another reason to keep voting Snuka.
No I'm pretty damn guaranteed it was Bob Backlund.

Hell let's draw in someone who has it written as a fact (yes I know, Wikipedia can be user edited, but why in the hell would someone write about someone's career to be wrong)

But yeah I believe Snuka has done quite a few leaps from cages over his career, and all of them memorable, hence another reason to keep voting Snuka.

No D-Man's right and wikipedia's wrong and here's the proof:
No D-Man's right and wikipedia's wrong and here's the proof:

Erh.. yeah, that's the match I'm talking about Funnykay, Jimmy Snuka jumped off a cage in Madison Square Garden against Bob Backlund, and that's the famous jump I'm talking about.

Wikipedia isn't wrong in this case, as it clearly states, Madison Square Garden, WWF title match, and as the quote states, Jimmy jumps off the cage, but misses.

And as I also stated, Snuka has done quite a few jumps, many leaving lasting memories, which is just another way of signifying the impact this guy had on the business, and why he's going over George.

Erh.. yeah, that's the match I'm talking about Funnykay, Jimmy Snuka jumped off a cage in Madison Square Garden against Bob Backlund, and that's the famous jump I'm talking about.

Wikipedia isn't wrong in this case, as it clearly states, Madison Square Garden, WWF title match, and as the quote states, Jimmy jumps off the cage, but misses.

And as I also stated, Snuka has done quite a few jumps, many leaving lasting memories, which is just another way of signifying the impact this guy had on the business, and why he's going over George.

Ya' see this why we're confused, if you'd stated that he'd missed then myself and D-Man wouldn't have tried to correct you. We thought you meant the more famous splash that connected.
Ya' see this why we're confused, if you'd stated that he'd missed then myself and D-Man wouldn't have tried to correct you. We thought you meant the more famous splash that connected.

I would've talked about Dun Moraco if it was him I ment mate.
And if you read the quote from Wikipedia, it so nicely says "Barely missing" therefore, missing, Bob escaped the cage because Snuka missed.
And I must admit I find the first leap to be superior to the next one, certainly it's quite clear that the actual jump that hit would be considered to be the one that had the bigger impact on his career, and it certainly was, but I will admit cleanly that I would've remembered the first leap, much more than the second leap (but first one to connect) and therefore I choose that leap as my choice of why I find Snuka to have done more memorable things.

But seeing to the fact that we actually confused two leaps is only positive, proving that Snuka's memorable moments wasn't one timers, he did this numerous times, and he got damn well over for both of them if you ask me.
Snuka would win this. In the days before Hogan, he was arguably the most popular in the company, surpassing even Backlund and if he hadn't have murdered his girlfriend, alledgedly, he probably would have been a much bigger name later in the 80s, piggybacking off Hogan. He had a lot of big wins against some big named contemporaries in his day.

George was flamboyant and may have introduced gimmicks into wrestling, but his basic modus operandi was to get beaten up by the manly stars of his era. Snuka wins this one, I think.
Gorgeous George was someone that was decades ahead of his time. He brought a level of showmanship and character to pro wrestling that had never been seen really. Not even in the movies during the 1940s and 50s did you see anything quite like Gorgeous George Wagner. George did have some legitimate skill, but it was his flambouyant character that kept crowds coming back and hoping to see him get the crap kicked out of him. However, one big drawback of the guy is that he was a fall down, slobbering drunk most of the time.

Jimmy Snuka was this thickly muscled, fast, agile, athletic powerhouse. There was nothing like Snuka in pro wrestling during Gorgeous George's heyday. I respect what Gorgeous George did for wrestling, but I just can't see him winning a match over someone that has him outmatched physically in every conceivable way. As long as Snuka didn't actually try to get into a grappling match with him, Snuka wouldn't have too much trouble here. Some chops, a few headbutts and the Superfly off the top rope and that's all she wrote for the Gorgeous One.
I've got to give the win to Snuka. I like George and I understand what he has done for the business, his colourful gimmick paved way for future legends but I can't see anyway of him beating Snuka. George did have some legitimate skill but I don't think he would be able to deal with Snuka. It would be a decent match which would end with Snuka going to the top rope and hitting a Supafly for the win.
Jimmy Snuka would murder him. Get it, cause he actually did murder someone. Really though, I'm going with Gorgeous George here. When it comes to legends, you can't be much more underwhelming than Snuka. He wasn't terrible, but are there any big Snuka fans out there? Not really. George was a pioneer of sorts, it seems. Just look at that picture and tell me that's not a great gimmick. Have to vote for that guy here.

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