Favorite Entrance?


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
Im not sure if this has been asked before, if so...sue me. But of all time and every promotion what has been your overall favorite entrance? From music, to video, to pyro, dancing etc etc. and why? But the challenge is to think outside the box so make the casual fan have to look up what you are talking about or to make the hardcore fan have a nostalgia moment. (e.g. cant pick Undertaker, StoneCold,The Rock,The Brood) we all know those are legendary..challenge yourself!!! Mine is a two way tie between The APA because once that song hit and they came walking down with the gloves on you know someone was getting their ass kicked!! Always popped for that! And the other one...My favorite entrance song of all time! It has nostalgia written all over it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyUeRXYBYIg just give it a listen!:worship::worship::worship:
The nature boy Ric Flair when that whooooooooo hits and 2001 A Space Odyssey hits no matter if he a heel or a face the place pops for him he is the greatest.

I remember just after the invasion story line ended and Vince was in the ring with Kurt and he was about to hand Angle title 2001 A Space Odyssey hits i hit bounced off the roof i jumped so high out my seat
Well, I would've picked The Undertaker, but I see what the OP is going for. Therefore, my favorite entrance (that isn't an obvious pick) is Mr. Perfect's entrance. The grandiose music, the towel, the smug look, and, my favorite part, spitting out his gum and slapping it. The Coach and The Genius only added to it when they were with him, what with their over-the-topness. Hard to believe he's been gone for 10 years now. RIP Curt Hennig.
Well of course my favorite is going to be 'Taker's. The majority of people can't tell me that when they hear that gong and the lights fade to black; that they still don't get goosebumps to this day.

If I was forced to pick another besides 'Taker's, I'd pick Shawn Michaels' entrance. The music is awesome and it takes me back to my childhood. Plus I love the dancing around and the posing. The HBK pose is something that I loved to do as a child.
My favorite entrance is Chris Jericho’s entrance during his Undisputed WWF / WCW World Heavyweight Championship Title run. He did the two belt entrance before this, but with one belt around his waist and carrying the other. In this case, he was holding on to both on his shoulder. That’s when I knew I wanted to start collecting World Titles.
I was going to go with The New Age Outlaws, but I'm gonna go with Y2J.

The countdown, the music, the "JERICHO" on the titantron, and that awesome pose. As a kid, I always envisioned myself entering a classroom like that. Still do, actually.
I think Rey Mysterio has a pretty decent titantron video with nice pyrotechnics. Sin Cara with the dim blue lights and the trampoline was also nice.

My favourite entrance is Triple H's though. I don't like him or anything, but I love his music and that spit-thing he does.
Chris Jericho's Y2J era entrance was pretty awesome. The countdown on the screen then the camera zooming into the titantron before fading out revealing Y2J with his arms outstreched was realy well done. Then the typical Jericho swagger down to the ring- awesome!

The Brood had an awesome entrance, and great theme music. Coming up through a ring of fire with the haunting, gothic music- possibly the coolest entrance WWE has ever come up with!

Also, the original Kane entrance, with the fire and the red lighting was so cool to see, with this huge masked man making his way to the ring, and the flames exploding out of the turnbuckles when he dropped his arm.
I've always been fond of entrances through the crowd, from Edge and Christian back in the day, to the Shield now. There's something quite subversive about the way it ignores convention, and it certainly adds to the characters of heels who are anti-authority.
Anything involving vehicles. JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Undertaker, Mexicools, even Hunico with the bicylcle. They exemplify something I love about wrestling - just this over-the-top lameness. Fuck, especially Hunico with the bicycle. He doesn't even pedal, just kind of shuffles along using his feet. I don't think I've ever seen it and not burst into fits of giggles.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - That glass shattering may be the best intro to an entrance theme I've ever heard. It always grabs your attention right away, and I've always said that when you heard the glass, it was that person in the ring's ass. And the pops Austin would get as he walked out from behind the curtains and down the ramp in his badass way, were ridiculous. His entrances at Wrestlemania VIII and Summerslam 1998 when they had the glass pane covering the entrance and then they shattered into pieces as Austin was about to enter the arena, were even better.

The Sandman - In ECW, no entrance was more epic for me than Sandman coming out to Enter Sandman in the crowd, smoking a cigarette and bashing a beer can against his forehead while the crowd were going batshit insane and singing his entire theme. I get goosebumps everytime I watch his entrance.

Goldberg - It's not so much when he enters the arena although it is just as epic, that does it for me, it's when they show him backstage banging his head against his locker room door and then walking out towards the arena. It gives me that big hype feel for his matches everytime.

John Cena - I love it everytime he comes out and talks directly into the camera at the viewers, I miss the days when wrestlers would talk directly into the camera at the viewers or at their opponent. And you don't see a lot of, if any, top stars run to the ring as Cena does, I like that, it's unique.
There are a bunch of obvious entrances that come to mind but there is one in particular that isn't as widespread. "Ravishing" Rick Rude didn't have the pyro or even the music and yet still found ways to make it his own. Everything from his walk down the ramp to the heat he always seemed to receive raised it above many others but it was his almost Mr. Kennedy like speech inside the ring and posing that you don't forget. There was a reason he was one of the most hated wrestlers of his time and a large part of that is for what he did outside of his matches.
I would almost have to argue that the Op's HHH pick could be an obvious one lol

For me I loved entrances especially during the attitude era so it is a hard choice. Road Dogg, DLo Brown were amongst my faves. I'd always pop when Jerichos theme hit. Billy Gunns "assman" was catchy. I am trying to avoid the big stars and here is my choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D2LQioyTOM. None other than Vader
Hollywood Hogan's heel entrance was all slow and funky and I loved that. I loved Hendrix jamming.

Goldberg's WCW entrance but not his WWE entrance..

The Brood had a cool theme and walked with confidence and postmortem swag..

Razor Ramón walking down with confidence with struts in his steps to showcase machismo.

Triple H epitomized a war machine the second he got up against the rope, pumped his chest up and sprayed the water from his mouth. I can most of you can still recall from memory when he spat the water out after his return from that huge leg injury. tHAT was RAW opening credits worthy.. In fact if any entrance you make can be used in the opening credits to the monday show or the visuals that accompany the logo shot5 you got a great entrance..

Lance Storm just seemed so ready to go hard in 2000 waving that flag around and then standing in the center of the ring with his 3 belts on.

The Wolfpac entrance was cool no matter which member came out to it but Nash and Konnan had the best movements.

The Undertaker from 1992-6 had the scariest most frightening entrance under the best version of his tune in his scariest attire.

Eddie Guerrero oozed of cockiness and confidence when he'd walk out to the ring c. 1998 with his old swav Latin music.

Sting descending from the rafters was obvious iconic and pretty much showed how we all rolled in the 1990s.
Triple Naitch said:
Incredible stuff from Jericho.

Jericho mocking Goldbergs entrance was bad ass ha
But come on Goldberg wcw entrance is the greatest the security guards the crowd chanting his name the pyro the intensity the magic of his entrance

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i remember that lol. whatever happened to Ralphus or w/e his name was? the mocking would had been a little bit cooler if he had a chance against Goldberg though.. He should had mocked Gilberg mocking Goldberg when he joined the WWF..
Flair November 2001.
Canadian Stampede Hart Foundation Entrance.

Incredible stuff from Jericho.

Haha. I've always wondered if they got this idea from This Is Spinal Tap.


Would've been funnier if Jericho asked some random backstage worker for directions to the entrance then he kept walking around in circles before he finally found his way to the entrance like in that scene.

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