Best WWE Entrance Theme Today?

Best Current WWE Entrance Theme?

  • Break the Walls Down-Chris Jericho

  • The Game- Triple H

  • S.O.S.- Kofi Kingston

  • Perfection- Dolph Ziggler

  • Graveyard Symphony- The Undertaker

  • Booyaka- Rey Mysterio

  • A New Day- Ted Dibiase

  • My Time is Now- John Cena

  • What's Up- R-Truth

  • I Came to Play- The Miz

  • Somebody's Gonna Get It- Mark Henry

  • Dashing- Cody Rhodes

  • Voices- Randy Orton

  • Metalingus- Edge

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dark Match Jobber
The Entrance Theme: It introduces you to who's coming to the ring, and gets the competitors fired up for their next competition. There have been some great entrance theme songs in the past ("Real American" being the best in my personal opinion), but what is today's best entrance music in WWE?

"Break the Walls Down"- Chris Jericho's theme since his debut with the company, and has been during 98% of his time in WWE.

"The Game"- HHH's theme by rock gods Motorhead.

"My Time is Now"- John Cena's theme rapped by none other than.....John Cena

"What's Up"- R-Truth's theme rapped by none other than.....R-Truth

"Dashing"- Not sure if this is the name of the song, but nonetheless is the new catchy (don't rip me too bad on that) theme of Cody Rhodes

"A New Day"- Ted Dibiase's theme song by Adelita's Way

"Metalingus"-Edge's theme done by Alter Bridge

"Voices"- Randy Orton's theme done by Rev Theory

"Booyaka"- High flyer Rey Mysterio's theme song done by P.O.D. (I think)

"Perfection"- Zigg "Call me Mr. Perfect Please" Dolphler's theme.

"Graveyard Symphony"- The legendary Undertaker's longtime theme.

"S.O.S."- Kofi Kingston's Jamaican Me Crazy theme song.

"I Came to Play"- The Miz's theme down by Downstait.

"Somebody's Gonna Get It"- Mark Henry's theme done by Grammy winners 3 6 Mafia

So which theme song is your personal favorite? Feel free to include any that I forgot to mention.
IMO its either Voices or the Graveyard Symphony

i mean Takers theme has worked for the better part of 20 years in 3 separate decades so you can't say its not 1 of the best of all time...but i voted for Voices. it just fits Orton so well. plus it didn't hurt that i HATED his old theme and it was (and still is) a nice change.
Well first off, Cody Rhodes theme song is called "smoke and mirrors". And now to answer the op question, even though I don't like the guy, I really enjoys Miz's "I came to play" It's just so awsome to listen too. Another one that isn't on the list is Evan Bourne "Born to Win." It has that opening rif and then right into the good music, really get's me pumped up to see what Evan pulls out of his moveset
its a complete tie for me between break the walls down which fits chris jericho perfectly and he has used it his whole time with wwe not that many wrestlers keep their entrance themes that long. the second is voices its so catchy i love hearing it but i voted for chris jericho because he is my favorite wrestler.

if i did this i would have also put evan bournes music and the nexus group music.
My favorite entrance theme right now is Drew McIntyre's theme song. Not that I am a particular fan of him, but I really like the song and it really suits his heel persona. Slow and methodical.
I would say it's a tie b/w Metalingus and The Game from your choices. I think Metalingus is a song that can just fits Edge persona perfectly. I play it all the time on PSP when I'm bored. As for the Game, this song is one of the trademark themes in WWE history. When you hear "Time to Play the Game", you know business is about to pick up as JR would say it. However, a personal choice for me would be Drew McIntyre's Broken Dreams. I'm immediately hooked whenever the guitar starts playing and his titantron shows on the screen.
I gotta go with Triple H.. I just love Motorhead.. ever since he debuted that theme, it's been my favorite wrestling theme :)

and my other fav would be Randy Orton's
I voted for I Came to Play because I have the full song on my Ipod and I know the lyrics to it. The song itself makes sense and it has a strong message about standing for what you believe in and have self confidence and what not. And I really just love the band Downstait to be quite honest. Oh yeah and Broken Dreams is a really good one too because it has a nice intro and is a strong song throughout it. We Are One is good too.
I would have to say RANDY ORTON'S VOICES entrance theme by rev theory. I mean come on its brilliant considering orton's character an gimmick. No doubt that there has been many great entrance themes in Wwe but i just love Randy's. The 2nd best to me would have to be The Miz's "i came to play" theme which i think is totally awesome and suits him. And finally 3rd best to me would be Egde's theme, i dont know why but i just love it!
Without a doubt, Mark Henry. When the first line you hear is "Someone's gonna get their ass kicked" and you see Henry's smile, it is hard NOT to like the guy. It might be the simplest way a wrestler has ever shown charisma.

I love it.
Best Entrance Songs (in no particular order)

-"Perfection" - Dolph Ziggler

-"New Day" - Ted DiBiase

-"Metalingus" - Edge

-"We Are One" - Nexus

-"This Fire Burns" - CM Punk

-"Get on Your Knees" - Jack Swagger

-"I Came to Play" - The Miz

-"Break Down the Walls" - Chris Jericho

-"Aint No Make Believe" - John Morrison (haters go to hell)

-"Voices" - Randy Orton
"Voices" for me. It is a perfect fit for Orton's character, & the lyrics are pretty interesting. They aren't repetitive like some other songs-they actually have an edge to them. I would probably put "The Game" a close second, because the opening riff gets the crowd going every time. It even gets you going if you're watching on TV. "Break the Walls Down" would be 3rd, although I liked the older version of the song. It's become more metal, which probably fits Jericho's tastes, but the original stood out more, & I just like it better.
Going to go with my favorite superstar Cm Punk, and one of my favorite bands Kill Switch Engage's This fire burns.. :)

I have ben a Kill Switch fan way before Howie came along to replace the old singer. So when Randy first came out to their song it was cool. But when they gave it to Cm Punk it was awesome. I think the song fits Punk way better then Randy.
My top 5 would have to be:

Edge- It's just so perfect for him. Everytime you hear that song and see the smoke go up on the entrance ramp you gotta get excited!

John Cena- I'm surprised that more people don't like this song. It's made John Cena iconic. The lyrics of the song are pretty good too. It's the best rap song that Cena has ever done.

The Miz- Awesome theme song. Wayy better than his old one. Fits him perfectly and it's actually a good song.

MVP- This one has always been one of my favorites. I know that it's gotten pretty old but it's a good song overall.

Nexus- Great song. I'm so happy they don't come out to the NXT theme song every week or I would go crazy.
Swagger, Punk and McIntyre's themes are all great choices and I apologize for missing putting them on the poll. Swagger's theme is one of my favorites today, and is done by a Rage Against the Machine tribute band which already makes it awesome. They should let you put more than 15 choices to vote for on these polls!!!
Im gonna have to say Drew McIntyre's theme right now....his entrence into the ring expodes a future world champion.....and also im really diggin the nexus' is really catchy and the lyrics suit them


Sorry about the quality. But yeah, I can't think of a better theme at the moment that fits the character than this one for the smug rich hispanic.
The one that's not on here that is my favorite is I Am I am which is A.J. Styles theme song or was till about a couple months ago.
Hands down the Miz's theme is bad ass, as well as Edge's but you have to love Cody's if you love 80s hair metal. The one im shocked to not see in the poll was CM punk and Drew mcintyre, both of their themes fit their gimmicks perfectly tho for mcintyre id love to see him go with something from the band Waylander

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