The current entrance themes in WWE


The Show himself
Last night, I was watching Bad Bloodd debut of Kane during the Undertaker-Shawn Michaels match. Even after all these years, I stand in awe of his entrance during that match.

Now, entrance themes are a huge part of a wrestler's gimmick. I'd even go as far as saying that it can make or break a wrestler's character. Plus, I am huge sucker for catchy entrance themes. Imagine Undertaker without his gong, or SCSA without his famous glass shatter. The whole schtick or a wrestler during his entrance also adds to that. And in WWE, their high production values and huge titan-trons graphic and videos add more to a wrestler's entrance.

Having said all of this, in current WWE (yes, only those who are on the active roster) who have the best, meh and worst entrance themes? To start, I'll list some of my personal choices.

Thumbs up

1. CM Punk-
Before anyone points out, I know he's currently away from WWE; however, he's still listed as an active member of the roster, so I'll include him. On the current roster, I think he has the best entrance. From the static to start his music, to his whole 'it's clobbering time' just adds so much to his 'Best in the World' Character. I love everything about his current entrance theme, and the song 'Cult of personality' just fits it so well.

2. Daniel Bryan- To be very honest, I was never a big fan of 'Flight of the Valkyries.' But it just grew on me over time. The best part of his entrance is the crowd participation. The crowd just doesn't pop, but keep on chanting throughout his entrance which adds to his whole simple but effective entrance schtick.

3. Real Americans- Yes, I love their entrance. The whole music (I forgot the name) is very effective piece and the way they top it off with 'We the people' is awesome.

4. The Wyatt family- I gotta admit, this is one of the best, if not the best, entrance theme in WWE at this time. 'Live in fear' along with the whole dark theme just works so perfectly. I just hope they get a real lantern for Bray instead of that LED one he carries around at this time.

Thumbs in the middle

1. John Cena-
It's nothing in particular, but the his entrance theme has overstayed its welcome, partly due to the lyrics of his song. I still dig the whole talking to the camera man schtick and then the sprint from Cena.

2. Randy Orton- I like the entrance music, I really do. However, Randy's entrance is pretty bland. If it wasn't for his awesome pose on the turnbuckles, I'll give it a thumbs down.

3. Kofi Kingston- I like his entrance theme overall. I just think that it needs a change like the Kofi character.

Thumbs down

1. Bad News Barrett-
What can I say! If someone has continuously gotten poor entrance music and theme, it's Wade Barrett. I really think it's one of the reasons why his character never got over.

2. Big E Langston- I don't know, it just doesn't work for me. The music sounds very generic and his entrance doesn't do anything for me to get excited about.

3. Cody Rhodes- My be it's just me, but Cody's current theme is just bland. It's a generic rock number by Jim Johnston. I have utmost respect for the guy, but his entrance just doesn't work for me.

I know I might've overlooked quite a few entrance themes. But if I include all of it, this post will never end.

I'd like to know what your best, meh and worst themes are in the current WWE active roster.

And let's not spam.
Currently my favourite theme is The Shield's one. I can only imagine how much of a badass you feel walking down the steps with that playing in the background.

I did like Big E's theme for a little while, then they redid it for some idiotic reason and took the bass out from it. Now as you said, it sounds so generic. Can barely hear it now.

I like Mark Henry's theme a lot though, fits him perfectly. Another theme I'd feel like a badass walking out to.

Finally, I can't even lie, I quite enjoy FAAAAN-DAAAAN-GOOOOOOO's entrance and theme. :lol:
Finally, I can't even lie, I quite enjoy FAAAAN-DAAAAN-GOOOOOOO's entrance and theme. :lol:

I am with you on this bro. I too enjoy FAAAAAN-DAAAAN-GOOOOOO. If only the character had more to it.

And yes, I agree. Shield's entrance completely slipped out my mind. It's amazing and really bad-ass.
Last night, I was watching Bad Bloodd debut of Kane during the Undertaker-Shawn Michaels match. Even after all these years, I stand in awe of his entrance during that match.

Now, entrance themes are a huge part of a wrestler's gimmick. I'd even go as far as saying that it can make or break a wrestler's character. Plus, I am huge sucker for catchy entrance themes. Imagine Undertaker without his gong, or SCSA without his famous glass shatter. The whole schtick or a wrestler during his entrance also adds to that. And in WWE, their high production values and huge titan-trons graphic and videos add more to a wrestler's entrance.

Having said all of this, in current WWE (yes, only those who are on the active roster) who have the best, meh and worst entrance themes? To start, I'll list some of my personal choices.

Thumbs up

1. CM Punk-
Before anyone points out, I know he's currently away from WWE; however, he's still listed as an active member of the roster, so I'll include him. On the current roster, I think he has the best entrance. From the static to start his music, to his whole 'it's clobbering time' just adds so much to his 'Best in the World' Character. I love everything about his current entrance theme, and the song 'Cult of personality' just fits it so well.

2. Daniel Bryan- To be very honest, I was never a big fan of 'Flight of the Valkyries.' But it just grew on me over time. The best part of his entrance is the crowd participation. The crowd just doesn't pop, but keep on chanting throughout his entrance which adds to his whole simple but effective entrance schtick.

3. Real Americans- Yes, I love their entrance. The whole music (I forgot the name) is very effective piece and the way they top it off with 'We the people' is awesome.

4. The Wyatt family- I gotta admit, this is one of the best, if not the best, entrance theme in WWE at this time. 'Live in fear' along with the whole dark theme just works so perfectly. I just hope they get a real lantern for Bray instead of that LED one he carries around at this time.

Thumbs in the middle

1. John Cena-
It's nothing in particular, but the his entrance theme has overstayed its welcome, partly due to the lyrics of his song. I still dig the whole talking to the camera man schtick and then the sprint from Cena.

2. Randy Orton- I like the entrance music, I really do. However, Randy's entrance is pretty bland. If it wasn't for his awesome pose on the turnbuckles, I'll give it a thumbs down.

3. Kofi Kingston- I like his entrance theme overall. I just think that it needs a change like the Kofi character.

Thumbs down

1. Bad News Barrett-
What can I say! If someone has continuously gotten poor entrance music and theme, it's Wade Barrett. I really think it's one of the reasons why his character never got over.

2. Big E Langston- I don't know, it just doesn't work for me. The music sounds very generic and his entrance doesn't do anything for me to get excited about.

3. Cody Rhodes- My be it's just me, but Cody's current theme is just bland. It's a generic rock number by Jim Johnston. I have utmost respect for the guy, but his entrance just doesn't work for me.

I know I might've overlooked quite a few entrance themes. But if I include all of it, this post will never end.

I'd like to know what your best, meh and worst themes are in the current WWE active roster.

And let's not spam.

I agree with most,

Kofi Kingston's music is awful,
Randy Orton's was awesome when we could actually really think that he was hearing voices in his head !!!

Here is a few add on to your list :

AJ's music is awesome, fits perfectly with her tv character
Uso's is awful, turns samoan show into weird R&B music, makes no sense to me
Kane ... My god... Probably one of the best with the explosion
Jericho's will probably never get old
Shield, one of the best, I love the first few seconds, it's so bad ass
Sandow's awful, just plain sad
Ziggler's music does the job
Sheamus, i just don't get it, don't like it,

But one that I really like : Brock Lesnar's....
You can feel the power coming into the arena with the electric guitar's first notes, it is absolutely the best entrance music right now.
Ziggler, The Shield, and CM Punk are my favorites right now. Ziggler's music definitely does it for me, very catchy. The Shield coming through the crowd and their music just seems to fit them. Punk's song, entrance just seem to fit him perfectly. There are other good ones out there, but there are my personal favorites.
I won't include Punk since he's not currently on the roster, but I always loved "Cult of Personality" and thought it fit his character perfectly.

I think Triple H has the best theme music in WWE, and not just because I'm a Motorhead fan. That song has serious balls and gets you ready for a match. The other top themes belong to Orton, Lesnar, The Shield, and Bray Wyatt imo.
My current favourites are:
Triple H- King Of Kings
Another fine Motorhead song and suits his villainous, power hungry character really well.
New Age Outlaws
I'm always transported back to the Attitude Era for a split second when you hear Road Dogg's 'Oh you didn't know?'
The Wyatt Family
A creepy stable needs a creepy theme and it fits them perfectly
The Shield
Simple piece of music that suits the group really well.
Hulk Hogan
Ok so he's not on the roster as such but he is on TV currently so I'll include him. I absolutely love Real American. It's 80's cheese at it's finest!
It's interesting they've just done the DVD and placed Jericho's at #2... even above Cenas of course Cult wasn't in there.... Jericho's doesn't ever get old, and to an extent Cena's doesn't either... their intros are so ingrained now that they could use them pretty much forever.

Where it gets embarrasing is when they don't change up... There is no way in hell a 50 year old man should come to the ring to "Sexy Boy" ...ever... If you have to use Shawn, use the DX theme otherwise it's just plain creepy how a guy with so little hair left he now always wears a hat prances to a song he sang about how cute he was 22 years ago.

The biggest battle they have is music that needs "paying for" as opposed to "music they own" which is why Jim Johnstone has been worth his weight in gold to them... How he hasn't been inducted into the HOF yet is beyond me.

Of the current crop the Wyatt's lead the pack, although WWE has bought and renamed that song... interestingly I read they had cocked up with Adam Rose and not secured the rights propers, assuming the band would "be flattered" and sign up to their deal immediately, so they've changed the music, which has damaged the character. Yes it costs money, but they have done it before, for Hogan to use Voodoo Chile for a few months cost them $600,000 alone. Bands like Living Colour were probably happy to let Punk use "Cult" for far less because it got them back into the consciousness and even to perform at Mania, arguably the biggest gig they had in years. In the Rose case it's interesting cos the band may be younger, have seen the reaction to the song from the first time it was used and realized it's worth more than selling it out just for WWE... they will be back of course, cos the character loses something.

Flight of the Valkries is perfect for Bryan in his WWE incarnation, although a part of me wants to see "The Final Countdown" used at Wrestlemania 30 like the old days...

Basically any time someone uses classical, known pieces they are elevated, because it's a choice not to let WWE/Jim Johnston create something for you or be told what to have. Remember when Triple H used "Ode to Joy"/Beethoven's 9th... Not only did it lend to his arrogance and "blueblood" but also did a great job of foreshadowing where the character was going, becoming a Degenerate like Alex in Clockwork Orange, where the piece is best known from. Subtle things like that make all the difference.

The Outlaws music is ruined by the dropping ass from the word... doesn't have the same impact...

In the main most of the music right now Johnston is putting out is generic... It's pretty telling where guys like Barrett are when a band as big as the Manic Street Preachers have offered a theme but WWE simply hasn't taken them up on it.

Some of the decisions they have made in recent years are simply baffling... Cesaro debuted with a straight instrumental copy of "Chelsea Dagger" by the Fratellis... fine if you're a babyface as people could sing along just like Rose's... but for a heel? It didn't work and was quickly dropped.
1) I would go for Randy Ortons's Voices. The lyrics exactly matches his gimmicks given a freak
2) And of course Chris Jericho Break The Walls. It never gets old and his Pose at the ramp is still so cool than any other superstars.
3) The Shield's theme is getting more cool as they are turning into faces. However it would become awkwardly bad when they broke out.

I'm just waiting for the day the shield broke out and each of them getting their own entrance gestures. :2ar15smilie:
My favorites are:
John Cena: fits him perfectly, could not imagine him with anything else at this point in time.
Bray Wyatt: absolutely sick entrance song, fits the character nicely.
Brock Lesnar: needs no explanation
Batista: always loved his theme song, Saliva did a good job here.
CM Punk: not a fan of his but the theme song was perfect.
I agree for the most part with the OP but I'd like to add that I love Vince McMahon's "No Chance in Hell" music. It's so perfect for him.

I also like The Miz's music.
Surprised you missed the Shield's entrance as some others have pointed out. Easily the Best and Most fitting entrance theme amongst the new guys.

The Wyatts and the Real Americans also have very fitting entrance teams.

Personally, I also enjoy the Usos' entrance with their Samoan(?) chants and stuff, and the Rhodes brothers' is also quite good as well with the Music mix with Goldust's entrance being a personal favourite of mine.

Of Course, better than all of them is that Deadman's Entrance. Still a Mark Out moment everytime! :)
Surprised you missed the Shield's entrance as some others have pointed out. Easily the Best and Most fitting entrance theme amongst the new guys.

The Wyatts and the Real Americans also have very fitting entrance teams.

Personally, I also enjoy the Usos' entrance with their Samoan(?) chants and stuff, and the Rhodes brothers' is also quite good as well with the Music mix with Goldust's entrance being a personal favourite of mine.

Of Course, better than all of them is that Deadman's Entrance. Still a Mark Out moment everytime! :)

I know I missed out on Shield. They really have an amazing entrance theme. I was just trying to keep the list short and missed them.

I would've added Jericho to the list but then he's currently not active. Same with RVD.

Deadman's entrance is an all-time favorite, so I completely agree.
Wade Barrett is a perfect example of bunk entrances totally burying a character.

My favorites of late are:

Wyatt Family - Sounds like Blind Melon. Works perfectly. Has an element of beauty and twisted darkness mixed perfectly. Plus the "We're here!" titan tron message. It's pretty awesome and percect.

HHH - I like it. I can't explain why but it captures the arrogance of his character perfectly.

Orton - Hate the song but it fits him perfectly.
One of my favorite of all times was Mankind's original entrance music. Especially the classical piano outro after his mandible claw victories. Was disturbing/funny at the same time. A lot like Mick Foley.

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